Yongming Han头像

Yongming Han


Research direction: data analysis, artificial intelligence,Energy efficiency analysis and modeling,intelligent optimization


10 Access

  • Email: hanym@mail.buct.edu.cn
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Dr. Yongming Han is a professor and doctoral supervisor, mainly engaged in the research of energy efficiency intelligent optimization and control of chemical processes. Prof. Han has published more than 120 SCI articles (13 ESI highly cited papers) in authoritative journals such as IEEE Transactions and IFAC Journals as the first/corresponding author, authorized 13 national invention patents, served as a member of 6 SCI journals as a young person, guest and subject editorial board member, and held more than 10 outstanding youth funds, top-level projects, and youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSF), and served as the vice chairman of the special committee of Network Computing and the member of the special committee of Data-driven Control, Learning and Optimization of the Chinese Society of Automation. Prof. Han also serves as the deputy director of the Network Computing Committee and the member of the Data-Driven Control, Learning and Optimization Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence, a director of the Beijing Automation Society, a director of the Beijing Society of Artificial Intelligence, and so on. Meanwhile, Prof. Han has also been selected as one of the top 2% scientists in the world by Stanford University, the 2020-2022 Young Talent Support Program of Beijing Municipal Association for Science and Technology, and the Outstanding Talent Program of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Organization Department. 


Work Experience

Social Position

Social Activities


Dr. Yongming Han mainly engaged in the research of data analysis, artificial intelligence, energy efficiency intelligent optimization and control of chemical processes et.al. 


Ÿ   Undergraduate core course Database Principle.

Ÿ   Public basic courses C Programming Language, University Computer Foundation.

Ÿ   Postgraduate core courses artificial intelligence principle, emulation technique, Data fusion and intelligent decision making;

Ÿ   The average annual class hours: 128 class hours;

Ÿ   Participated in the construction of teaching team. As core member received the Outstanding Education Team Award from Beijing University of Chemical Technology;



Ÿ   Presiding over more than 10 projects of the general projects of the National Excellent Youth Science Fund Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, youth project, Beijing excellent talent training project, and school level education reform project, etc., and  receiving more than 1.5 million yuan for scientific research;

Ÿ   Participating as a backbone in the national key R & D plan, National Natural Science Foundation key projects, Guizhou major R & D projects and school level education reform projects;

Vertical Project

Horizontal Project


Prof. Han has published more than 120 SCI articles (13 ESI highly cited papers) in authoritative journals such as IEEE Transactions and IFAC Journals as the first/corresponding author, authorized 13 national invention patents.


Ÿ   National Excellent Youth Science Fund Project

Ÿ  Beijing Association for science and technology 2020-2022 youth talent promotion plan;

Ÿ   Most popular academic work award of China control and decision making conference, 2021

Ÿ   energy and build environment young academic newcomer nomination Award, 2019;


Honor Reward

Admissions Information