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  • 电子邮箱: wrx@mail.buct.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 行政楼429


瑞雪,北京化工大学机电工程学院教授,博导。长期从事放电等离子体技术及应用研究。连续两年入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家”(2023/2024),入选国家级高层次青年人才,北京市杰出青年,北京市科技新星,中国科协青年托举人才,北京化工大学青年英才百人计划B类等人才项目。兼任中国电工技术学会青年委员会副秘书长,《Clean Energy Science and Technology》执行副主编,《防化研究》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》等期刊青年编委。近五年承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题和企业横向等科研项目20余项。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文56篇,授权发明专利13项,参编中英文专著各1部。成果获中国表面工程协会科技进步一等奖(1/15),中国设备管理协会创新成果特等奖(2/16)。在国际及国内著名会议上做邀请报告20余次。指导学生获得全互联网+创新创业大赛、大学生等离子体科技创新竞赛等,获一等奖2项、三等奖5项。入选北京化工大学“十佳教师”、“最美课堂”等称号。


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2009-09-01 2014-07-01 北京大学 博士研究生毕业
2005-09-01 2009-07-01 天津医科大学 双学位毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2011-04-01 2012-10-01 美国纽约大学
2014-07-09 2018-12-12 中科院电工所
2019-01-01 2022-12-30 北京化工大学
2022-12-31 至今 北京化工大学


2019~至今 中国电工技术学会青年委员会副秘书长

2022~至今 防化研究青年编委 

2014~至今 IEEE会员

2023~至今 《应用基础与工程科学学报》青年编委

2023~至今 Clean Energy Science and Technology 执行副主编

2023~至今 机械工程学会高级会员


2023-至今  “千人进千企”产业特派员







课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
信息检索与科技论文写作 2023 16 27 专业选修
信息检索与科技论文写作 2023 16 27 专业选修
安全工程初级研讨课 2023 16 20 专业选修
先进制造技术 2023 24 51 专业选修
工程制图 2023 32 64 专业必修
信息检索与科技论文写作 2022 16 97 专业选修
信息检索与科技论文写作 2022 16 97 专业选修
工程制图 2022 32 57 专业必修
先进制造技术 2022 24 31 专业选修
信息检索与科技论文写作 2021 16 80 专业选修
信息检索与科技论文写作 2021 16 80 专业选修
工程制图 2021 32 90 专业必修
特种加工 2020 36 119 素质教育课程
工程制图 2020 32 88 专业必修
文献查阅 2019 16 25 专业选修
文献检索与科技论文写作 2019 24 58 公共基础选修
工程制图 2019 32 117 专业必修
工程制图 2019 32 120 公共基础必修
安全工程初级研讨课 2019 16 82 专业选修


课程名称 开课学年 总学时 开课方式
低温等离子体技术及应用 2023 24 C专业方向及特色课



  • 1. 高晶向压电薄膜与金属电极沉积装备关键技术及部件研制 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2024-12-02 至 2027-11-03
  • 2. 中法杰出青年科研人员交流计划 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-01 至 2024-11-17
  • 3. 交叉课题-王瑞雪+王左敏 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-11-14 至 2025-12-31
  • 4. 等离子体活性物质定量递送及其对口腔癌治疗机制研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2023-10-01 至 2026-12-31
  • 5. 大气压低温等离子体协同催化转化甲烷机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 6. 社区生活垃圾全流程智能分类收集技术装备集成及示范应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2020-03-01 至 2022-12-31


  • 1. 等离子体改性材料对水中铀、碘等核素化学形态和赋存状态的影响研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-29 至 2026-10-29
  • 2. 干式等离子体消毒技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-08-01 至 2025-12-30
  • 3. 超导芯片盒与馈源仓结构设计与样件加工 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-18 至 2024-07-17
  • 4. 干式等离子体手部和物表消毒机研制 ,其他课题,项目时间:2024-01-16 至 2033-12-31
  • 5. 干式等离子体手部和物表消毒装置技术转让 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-16 至 2024-12-31
  • 6. 环保内膛新型镀层工艺设计及分析测试 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-11-29 至 2024-04-01
  • 7. 小体积低功耗等离子体消毒技术 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-10-10 至 2033-08-30
  • 8. XJH2023090035 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2023-08-26 至 2024-07-21
  • 9. 基底表面预处理增强膜-基结合力技术研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31
  • 10. 干式等离子体手部消毒机性能评估 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-09-20 至 2022-10-21
  • 11. 干式等离子体手部消毒机研制 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-07-01 至 2022-08-01
  • 12. 基于特异性修饰电极对特征标志物的电化学检测技术研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-06-15 至 2023-06-15
  • 13. 等离子体喷枪及喷枪支架研制 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-11-01 至 2021-12-01
  • 14. 基于物理共混法的磁性纳米材料 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-08-24 至 2020-12-24
  • 15. 等离子体降解典型化学战剂研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-07-20 至 2020-11-30
  • 16. 低温等离子体制备水溶性纳米材料 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-03-22 至 2019-10-30


  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
  • 48. DOI 侯亚男,王瑞雪,甘芝霖,邵涛,张欣雪,贺墨何,孙安东
    Effect of cold plasma on blueberry juice quality[期刊论文],FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019-03-01
  • 1. DOI Guo, Peiwen,Guo, Wenting,Li, Yahao,Qin, Haojie,杨亚文,李好义,安瑛,杨卫民,Zhang, He,Yang, Jing,Kang, Jing,王瑞雪
    Permeable Self-Association of Metal-Organic Framework 808/Ag-Based Fiber Membrane for Broad-Spectrum and Highly Efficient Degradation of Biological and Chemical War Agents[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2024-08-22
  • 2. DOI Ma, Ruonan,Fan, Yongqin,Yang, Xudong,Liu, Chunli,Wan, Junhu,Xu, Cui,王瑞雪,Feng, Junxia,Jiao, Zhen
    Detoxification of DON-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by cold atmospheric plasma[期刊论文],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024-07-15
  • 3. DOI Peng, Yadan,Hu, Ruolan,薛爽,贺育敢,Tian, Lili,Pang, Zehan,贺译乐,Dong, Yuqi,韩世颖,王书奇,洪碧霞,Liu, Ke,王瑞雪,宋立华,范华昊,李梦哲,童贻刚
    Rapid and highly sensitive colorimetric LAMP assay and integrated device for visual detection of monkeypox virus[期刊论文],Analytica Chimica Acta,2024-07-04
  • 4. DOI Zhang, Xiaojiao,Li, Yinglong,Ma, Ruonan,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪,Wang, Zuomin
    The Biosafety of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma in vitro: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanisms[期刊论文],Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,2024-07-01
  • 5. DOI 王慧妍,Liu, Yuchen,薛爽,谢鹏程,贺建芸,Koval, Olga,Chen, Zhitong,王瑞雪
    Silicon oxide anticorrosion coating deposition on alloy steel surface by low temperature plasma[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI Qin, Haojie,Sun, Junwei,Yang, Xiaobin,Li, Heguo,Li, Xiaopeng,王瑞雪,He, Song,Zhou, Chuan
    Defective UiO-66 metal-organic gels for optimizing gaseous toluene capture[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2024-02-01
  • 7. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,贺建芸,陈茜,张庆,谢鹏程,杨卫民,谭俊
  • 8. DOI 宋俣洁,Yang, Jing,Cui, Jiangzhou,Zhao, Benhua,杨卫民,李好义,王瑞雪
    Preparation of highly efficient antibacterial non-woven by facile plasma-induced graft polymerizing of DADMAC[期刊论文],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023-11-01
  • 9. DOI 陈恕彬,王世宇,朱安娜,王瑞雪
    Multiple chemical warfare agent simulant decontamination by self-driven microplasma[期刊论文],Plasma Science and Technology,2023-11-01
  • 10. DOI Aflaki, Mina,Davar, Fatemeh,Loghman Estarki, Mohammad Reza,王瑞雪,Guo, Lei
    Sc3+:Ce4+:Y3+ doped zirconia nanopowders (ScCeYSZ): Synthesis, thermal phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of spark plasma sintered body[期刊论文],Arabian Journal of Chemistry,2023-10-01
  • 11. DOI 孔祥号,Li, Sisi,李好义,杨卫民,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Distribution patterns of reactive species in the interaction between atmospheric pressure plasma jet and fiber membrane[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023-10-01
  • 12. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,Li, Xiaosen,Guo, Peiwen,Wang, Haibo,Guo, Xuan,Zhong, Jinyi
    Plasma jet decontamination of sulfur mustard and its analogues in water by oxidation effect[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING,2023-07-01
  • 13. DOI 秦浩捷,周川,张守鑫,李晓鹏,赵越,李和国,王瑞雪
  • 14. DOI 杨亚文,郭佩文,李好义,杨卫民,崔江舟,杨景,王瑞雪
  • 15. DOI 王瑞雪,王慧妍,薛爽,Liu, Yuchen,谢鹏程,贺建芸
    Low Plasma Deposited Silicon Oxide Coating with Extreme Anticorrosion Property and Stability[会议论文],SSRN,2023-03-24
  • 16. DOI 王辉,杨亚文,李泽洋,Kong, Xiaohao,Martin, Philip,Cui, Guoqing,王瑞雪
    Plasma-assisted Ni catalysts: Toward highly-efficient dry reforming of methane at low temperature[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2023-03-19
  • 17. DOI 秦洪博,仇恒举,刘珂,洪必霞 ,刘昱辰,李春,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,Eric Robert,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Cold atmospheric plasma can effectively disinfect SARS-CoV-? in the wastewater[期刊论文],Exploration,2023-03-11
  • 18. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,Yu, Yang,任峰,王瑞雪
    Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition[期刊论文],Journal of Composite Materials,2023-03-01
  • 19. DOI 孔祥号,李好义,杨卫民,Li, Sisi,Yang, Dezheng,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on fiber arrays: Penetration pattern determined by fiber spacing[期刊论文],Applied Physics Letters,2023-02-20
  • 20. DOI 陈俊祥,王瑞雪,党开放,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Improving bonding strength of metal-plastic interface through multilevel microporous undercut structure[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2023-01-05
  • 21. DOI 王瑞雪,刘昱辰,薛爽,谢鹏程,杨卫民
    Substrate temperature induced structure transformation in plasma film deposition process[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-15
  • 22. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Zhang, Yuyu,Gao, Weiman,Wang, Simin,Liu, Yue,Xiao, Yuhang,Zhuang, Xibing,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Effects of nonthermal plasma-activated water on the microbial sterilization and storage quality of blueberry[期刊论文],FOOD BIOSCIENCE,2022-10-01
  • 23. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 24. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,李好义,杨卫民,Martynovich, E.F.,Ning, Wenjun,王瑞雪
    Simulation study on an atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a single fiber: effects of the fiber’s permittivity[期刊论文],Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2022-09-01
  • 25. DOI 陈恕彬,王慧妍,李应龙,王瑞雪,孔祥号,夏章川
  • 26. DOI Liao, Yongsheng,程月,庄仲羽,Li, Rongjun,于源,王瑞雪,焦志伟
    Plasma-Sprayed Flexible Strain Sensor and Its Applications in Boxing Glove[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2022-08-01
  • 27. DOI 张林,夏章川,何亚东,信春玲,王瑞雪,任峰
  • 28. DOI 王阳,程礼盛,谭晶,杨卫民,王瑞雪,张政和
  • 29. DOI 王瑞雪,夏章川,孔祥号,薛爽,王慧妍
    Uniform deposition of silicon oxide film on cylindrical substrate by radially arranged plasma jet array[期刊论文],Surface and Coatings Technology,2022-05-15
  • 30. DOI 王瑞雪,虎攀,孔祥号,Ma, Guohua
    Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent Sarin: Comparation Between Plate-to-Plate and Plate-to-Pin Dielectric Barrier Discharge[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2022-03-01
  • 31. DOI А.А. Tyutrin,王瑞雪,E.F.Martynovich
    Luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots synthesized by microplasma method[期刊论文],Journal of Luminescence,2022-02-23
  • 32. DOI Hongbo Qin,Hengju Qiu,Shi-Ting He,Bixia Hong,Ke Liu,Fuxing Lou,Maochen Li,Pan Hu,Xianghao Kong,Yujie Song,Yuchen Liu,Mingfang Pu,Pengjun Han,李梦哲,安小平,宋立华,童贻刚,范华昊,王瑞雪
    Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus, pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage [期刊论文], JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022-02-04
  • 33. DOI Bai, Yuan,陈恕彬,王慧妍,Wang, Engui,孔祥号,Gai, Yansong,Qu, Xuecheng,Li, Qi,薛爽,Guo, Peiwen,王瑞雪,Feng, Hongqing,Li, Zhou
    Chemical warfare agents decontamination via air mircoplasma excited by a triboelectric nanogenerator[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2022-01-29
  • 34. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,王慧妍,陈恕彬,Guo, Peiwen
    High Efficiency Removal of Sulfur Mustard Surrogate by Cold Plasma Jet[期刊论文],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2022-01-01
  • 35. DOI 孔祥号,薛爽,王瑞雪
    Interaction Between Atmosphere Pressure Plasma Jet and Substrate with Micro-hole[会议论文],16th annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society,2022-01-01
  • 36. DOI Liu, Yuchen,虎攀,仇恒举,王瑞雪
    Development of a Hand-Held FE-DBD Plasma Device[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2022-01-01
  • 37. DOI 王瑞雪,Xia, Zhangchuang,孔祥号,梁立红,Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
    Etching and annealing treatment to improve the plasma-deposited SiOx film adhesion force[期刊论文],SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
  • 38. DOI 谢鹏程,陈俊祥,Ye, Bading,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,Ostrikov, Kostya
    Plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Effects of polyamide additive on injection molding part quality[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021-11-30
  • 39. DOI 李荣军,于源,谭晶,王瑞雪,焦志伟,杨卫民
  • 40. DOI 王瑞雪,李忠文,虎攀,杨亚文,夏章川
    Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation[期刊论文],Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2021-07-10
  • 41. DOI 王瑞雪,杨亚文,陈恕彬,Jiang, Hui,Martin, Philip
    Power Calculation of Pulse Power-Driven DBD Plasma[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2021-07-01
  • 42. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
    Research Progress of Low Temperature Plasma Surface Strengthening Technology[期刊论文],Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2021-06-20
  • 43. DOI 李好义,张子鹏,谢超,杨卫民,丁玉梅,王瑞雪
  • 44. DOI 王瑞雪,叶巴丁,孔祥号,夏章川,张子鹏,李好义,谢鹏程
  • 45. DOI Gan, Zhilin,Feng, Xiaoru,Hou, Yanan,Sun, Aidong,王瑞雪
    Cold plasma jet with dielectric barrier configuration: Investigating its effect on the cell membrane of E. coli and S. cerevisiae and its impact on the quality of chokeberry juice[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
  • 46. DOI 陈俊祥,傅南红,王瑞雪,党开放,杨卫民,谢鹏程
  • 47. DOI 谢鹏程,Qi, Yi,王瑞雪,Wu, Jina,Li, Xiaosen
    Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles Generated by AC and Pulse-Power-Driven Plasma Jet[期刊论文],NANOMATERIALS,2019-10-01
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作者类型 作者姓名 著作名称 出版日期 出版社 排名/总人数
教师 王瑞雪 Functionalized nanofibers 2023-10-01 00:00:00 Elsevier 1


  • 1. 一种循环风等离子体消毒机结构及外壳设计 ,15473707
  • 2. 一种手持式等离子体装置 ,15243402
  • 3. 一种等离子体手部消毒装置
  • 4. 一种利用低温等离子体射流处理VOCs的方法
  • 5. 一种采用低温等离子体制备多孔性热障涂层的装置
  • 6. 一种采用介质阻挡放电等离子体制备复合陶瓷涂层的方法
  • 7. 一种循环风等离子体消毒机结构及外壳设计
  • 8. 一种采用低温等离子体制备多孔性热障涂层的装置及方法
  • 9. 一种制备贵金属/石墨烯复合纳米材料的装置及方法
  • 10. 一种密闭式等离子体物表消毒装置


  • 1. 石油化工设备安全智能诊断机器人及安全保障解决方案 ,2024-07-17 00:00:00 ,其他 ,特等奖

