王瑞雪,北京化工大学机电工程学院教授,博导。长期从事放电等离子体技术及应用研究。连续两年入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家”(2023/2024),入选国家级高层次青年人才,北京市杰出青年,北京市科技新星,中国科协青年托举人才,北京化工大学青年英才百人计划B类等人才项目。兼任中国电工技术学会青年委员会副秘书长,《Clean Energy Science and Technology》执行副主编,《防化研究》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》等期刊青年编委。近五年承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题和企业横向等科研项目20余项。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文56篇,授权发明专利13项,参编中英文专著各1部。成果获中国表面工程协会科技进步一等奖(1/15),中国设备管理协会创新成果特等奖(2/16)。在国际及国内著名会议上做邀请报告20余次。指导学生获得全互联网+创新创业大赛、大学生等离子体科技创新竞赛等,获一等奖2项、三等奖5项。入选北京化工大学“十佳教师”、“最美课堂”等称号。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2009-09-01 |
2014-07-01 |
北京大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
2005-09-01 |
2009-07-01 |
天津医科大学 |
双学位毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2011-04-01 |
2012-10-01 |
美国纽约大学 |
2014-07-09 |
2018-12-12 |
中科院电工所 |
2019-01-01 |
2022-12-30 |
北京化工大学 |
2022-12-31 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2019~至今 中国电工技术学会青年委员会副秘书长 2022~至今 防化研究青年编委 2014~至今 IEEE会员 2023~至今 《应用基础与工程科学学报》青年编委 2023~至今 Clean Energy Science and Technology 执行副主编 2023~至今 机械工程学会高级会员
等离子体表面改性与功能性涂层制备 等离子体生物医学领域应用 等离子体危化品检测与处置应用 等离子体智能装备开发
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2023 |
16 |
27 |
专业选修 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2023 |
16 |
27 |
专业选修 |
安全工程初级研讨课 |
2023 |
16 |
20 |
专业选修 |
先进制造技术 |
2023 |
24 |
51 |
专业选修 |
工程制图 |
2023 |
32 |
64 |
专业必修 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2022 |
16 |
97 |
专业选修 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2022 |
16 |
97 |
专业选修 |
工程制图 |
2022 |
32 |
57 |
专业必修 |
先进制造技术 |
2022 |
24 |
31 |
专业选修 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2021 |
16 |
80 |
专业选修 |
信息检索与科技论文写作 |
2021 |
16 |
80 |
专业选修 |
工程制图 |
2021 |
32 |
90 |
专业必修 |
特种加工 |
2020 |
36 |
119 |
素质教育课程 |
工程制图 |
2020 |
32 |
88 |
专业必修 |
文献查阅 |
2019 |
16 |
25 |
专业选修 |
文献检索与科技论文写作 |
2019 |
24 |
58 |
公共基础选修 |
工程制图 |
2019 |
32 |
117 |
专业必修 |
工程制图 |
2019 |
32 |
120 |
公共基础必修 |
安全工程初级研讨课 |
2019 |
16 |
82 |
专业选修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
低温等离子体技术及应用 |
2023 |
24 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
- 1. 高晶向压电薄膜与金属电极沉积装备关键技术及部件研制 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2024-12-02 至 2027-11-03
- 2. 中法杰出青年科研人员交流计划 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-01 至 2024-11-17
- 3. 交叉课题-王瑞雪+王左敏 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-11-14 至 2025-12-31
- 4. 等离子体活性物质定量递送及其对口腔癌治疗机制研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2023-10-01 至 2026-12-31
- 5. 大气压低温等离子体协同催化转化甲烷机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
- 6. 社区生活垃圾全流程智能分类收集技术装备集成及示范应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2020-03-01 至 2022-12-31
- 1. 等离子体改性材料对水中铀、碘等核素化学形态和赋存状态的影响研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-29 至 2026-10-29
- 2. 干式等离子体消毒技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-08-01 至 2025-12-30
- 3. 超导芯片盒与馈源仓结构设计与样件加工 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-18 至 2024-07-17
- 4. 干式等离子体手部和物表消毒机研制 ,其他课题,项目时间:2024-01-16 至 2033-12-31
- 5. 干式等离子体手部和物表消毒装置技术转让 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-16 至 2024-12-31
- 6. 环保内膛新型镀层工艺设计及分析测试 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-11-29 至 2024-04-01
- 7. 小体积低功耗等离子体消毒技术 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-10-10 至 2033-08-30
- 8. XJH2023090035 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2023-08-26 至 2024-07-21
- 9. 基底表面预处理增强膜-基结合力技术研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 10. 干式等离子体手部消毒机性能评估 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-09-20 至 2022-10-21
- 11. 干式等离子体手部消毒机研制 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-07-01 至 2022-08-01
- 12. 基于特异性修饰电极对特征标志物的电化学检测技术研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-06-15 至 2023-06-15
- 13. 等离子体喷枪及喷枪支架研制 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-11-01 至 2021-12-01
- 14. 基于物理共混法的磁性纳米材料 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-08-24 至 2020-12-24
- 15. 等离子体降解典型化学战剂研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-07-20 至 2020-11-30
- 16. 低温等离子体制备水溶性纳米材料 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-03-22 至 2019-10-30
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
11. DOI
孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
12. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
13. DOI
14. DOI
15. DOI
王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
16. DOI
王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
17. DOI
秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
18. DOI
张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
19. DOI
孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
20. DOI
Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
21. DOI
Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
22. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
25. DOI
26. DOI
Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
30. DOI
王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
31. DOI
А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
32. DOI
Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
33. DOI
Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
34. DOI
王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
35. DOI
Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
37. DOI
王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
38. DOI
谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
39. DOI
40. DOI
Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
41. DOI
王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
42. DOI
Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
43. DOI
44. DOI
45. DOI
Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
46. DOI
47. DOI
谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
48. DOI
Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
1. DOI
Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
2. DOI
Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
3. DOI
Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
4. DOI
Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
5. DOI
王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
6. DOI
Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
9. DOI
Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
10. DOI
Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
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孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
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王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
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王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
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王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
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秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
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张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
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孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
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Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
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Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
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Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
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孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
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Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
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Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
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王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
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Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
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Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
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王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
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Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
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Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
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王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
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Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
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王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
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Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
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谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
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Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
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王瑞雪 |
Functionalized nanofibers |
2023-10-01 00:00:00 |
Elsevier |
1 |
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