


Research direction: Theoretical Physics

Education: Doctor

  • Department: Mathematics and Physics
  • ORCID:
  • DBLP:

10 Access

  • Email: zhiguo.he@buct.edu.cn
  • Office : 419


My research area is high energy particle physics. I am mainly interested in studying the production and decay mechanism of heavy quarkonium states with effective field theory approach.


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My research area is high energy particle physics. I am mainly interested  in studying the production and decay mechanism of heavy quarkonium  states with effective field theory approach.


2024-2025  Autumn Semester       College Physics Experiments             




Vertical Project

Horizontal Project


 34. Next-to-leading-order relativistic and QCD corrections to prompt J/ψ pair photopro-

duction at future e+ e− colliders

Zhi-Guo He, Xiao-Bo Jin and Bernd A. Kniehl Chin. Phys. C48, 083107 (2024)

33. Relativistic corrections to prompt double charmonium hadroproduction near threshold

Zhi-Guo He, Xiao-Bo Jin and Bernd A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. D109, 094013 (2024)

32. Double prompt J/ψ production at hadron colliders

Zhi-Guo He, Bernd A. Kniehl, Maxim A. Nefedov and Vladimir A. Saleev

Mod.Phys.Lett. A36, 2130018 (2021)

31. Inclusive J/ψ and ηc production in Υ decay at O(αs 5) in non-relativistic QCD Factor-


Zhi-Guo He,Bernd A. Kniehl, and Xiang-Peng Wang Phys. Rev. D101, 074002


30. QED contribution to J/ψ production with light hadrons at B factories

Zhi-Guo He, and Jian-Xiong Wang Phys. Rev. D100, 114025 (2020)

29. Double Prompt J/ψ hadroproduction in the Parton Reggeization approach with BFKL


Zhi-Guo He, Bernd A. Kniehl, Maxim A. Nefedov and Vladimir A. Saleev

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 162001 (2019)

28. Deciphering the X(3872) via its polarization in prompt production at the CERN LHC

M. Butenschoen, Zhi-Guo He, and Bernd A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 032001


27. Breakdown of Nonrelativistic QCD Factorization in Processes Involving Two Quarkonia

and Its Cure

Zhi-Guo He, Bernd A. Kniehl, and Xiang-Peng Wang Phys. Rev. Lett. 121,

172001 (2018)


26. Inclusive χcJ production in Υ decay at O(αs 5) in NRQCD Factorization

Zhi-Guo He, Bernd A. Kniehl, and Xiang-Peng Wang Phys. Rev. D98, 074005


25. Complete Nonrelativistic-QCD Prediction for Prompt Double J/ψ Hadroproduction

Zhi-Guo He and B. A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 022002 (2015)

24. Relativistic corrections to J/ψ polarization in photo- and hadroproduction

Zhi-Guo He and B. A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. D92, 014009 (2015)(Editor Suggestion)

23. ηc production at the LHC challenges nonrelativistic-QCD factorization

M. Butenschoen, Zhi-Guo He and B. A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 092004


22. Relativistic corrections to prompt J/ψ photo- and hadroproduction

Zhi-Guo He and B. A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. D90, 014045 (2014)

21. NLO NRQCD disfavors the interpretation of X(3872) as χc1 (2P )

M. Butenschoen, Zhi-Guo He and B. A. Kniehl Phys. Rev. D88(Rapid), 011501


20. J/ψ Production Via Photon Fragmentation at Hadron Colliders

Zhi-Guo He, Rong Li and Jian-Xiong Wang Phys. Lett. B711, 371 (2012)

19. The discrete contribution to ψ′ → J/ψ + γγ

Zhi-Guo He, Xiao-Rui Lu, Joan Soto and Yangheng Zheng Phys. Rev. D83,

054028 (2011)

18. Color-singlet J/ψ production at O(αs 6 ) in Υ decay

Zhi-Guo He and Jian-Xiong Wang Phys. Rev. D82, 094033 (2010)

17. Inclusive decays of ηb into S- and P -wave charmonium states

Zhi-Guo He and Bai-Qing Li Phys. Lett. B693, 36 (2010)

16. ηb decay into charmonium in association with cc̄ pair

Bai-Qing Li, Rong Li and Zhi-Guo He Chin. Phys. C34(05), 521 (2010)

15. J/ψ inclusive production in χbJ (nP ) decays

Rong Li and Zhi-Guo He Chin. Phys. C34(07), 929 (2010)

14. NRQCD Predictions of D-Wave Quarkonia 3 DJ (J = 1, 2, 3) Decay into Light Hadrons

at Order αs 3

Zhi-Guo He Ying Fan, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys. Rev. D81, 074032 (2010)

13. Relativistic correction to e+ e− → J/ψ + gg at B factories and constraint on color-octet

matrix elements

Zhi-Guo He Ying Fan, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys. Rev. D81, 054036 (2010)

12. Inclusive J/ψ Production In Υ Decay Via Color-singlet Mechanism

Zhi-Guo He and Jian-Xiong Wang Phys. Rev. D81, 054030 (2010)

11. Understanding the e+e− → D (∗)+ D (∗)− processes observed by Belle

K.Y.Liu, Z.G.He, Y.J.Zhang, and K.T.Chao (J.Phys.G37, 045005(2010))


10. Search for C = + charmonium and bottomonium states in e+ e− → γ + X at B factories

Dan Li, Zhi-Guo He and Kuang-Ta ChaoPhys. Rev. D80, 114014 (2009)

9. Hadronic decays

Yu-Qi Chen, Zhi-Guo He, Xiaohu Mo, Ping Wang, Changzheng Yuan, T.Barnes,

R.Rong, D.H.Zhang, H.L.Ma, and Ronggang Ping Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24S1:393-

444 (2009)

8. Predictions of Light Hadronic Decays of Heavy Quarkonium 1 D2 States in NRQCD

Ying Fan, Zhi-Guo He, Yan-Qing Ma and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys. Rev. D80,

014001 (2009)

7. QED contribution to the production of J/ψ + cc̄ + X at the Tevatron and LHC

Zhi-Guo He, Rong Li and Jian-Xiong Wang Phys. Rev. D79, 094003 (2009)

6. QCD prediction for the non-DD̄ annihilation decay of ψ(3770)

Zhi-Guo He, Ying Fan, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys.Rev.Lett, 101,112001 (2008)

5. Search for excited charmonium states in e+ e− Annihilation at s = 10.6 GeV

Kui-Yong Liu, Zhi-Guo He, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys. Rev. D77, 014002 (2008)

4. Relativistic corrections to J/ψ exclusive and inclusive double charm production at B


Zhi-Guo He, Ying Fan, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys.Rev. D75 074011 (2007)

3. Inclusive Charmonium Production via Double cc̄ in e+ e− Annihilation

Kui-Yong Liu, Zhi-Guo He, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys.Rev. D69 094027 (2004)

2. Production of J/ψ + cc̄ through two photons in e+ e− annihilation

Kui-Yong Liu, Zhi-Guo He, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys.Rev. D68 031501 (2003)

1. Problems of double charm production in e+ e− annihilation at s = 10.6GeV

Kui-Yong Liu, Zhi-Guo He, and Kuang-Ta Chao Phys.Lett. B557 45-54 (2003)




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