孙军,男,工学博士,北京化工大学材料学院副教授/硕士生导师 2010年6月在北京化工大学获工学学士学位(高分子材料与工程专业),2015年7月在北京化工大学获工学博士学位(材料科学与工程专业)。2015年7月留校工作,现为北京化工大学材料科学与工程学院/火安全材料研究中心教师,兼任中国塑料加工工业协会阻燃材料及应用专业委员会常务副秘书长,先进功能高分子复合材料北京市重点实验室主任助理。主要研究方向为新型高分子材料、阻燃材料、纳米复合材料、聚合物材料加工及改性等。以负责人身份承担国家自然科学基金项目1项、北京市自然科学基金项目1项、国家重点实验室开放课题项目1项、中央高校科研业务费项目3项,企业项目3项。参与军品配套项目3项,国家自然科学基金项目3项,横向项目10项。已在ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.、J. Mater. Sci.、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.、Carbohyd. Polym.、Polym. Degrad. Stabil.等国内外学术刊物发表SCI论文130多篇,并兼任多个期刊的特约审稿人;申报发明专利40多项;获中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明三等奖、“Hong Kong Scholars Award”等多项奖励。2018年入选“香江学者”计划。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2010-09-01 |
2015-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
2006-09-02 |
2010-06-30 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2017-09-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2015-07-02 |
2017-09-06 |
北京化工大学 |
[1] 新型高分子材料开发 [2] 阻燃材料 [3] 纳米复合材料 [4] 聚合物材料加工及改性
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
聚合物表征 |
2023 |
32 |
51 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2023 |
32 |
51 |
专业必修 |
聚合物改性 |
2023 |
32 |
96 |
专业选修 |
材料与安全 |
2023 |
24 |
135 |
素质核心课程 |
聚合物表征 |
2022 |
32 |
55 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2022 |
32 |
55 |
专业必修 |
聚合物改性 |
2022 |
24 |
40 |
专业选修 |
材料与安全 |
2022 |
24 |
58 |
素质核心课程 |
聚合物表征 |
2021 |
32 |
51 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2021 |
32 |
51 |
专业必修 |
聚合物改性 |
2021 |
24 |
104 |
专业选修 |
材料与安全 |
2021 |
24 |
28 |
素质核心课程 |
聚合物表征 |
2020 |
32 |
56 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2020 |
32 |
56 |
专业必修 |
聚合物改性 |
2020 |
24 |
91 |
专业选修 |
材料与安全 |
2020 |
24 |
70 |
素质核心课程 |
聚合物改性 |
2019 |
24 |
96 |
专业选修 |
材料与安全 |
2019 |
24 |
81 |
素质核心课程 |
材料与安全 |
2019 |
24 |
100 |
素质核心课程 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2024 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2023 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2022 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2021 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2020 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
阻燃高分子材料 |
2019 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 无机纳米粒子的表面改性及在3D打印材料阻燃中的应用研究 ,材料科学与工程学院,项目时间: 至 2017-01-30
- 2. 纳米粒子功能化及其对聚苯乙烯泡沫的阻燃抑烟性能研究 ,材料科学与工程学院,项目时间: 至 2017-12-31
- 1. 微纳核壳结构填充体系构建及其对聚乳酸阻燃、抗老化、降解和循环的作用机制 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31
- 2. XJZ2024110071 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31
- 3. XJZ2022030015 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2021-10-01 至 2024-10-01
- 4. BHJG2021001 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2020-10-21 至 2023-12-31
- 5. 含磷硫二维材料的设计、改性及其在热塑性聚烯烃阻燃、抑烟中的应用 ,其他课题,项目时间:2019-05-01 至 2020-12-31
- 6. 生物基核-壳结构阻燃剂构建及其对聚乳酸燃烧、降解和增韧的影响机制 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31
- 7. 村镇建筑火灾灾变机理与适宜性防火理论体系 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2018-12-01 至 2022-12-31
- 8. 表面修饰微纳硅酸盐的分子构筑及其在防水、防火涂料中的应用 ,其他课题,项目时间:2018-07-01 至 2019-12-31
- 9. 碳纳米材料超分子修饰及多功能阻燃3D打印材料可控构筑和机理研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2018-01-03
- 1. 基于MOFs的阻燃、耐老化、可回收聚乳酸制备及作用机制研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-08-15 至 2026-08-31
- 2. 阻燃剂行业发展现状及最新技术进展 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-12-09 至 2023-12-08
- 3. 北京化工大学-山东东信阻燃科技有限公司关于成立“阻燃剂及阻燃材料联合工程技术中心”的协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-10-12 至 2025-10-11
- 4. 生物基含磷阻燃体系构建及其对锦纶/棉混纺织物燃烧与耐水洗性的影响机制 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-05-01 至 2023-12-31
- 5. 生物基含磷阻燃体系构建及其对锦纶/棉混纺织物燃烧与耐水洗性的影响机制 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-10-01 至 2022-10-31
- 6. 无卤阻燃ABS注塑专用料生产技术研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2024-06-30
- 7. 北京化工大学-宿迁联盛科技股份有限公司关于成立“阻燃耐候材料工程技术中心”的协议2 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-03-20 至 2023-12-31
- 8. 北京化工大学-广州埃登达化工有限公司关于成立“阻燃材料联合工程技术中心”的协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 9. 北京化工大学-廊坊北化高分子材料有限公司关于成立“高分子材料和功能母料研发中心”的协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2020-10-18 至 2026-10-17
- 10. 高分子材料燃烧性能测试及裂解产物分析 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-10-15 至 2021-02-28
- 11. 基于壳聚糖的全生物基核-壳结构阻燃剂构建及其在聚乳酸中的应用 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-06-18 至 2021-06-17
- 12. 生物质纤维织物阻燃技术研究与开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2019-11-05 至 2021-08-31
- 13. 电线电缆用辅助材料的阻燃技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2019-09-17 至 2022-09-16
- 14. 磷腈类阻燃剂的开发、性能评价及在医用高分子材料中的应用研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-03-10 至 2022-03-09
- 15. 高效功能化聚酰胺树脂基复合材料委托研究合同 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-12-14 至 2020-05-31
- 16. 新型阻燃橡塑保温板开发研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-01-10 至 2018-12-31
- 17. JG201717 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2017-08-01 至 2018-12-31
- 18. “北京化工大学-江磷集团阻燃剂联合实验室”设立合作协议 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-08-01 至 2020-07-31
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
5. DOI
Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
6. DOI
Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
11. DOI
A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
15. DOI
Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
16. DOI
Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
18. DOI
Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
37. DOI
A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
48. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
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刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
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Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
152. DOI
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155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
157. DOI
APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
158. DOI
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张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
160. DOI
161. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
166. DOI
167. DOI
Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
168. DOI
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171. DOI
张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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185. DOI
金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
186. DOI
氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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192. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
195. DOI
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
198. DOI
Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
203. DOI
Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
204. DOI
Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
211. DOI
张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
212. DOI
二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
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214. DOI
张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
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216. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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221. DOI
Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
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Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
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Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
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A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
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Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
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Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
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Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
37. DOI
A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
48. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
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Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
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82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
152. DOI
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
157. DOI
APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
158. DOI
159. DOI
张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
160. DOI
161. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
166. DOI
167. DOI
Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
168. DOI
169. DOI
170. DOI
171. DOI
张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
178. DOI
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185. DOI
金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
186. DOI
氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
189. DOI
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192. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
195. DOI
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
198. DOI
Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
203. DOI
Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
204. DOI
Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
207. DOI
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209. DOI
Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
211. DOI
张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
212. DOI
二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
213. DOI
214. DOI
张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
215. DOI
216. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
217. DOI
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221. DOI
Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
5. DOI
Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
6. DOI
Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
11. DOI
A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
15. DOI
Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
16. DOI
Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
18. DOI
Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
37. DOI
A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
48. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
75. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
96. DOI
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
152. DOI
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154. DOI
155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
157. DOI
APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
158. DOI
159. DOI
张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
160. DOI
161. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
166. DOI
167. DOI
Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
168. DOI
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171. DOI
张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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185. DOI
金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
186. DOI
氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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192. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
195. DOI
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
198. DOI
Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
203. DOI
Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
204. DOI
Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
211. DOI
张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
212. DOI
二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
213. DOI
214. DOI
张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
215. DOI
216. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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221. DOI
Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
5. DOI
Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
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Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
11. DOI
A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
15. DOI
Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
16. DOI
Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
18. DOI
Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
37. DOI
A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
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Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
75. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
152. DOI
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155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
157. DOI
APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
158. DOI
159. DOI
张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
160. DOI
161. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
166. DOI
167. DOI
Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
168. DOI
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171. DOI
张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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185. DOI
金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
186. DOI
氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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192. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
195. DOI
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
198. DOI
Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
203. DOI
Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
204. DOI
Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
211. DOI
张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
212. DOI
二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
213. DOI
214. DOI
张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
215. DOI
216. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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221. DOI
Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
5. DOI
Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
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Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
11. DOI
A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
15. DOI
Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
16. DOI
Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
18. DOI
Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
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A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
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Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
75. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
96. DOI
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
152. DOI
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154. DOI
155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
157. DOI
APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
158. DOI
159. DOI
张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
160. DOI
161. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
166. DOI
167. DOI
Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
168. DOI
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171. DOI
张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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185. DOI
金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
186. DOI
氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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192. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
195. DOI
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
198. DOI
Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
203. DOI
Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
204. DOI
Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
211. DOI
张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
212. DOI
二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
213. DOI
214. DOI
张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
215. DOI
216. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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221. DOI
Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
2. DOI
Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
4. DOI
Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
5. DOI
Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
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Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
9. DOI
Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
11. DOI
A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
14. DOI
Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
15. DOI
Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
16. DOI
Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
17. DOI
杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
18. DOI
Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
24. DOI
Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
25. DOI
A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
28. DOI
A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
31. DOI
Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
34. DOI
Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
37. DOI
A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
38. DOI
Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
47. DOI
Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
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Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
75. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
96. DOI
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
134. DOI
Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
135. DOI
136. DOI
谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
137. DOI
Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
138. DOI
Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
139. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
140. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
141. DOI
Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
142. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
143. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
144. DOI
张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
145. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
146. DOI
JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
147. DOI
Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
148. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
149. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
150. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
151. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
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155. DOI
Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
156. DOI
Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
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APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
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张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
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Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
162. DOI
Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
163. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
164. DOI
165. DOI
张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
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Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
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张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
172. DOI
Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
173. DOI
张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
174. DOI
张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
175. DOI
176. DOI
Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
177. DOI
Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
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氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
193. DOI
Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
194. DOI
Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
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Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
199. DOI
Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
200. DOI
Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
201. DOI
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
202. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
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Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
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Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Tang, Wufei,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
210. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
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张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
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二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
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张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
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Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
222. DOI
223. DOI
Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
224. DOI
Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
225. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
1. DOI
陈锋,齐鹏,刘俭,Xia, Gang,Fei, Bin,孙军,Xin, John H.,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-11-15
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Bio-based phytic acid-induced polypyrrole/silver nanowires coating towards multifunctional nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-27
3. DOI
何艺芳,崔心雨,刘志硕,FUJIE lan,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
A new approach to prepare flame retardant epoxy resin with excellent transmittance, mechanical properties, and anti-aging performance by the incorporation of DOPO derivative[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-26
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Eco-friendly flame retardant coating based on ammonium polyphosphate and tyramine for lyocell fabrics[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-10-21
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Improve the flame retardancy and scratch resistance of polycarbonate by introducing Si/P/N contained transparent coatings[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-10-07
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Constructing flame retardant silica nanoparticles through styrene maleic anhydride copolymer grafting for PC/ABS composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2023-10-07
7. DOI
陈烽,刘健,刘健,GANG XIA,BIN FEI,孙军,辛浩忠,张胜
Rationally designed lentinan outer layer to improve the comprehensive performance of flame-retardant cotton fabrics [期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-10-05
8. DOI
Chen, Feng,Qi, Peng,刘俭,Qian, Lijun,Sheng, Qi,陈锦轩,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Fully bio-based flame retardant and antibacterial coating for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2023-09-01
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Constructing lignin based nanoparticles towards flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane composites with improved mechanical and oxidation resistant properties[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-08-28
10. DOI
董新新,朱涛,Liu, Guoqing,陈锦轩,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Brominated flame retardants coated separators for high-safety lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-08-01
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A new strategy for the preparation of polylactic acid composites with flame retardancy, UV resistance, degradation, and recycling performance[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-07-24
12. DOI
张竞帆,朱涛,Lan, Fujie,刘俭,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,赵景茂,张胜
Flame Retardant and Shape-Stable Polycarbonate-Based Phase Change Material for Thermal Management[会议论文],SSRN,2023-06-16
13. DOI
王兴国,Qi, P.,Zhang, S.J.,江盛玲,李彦超,孙军,Fei, B.,谷晓昱,张胜
A novel flame-retardant modification strategy for UiO66-NH2 by encapsulating triethyl phosphate: preparation, characterization, and multifunctional application in poly (lactic acid)[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-06-01
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Improving the hygroscopicity and flame retardancy of polyamide 6 fabrics by surface coating with β-FeOOH and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-06-01
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Fully bio-based coating for nylon/cotton blend fabrics with improved flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties[期刊论文],progress in organic coatings,2023-05-22
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Interfacial architecting of long-acting hyperbranched flame retardant with high efficiency towards smoke-suppressed flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2023-05-22
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杨晓梅,邱爽,Abdulmalik Yusuf,孙军,Zhongjie Zhai,Junhuan Zhao, Guang-Zhong Yin
Recent advances in flame retardant and mechanical properties of polylactic acid: A review[期刊论文],International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023-05-18
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Study on the biodegradation of polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate/ starch film containing deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2023-04-15
19. DOI
Yang, Jingjing,花艺舫,孙军,Wang, Xianming,谷晓昱,张胜
A Boron-Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate for Epoxy Resins with Enhanced Flame Retardancy and Reduced Smoke Release[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS,2023-04-01
20. DOI
王迪,姜鹏,Chen, Zhilin,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Flame retardant research on innovative lightweight wood-plastic composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2023-04-01
21. DOI
Fabrication of a transparent, flame retardant, and antimicrobial epoxy resin by a novel phosphorus-containing Schiff base molecule[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-03-01
22. DOI
Environmental benign foam finishing with a hyperbranched polyphosphonate flame retardant for polyethylene terephthalate fabric[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2023-03-01
23. DOI
崔正,Chen, Yu,孟丹,王舒衡,Sun, Tongbing,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Reactive flame-retardants prepared by transesterification between erythritol and dimethyl methyl phosphonate for rigid polyurethane foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023-02-01
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Ultra washing durable flame retardant coating for cotton fabric by the covalent bonding and interface polymerization[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
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A biomimetic structured bio-based flame retardant coating on flexible polyurethane foam with low smoke release and antibacterial ability[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2023-01-01
26. DOI
孟丹,王凯蒿,王舒衡,Qiu, Yong,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,张胜
Preparation of ultra-flame retardant wood materials with mechanical reinforcement and water resistance through biomimetic mineralization of carbonated apatite[期刊论文],Cellulose,2023-01-01
27. DOI
Constructing a bio-based flame retardant coating through co-depositing polydopamine and guanosine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt (GMP) for flexible polyurethane foam[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2023-01-01
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A Review of Durable Flame-Retardant Fabrics by Finishing: Fabrication Strategies and Challenges[期刊论文],Advanced Fiber Materials,2023-01-01
29. DOI
何艺芳,花艺舫,陈锦轩,王君明,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Phosphorus–Nitrogen-Containing Flame Retardant by Supramolecular Reaction and its Application in Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Advanced Engineering Materials,2023-01-01
30. DOI
Flame retardant and anti-dripping surface treatment through a co-deposition of polydopamine/polyphosphonamide for fabric and foam materials[期刊论文],Composites Part B: Engineering,2022-12-01
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Constructing cross-functional intumescent flame retardants with UV resistance for polypropylene composites[期刊论文],Materials Today Chemistry,2022-12-01
32. DOI
刘志硕,陈锦轩,花艺舫,Qian, Lijun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Toward a deep understanding of the difference between isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene on the fire performance and degradation behavior[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-12-01
33. DOI
To improve the flame retardancy, mechanical properties and degradation rate of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by divinybenzene-maleic anhydride microsphere[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-11-01
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Constructing interlayers with micro-nano particles to enhance the fire safety and polysulfide adsorption ability of polypropylene separators for lithium-sulfur batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Power Sources,2022-10-15
35. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,孙军,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the fire performance and washing durability of nylon-cotton blend fabrics by the incorporation taurine derivatives[期刊论文],Progress in Organic Coatings,2022-10-01
36. DOI
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A Facile Immobilization Strategy for Soluble Phosphazene to Actualize Stable and Safe Lithium–Sulfur Batteries[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-22
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Constructing a fully bio-based coating to improve the flame retardancy, antibacterial property and UV resistance of polyamide 6 fabrics[期刊论文],ACS Applie Engineering Materials,2022-09-20
39. DOI
黎璐,齐鹏,彭安杰,孙军,崔正,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Preparation of durable flame retardant nylon-cotton blend fabrics by 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane associated with polyethyleneimine and phytic acid[期刊论文],Cellulose,2022-09-01
40. DOI
Oriented growth of LDH for constructing multifunctional cotton fabric with flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and filtering capability[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-09-01
41. DOI
Constructing flame-retardant gel polymer electrolytes via multiscale free radical annihilating agents for Ni-rich lithium batteries[期刊论文],Energy Storage Materials,2022-09-01
42. DOI
陈巧玲,张竞帆,李家驌,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Synthesis of a novel triazine-based intumescent flame retardant and its effects on the fire performance of expanded polystyrene foams[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-09-01
43. DOI
李家驌,王舒衡,Zhang, Gengyuan,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
Burning behavior analysis of polypropylene composite containing poly-siloxane encapsulated expandable graphite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
44. DOI
Preparation of 4-formylphenylboronic modified chitosan and its effects on the flame retardancy of poly(lactic acid)[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
45. DOI
徐书榕,刘健,Liu, Xuan,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxides and its application in thermoplastic polyurethane with flame retardancy and smoke suppression[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-08-01
46. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李雨纯,朱涛,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
Life cycle design of fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composites with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and degradation capacity[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-01
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Constructing a novel synergistic flame retardant by hybridization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 and graphene oxide for thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2022-07-01
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Eco-friendly flame retardant and smoke suppression coating containing boron compounds and phytic acids for nylon/cotton blend fabrics[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-06-21
49. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Cheng, Xianwei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Improving the flame retardant and antibacterial performance of polyester/cotton blend fabrics with organic-inorganic hybrid coating[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-06-01
50. DOI
Chitosan/sodium polyborate based micro-nano coating with high flame retardancy and superhydrophobicity for cotton fabric[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022-04-30
51. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜,Tang, Wufei,Bourbigot, Serge
The preparation of polyamide 11 composites with extremely long ignition time[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2022-04-01
52. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
53. DOI
李雨纯,薛柏琼,齐鹏,谷晓昱,孙军,李洪飞,Lin, Junyi,张胜
The synergistic effect between bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and polysiloxane on the photo-aging resistance and flame retardancy of polypropylene[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
54. DOI
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
55. DOI
刘钦勇,Chen, Xingyu,朱桂阳,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Jin, Xiaodong
Preparation of a novel supramolecular intumescent flame retardants containing P/N/S/Fe/Zn and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2022-03-01
56. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
57. DOI
王磊,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,孙军,江盛玲,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing the thermostability, UV shielding and antimicrobial activity of transparent chitosan film by carbon quantum dots containing N/P[期刊论文],Carbohydrate Polymers,2022-02-15
58. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
59. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
60. DOI
樊海舟,赵景茂,张竞帆,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Liu, Fang,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
TiO2/SiO2/kaolinite hybrid filler to improve the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and anti-aging characteristics of epoxy resin[期刊论文],Materials Chemistry and Physics,2022-02-01
61. DOI
邱爽,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,张胜
A green way to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet aging properties of polylactide composites by the incorporation of tannic acid derivatives[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022-02-01
62. DOI
Impregnation of phytic acid into the delignified wood to realize excellent flame retardant[期刊论文],Industrial Crops and Products,2022-02-01
63. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
64. DOI
李雨纯,邱爽,孙军,任亚静,王舒衡,王兴国,王雯嘉,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
A new strategy to prepare fully bio-based poly(lactic acid) composite with high flame retardancy, UV resistance, and rapid degradation in soil[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-01-15
65. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
66. DOI
王兴国,李雨纯,孟丹,谷晓昱,孙军,胡源,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
A Review on Flame-Retardant Polyvinyl Alcohol: Additives and Technologies[期刊论文],Polymer Reviews,2022-01-01
67. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
68. DOI
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
69. DOI
Synthesis of a DOPO Derivative to Improve the Fire Safety and Mechanical Performance of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2022-01-01
70. DOI
李贺福,孟丹,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Fabrication of a hybrid from metal organic framework and sepiolite (ZIF-8@SEP) for reducing the fire hazards in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2022-01-01
71. DOI
Enhancing the flame retardancy and UV resistance of polyamide 6 by introducing ternary supramolecular aggregates[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-01-01
72. DOI
Improving flame retardant and mechanical properties of ethylene–vinyl acetate by cured compound silicone decorated magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2022-01-01
73. DOI
王兴国,Liu, Chang,孟丹,孙军,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface integration of polyelectrolyte and zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 for multifunctional poly (lactic acid) non-woven fabrics[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-12-15
74. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
75. DOI
Improving the flame retardancy and accelerating the degradation of poly (lactic acid) in soil by introducing fully bio-based additives[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021-12-15
76. DOI
张慧敏,孟丹,王雯嘉,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Xin, Fei,Qin, Zuodong,Tang, Wufei
Fabrication of phytic acid embellished kaolinite and its effect on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of ethylene vinyl acetate composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-12-10
77. DOI
王凯蒿,王舒衡,孟丹,陈栋,Mu, Chenzhong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜
A facile preparation of environmentally-benign and flame-retardant coating on wood by comprising polysilicate and boric acid[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2021-12-01
78. DOI
吴泉,崔心雨,Mu, Chenzhong,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Toward a new approach to synchronously improve the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by the incorporation of facilely synthesized ammonium polyphosphate derivatives[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-11-01
79. DOI
郭倩倩,杨宇帆,李露,孙军,Liu, Wei,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Construction of bio-safety flame retardant coatings on polyethylene terephthalate fabric with ammonium phytate and cyclodextrin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-11-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Jin, Xiaodong,Cui, Suping,Sun, Shibing,孙军,张胜
The Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid Composites with Chitin-Based Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-10-01
83. DOI
孟丹,刘晓东,王舒衡,孙军,李洪飞,Wang, Zhongwei,谷晓昱,张胜
Self-healing polyelectrolyte complex coating for flame retardant flexible polyurethane foam with enhanced mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-08-15
84. DOI
杨宇帆,王兴国,Fei, Bin,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation of phytic acid-based green intumescent flame retardant and its application in PLA nonwovens[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
85. DOI
高臣臣,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Mu, Chenzhong,张胜
A phosphate covalent organic framework: Synthesis and applications in epoxy resin with outstanding fire performance and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-08-01
86. DOI
张竞帆,Wang, Huqun,孙文翔,张志远,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
Surface modification on ammonium polyphosphate and its enhanced flame retardancy in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-08-01
87. DOI
吴泉,Liu, Yanxiang,Han, Zhongqiang,苏明,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Surface modification of bamboo fibers by diammonium phosphate and their applications in flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-07-05
88. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Tawiah, Benjamin,Noor, Nuruzzaman,Zhang, Zheng,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Bin Fei
A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2021-06-15
89. DOI
王舒衡,蒋义冲,孟玉娟,李雨纯,Han, Zhongqiang,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
The encapsulation of intumescent flame retardants by poly-siloxane for thermoplastic polyolefin: Fire safety and water resistance[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-06-01
90. DOI
91. DOI
Zhou, Yuyang,Lin, Yichao,Tawiah, Benjamin,孙军,Yuen, Richard K. K.,Fei, Bin
DOPO-Decorated Two-Dimensional MXene Nanosheets for Flame-Retardant, Ultraviolet-Protective, and Reinforced Polylactide Composites[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
92. DOI
张胜,蒋义冲,孙永远,孙军,Xu, Bo,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Preparation of flame retardant and conductive epoxy resin composites by incorporating functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite sheets[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-05-01
93. DOI
A cocktail strategy for enhancing flame retardance and water resistance of butyl acrylate coatings[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2021-04-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
薛柏琼,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,孙军,刘晓东,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜,江盛玲,张志远
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2021-03-15
96. DOI
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Self-intumescent polyelectrolyte for flame retardant poly (lactic acid) nonwovens[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
99. DOI
王舒衡,李家驌,王雯嘉,王兴国,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: Flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2021-01-01
100. DOI
Xue, Qingxia,吴泉,姚远,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,Song, Weiguo,Yan, Fang,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant forpolylactic acidcomposites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2021-01-01
101. DOI
A novel hollow microsphere acting on crystallization, mechanical, and thermal performance of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)[期刊论文],Polymer Crystallization,2021-01-01
102. DOI
Tawiah, Benjamin,Zhou, Yuyang,Yuen, Richard K. K.,孙军,Fei, Bin
Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly (lactic acid) with excellent UV protection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-12-15
103. DOI
王雯嘉,王菊琳,王兴国,王舒衡,刘晓东,Qi, Peng,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, Wufei,张胜,谷晓昱
Improving flame retardancy and self-cleaning performance of cotton fabric via a coating of in-situ growing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on polydopamine[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-12-01
104. DOI
Photoaging and Fire Performance of Polypropylene Containing Melamine Phosphate[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS,2020-11-13
105. DOI
刘晓东,孟晓伟,孙军,唐武飞,陈寿,彭晓华,谷晓昱,Fei, Bin,Bourbigot, Serge,张胜
Improving the flame retardant properties of polyester-cotton blend fabrics by introducing an intumescent coating via layer by layer assembly[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-11-05
106. DOI
曹博,余亭,孙军,谷晓昱,刘晓东,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Improving the fire performance and smoke suppression of expandable polystyrene foams by coating with multi-dimensional carbon nanoparticles[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-10-20
107. DOI
Wang, shuheng,li jiasu,wang,wenjia,Wang, xingguo,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Silicone filled halloysite nanotubes for polypropylene composites: flame retardancy, smoke suppression and mechanical property[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2020-10-16
108. DOI
wuquan,li xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
A bio-safe cyclophosphazene derivative flame retardant for polylactic acid composites: Flammability and cytotoxicity[期刊论文],Polymers for Advanced Technologies,2020-10-08
109. DOI
Meng, Xiaowei,Qi, Peng,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱
Fabrication of transparent clay-polymer hybrid coatings on PET film to enhance flame retardancy and oxygen barrier properties[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-10-01
110. DOI
王明航,吴泉,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,Fei, Bin,张胜
Surface Modification of Cellulose Microcrystalline with Aluminate Coupling Agent and Its Effects on Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2020-10-01
111. DOI
纪文斐,姚远,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Toward an understanding of how red phosphorus and expandable graphite enhance the fire resistance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-09-15
112. DOI
Feng Weihua,Wang Yufei,Tang Bo,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Suppression on heat and smoke diffusion by zirconium nitride (ZrN) in intumescent flame retardant epoxy coatings[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-09-01
113. DOI
xue boqiong,li yuchun,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Enhancing flame retardant and antistatic properties of polyamide 6 by a grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020-06-20
114. DOI
115. DOI
Wang, Wenjia,Guo, Jia,Liu, Xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,王菊琳,张胜,Li, Wei
Constructing eco-friendly flame retardant coating on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer self-assembly[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-06-01
116. DOI
王明航,余亭,冯政玉,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,张胜
Preparation of 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane modified cellulose microcrystalline and their applications as flame retardant and reinforcing agents in epoxy resin[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-06-01
117. DOI
Wang, Di,Guo, Jia,Su, Ming,孙军,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
The Application of a Novel Char Source From Petroleum Refining Waste in Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2020-05-01
118. DOI
张胜,张庆宇,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,刘晓东,Fei, Bin
Simultaneously improving the fire performance and toughness of polylactic acid by reactive blending with castor oil-based polyurethane and ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2020-05-01
119. DOI
吴泉,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,Li, Xinjian,孙军,谷晓昱,李洪飞,张胜
Synthesis of a novel polyhydroxy triazine-based charring agent and its effects on improving the flame retardancy of polypropylene with ammonium polyphosphate and zinc borate[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-05-01
120. DOI
张胜,Tang, Wufei,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,Chen, Shou,Peng, Xiaohua,Bourbigot, Serge
Fabrication of Fly Ash-Based Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Oxides Loaded with Zinc and its Synergistic Fire Resistancy in Polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2020-05-01
121. DOI
谷晓昱,王雨霏,刘晓东,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,金晓冬,Tang, Wufei
Efficient approach to enhancing the fire resistance of polypropylene by modified microporous aluminosilicate from kaolinite as synergist[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-05-01
122. DOI
Wang, Shuheng,Wang, Xingguo,wang,xuan,李洪飞,孙军,Sun, Wenxiang,Yao, Yuan,谷晓昱,张胜
Surface coated rigid polyurethane foam with durable flame retardancy and improved mechanical property[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-01
123. DOI
Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,LI WANG,孙军,江盛玲,张胜,杨万泰,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Effects of divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer hollow microspheres on crystallization behaviors, mechanical properties and heat resistance of poly(l-lactide acid)[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2020-04-01
124. DOI
纪文斐,王迪,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of starch derivatives reacted with urea-phosphoric acid and effects on fire performance of expandable polystyrene foams[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020-04-01
125. DOI
张胜,李雨纯,Guo, Jia,谷玲玲,李洪飞,Fei, Bin,孙军,谷晓昱
Preparation of hexakis (4-aldehyde phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene grafted kaolinite and its synergistic fire resistance in poly (butylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2020-03-01
126. DOI
朱涛,Guo, Jia,Fei, Bin,冯政玉,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation of methacrylic acid modified microcrystalline cellulose and their applications in polylactic acid: flame retardancy, mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior[期刊论文],CELLULOSE,2020-03-01
127. DOI
王兴国,王舒衡,王雯嘉,李洪飞,刘晓东,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,Wang, Zhongwei,孙军,张胜
The flammability and mechanical properties of poly (lactic acid) composites containing Ni-MOF nanosheets with polyhydroxy groups[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-15
128. DOI
Wang, Huawei,Qiao, Hu,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,张胜,谷晓昱
Preparation of cobalt-based metal organic framework and its application as synergistic flame retardant in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
Tang, Bo,Feng, Weihua,Guo, Jia,孙军,张胜,谷晓昱,李洪飞,杨万泰
Hydrophobic modification of pentaerythritol and its application in fireretardant coatings for steel structures[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2020-01-01
132. DOI
Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-09-15
133. DOI
Jing, Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Chen, Yu,Sun, Tongbing
Doping of aluminum (Al) into copper sulfide (CuS) nanocrystals enhanced their solar spectral selectivity[期刊论文],CRYSTENGCOMM,2019-09-07
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Wang, Xingguo,孙军,Liu, Xiaodong,江盛玲,王菊琳,李洪飞,Bourbigot, Serge,谷晓昱,张胜
An effective flame retardant containing hypophosphorous acid for poly (lactic acid): Fire performance, thermal stability and mechanical properties[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2019-09-01
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谷晓昱,Sun, Wenxiang,Guo, Jia,Bu, Xiangxing,李洪飞,张胜,孙军
Fabrication of hydrotalcite containing N/P/S and its ternary synergistic efficiency on thermostability and fire resistance of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF VINYL & ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
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Gu, Lingling,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Tang, WuFei,Zhao, Liqian,谷晓昱
Preparation of Intumescent Flame Retardant Poly(butylene succinate) Using Urea Intercalated Kaolinite as Synergistic Agent[期刊论文],FIBERS AND POLYMERS,2019-08-01
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Kormakov, S.,吴大鸣,孙军,Gao, X.,He, X.,Zheng, X.,Skopincev, I,Memetov, N.,Tkachev, A.,Zhi, Z.
The electrical conductive behaviours of polymer-based three-phase composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly[期刊论文],EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS,2019-08-01
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Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],Prog Org Coatings,2019-04-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf,2019-04-01
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Liu, Xuelian,Guo, Jia,孙军,谷晓昱,Feng, Weihua,Liu, Wei,李洪飞,张胜
The preparation of a bisphenol A epoxy resin based ammonium polyphosphate ester and its effect on the char formation of fire resistant transparent coating[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2019-04-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Enhancing the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane by introducing montmorillonite nanosheets modified with phosphorylated chitosan[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-04-01
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JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of an intumescent flame retardant by ion exchange and its application in polylactic acid[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019-03-30
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张胜,Jia, Guo,Yongyuan, Sun,Zhaoxia, Lv,Xiaodong, Jin,Xiaodong, Liu,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Enhancing the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by guanidine sulfamate-modified carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanotubes versus graphite oxide[期刊论文],Polymer Composites,2019-03-01
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JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
The preparation of a bio-polyelectrolytes based core-shell structure and its application in flame retardant polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING,2019-03-01
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JIN XIAODONG,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
A new approach on improving the fire resistance of polyamide 11 by incorporating sulfur based flame retardant[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2019-02-22
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Feng, Zhengyu,Guo, Jia,Yan, Yongxin,孙军,张胜,Wang, Wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞
Modification of mesoporous silica with phosphotungstic acid and its effects on the combustion and thermal behavior of polylactic acid composites[期刊论文],Polym Degradation Stab,2019-02-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019-02-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜,Guo, Jia,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Effects of carboxymethyl chitosan microencapsulated melamine polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and water resistance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-02-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,Qin, Shuang,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Grunlan, Jaime C.
Combination Intumescent and Kaolin-Filled Multilayer Nanocoatings that Reduce Polyurethane Flammability[期刊论文],Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2019-01-01
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Ran, Guowen,Liu, Xiaodong,Guo, Jia,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱,张胜
Improving the flame retardancy and water resistance of polylactic acid by introducing polyborosiloxane microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],Compos Part B: Eng,2019-01-01
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Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,张胜,孙军,谷晓昱
The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS,2018-10-01
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Tang, Wufei,Han, Jinpeng,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,谷晓昱
Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing la from kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-10-01
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APP/MAH-C 9 协效阻燃聚醚型TPU的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2018-09-20
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张胜,Jin, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,李洪飞,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军
The preparation of fully bio-based flame retardant poly(lactic acid) composites containing casein[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-09-05
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Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
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Sun, Wenxiang,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong
Synergistic effect of kaolinite/halloysite on the flammability and thermostability of polypropylene[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-05
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张胜,Tang, Wufei,Guo, Jia,Jin, Xiaodong,李洪飞,谷晓昱,孙军
Improvement of flame retardancy and thermal stability of polypropylene by P-type hydrated silica aluminate containing lanthanum[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2018-08-01
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张胜,Ji, Wenfei,Han, Yi,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Flame-retardant expandable polystyrene foams coated with ethanediol-modified melamine-formaldehyde resin and microencapsulated ammonium polyphosphate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-06-20
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Jing Jiang,谷晓昱,张胜,李洪飞,孙军,Chen Yu
Preparation and Study of High Reflective Near Infrared Heat-Insulation Film[期刊论文],SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS,2018-06-01
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张胜,yongxin yan,wang, wenjia,谷晓昱,李洪飞,孙军
Intercalation of phosphotungstic acid into layered double hydroxides by reconstruction method and its application in intumescent flame retardant poly (lactic acid) composites[期刊论文],polymer degradation and stability,2018-02-14
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Is there any way to simultaneously enhance both the flame retardancy and toughness of polylactic acid?[期刊论文],polymer composites,2018-02-14
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张胜,TIAN YING,谷晓昱,孙军,wufei,tang
Improving the flame resistance and thermal conductivity of ethylene-vinyl acetate composites by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-modified graphite and carbon nanotubes[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2018-02-14
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张胜,liu xiaodong,jin xiaodong,李洪飞,孙军,谷晓昱
The novel application of chitosan: Effects of cross-linked chitosan on the fire performance of thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2018-02-14
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Yan Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and Characterization of Intumescent Flame Retardant Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites Based on Sulfamic Acid Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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Yan, Yongxin,谷晓昱,Li, Limin,李洪飞,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of intumescent flame retardant biodegradable poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites based on sulfamic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Fibers and Polymers,2017-11-01
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金晓冬,谷晓昱,Chen, Chen,Tang, Wufei,李洪飞,Liu, Xiaodong,Bourbigot, Serge,Zhang, Zongwen,孙军,张胜
The fire performance of polylactic acid containing a novel intumescent flame retardant and intercalated layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-10-01
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氢氧化铝 / 氢氧化镁复配提高乙烯 - 醋酸乙烯共聚物阻燃性能[期刊论文],中国塑料,2017-09-26
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The intercalation of ammonium sulfamate into kaolinite and its effect on the fire performance of polypropylene[期刊论文],Journal of thermoplastic composite materials,2017-09-15
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Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,Zhang, Jessica Shiqing,谷晓昱,Bourbigot, Serge,李洪飞,Tang, Wufei,张胜
Preparation of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant Based on Supramolecular Interactions and Its Application in Polyamide 11[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-07-26
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Improving the mechanical properties and flame retardancy of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by introducing bis [3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl] tetrasulfide modified magnesium hydroxide[期刊论文],Surface and Interface Analysis,2017-07-01
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Liu, Xiaodong,谷晓昱,孙军,张胜
Preparation and characterization of chitosan derivatives and their application as flame retardants in thermoplastic polyurethane[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-07-01
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Improving the Flame Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites by Incorporating Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene-Modified Graphite and arbon Nanotubes[期刊论文],polymer composites,2017-02-12
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Effects of surface acid-activated kaolinite on the fire performance of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-02-10
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Chen, Chen,谷晓昱,Jin, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The effect of chitosan on the flammability and thermal stability of polylactic acid / ammonium polyphosphate biocomposites[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017-02-10
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Cao, Bo,谷晓昱,Song, Xiaohui,Jin, Xiaodong,Liu, Xinyu,Liu, Xiaodong,孙军,张胜
The flammability of expandable polystyrene foams coated with melamine modified urea formaldehyde resin[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-02-05
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Synthesis of 4A zeolite containing La from Kaolinite and its effect on the flammability of polypropylene[期刊论文],Polymer composites,2017-02-01
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Jin, Xiaodong,Chen, Chen,孙军,Zhang, Xing,谷晓昱,张胜
The synergism between melamine and expandable graphite on improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 11[期刊论文],HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS,2017-02-01
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Preparation of thiourea-intercalated kaolinite and its influence on thermostability and flammability of polypropylene composite[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Science,2017-01-01
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Zhang, Miao,Zhang, B.Y.,赵洪康,Zhao, Yue,孙军,Ren, Z.Q.,Li, Q.S.
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of flow-guided jet packing tray[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2017-01-01
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Effects of kaolinite nanoroll on the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites[期刊论文],Applied Clay Science,2016-11-01
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Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Composite Containing Ammonium Sulfamate Intercalated Kaolinite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-07-20
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张胜,Tang, Wufei,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军,Sophie, Duquesne,Bourbigot, Serge,Casetta, Mathilde
Flame retardancy and thermal and mechanical performance of intercalated, layered double hydroxide composites of polyamide 11, aluminum phosphinate, and sulfamic acid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-05-20
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张胜,wufei Tang,孙军,江玉,xiangxing Bu,谷晓昱
Synergistic Effects of Modified Hydrotalcite on Improving the Fire Resistance of Ethylene Vinyl AcetateContaining Intumescent Flame Retardants[期刊论文],polymer composites,2016-03-24
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二乙基次膦酸铝 / 淀粉阻燃聚乳酸的研究[期刊论文],塑料工业,2016-03-20
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张胜,Liu, Xishan,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,孙军
Flammability and Thermal Behavior of Polypropylene Composites Containing Dihydrogen Phosphate Anion-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides[期刊论文],POLYMER COMPOSITES,2015-12-01
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Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,徐日炜,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Flammability and thermal degradation of poly (lactic acid)/polycarbonate alloys containing a phosphazene derivative and trisilanollsobutyl POSS[期刊论文],POLYMER,2015-11-19
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Zou, Huan,孙军,谷晓昱,Jiang, Peng,Liu, Xi-shan,张胜
Preparation and characterization of flame retardant and low smoke releasing oil-resistant EVA/NBR blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2015-04-01
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Coquelle, Mathieu,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Bourbigot, Serge
Flame Retardancy of PA6 Using a Guanidine Sulfamate/Melamine Polyphosphate Mixture[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2015-02-01
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Jiang, Peng,谷晓昱,张胜,孙军,Wu, Shende,Zhao, Qian
Syntheses and Characterization of Four Phosphaphenanthrene and Phosphazene-based Flame Retardants[期刊论文],PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS,2014-12-02
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孙军,谷晓昱,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde,张胜
Effects of melamine polyphosphate and halloysite nanotubes on the flammability and thermal behavior of polyamide 6[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-12-01
226. DOI
孙军,谷晓昱,张胜,Coquelle, Mathieu,Bourbigot, Serge,Duquesne, Sophie,Casetta, Mathilde
Improving the flame retardancy of polyamide 6 by incorporating hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene modified MWNT[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2014-10-01
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孙军,Gu, Xiaoyu,Dong, Qiulan,Zhang, Sheng,刘伟,Li, Lingyao,Chen, Xiaosui
Durable flame-retardant finishing for polyamide 66 fabrics by surface hydroxymethylation and crosslinking[期刊论文],POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES,2013-01-01
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