





10 访问

  • 电子邮箱: yjfeng@mail.buct.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 无机楼231/行政楼216


冯拥军,19761月出生,湖北黄冈英山人,教授,博士生导师,2022年入选国家重大人才工程和山东泰山产业领军人才。现任北京化工大学人才引进办公室主任、国际插层化合物委员会委员(ISIC)、中国化学会高级会员、中国化工学会专业会员、中国再生资源产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会副主任委员、安徽省新材料产业发展战略咨询委员会委员等。20071月获法国Blaise Pascal大学化学专业博士学位,随后到法国University of Poitiers开展博士后研究。2011年加入化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,聚焦插层结构功能材料、多孔载体与吸附材料以及非贵金属电催化材料等的基础、应用基础与工程化研究,承担国际、国家和企业委托等项目30余项,建成百吨级以上规模装置8套,其中主导2套;以第一作者或通讯联系人在国际主流刊物发表论文120余篇,申请国家发明专利 60余项,其中授权45项;受聘《Applied Clay Science》《精细化工》《塑料助剂》等期刊编委。所研发的多项专利技术实现落地转化,其中绿色催化一步法合成四氢噻吩技术落户安徽安庆,建成产能25000 t/a生产装置,破解我国天然气臭味剂紧缺难题,而且产品价格从当初进口20万元/吨降为6万元/吨;原位还原-磁分离耦合脱铁精制技术落户甘肃白银,建成12000 t/a凹凸棒石精制生产装置,为低品位凹凸棒石资源的高值利用奠定基础。


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2004-03-01 2007-03-01 法国克莱蒙费朗第二大学 博士研究生毕业
2003-03-15 2006-12-31 北京化工大学 博士研究生结业
2000-09-01 2003-03-15 北京化工大学 硕士研究生毕业
1996-09-01 2000-07-01 山东省建筑材料工业学院 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2019-04-01 至今 北京化工大学
2011-03-01 2014-11-30 北京化工大学
2007-01-01 2010-06-01 法国普瓦捷大学(University of Poitiers)
2014-12-01 2017-11-30 北京化工大学
2017-12-01 2019-03-31 北京化工大学
2023-08-08 至今 北京化工大学


  • 第七届世界非金属矿科技和产业论坛(7th WFIM)大会主席

  • 国际插层化合物专家委员会委员(ISIC)

  • 中国化学会高级会员

  • 中国化工学会专业会员

  • 北京能源与环境学会 理事

  • 中国再生资源产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会 副主任委员

  • 安徽省新材料产业发展战略咨询委员会 委员

  • 北京化工大学-绍兴上虞洁华化工有限公司多孔材料联合工程中心 主任

  • 北京化工大学-北京中凯新科科技有限公司载体材料联合工程中心 首席科学家

  • 北京化工大学-甘肃西部凹凸棒石应用研究院院士成果转化基地 副主任

  • 《Applied Clay Science》《精细化工》等期刊编委





课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
分析化学 2023 32 64 公共基础必修
分析化学 2022 32 57 公共基础必修
分析化学 2022 32 53 公共基础必修
无机及分析化学实验 C(II) 2019 32 28 实践环节必修
无机及分析化学实验 A(II) 2019 80 31 专业必修


课程名称 开课学年 总学时 开课方式
产品工程学 2024 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2023 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2022 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2021 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2020 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2019 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2018 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2017 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2016 32 A公共基础课
产品工程学 2015 32 A公共基础课
新能源技术导论 2015 32 D专业选修课
产品工程学 2014 32 A公共基础课
新能源技术导论 2014 32 D专业选修课
新能源技术导论 2013 32 D专业选修课


  • 1. 多级结构LDHs基催化材料可控制备及其在重要精细化工过程中的应用 ,化学学院,项目时间: 至 2016-12-31


  • 1. 典型土固介质中重金属安全转化高效分离/稳定理论方法 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2029-12-31
  • 2. XJZ2024110069 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-01 至 2026-09-30
  • 3. 基于新疆废弃低值资源构筑高效温室储热材料关键技术及应用 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2026-12-21
  • 4. 碳二加氢废催化剂氧化铝小球高效再生新技术及装备 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2026-11-30
  • 5. XJZ2023090055 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2025-12-30
  • 6. 面向重要催化过程的介孔催化材料的创制 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-12-01 至 2026-11-30
  • 7. XJZ2023110066 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-01 至 2024-12-31
  • 8. 高寒矿区表层土壤改良凹凸棒石应用技术研究与示范 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2023-12-31
  • 9. BHJG2020011 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2019-12-01 至 2020-12-31
  • 10. 盐湖镁资源的有效利用与产品工程 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31
  • 11. 蒽醌法过氧化氢绿色催化合成新技术及产业化 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2021-06-30
  • 12. 高效负载型催化剂及绿色催化新技术 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 13. 超分子复合插层结构的构筑及其对聚丙烯抗老化行为研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2019-12-31


  • 1. 高效抛光液技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-11-01 至 2027-10-31
  • 2. 关于成立“北京化工大学—北京零立科技有限公司” 煤矸石资源化综合利用联合研发工程中心”的协议 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-07-01 至 2026-06-30
  • 3. 凹凸棒石-氧化锌复合结构纳米材料的制备及其生物抗菌应用研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2024-10-31
  • 4. 多糖接枝型水溶性固尘剂研发及应用 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-11-15 至 2023-12-30
  • 5. 蒽醌降解物再生催化剂用多孔硅酸镁制备关键技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2024-10-30
  • 6. 北京化工大学-绍兴上虞洁华化工有限公司多孔材料联合研发工程中心 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2025-10-31
  • 7. 北京中凯新科科技有限公司与北京化工大学 联合成立中凯-北京化工大学联合工程中心协议 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-27 至 2027-08-26
  • 8. 莫匹罗星母液回收工艺评估 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-04-20 至 2024-04-19
  • 9. 高效餐饮油脂阻燃剂开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-03-25 至 2024-03-24
  • 10. 油氨柱法氧化铝小球载体成型技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-27 至 2023-10-31
  • 11. 耐迁移型聚丙烯抗氧剂关键制备技术与工程化 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-13 至 2031-05-12
  • 12. 关于成立“北京化工大学—江苏隆昌化工有限公司 院士成果转化基地”的协议 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-01-21 至 2026-01-21
  • 13. JG2021012 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2020-12-17 至 2021-12-16
  • 14. 环保水性高辉度UV银粉漆 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-12-01 至 2023-11-30
  • 15. JG202049 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2020-09-23 至 2021-03-01
  • 16. 白银凹凸棒石转白提纯关键技术开发及工程化 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-09-01 至 2030-08-31
  • 17. 电子装备低电导率冷却液开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2025-12-31
  • 18. BCE催化剂固液分离沉降过程模拟与强化技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2021-09-30
  • 19. 超重力法制备载体粒径窄分布的过程模拟与强化技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2021-09-30
  • 20. 2-乙基蒽醌无发烟硫酸制备技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-08-13 至 2020-08-12
  • 21. 基于PVC复合热稳定剂用插层水滑石技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-12-15 至 2019-12-14
  • 22. 高比表面大孔容高强度齿球形氧化铝载体制备技术开发 ,项目时间:2015-09-20 至 2025-09-19
  • 23. 以二氧化碳为原料合成有机物的技术进展 ,项目时间:2015-09-16 至 2016-09-15
  • 24. 碳材料表面超分子功能化技术的开发 ,项目时间:2015-05-01 至 2017-04-30
  • 25. 2-乙基蒽醌工艺包技术转让合同 ,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2030-01-01
  • 26. 超分子结构红外吸收材料的开发 ,项目时间:2013-03-15 至 2015-03-14


  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
  • 16. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
  • 19. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous-mesoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2024-07-01
  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 22. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T,2024-05-01
  • 25. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-05-01
  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
  • 27. DOI 莫雨凡,Li, Chunli,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
  • 30. DOI Karim, Naveed,Kyawoo, Tin,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
  • 34. DOI 李子甲,张春婷,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
  • 35. DOI 刘晓艺,崔红岩,曹力化,姜超,唐颖,冯拥军
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  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
  • 38. DOI 冯拥军
  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
  • 42. DOI 徐可心,Zhong, Haihong,Song, Jie,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Yang, Jun,冯拥军,Zhao, Xiaojuan,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
  • 46. DOI 张港,李殿卿,冯拥军,纪富豪,叶小球
  • 47. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
  • 48. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 49. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
  • 51. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,Tang, Ying,何文强,Zhang, Yabin,曹鼎,Fu, Zhifeng
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2T x /Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2023-06-15
  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
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  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
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  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
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    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
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    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
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  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
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  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
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    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
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    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
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    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
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  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
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    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
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    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
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    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
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    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
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    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
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    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
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  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
  • 16. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
  • 19. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous-mesoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2024-07-01
  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 22. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T,2024-05-01
  • 25. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-05-01
  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
  • 27. DOI 莫雨凡,Li, Chunli,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
  • 30. DOI Karim, Naveed,Kyawoo, Tin,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
  • 34. DOI 李子甲,张春婷,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
  • 35. DOI 刘晓艺,崔红岩,曹力化,姜超,唐颖,冯拥军
  • 36. DOI 王加欣,刘志坚,冯拥军,苑志伟,任靖,赵保槐,史建公,杨振钰
  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
  • 38. DOI 冯拥军
  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
  • 42. DOI 徐可心,Zhong, Haihong,Song, Jie,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Yang, Jun,冯拥军,Zhao, Xiaojuan,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
  • 46. DOI 张港,李殿卿,冯拥军,纪富豪,叶小球
  • 47. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
  • 48. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 49. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
  • 51. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,Tang, Ying,何文强,Zhang, Yabin,曹鼎,Fu, Zhifeng
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2T x /Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2023-06-15
  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
  • 56. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],SMALL,2023-04-01
  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
  • 16. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
  • 19. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous-mesoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2024-07-01
  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 22. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T,2024-05-01
  • 25. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-05-01
  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
  • 27. DOI 莫雨凡,Li, Chunli,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
  • 30. DOI Karim, Naveed,Kyawoo, Tin,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
  • 34. DOI 李子甲,张春婷,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
  • 35. DOI 刘晓艺,崔红岩,曹力化,姜超,唐颖,冯拥军
  • 36. DOI 王加欣,刘志坚,冯拥军,苑志伟,任靖,赵保槐,史建公,杨振钰
  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
  • 38. DOI 冯拥军
  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
  • 42. DOI 徐可心,Zhong, Haihong,Song, Jie,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Yang, Jun,冯拥军,Zhao, Xiaojuan,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
  • 46. DOI 张港,李殿卿,冯拥军,纪富豪,叶小球
  • 47. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
  • 48. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 49. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
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    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2T x /Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2023-06-15
  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
  • 56. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],SMALL,2023-04-01
  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
  • 16. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
  • 19. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous-mesoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2024-07-01
  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 22. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T,2024-05-01
  • 25. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-05-01
  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
  • 27. DOI 莫雨凡,Li, Chunli,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
  • 30. DOI Karim, Naveed,Kyawoo, Tin,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
  • 34. DOI 李子甲,张春婷,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
  • 35. DOI 刘晓艺,崔红岩,曹力化,姜超,唐颖,冯拥军
  • 36. DOI 王加欣,刘志坚,冯拥军,苑志伟,任靖,赵保槐,史建公,杨振钰
  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
  • 38. DOI 冯拥军
  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
  • 42. DOI 徐可心,Zhong, Haihong,Song, Jie,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Yang, Jun,冯拥军,Zhao, Xiaojuan,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
  • 46. DOI 张港,李殿卿,冯拥军,纪富豪,叶小球
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    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
  • 48. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 49. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
  • 51. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,Tang, Ying,何文强,Zhang, Yabin,曹鼎,Fu, Zhifeng
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2T x /Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2023-06-15
  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
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    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],SMALL,2023-04-01
  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
  • 4. DOI Liu, Xiaoyi,Cao, Lihua,Jiang, Chao,Wang, Huimin,Zhang, Xi,Liu, Qi,李慧玉,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
  • 5. DOI Liu, ZiYang,Jia, Shiyu,Hu, Yiwen,方艳玲,冯拥军,李殿卿,白守礼,罗瑞贤,陈霭璠
    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
  • 10. DOI 莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,刘航,靳凤英,李滨
  • 11. DOI 李慧玉,刘建军,刘洪涛,舒心,陈星全,赵洁,冯拥军
  • 12. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Melanova, Klara,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
  • 16. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
  • 19. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous-mesoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2024-07-01
  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
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    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
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  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
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    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
  • 28. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Wu, Luming,Wang, Yinbin,Yu, Haibin,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
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    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
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    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
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  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
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  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
  • 42. DOI 徐可心,Zhong, Haihong,Song, Jie,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Yang, Jun,冯拥军,Zhao, Xiaojuan,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
  • 46. DOI 张港,李殿卿,冯拥军,纪富豪,叶小球
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    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
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    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 49. DOI Bao, Jing,冯拥军,Pan, Yong,Jiang, Juncheng
    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
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  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
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  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01
  • 1. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2025-03-05
  • 2. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Xu, Qianqian,Dong, Miao,Yang, Jianxin,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Su, Zhong-Min
    Vacancy-rich NiFe-LDH/carbon paper as a novel self-supporting electrode for the electro-Fenton degradation of polyvinyl chloride microplastics[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2025-03-05
  • 3. DOI Wang, Qilong,You, Congya,Yan, Qi,Xie, Qingjuan,Deng, Wenjie,Liu, Ming,李慧玉,Yu, Songlin,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NIR-SWIR photodetectors with extended wavelengths[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2024-12-12
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    Fabrication of multifunctional hybrid pigment for color cosmetics based on chitosan-modified palygorskite and sappanwood extract[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024-11-01
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    Facile one-step synthesis of a WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction modified using ZnFe LDH enhances the PEC water splitting efficiency[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-10-22
  • 6. DOI Qilong Wang,Congya You,Qi Yan,Qingjuan Xie,Wenjie Deng,Ming Liu,李慧玉,Songlin Yu,冯拥军
    Size-controllable fabrication of PbS quantum dots for NlR-SWlR photodetector with extended wavelength[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024-10-22
  • 7. DOI Chao Jiang,Xiaoli Liu,Xingpeng Wang,Qihui Wang,李慧玉,Weiliang Tian,Saeed Ahmed,冯拥军
    Coupling adsorption and in-situ Fenton-like oxidation by iron-containing low-grade attapulgite clay towards organic pollutant removal: From batch experiment to continuous operation[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2024-10-12
  • 8. DOI Kyawoo, Tin,Karim, Naveed,Jiang, Chao,Ahmed, Saeed,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,冯拥军
    Facile formation of hierarchical magnesium silicate hydrate microspheres as an adsorbent for the textile dyes[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-10-01
  • 9. DOI 莫雨凡,Che, Chunxia,Han, Wei,Chen, Feiran,关俊,Zhang, Feng,Yang, Bo,Ren, Xiangdong,李慧玉,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Fabrication of carbon-coated iron-based porous heterogeneous Fenton catalyst and enhanced degradation performance towards ciprofloxacin[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024-10-01
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    Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 13. DOI Bisio, Chiara,Brendle, Jocelyne,Cahen, Sebastien,冯拥军,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Melanova, Klara,Nocchetti, Morena,O'Hare, Dermot,Rabu, Pierre,Leroux, Fabrice
    Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2024-09-10
  • 14. DOI 毕芮豪,武琳林,姜超,李慧玉,冯拥军
    盐酸改性凹凸棒石对铯离子的吸附性能研究[期刊论文],盐湖研究 ,2024-08-26
  • 15. DOI 李子甲,Chu, Zhaoyu,Jiang, Yu,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-08-05
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    Ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene composites: Fabrication and anti-aging performance related to thickness[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-08-05
  • 17. DOI 董宇航,Chen, Ling,Hou, Junwei,Sun, Yun,Han, Zibo,Zhang, Jing,Liang, Yu,冯拥军,Ren, Jin,Li, Qiming,Nie, Guangjun,李凤
    DNA programmed Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-based bi-adjuvant nanovaccines[期刊论文],Nano Today,2024-08-01
  • 18. DOI 莫雨凡,李纯莉,李慧玉,Han, Wei,Wen, He,Han, Yinghong,Che, Chunxia,冯拥军
    Innovative construction of macroporous鈥搈esoporous structured spherical alumina and its hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],Particuology,2024-07-01
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  • 20. DOI Mo, Weixin,胡倩倩,管君,Jiang, Yu,Tian, Weiliang,李慧玉,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Enhanced dispersion of prussian blue via intercalation into layered double hydroxides for efficient solar seawater evaporation[期刊论文],Dalton Transactions,2024-06-04
  • 21. DOI 王兴鹏,Jiang, Chao,李慧玉,Tian, Weiliang,Ahmed, Saeed,冯拥军
    Colloid Mill-Assisted Ultrasonic-Fractional Centrifugal Purification of Low-Grade Attapulgite and Its Modification for Adsorption of Congo Red[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
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    Adsorption of Co2+ and Cr3+ in Industrial Wastewater by Magnesium Silicate Nanomaterials[期刊论文],Materials,2024-05-01
  • 23. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
    Hydrophilicity regulation of carbon nanotubes as phase-change materials for thermal energy storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ren, Feng,Hou, Jinpeng,Shi, Chunhui,李众,孙宝昌,Zhang, Kewei,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang
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  • 26. DOI 白弈青,徐萌,徐凯,高达利,孙小东,冯拥军
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    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-04-05
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    Hydrothermal stability of gamma-Al2O3 supports varied with crystal plane orientation of pseudo-boehmite precursor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-04-05
  • 29. DOI 莫雨凡,杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Fe(OH)x modified ultra-small Ru nanoparticles for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction and its application in water splitting[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-04-01
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    Fenton-like Degradation of Methylene Blue on Attapulgite Clay Composite by Loading of Iron-Oxide: Eco-Friendly Preparation and Its Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2024-03-29
  • 31. DOI 李子甲,Zhao, Menghua,田锐,石雅琳,Tian, Weiliang,Bai, Yiqing,Xu, Meng,Xu, Kai,Gao, Dali,冯拥军
    An efficient synthesis and organic-modification coupling strategy to produce highly dispersed ultrathin antioxidant intercalated layered double hydroxides for enhancing performance of polypropylene composites[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024-03-01
  • 32. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile assembly of Au nanoparticles modified hierarchical mesoporous In2O3 for highly sensitive ethanol gas detection[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2024-03-01
  • 33. DOI 王兴鹏,姜超,李慧玉,陈馨,冯拥军
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    Antimigration Polypropylene Antioxidants: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2024-01-17
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  • 37. DOI 刘欢,刘谦,冯拥军,李殿卿,Xu, Dongmei,唐平贵
    Facile preparation of Au-loaded mesoporous In2O3 nanoparticles with improved ethanol sensing performance[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-12-04
  • 38. DOI 冯拥军
  • 39. DOI Wang, Yuan,Zhong, Haihong,Yang, Weiting,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances with Biomass-Derived Carbon-Based Catalysts for the High-Efficiency Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen to Hydrogen Peroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,2023-12-01
  • 40. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,闫思彤,赵莹莹,唐平贵,罗瑞贤,冯拥军,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Facile synthesis of Bi NPs modified BiVO4/ZnFe2O4 heterojunction for PEC water splitting[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-11-23
  • 41. DOI 鲍静,冯拥军,潘勇,蒋军成
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    Heterostructures by Templated Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide to Modulate the Electronic Structure of Nickel Sites for a Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction[会议论文],SSRN,2023-10-10
  • 43. DOI 白守礼,贾世宇,赵莹莹,唐平贵,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFe-LDH-Decorated Ti-Doped Hematite Photoanode for Enhancing Solar Water-Splitting Efficiency[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023-09-18
  • 44. DOI 白守礼,方艳玲,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Bi nanoparticles modified the WO3/ZnWO4 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-09-15
  • 45. DOI 杜冬冬,Du, Yiyun,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Highly dispersed ultra-small RuO2 nanoparticles on NiO nanosheet arrays as efficient pH-universal hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2023-09-15
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    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-08-15
  • 48. DOI You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Shen, Yiwen,Zhang, Xiangkun,Cai, Jiaxue,Zhang, Yaya,冯拥军,Tian, Weiliang,Zhang, Kewei
    Vermiculite-derived cationic molecular-intercalated fluorescent MgAl-LDHs for assembling ultrathin solid-state light-emitting films[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
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    Modified approaches to prepare nano-magnesium silicates with hierarchical pore structure and their performance towards adsorption of Cd2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2023-08-01
  • 50. DOI 陈宁,魏少华,冯拥军,胡水,唐颖,何文强,张亚斌,曹鼎,付志峰
    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2Tx/Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023-06-15
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    Double-Loss Co-Ti3C2T x /Fe2O3/PAN Hollow Fiber Composite Material for High-Efficiency Electromagnetic Absorption[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2023-06-15
  • 52. DOI Zhang, Xi,Cao, Lihua,李慧玉,Xiong, Ziyi,付正鹏,Zhang, Zhaolun,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Zhang, Shuang,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Construction of tea tree oil/salicylic acid/palygorskite hybrids for advanced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2023-05-17
  • 53. DOI 白守礼,Jia, Shiyu,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    NiFePB-modified ZnO/BiVO4 photoanode for PEC water oxidation[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-02
  • 54. DOI 王晶,钟海红,Yang, Jun,李慧玉,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Tuning the atomic configuration environment of MnN4 sites by Co cooperation for efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2023-04-25
  • 55. DOI Yang, Niuwa,Tian, Shaonan,冯拥军,Hu, Zhenya,Liu, Hui,Tian, Xinlong,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Yang, Jun
    Introducing High-Valence Iridium Single Atoms into Bimetal Phosphides toward High-Efficiency Oxygen Evolution and Overall Water Splitting[期刊论文],Small,2023-04-12
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  • 57. DOI 刘欢,金劭,张堃,Jiang, Yu,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Tuning the sensing selectivity of mesoporous hierarchical Ti-doped Co3O4 to toluene and xylene via controlling the oxygen defects[期刊论文],Applied Surface Science,2023-03-30
  • 58. DOI Hu, Zhenya,Yang, Niuwa,冯拥军,Xu, Lin,Hu, Chaoquan,Liu, Hui,Tian, Shaonan,Yang, Jun
    Synthesis of unconventional Pd-Se nanoparticles for phase-dependent ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023-03-30
  • 59. DOI 郭艺璇,Damien Boyer,Francois Reveret,Federico Cisnetti,Geneviève Chadeyron,Fabrice Leroux,冯拥军
    An Unlimited Color Palette from Perylene Derivative Molecules Dispersed within Hybrids[期刊论文],ACS Applied Optical Materials,2023-01-27
  • 60. DOI Zhang, Xiangkun,Zhang, Kewei,You, Houmei,Hou, Jinpeng,Li, Zhong,冯拥军,林彦军,Dai, Xun,Tian, Weiliang
    Green and Scalable Narrow-Gap Exfoliation of High-Quality Two-Dimensional Vermiculite Nanosheets as Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers[会议论文],SSRN,2023-01-18
  • 61. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022-12-23
  • 62. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,钟海红,徐可心,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Pei, Miaomiao,Cao, Meixue,Xu, Heng,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated FeCo Alloy Nanostructures with Surface-Dangling Fe(Co)-Nx Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline and Acid Media[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022-12-23
  • 63. DOI Pei, Miaomiao,Song, Xiaowei,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yingchun,Jin, Tongmengyao,Huang, Ju,Wang, Yali,Yang, Jun,冯拥军
    Ni5P4-NiP2-Ni2P Nanocomposites Tangled with N-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-12-15
  • 64. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,WeiliangTian
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-11-15
  • 65. DOI You, Houmei,Zhang, Kewei,Zhang, Xiangkun,Ding, Huiping,Shen, Yiwen,冯拥军,Hou, Jinpeng,Tia, Weiliang
    Fabrication of transparent ultrathin films with ordered solid luminescence by LBL assembly of CdTe quantum dots with exfoliated vermiculite[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2022-11-15
  • 66. DOI 张毅,Lv, Yimin,莫雨凡,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Facile Preparation and Promising Hydrothermal Stability of Spherical gamma-Alumina Support with High Specific Surface Area[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2022-11-11
  • 67. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt–nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 68. DOI 龚晓飞,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,-Vante, Nicolas Alonso,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Bifunctional oxygen electrode cobalt-nickel sulfides catalysts originated from intercalated LDH precursors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2022-11-01
  • 69. DOI Cao, Lihua,Xie, Wenjing,Cui, Hongyan,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,Zhang, Xi,冯拥军
    Fibrous Clays in Dermopharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-09-25
  • 70. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2022-08-01
  • 71. DOI 钟海红,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting[期刊论文],CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2022-08-01
  • 72. DOI Zhang, Zhaolun,Zhang, Xi,付正鹏,Cao, Lihua,Xiong, Ziyi,Tang, Ying,冯拥军
    Fibrous palygorskite clays as versatile nanocarriers for skin delivery of tea tree oils in efficient acne therapy[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2022-07-25
  • 73. DOI 郭艺璇,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Francois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2022-07-14
  • 74. DOI Guo, Yixuan,Boyer, Damien,Cisnetti, Federico,Barros, Anthony,Reveret, Fran?ois,冯拥军,Chadeyron, Geneviève,Leroux, Fabrice
    Perylene diimide derivative dispersed in LDH as a new efficient red-emitting phosphor for LED applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-06-06
  • 75. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H2 (D2) system[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-05-12
  • 76. DOI Jiang, Yingwu,Ji, Fuhao,冯拥军,Ye, Xiaoqiu,Ni, Muyi
    Effect of alumina on thermodynamic performance of palladium-H-2 (D-2) system[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2022-05-12
  • 77. DOI 白守礼,田珂,赵莹莹,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    ZnO/BiFeO3 heterojunction interface modulation and rGO modification for detection of triethylamine[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022-04-13
  • 78. DOI 王静,钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,李慧玉,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,Li, Danqing,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of N-doped graphene embedded with Co/CoO nanoparticles towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions[期刊论文],Catalysis Communications,2022-04-01
  • 79. DOI 唐颖,张兆伦,曹力化,熊紫怡,张茜,冯拥军
  • 80. DOI 赵红霞,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,李慧玉,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Porous ZnCl2-Activated Carbon from Shaddock Peel: Methylene Blue Adsorption Behavior[期刊论文],MATERIALS,2022-01-25
  • 81. DOI 刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
    Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
  • 82. DOI 郭艺璇,张倩,胡倩倩,Tian, Weiliang,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-dependent effect of MgAl-layered double hydroxides derived from Mg (OH)(2) on thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride)[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-12-01
  • 83. DOI 王晶,Kong, Heng,钟海红,Jiang, Yu,Guo, Fei,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2021-11-18
  • 84. DOI 李晓迪,李旭,刘婷,鲁勇,尚成硕,丁小康,张纪才,冯拥军,徐福建
    Wearable, Washable, and Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Based on a 3D Sponge Network for Real-Time Monitoring Human Body Activities[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-09-23
  • 85. DOI 郭艺璇,Leroux, Fabrice,Tian, Weiliang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Layered double hydroxides as thermal stabilizers for Poly(vinyl chloride): A review[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2021-09-15
  • 86. DOI 张倩,冯拥军,Valleix, Rodolphe,Chadeyron, Genevieve,Boyer, Damien,Leroux, Fabrice
    Co-assembled photoactive organic molecules into layered double hydroxide as fluorescent fillers for silicone films[期刊论文],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2021-09-01
  • 87. DOI 孙小东,曹鼎,胡倩倩,姚文清,李景虹,冯拥军
  • 88. DOI 杜冬冬,刘欢,马若愚,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    基于分子间作用力组装的镁铝水滑石光稳定剂及其性能研究[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 89. DOI 白守礼,田珂, Jonathan Chenhui Meng,赵莹莹,孙建华,张克伟,冯拥军,罗瑞贤,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Reduced graphene oxide decorated SnO2/BiVO4 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021-02-25
  • 90. DOI 李子甲,何莉,Tian, Weiliang,Huang, Renyao,王兴鹏,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Batch and fixed-bed adsorption behavior of porous boehmite with high percentage of exposed (020) facets and surface area towards Congo red[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-07
  • 91. DOI Song, Xiao-Wei,张姝玮,钟海红,高原,Estudillo-Wong, Luis A.,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-01-07
  • 92. DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,许家喜,白守礼,刘建军,孙艳芝,鄢红,陆军,冯拥军,王涛,何静
  • 93. DOI 钟海红,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,高原,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Oxygen vacancies engineering by coordinating oxygen-buffering CeO2 with CoOx nanorods as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrode electrocatalyst[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-12-11
  • 94. DOI 邓文博,冯拥军
  • 95. DOI XiaoWei Song,Shuwei Zhang,钟海红,Yuan Gao,Luis A. Estudillo-Wong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,舒心,冯拥军
    FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2020-10-21
  • 96. DOI Gao Yuan,Gong Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante Nicolas,冯拥军
    In-Situ Self-supporting Cobalt-embedded in N-doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ChemElectroChem,2020-10-12
  • 97. DOI 高原,Gong, Xiaoman,钟海红,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    In Situ Self-Supporting Cobalt Embedded in Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2020-10-01
  • 98. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Chen, Tingwei,冯拥军,李殿卿,唐平贵
    Synergetic light stabilizing effects of reducing agent and UV absorber co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2020-09-01
  • 99. DOI Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhong, Haihong,Unni, Sreekuttan M.,de Guadalupe Gonzalez-Huerta, Rosa,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Unitized Regenerative Alkaline Microfluidic Cell Based on Platinum Group Metal-Free Electrode Materials[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-08-24
  • 100. DOI 张毅,史建公,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 101. DOI 白守礼,Sun, Xi,Han, Ning,舒心,Pan, Junli,Guo, Haipeng,Liu, Shuanghe,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    rGO modified nanoplate-assembled ZnO/CdO junction for detection of NO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-07-15
  • 102. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Leroux, Fabrice,李殿卿,唐平贵,王利人,冯拥军
    An aqueous miscible organic (AMO) process for layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for the enhanced properties of polypropylene/LDH composites[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020-06-28
  • 103. DOI Zhang, Kun,Qin, Shuaiwei,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Ultra-sensitive ethanol gas sensors based on nanosheet-assembled hierarchical ZnO-In2O3 heterostructures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-05
  • 104. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Estudillo-Wong, Luis Alberto,Gao, Yuan,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-05-13
  • 105. DOI 白守礼,Li, Qiangqiang,Han, Ning,Zhang, Kewei,唐平贵,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Synthesis of novel BiVO4/Cu2O heterojunctions for improving BiVO4 towards NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-05-01
  • 106. DOI Zhang, Kun,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Novel Strategy to Prepare Mesoporous Sn-Doped Co3O4 Whiskers with High Sensitivity to Toluene[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
  • 107. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 108. DOI 郭艺璇,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
  • 109. DOI Sun, Lixia,Sun, Jianhua,Yang, Xiaojun,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    An integrating photoanode consisting of BiVO4, rGO and LDH for photoelectrochemical water splitting[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-11-14
  • 110. DOI Zhang, Qian,Guo, Yixuan,Marek, Adam A.,Verney, Vincent,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design, fabrication and anti-aging behavior of a multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid stabilizer derived from co-intercalated layered double hydroxides for polypropylene[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
  • 111. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Pan, Jingsong,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Ethylene glycol-assisted fabrication and superb adsorption capacity of hierarchical porous flower-like magnesium oxide microspheres for phosphate[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-08-01
  • 112. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,Liu, Xiaoguang
    A new green, energy-saving, and pressing refining process for the recovery of ultrahigh-purity lead in alkaline solution from spent lead plate grids[期刊论文],IONICS,2019-08-01
  • 113. DOI Ma, Ruoyu,Zhao, Mengyao,Mo, Yufan,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    HALS intercalated layered double hydroxides as an efficient light stabilizer for polypropylene[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2019-06-29
  • 114. DOI 张毅,张伟,杨甜星,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 115. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Liu, Tongyuan,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional NiFe-LDH hollow microsphere with enhanced OER performance in alkaline media[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2019-06-01
  • 116. DOI 张轩,潘军青,冯拥军,林彦军,舒心,金鑫,孙艳芝,刘小光
    A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids[期刊论文],Ionics,2019-05-30
  • 117. DOI Zhang, Xuan,潘军青,孙艳芝,冯拥军,牛慧霞
    An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
  • 118. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,白守礼,Fu, Hang,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Pyrolyzing Co/Zn bimetallic organic framework to form p-n heterojunction of Co3O4/ZnO for detection of formaldehyde[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 119. DOI Sun, Jianhua,Sun, Lixia,Han, Ning,Pan, Junli,Liu, Weiqiao,白守礼,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠
    Ordered mesoporous WO3/ZnO nanocomposites with isotype heterojunctions for sensitive detection of NO2[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2019-04-15
  • 120. DOI Jing Wang,Shuwei Zhang,Haihong Zhong,Nicolas Alonso-Vante,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Supported Co3O4 Composite as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode Catalyst[期刊论文],Surfaces,2019-03-29
  • 121. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabric,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 122. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Recent Progress on Adsorption Materials for Phosphate Removal[期刊论文],Recent Patents on Nanotechnology,2019-01-01
  • 123. DOI Zhang, Qian,Gu, Qiyu,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Co-intercalated layered double hydroxides as thermal and photo-oxidation stabilizers for polypropylene[期刊论文],BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-12-05
  • 124. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Ashiq, Muhammad Naeem,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper@MgO films: in situ fabrication and high-performance removal capacity for phosphate anions[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-12-01
  • 125. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Campos-Roldan, Carlos A.,Zhao, Yuan,Zhang, Shuwei,冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Recent Advances of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2018-11-01
  • 126. DOI 张毅,张伟,苗成林,贺宇飞,冯拥军,李殿卿
  • 127. DOI 朱万军,翟晓颖,黄人瑶,冯拥军,袁懋,陈旭,杨文胜
  • 128. DOI Bai, Shouli,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 129. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 130. DOI Ahmed, Saeed,Guo, Yiwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Superb removal capacity of hierarchically porous magnesium oxide for phosphate and methyl orange[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-09-01
  • 131. DOI Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
    Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
  • 132. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Fu, Hang,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Novel alpha-Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunctions for enhancing NO2 sensing properties[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2018-09-01
  • 133. DOI Zhong, Haihong,王静,Wang, Tiehong,Zhang, Shuwei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Cubic Cobalt Oxide Hybrid Hollow Spheres as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-08-09
  • 134. DOI Pan, Junli,Li, Weiqiao,Quan, Le,Han, Ning,Bai, Shouli,Luo, Ruixian,冯拥军,李殿卿,Chen, Aifan
    Cu2O and rGO Hybridizing for Enhancement of Low-Concentration NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 135. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 136. DOI Zhang, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Low molecular weight hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) intercalated MgAl-Layered double hydroxides: Preparation and anti aging performance in polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
  • 137. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 138. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Zhang, Shuwei,Jiang, Jiawei,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Improved Electrocatalytic Performance of Tailored Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-07-11
  • 139. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 140. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Novel Carbon Paper@Magnesium Silicate Composite Porous Films: Design, Fabrication, and Adsorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018-07-04
  • 141. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 142. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Gong, Xiaoman,Zhang, Shuwei,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Design and Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RECORD,2018-07-01
  • 143. DOI Huang, Renyao,He, Li,Zhang, Tao,李殿卿,唐平贵,赵莹莹,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Adsorption Behavior of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Nanoparticles towards Methylene Blue[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2018-05-01
  • 144. DOI 白守礼,Tian, Ke,Tian, Ye,Guo, Jun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,陈霭璠,Liu, Chung Chiun
    Synthesis of Co3O4/TiO2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2018-03-30
  • 145. DOI Guo, Yixuan,王静,李殿卿,唐平贵,Leroux, Fabrice,冯拥军
    Micrometer-sized dihydrogenphosphate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: synthesis, selective infrared absorption properties, and applications as agricultural films[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2018-03-07
  • 146. DOI Chu, Haomiao,Pan, Junli,白守礼,Ma, Yaqiang,冯拥军,Wen, Yuehua,Yang, Yusheng,Luo, Ruixian,陈霭璠
    Carbon coated chevrel phase of Mo6S8 as anode material for improving electrochemical properties of aqueous lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 147. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Cheng, Xiaokang,Xu, Hantao,蔺丽,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Carbon fiber paper supported interlayer space enlarged Ni2Fe-LDHs improved OER electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-12-20
  • 148. DOI Saeed Ahmed,Yiwei Guo,Renyao Huang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Hexamethylene tetramine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of porous magnesium oxide for high-efficiency removal of phosphate in aqueous solution[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2017-10-13
  • 149. DOI 白守礼,Tian Ke,Tian ye,Guo jun,冯拥军,Luo ruixian,李殿卿,Chen aifan,Liu chung chiun
    Synthesis of Co 3 O 4 /TiO 2 composite by pyrolyzing ZIF-67 for detection of xylene[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-10-11
  • 150. DOI 刘志明,Xu Feng,Zizheng Zhou,冯拥军,Junhua Li
    Ce-Sn binary oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-09-21
  • 151. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,Gong, Xiaoman,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Advanced bifunctional electrocatalyst generated through cobalt phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate intercalated Ni2Fe-layered double hydroxides for a laminar flow unitized regenerative micro-cell[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017-09-01
  • 152. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Fabrication and Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Performance of Ternary CoNiMn Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypyrrole/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-10
  • 153. DOI Zhang, Jiajun,唐平贵,Liu, Tongyuan,冯拥军,Blackman, Chris,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of mesoporous hierarchical Co3O4-TiO2 p-n heterojunctions with greatly enhanced gas sensing performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017-06-07
  • 154. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated hydrocalumite as multifunction nanofiller for Poly(propylene): Synthesis, thermal stability, light stability, and anti-migration property[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-06-01
  • 155. DOI 陈廷伟,唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile Color Tuning, Characterization, and Application of Acid Green 25 and Acid Yellow 25 Co-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-05-17
  • 156. DOI Bai, Shouli,Ma, Yaqiang,Shu, Xin,Sun, Jianhua,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿,Ghen, Aifan
    Doping Metal Elements of WO3 for Enhancement of NO2 - Sensing Performance at Room Temperature[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-15
  • 157. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 158. DOI Renyao Huang,Minjie Wu,Tao Zhang,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Template-free synthesis of large-pore-size porous magnesium silicate hierarchical nanostructures for high-efficiency removal of heavy metal ions[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017-03-06
  • 159. DOI Jia, Xiaodong,Gao, Shijie,Liu, Tongyuan,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Controllable Synthesis and Bi-functional Electrocatalytic Performance towards Oxygen Electrode Reactions of Co3O4/N-RGO Composites[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-02-01
  • 160. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Luo, Yun,He, Shi,唐平贵,李殿卿,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Electrocatalytic Cobalt Nanoparticles Interacting with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube in Situ Generated from a Metal-Organic Framework for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-01-25
  • 161. DOI Zhang, Qian,Jiao, Qian,Leroux, Fabrice,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Antioxidant intercalated Zn-containing layered double hydroxides: preparation, performance and migration properties[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2017-01-01
  • 162. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Tian, Ran,李殿卿,唐平贵,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas,冯拥军
    Tuning the Adsorption Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides to Tailor Highly Active Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,2017-01-01
  • 163. DOI Li, Jiao,唐平贵,Zhang, Jiajun,冯拥军,Luo, Ruixian,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Facile Synthesis and Acetone Sensing Performance of Hierarchical SnO2 Hollow Microspheres with Controllable Size and Shell Thickness[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-03-30
  • 164. DOI Fan Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and photocatalytic performance of ZnO nanoparticles self-assembled spherical aggregates[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-12-01
  • 165. DOI Lv, Yimin,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    A simple and promoter free way to synthesize spherical gamma-alumina with high hydrothermal stability[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2015-09-15
  • 166. DOI Zhong, Haihong,Xi, Jingmin,唐平贵,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Positive Effect of Heat Treatment on Carbon-Supported CoS Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2015-09-01
  • 167. DOI Huang, Wei,Zhong, Haihong,李殿卿,唐平贵,冯拥军
    Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported CoO/MnO2 Electrocatalysts from Layered Double Hydroxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-08-10
  • 168. DOI Fan, Faying,唐平贵,Wang, Yuanyuan,冯拥军,Chen, Aifan,罗瑞贤,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis and gas sensing properties of tubular hierarchical ZnO self-assembled by porous nanosheets[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2015-08-01
  • 169. DOI 李殿卿,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,冯俊婷,唐平贵,杨兰
    Co-intercalation of Acid Red 337 and a UV Absorbent into Layered Double Hydroxides: Enhancement of Photostability[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-12-20
  • 170. DOI 杨兰,Qian, Leilei,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
    Acid Blue 129 and Salicylate Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Assembly, Characterization, and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
  • 171. DOI 李殿卿,Wu, Chuang,唐平贵,冯拥军
    In situ synthesis and properties of ZSM-5/alpha-Al2O3 composite[期刊论文],MATERIALS LETTERS,2014-10-15
  • 172. DOI 姜瑜,焦倩,李殿卿,冯拥军
  • 173. DOI 董文杰,冯拥军,唐平贵,李殿卿
  • 174. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,唐平贵,Chen, Aifan,Luo, Ruixian,李殿卿
    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Performance of Dandelion-Like ZnO with Hierarchical Porous Structure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-13
  • 175. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Facile synthesis of multicolor organic-inorganic hybrid pigments based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],DYES AND PIGMENTS,2014-05-01
  • 176. DOI 冯拥军,Jiang, Yu,Huang, Qiang,Chen, Shangtao,Zhang, Fengbo,唐平贵,李殿卿
    High Antioxidative Performance of Layered Double Hydroxides/Polypropylene Composite with Intercalation of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenolic Antioxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-12
  • 177. DOI 唐平贵,Chai, Yuanyuan,冯俊婷,冯拥军,Li, Yang,李殿卿
    Highly dispersed Pd catalyst for anthraquinone hydrogenation supported on alumina derived from a pseudoboehmite precursor[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2014-01-17
  • 178. DOI Fan, Faying,冯拥军,白守礼,冯俊婷,Chen, Aifan,李殿卿
    Synthesis and gas sensing properties to NO2 of ZnO nanoparticles[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-08-01
  • 179. DOI 李扬,冯俊婷,冯拥军,柴圆圆,李殿卿
    模板-聚合法Pd/Al 2 O 3 催化剂制备及其蒽醌加氢性能研究[期刊论文],无机化学学报,2013-01-10
  • 180. DOI Zhao, Chan,李殿卿,冯拥军
    Size-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and high electrocatalytic performance of CoS2 nanocatalysts as non-precious metal cathode materials for fuel cells[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-01-01
  • 181. DOI 唐平贵,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Fabrication and properties of acid blue 25 dye-intercalated layered double hydroxides film on an anodic alumina/aluminum substrate[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2012-12-01
  • 182. DOI 冯拥军,唐平贵,Xi, Jingmin,余江,李殿卿
    Layered Double Hydroxides as Flame Retardant and Thermal Stabilizer for Polymers[期刊论文],RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
  • 183. DOI 唐平贵,Deng, Fuping,冯拥军,李殿卿
    Mordant Yellow 3 Anions Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides: Preparation, Thermo- and Photostability[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-08-15
  • 184. DOI 冯拥军,Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
    Carbon-supported cubic CoSe2 catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2012-06-30
  • 185. DOI Zhu, Haifeng,唐平贵,冯拥军,Wang, Lijing,李殿卿
    Intercalation of IR absorber into layered double hydroxides: Preparation, thermal stability and selective IR absorption[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2012-03-01


作者类型 作者姓名 著作名称 出版日期 出版社 排名/总人数
教师 冯拥军 Novel Non-precious metal electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions 2019-07-31 00:00:00 MDPI 1
教师 冯拥军 二维纳米复合氢氧化物--结构、组装与功能 2013-09-01 00:00:00 科学出版社 4


  • 1. 一种抗菌消毒纳米纤维医用敷料及制备方法 ,CN113846419B
  • 2. 一种光,热稳定型超分子结构酸性黄17插层颜料及其制备方法
  • 3. 硅铝分子筛-,氧化铝复合材料及其原位生长制备方法
  • 4. 一种超分子插层结构聚合物抗氧剂
  • 5. 一种纳米铝基层状复合氢氧化物及其制备方法
  • 6. 一种硫化铜掺杂的立方晶型硫化锌材料及其制备方法
  • 7. 活性组分形貌可控负载型贵金属催化剂及其制备方法
  • 8. 一种球形MnO2/Al2O3及其油柱成型制备方法
  • 9. 负载型双金属纳米晶催化剂及其制备方法
  • 10. 一种超分子插层结构抗光老化材料及其制备方法
  • 11. 一种大比表面积拟薄水铝石的制备方法及其在蒽醌加氢催化剂中的应用
  • 12. 一种含助剂超分子插层结构紫外吸收剂及其制备方法
  • 13. 一种纳米尺寸层状复合氢氧化物及其分步沉淀制备方法
  • 14. ***
  • 15. 一种层状复合金属氢氧化物的清洁制备方法
  • 16. 一种麦穗状多孔氧化镁及其制备方法
  • 17. 一种耐迁移型钙基插层结构聚烯烃抗氧剂及其制备方法
  • 18. 一种超分子插层结构光稳定剂及其制备方法
  • 19. 一种片状结构层状复合氢氧化物及其制备方法
  • 20. 一种非贵金属双功能氧反应电催化材料及其制备方法
  • 21. 一种水热稳定型球形γ-Al2O3及其制备方法
  • 22. 一种镁基层状复合氢氧化物的制备方法
  • 23. 一种蒽醌降解物再生催化剂及其制备方法
  • 24. 微球形氧化硅/氧化铝基贵金属催化剂及其制备方法
  • 25. 一种耐光型超分子插层结构颜料及其制备方法
  • 26. 一种高比表面大孔容硅酸镁吸附材料及其制备方法和应用
  • 27. 以杂多酸插层水滑石为催化剂合成2-乙基蒽醌的方法
  • 28. 一种以固体超强酸为催化剂制备2-烷基蒽醌的方法
  • 29. 一种镁铝基层状复合氢氧化物的清洁制备方法
  • 30. 一种负载型双金属核壳结构催化剂及其制备方法
  • 31. 一种纳米层状复合氢氧化物的制备方法
  • 32. 一种纳米硅酸镁吸附材料及其制备方法
  • 33. 一种氮掺杂碳纳米管负载钴基电催化材料及其制备方法
  • 34. 一种模板剂导向制备介孔球形氧化铝及其制备方法
  • 35. 一种层状复合氢氧化物的清洁制备方法
  • 36. 一种管状多级结构氧化锌及其制备方法
  • 37. 一种三维花状层状复合氢氧化物及其制备方法
  • 38. 多组分显色阴离子共插层超分子结构颜料及其制备方法
  • 39. 一种多级结构金属氧化物气敏材料及其制备方法
  • 40. 一种纳米结构CoSx/C,阴极电催化材料及其制备方法
  • 41. 一种层状复合金属氢氧化物的清洁制备方法
  • 42. 一种超分子共插层结构抗光老化材料的制备方法
  • 43. 氧化镁固体碱蒽醌降解物再生催化剂的制备方法和应用
  • 44. 一种利用盐湖卤水联合制备碳酸锂、纳米水滑石及铵盐的方法
  • 45. 一种采用双组份催化剂制备四氢噻吩的方法
  • 46. 一种聚氨酯材料用阻燃剂及其制备方法和应用
  • 47. 一种碳基材料的制备方法、稳定性测试方法及其应用
  • 48. 一种应用于成核反应器的微型文丘里取样器
  • 49. 一种制备以凹凸棒石为载体的化妆品用活性组合物的方法及其组合物
  • 50. 一种晶面选择性生长勃姆石及其制备方法
  • 51. 一种纳米水滑石与纳米碳酸钙的联合制备方法
  • 52. 一种利用菱镁矿制备镁铝水滑石的方法
  • 53. 含碘抗菌医用手术膜及制备方法
  • 54. 一种利用白云石制备纳米碳酸钙和纳米水滑石的方法
  • 55. 一种高分子材料用缓释型助剂及其制备方法
  • 56. 一种凹凸棒粘土还原-磁分离耦合连续除铁转白提纯方法
  • 57. 超疏水多孔硅酸镁油水分离材料的制备方法、制得的材料及其应用
  • 58. 一种多金属硫簇电催化剂及其制备方法和应用



---出站博士后1人(宋晓威),在站博士后2人(王加欣、Ajmal Khan)

---指导博士毕业研究生8名(贾晓东、黄人瑶、Saeed Ahmed、钟海红、张倩、郭艺璇、王晶、赵红霞),在读博士生13人(含4名留学生)
