

Associate Professor Trainee  PhD in Theoretical Physics

Department: College of Mathematics and Physics Field: Theoretical Physics

Email: pzhang@buct.edu.cn Office: 215, Wenli Building

ORCID: 0000-0001-8022-3009 DBLP:

10 Visits


My research interests mainly include particle physics, quantum field theory, and the production and annihilation of heavy quarkonium. Currently, I am particularly focused on issues related to factorization and multi-loop diagram calculations.


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Social Activities


Particle physics, hadron physics, quantum field theory;

Factorization, hadronization mechanisms, production and annihilation of heavy quarkonium;

Multi-loop Feynman diagram calculations, precise tests of the Standard Model.


mainly teaches general physics and university physics experiments.



  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project, Research on Fragmentation Processes in the Production of Heavy Quarkonium, January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025.

  2. Central Universities Basic Scientific Research Fund Free Exploration Project, Fragmentation Production of Heavy Quarkonium and High-Loop Tests of NRQCD Factorization, January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022.

Vertical Project

Horizontal Project


  1. P. Zhang, C. Meng, Y.-Q. Ma, and K.-T. Chao, Gluon fragmentation into 3PJ[1,8] quark pair and test of NRQCD factorization at two-loop level, JHEP 08 (2021) 111 [arXiv:2011.04905].

  2. X. Liu, Y.-Q. Ma, W. Tao, and P. Zhang, Calculation of Feynman loop integration and phase-space integration via auxiliary mass flow, Chin. Phys. C 45 (2021) 013115 [arXiv:2009.07987].

  3. P. Zhang, C.-Y. Wang, X. Liu, Y.-Q. Ma, C. Meng, and K.-T. Chao, Semi-analytical calculation of gluon fragmentation into1S[1,8] quarkonia at next-to-leading order, JHEP 04 (2019) 116 [arXiv:1810.07656].

  4. P. Zhang, Y.-Q. Ma, Q. Chen, and K.-T. Chao, Analytical calculation for the gluon fragmentation into spin-triplet S-wave quarkonium, Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 094016 [arXiv:1708.01129].




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