Guo Yuqiang头像

Guo Yuqiang

Research direction: Liquid crystal and display technology

Education: Postgraduate

  • Department: College of Mathematics and Physics
  • ORCID:
  • DBLP:

10 Access

  • Email:
  • Office : College of Mathematics and Physics, Room 418


Guo Yuqiang, male, School of Mathematics and Physics, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, master's supervisor. His research interests include liquid crystal and display technology, including liquid crystal optoelectronic devices, liquid crystal materials, and display technology. He has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Fundamental Research Funds of the Central Universities, the Technology Commissioned Development and other projects, participated in the National Key R&D Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, joint projects, etc., and has published more than 40 SCI/EI papers and applied for 8 invention patents. He is currently a member of the International Society for Information Display, a member of the Chinese Physical Society, a member of the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics, and a member of the Light Display Committee of the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering.


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His research interests are: liquid crystal and display technology.

The details include: liquid crystal optoelectronic devices, liquid crystal materials, liquid crystal display, 2D/3D display, advanced display technology, etc.




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