王华庆 博士、教授、博士生导师
现为北京化工大学机电工程学院/高端机械装备健康监控与自愈化北京市重点实验室/发动机健康监控及网络化教育部重点实验室教授、党委统战部常务副部长。1995年毕业于北京化工大学并留校任教,2005年10月经国家留学基金委遴选获日本文部省奖学金公派赴日本国立三重大学(Mie University)攻读博士学位,2009年3月获博士学位并归国,2010年入选“北京市优秀人才培养资助计划”,2012年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。优秀研究生导师、教学名师、主讲《材料力学》、《理论力学》、《静力学》、《工程力学》等本科生课程,《设备状态监测与故障诊断》(在线课程上线国家高等教育智慧教育平台:https://www.gradsmartedu.cn/course/buct08021007208与学堂在线:https://www.xuetangx.com/course/buctP0855KC007208)、《动力工程学科进展与研讨》、《研究生学科前沿导论》等研究生课程。
研究领域:机械装备智能运维,主要涉及设备故障智能诊断与预测、状态监测与预警、信号处理与特征提取、微弱故障特征增强、多源耦合信号分离、动力学建模与故障机理分析、稀疏算法、迁移学习、深度学习与模式识别等。 主要研究成果:近年来,作为项目负责人主持科技部重点研发计划课题1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、基础预研项目等省部级纵向项目10余项。以第一或通讯作者在MSSP、IEEE TFS、IEEE TIM、机械工程学报、振动工程学报等期刊及会议发表SCI/EI论文100余篇,其中ESI高被引论文15篇,热点论文2篇;出版专著2部、编著教材1部、参编著作2部,获授权发明专利12项。获国家科技进步二等奖1项(2001年),中国石化局科技进步一等奖1项(1998年),教育部自然科学二等奖1项(2019年),中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖1项(2020年),北京市自然科学二等奖1项(2021年),中国石化联合会科技进步一等奖1项(2022年)。
主要学术兼职:中国设备管理协会监事会监事长,中国设备管理协会设备诊断与自愈工程委员会主任委员,中国机械工程学会设备智能运维分会副主任委员,校学术委员会委员,Journal of Dynamics Monitoring and Diagnostics、《北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)》、《北京建筑大学学报》等期刊编委,机械设备健康维护湖南省重点实验室学术委员会委员,机电系统测控北京市重点实验室学术委员会委员,江苏大学客座教授。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2005-10-01 |
2009-03-25 |
日本国立三重大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1999-09-01 |
2002-06-01 |
北京化工大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1991-09-01 |
1995-08-01 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2013-07-15 |
2019-05-08 |
北京化工大学 |
2009-03-31 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
1999-10-02 |
2005-09-30 |
北京化工大学 |
1995-08-01 |
1999-10-01 |
北京化工大学 |
2019-05-08 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2023-06-21 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
研究领域为机械装备智能运维,主要研究方向: 设备故障智能诊断与预测;状态监测与预警; 信号处理与特征提取; 多源耦合信号分离; 动力学建模与故障机理分析; 迁移学习、深度学习与模式识别等。
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
静力学 |
2023 |
40 |
82 |
专业必修 |
材料力学 |
2023 |
48 |
99 |
专业必修 |
静力学 |
2022 |
40 |
81 |
专业必修 |
材料力学 |
2022 |
48 |
83 |
专业必修 |
材料力学 |
2021 |
48 |
88 |
专业必修 |
静力学 |
2021 |
40 |
74 |
专业必修 |
材料力学 |
2020 |
48 |
80 |
专业必修 |
静力学 |
2020 |
40 |
82 |
专业必修 |
安全工程初级研讨课 |
2020 |
16 |
151 |
专业选修 |
材料力学 |
2019 |
48 |
85 |
专业必修 |
静力学 |
2019 |
40 |
76 |
专业必修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2024 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2024 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2023 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2023 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2022 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2021 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2020 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2019 |
24 |
A公共基础课 |
设备状态监测与诊断 |
2018 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
行业发展前沿 |
2018 |
16 |
D专业选修课 |
行业发展前沿 |
2017 |
16 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 面向非理想数据的航发主轴轴承跨域智能诊断与迁移预测方法 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2028-12-31
- 2. 基于孪生大数据与知识驱动的故障诊断与预警技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2025-10-31
- 3. 旋转机械跨工况深度迁移诊断算法研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-12-01 至 2023-12-31
- 4. 主轴轴承多维稀疏表征与深度迁移学习智能诊断方法研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 5. 基于压缩感知的主轴轴承强欠定多源信号分离与同步诊断方法 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31
- 6. 2016年智能制造综合标准化与新模式项目-化工行业智能设备互联互通及互操作规范和试验验证平台 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2016-12-01 至 2018-12-31
- 7. 压缩机组复杂系统振动故障机理及可监测诊断设计方法(后三年) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2016-08-31
- 8. 航空发动机主轴轴承故障特征提取、智能诊断及预示方法研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 9. 机械故障无线传感网络监测与智能诊断方法研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2013-12-31
- 1. 风力发电机典型故障试验测试与分析 ,自选课题,项目时间:2021-06-08 至 2022-06-08
- 2. 基于人工智能算法的发动机振动故障预测方法研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-07-14 至 2022-04-30
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
1. DOI
Han, Changkun,Lu, Wei,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
Multistate fault diagnosis strategy for bearings based on an improved convolutional sparse coding with priori periodic filter group[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2023-04-01
2. DOI
林天骄,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Advancing RUL prediction in mechanical systems: A hybrid deep learning approach utilizing non-full lifecycle data[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Informatics,2024-04-08
3. DOI
王芃鑫,宋浏阳,郭旭东,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
A High-Stability Diagnosis Model Based on a Multiscale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
4. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,Wang, Pengxin
An Enhanced Intelligent Diagnosis Method Based on Multi-Sensor Image Fusion via Improved Deep Learning Network[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
5. DOI
王华庆,Ren, Bangyue,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A Novel Weighted Sparse Representation Classification Strategy Based on Dictionary Learning for Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-03-01
6. DOI
7. DOI
王华庆,Li, Shi,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel convolutional neural network based fault recognition method via image fusion of multi-vibration-signals[期刊论文],COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY,2019-02-01
8. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Ren, Bangyue,王华庆,Cui, Lingli
Step-by-Step Compound Faults Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Majorization-Minimization and Constraint SCA[期刊论文],IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS,2019-12-01
9. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Vibration-Based Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Roller Bearings in Low-Speed Rotating Machinery[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2018-03-20
10. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Step-by-Step Fuzzy Diagnosis Method for Equipment Based on Symptom Extraction and Trivalent Logic Fuzzy Diagnosis Theory[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2018-12-01
11. DOI
基于特征基的GMC卷积稀疏机械故障特征解析方法[期刊论文],仪器仪表学报 ,2024-08-01
12. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Zhao, Xinyuan,Liu, Dongdong,王华庆
A novel spectral coherence-based weighted envelope spectrum analysis method for bearing fault diagnosis[期刊论文],Structural Health Monitoring,2024-07-01
13. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Shikuan,Hao, Pengyuan,Wu, Na,韩长坤,宋浏阳
A Transferability-Enhanced and Structural Information Mining Network for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-07-01
14. DOI
宋浏阳,Hao, Pengyuan,Zhang, Shikuan,韩长坤,王华庆
A Semisupervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-03-15
15. DOI
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024-02-27
16. DOI
王华庆,Zhang, Hongjie,Wang, Baoguo,Han, Changkun,宋浏阳
A weighted sparse classification method based on period analysis dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024-01-30
17. DOI
A Semi-Supervised GCN Framework for Transfer Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines Diagnosis Crossing Different Machines[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-01-26
18. DOI
宋浏阳,Jin, Ye,林天骄,Zhao, Shengkai,Wei, Zhicheng,王华庆
Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method Based on the Spatiotemporal Graph and GCN Nested Parallel Route Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2024-01-01
19. DOI
Liu, Dongdong,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Under Time-Varying Speeds: A Review[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2023-12-15
20. DOI
A novel prediction network for remaining useful life of rotating machinery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-01
21. DOI
Xue, Hongtao,Ding, Dianyong,Zhang, Ziming,Wu, Meng,王华庆
A fuzzy system of operation safety assessment using multi-model linkage and multi-stage collaboration for in-wheel motor[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022-04-09
22. DOI
王华庆,林天骄,Cui, Lingli,马波,Dong, Zuoyi,宋浏阳
Multitask Learning-Based Self-Attention Encoding Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Li, Wenjie,Wang, Xin,Zhao, Dezun,王华庆
Comprehensive Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Particle Filtering[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022-01-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Sun, Yin,Wang, Xin,王华庆
Spectrum-Based, Full-Band Preprocessing, and Two-Dimensional Separation of Bearing and Gear Compound Faults Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
26. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen Peng
Automatic Patrol and Inspection Method for Machinery Diagnosis Robot-Sound Signal-Based Fuzzy Search Approach[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2020-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wang, Xin,王华庆,Ma, Jianfeng
Research on Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Time-Varying Kalman Filter[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2020-06-01
29. DOI
Li, Junlin,王华庆,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli
A novel feature extraction method for roller bearing using sparse decomposition based on self-Adaptive complete dictionary[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-12-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Intelligent diagnosis method for machinery by sequential auto-reorganization of histogram[期刊论文],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2019-04-01
32. DOI
Li, Guozheng,唐刚,Luo, Ganggang,王华庆
Underdetermined blind separation of bearing faults in hyperplane space with variational mode decomposition[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2019-04-01
33. DOI
宋浏阳,王华庆,Chen, Peng
Automatic signal quality check and equipment condition surveillance based on trivalent logic diagnosis theory[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-03-01
34. DOI
Hao, Yansong,宋浏阳,Cui, Lingli,王华庆
A three-dimensional geometric features-based SCA algorithm for compound faults diagnosis[期刊论文],MEASUREMENT,2019-02-01
35. DOI
Song, Liuyang,Chen, Peng,王华庆,Kato, Miki
Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses[期刊论文],IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2016-08-01
36. DOI
Cui, Lingli,Wu, Na,Ma, Chunqing,王华庆
Quantitative fault analysis of roller bearings based on a novel matching pursuit method with a new step-impulse dictionary[期刊论文],MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING,2016-02-01
作者类型 |
作者姓名 |
著作名称 |
出版日期 |
出版社 |
排名/总人数 |
教师 |
王华庆 |
机械故障诊断理论及应用 |
2023-08-18 00:00:00 |
化学工业出版社 |
2 |
教师 |
王华庆 |
滚动轴承故障定量分析与智能诊断 |
2021-03-01 00:00:00 |
科学出版社 |
2 |
- 1. 一种基于改进K-SVD字典学习和压缩感知的轴承故障诊断方法 ,ZL201911310930.6
- 2. 一种室内智能灭火消防机器人
- 3. 用于旋转机械的智能双模振动传感器
- 4. 一种超声图像中甲状旁腺增生的识别方法
- 5. 基于多约束非负矩阵分解算法的轴承复合故障诊断方法
- 6. 基于CNN彩色特征图的额定运转时轴承故障识别法
- 7. 一种旋转机械在线自动平衡控制器
- 8. 基于声发射的滚动轴承单故障辨识方法
- 9. 一种改进的自适应稀疏采样故障分类方法
- 10. 一种基于接触角变化量的滚动轴承故障安全识别方法
- 11. 基于时间卷积神经网络的锂离子电池剩余寿命预测方法
- 12. 基于递阶式分布计算机网的呼吸机报警信息处理系统
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