工学博士,教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者。 主要从事化工过程能效智能优化控制的研究。他以第一/通讯作者在IEEE汇刊、IFAC会刊等权威期刊发表SCI论文120余篇(TOP SCI论文90篇,13篇ESI高被引论文),授权国家发明专利13项和软著9项,主持国家自然基金优秀青年基金、面上、青年项目等10余项,担任《The Innovation》(IF=32.1)、《Int. J. Min. Sci. Techno.》(TOP/一区 IF=7.67)等多个SCI期刊青年、客座和主题编委,同时担任中国自动化学会网络计算专委会副主任委员和数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会委员、中国人工智能学会青年工作委员会委员、北京自动化学会理事、北京人工智能学会理事等,曾获2022年度中国自动化学会自然科学奖二等奖、2023年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖二等奖、2023年度中国石油和化工自动化行业科技进步奖二等奖、2022年北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖等奖励,并入选斯坦福发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家年度榜单、北京市科协2020-2022年度青年人才托举计划、北京市委组织部优秀人才计划等。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2013-08-20 |
2014-03-02 |
美国加州大学戴维斯分校 |
其他 |
2009-09-01 |
2014-06-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
2005-09-01 |
2009-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2016-07-08 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2014-06-01 |
2016-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
1.人工智能及应用 2.数据分析与融合 3.机器学习及在复杂流程工业中的应用 4.复杂化工过程能效分析与节能减排 5.智能优化及应用 6.故障诊断及预警 7.食品安全评估与预警
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2023 |
16 |
34 |
专业选修 |
数据库原理课程设计 |
2023 |
32 |
33 |
实践环节必修 |
数据库原理 |
2023 |
56 |
90 |
专业必修 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2022 |
16 |
94 |
专业选修 |
数据库原理 |
2022 |
56 |
97 |
专业必修 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2021 |
16 |
28 |
专业选修 |
数据库原理课程设计 |
2021 |
1 |
75 |
实践环节必修 |
数据库原理 |
2021 |
56 |
103 |
专业必修 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2020 |
16 |
65 |
专业选修 |
操作系统原理 |
2020 |
64 |
91 |
专业必修 |
操作系统原理 |
2020 |
64 |
91 |
专业必修 |
大学计算机 |
2020 |
32 |
84 |
公共基础选修 |
大学计算机 |
2020 |
32 |
84 |
公共基础选修 |
数据库原理 |
2019 |
56 |
140 |
专业必修 |
数据库原理 |
2019 |
56 |
119 |
专业必修 |
数据库原理 |
2019 |
48 |
1 |
专业选修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
仿真技术 |
2024 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2024 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2023 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
仿真技术 |
2023 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2022 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
仿真技术 |
2022 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2021 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2020 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
人工智能原理 |
2020 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
人工智能原理 |
2019 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
数据融合与智能决策 |
2019 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
人工智能原理 |
2019 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
- 1. 复杂工业能效分析与优化建模研究与应用 ,信息科学与技术学院,项目时间: 至 2017-12-31
- 2. 能效评价与优化方法研究及其在流程工业中的应用 ,信息科学与技术学院,项目时间: 至 2017-12-31
- 1. 化工过程能效智能优化控制 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2027-12-31
- 2. 基于麦克风阵列的带式输送机预警技术研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-05-01 至 2026-05-01
- 3. XJZ2024040032 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2023-06-15 至 2025-06-14
- 4. 食品中危害因子风险分级数据库和平台构建 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-06-04 至 2021-05-10
- 5. 复杂石化过程能量系统建模与优化关键技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31
- 6. 企业财务制度效率的自强化机制理论与实证研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 7. 复杂石化工业能效多层次评价方法研究与应用 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2015-09-02 至 2017-09-29
- 1. 复杂工程环境下化工过程故障早期预警与溯源方法研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-05-15 至 2026-06-01
- 2. 智能工厂提升优化方案咨询服务 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-22 至 2025-06-30
- 3. 机电设备运维服务软件开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 4. 闸阀后超声流量计流场影响CFD仿真分析 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-09-08 至 2023-10-08
- 5. 老区油田优化简化关键指标体系研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-09-01 至 2023-12-31
- 6. PTA装置氧化过程关键工艺参数异常预警技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-06-19 至 2023-11-30
- 7. 2023上海信息技术学校华谊广西基地仪表技能比武软件服务项目 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-05-08 至 2024-05-01
- 8. XJH2023031017 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2023-01-10 至 2023-12-31
- 9. 混凝土缺陷识别系统软件开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-10-19 至 2022-12-31
- 10. 智能制造数字化产线仿真系统采购项目 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-09-16 至 2022-12-31
- 11. 工艺数字孪生与异常监测预警技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-07 至 2031-06-07
- 12. 设备腐蚀状态检测与分析 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-04-15 至 2021-12-31
- 13. JG202070 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2020-09-20 至 2020-11-30
- 14. 半实物仿真环境与虚拟作训系统 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2020-07-21 至 2024-07-20
- 15. 多源异构数据系统集成理论和技术服务 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-05-12 至 2021-05-12
- 16. 贵州建材产业云 ,其他课题,项目时间:2019-04-08 至 2022-04-08
- 17. 大数据分析与模型算法库研发项目 ,其他课题,项目时间:2019-03-04 至 2020-09-04
- 18. 搪瓷拼装罐智能制造体系方案 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-01 至 2018-07-01
- 19. 生产管理APP的开发与设计 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-10-10 至 2017-12-15
- 20. 维修信息管理系统软件的测试 ,项目时间:2014-11-20 至 2014-12-30
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
1. DOI
韩永明,曹莲,耿志强,平卫英,左晓宇,Jinzhen Fan,万静,卢罡
Novel economy and carbon emissions prediction model of different countries or regions in the world for energy optimization using improved residual neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023-04-04
2. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan,王友清
Novel long short-term memory neural network considering virtual data generation for production prediction and energy structure optimization of ethylene production processes[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-03-01
3. DOI
刘金涛,陈良超,Xu, Wei,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,夏涛,耿志强
Novel production prediction model of gasoline production processes for energy saving and economic increasing based on AM-GRU integrating the UMAP algorithm[期刊论文],Energy,2023-01-01
4. DOI
于功也,伍鹏,Lv, Zhe,Hou, Jijie,马波,韩永明
Few-shot Fault Diagnosis method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023-01-01
5. DOI
Novel blockchain transaction provenance model with graph attention mechanism[期刊论文],Expert Systems with Applications,2022-12-15
6. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chu, Chong,韩永明
Risk prediction model for food safety based on improved random forest integrating virtual sample[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
7. DOI
耿志强,段晓燕,李佳桐,Chong Chu,韩永明
Novel risk prediction model for food safety based on random forest integrating virtual sample. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022-11-01
8. DOI
Zhanjiang Pei,Shujun Liu,Zhangmu Jing,Yi Zhang,Jingtian Wang,Jie Liu,Yajing Wang,wenyang Guo,Yeqing Li,Lu Feng,Hongjun Zhou,Guihua Li,韩永明,Di Liu,Junting Pan
Understanding of the interrelationship between methane production and microorganisms in high-solid anaerobic co-digestion using microbial analysis and machine learning[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022-11-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
Novel Variation Mode Decomposition Integrated Adaptive Sparse Principal Component Analysis and It Application in Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
11. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2022-09-01
12. DOI
13. DOI
耿志强,梁玲玲,韩永明,Tao, Guangcan,Chu, Chong
Risk early warning of food safety using novel long short-term memory neural network integrating sum product based analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2022-08-05
14. DOI
Short-Time Wavelet Entropy Integrating Improved LSTM for Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022-08-01
15. DOI
16. DOI
Novel target attention convolutional neural network for relation classification[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2022-06-01
17. DOI
Energy saving of buildings for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using novel dendrite net integrated adaptive mean square gradient[期刊论文],Applied Energy,2022-03-01
18. DOI
Yeqing Li,Xingru Yang,Mingyu Zhu,Liming Dong,Hao Jiang,Quan Xu,Hongjun Zhou,韩永明,Lu Feng,Chengfei Li
Synergistic Effect of combined hydrothermal carbonization of Fenton's reagent and biomass enhances the adsorption and combustion characteristics of sludge towards eco-friendly and efficient sludge treatment[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-24
19. DOI
Production capacity assessment and carbon reduction of industrial processes based on novel radial basis function integrating multi-dimensional scaling[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2022-02-01
20. DOI
韩永明,娄晓义,Feng, Mingfei,耿志强,陈良超,Ping, Weiying,卢罡
Energy consumption analysis and saving of buildings based on static and dynamic input-output models[期刊论文],Energy,2022-01-15
21. DOI
Novel Transformer based on Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Soft Sensor Modeling of Industrial Processes[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-09
22. DOI
韩永明,宋冠良,刘粉粉,耿志强,马波,Wei Xue
Fault monitoring using novel adaptive kernel principal component analysis integrating grey relational analysis[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022-01-01
23. DOI
Spatio-temporal Attention Transformer Model for Future Trajectory Forecast[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
24. DOI
Intelligent Small Sample Defect Detection of Water Walls in Power Plants Using Novel Deep Learning Integrating Deep Convolutional GAN[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022-01-01
25. DOI
Pipeline Network Calculation Based on Improved IN-IGA Algorithm[会议论文],Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01
26. DOI
JingZhang,杜子兰,Liqin Fu,韩永明,Wei Zheng,Fuhua Yu,Huimin Chen,Lu Feng,Yeqing Li,Weiying Ping
Novel anaerobic digestion and carbon dioxide emissions efficiency analysis of food waste treatment based on SBM-DEA model [期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-12-15
27. DOI
IGBT Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Improved Support Vector Machine[会议论文],2021 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2021,2021-12-10
28. DOI
DTaxa: An actor–critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2021-11-01
29. DOI
韩永明,Lang, Yanwei,程敏杰,耿志强,陈国飞,夏涛
DTaxa: An actor-critic for automatic taxonomy induction[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
林晓勇,朱晓鹏,Feng, Mingfei,韩永明,耿志强
Economy and carbon emissions optimization of different countries or areas in the world using an improved Attention mechanism based long short term memory neural network[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-10-20
31. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Li, Chengfei,耿志强
Novel Gray Orthogonal Echo State Network Integrating the Process Mechanism for Dynamic Soft Sensor Development[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-20
32. DOI
Novel competing evolutionary membrane algorithm based on multiple reference points for multi-objective optimization of ethylene cracking processes[期刊论文],Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2021-10-15
33. DOI
张佰伦,Zhang, Jing,韩永明,耿志强
Dynamic soft sensor modeling method fusing process feature information based on an improved intelligent optimization algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS,2021-10-15
34. DOI
An intelligent moving window sparse principal component analysis-based case based reasoning for fault diagnosis: Case of the drilling process[期刊论文],ISA Transactions,2021-09-28
35. DOI
基于心率变异性特征和PCA- SVR的PAD维度情感预测分析[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2021-09-20
36. DOI
丛迪,梁玲玲,景邵星,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Energy supply efficiency evaluation of integrated energy systems using novel SBM-DEA integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-09-15
37. DOI
胡渲,耿志强,韩永明,Wei Huang,Kai Chen,Feng Xie
Novel Soft Sensor Model based on Spatio-Temporal Attention[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,2021-08-18
38. DOI
武昊,韩永明,Jin, Jianyu,耿志强
Novel Deep Learning Based on Data Fusion Integrating Correlation Analysis for Soft Sensor Modeling[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-07-14
39. DOI
韩永明,刘金涛,耿志强,Feng Xie,Kai Chen,Yajie Wang
Produce prediction modeling of Industrial production processes using the improved PLS-CM[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
40. DOI
耿志强,王秋懿,韩永明,Jie Yu,Feng Xie,Kai Chen
Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace based on NNIA Algorithm[会议论文],第33届中国控制与决策会议,2021-05-22
41. DOI
耿志强,张鑫,韩永明,Zhang, Chengmei,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng
Bearing Health Monitoring Based on the Improved BiISTM-CRF[会议论文],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2021,2021-05-14
42. DOI
Joint entity and relation extraction model based on rich semantics[期刊论文],NEUROCOMPUTING,2021-03-14
43. DOI
江志英,高波,贺彦林,韩永明,Doyle, Paul,朱群雄
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme-Based Improved TF-IDF for Internet Media Reports[期刊论文],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2021-03-05
44. DOI
耿志强,刘粉粉,商迪瑞,韩永明,尚颖,Chu, Chong
Early warning and control of food safety risk using an improved AHC-RBF neural network integrating AHP-EW[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
45. DOI
林晓勇,李佳桐,韩永明,耿志强,崔仕颖,Chu, Chong
Dynamic risk assessment of food safety based on an improved hidden Markov model integrating cuckoo search algorithm: A sterilized milk study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,2021-03-01
46. DOI
Energy analysis and resources optimization of complex chemical processes: Evidence based on novel DEA cross-model[期刊论文],ENERGY,2021-03-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Keyu,李伟豪,韩永明,耿志强,Chu, Chong
Production capacity identification and analysis using novel multivariate nonlinear regression: Application to resource optimization of industrial processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-02-01
48. DOI
耿志强,宋冠良,韩永明,Chu, Chong
Static and dynamic energy structure analysis in the world for resource optimization using total factor productivity method based on slacks-based measure integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2021-01-15
49. DOI
Short-time wavelet entropy integrating improved LSTM for fault diagnosis of modular multilevel converter[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021-01-05
50. DOI
王尊,韩永明,Li chengfei,耿志强,Jinzhen Fan
Input-output networks considering graphlet-based analysis for production optimization: Application in ethylene plants[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021-01-01
51. DOI
胡渲,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-01-01
52. DOI
Novel Trajectory Representation Learning Method and Its Application to Trajectory-User Linking[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
53. DOI
A Novel Matrix Completion Model Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron Integrating Kernel Regularization[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
54. DOI
A Novel Probability Confidence CNN Model and Its Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2021-01-01
55. DOI
Power Systems Intrusion Detection Using Novel Wrapped Feature Selection Framework[会议论文],2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, ICCSS 2020,2020-11-13
56. DOI
Wang,Ying,Jiajun Liu,韩永明
Production capacity prediction of hydropower industries for energy optimization: Evidence based on novel extreme learning machine integrating Monte Carlo[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2020-11-01
57. DOI
A pointer meter recognition method based on virtual sample generation technology[期刊论文],Measurement,2020-10-15
58. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,耿志强,马波,Cong, Di,Chen, Kai,Yu, Bin
Energy efficient building envelope using novel RBF neural network integrated affinity propagation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-10-15
59. DOI
Chen, Kai,刘爽,韩永明,Zhang, Yang,耿志强,刘琳,Peng, Tao,Ding, Yifan
Energy efficiency assessment and resource optimization using novel DEA model: evidence from complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY EFFICIENCY,2020-10-01
60. DOI
张佰伦,韩永明,Yu, Bin,耿志强
Novel Nonlinear Autoregression with External Input Integrating PCA-WD and Its Application to a Dynamic Soft Sensor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
61. DOI
林晓勇,Zhu, Xiaopeng,韩永明,耿志强,刘琳
Economy and carbon dioxide emissions effects of energy structures in the world: Evidence based on SBM-DEA model[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-10
62. DOI
韩永明,Ding, Ning,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Chu, Chong
An optimized long short-term memory network based fault diagnosis model for chemical processes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020-08-01
63. DOI
韩永明,Chen, Guofei,Li, Zhongkun,耿志强,李芳,马波
An asymmetric knowledge representation learning in manifold space[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-08-01
64. DOI
基于GA-LVW模型的化工过程控制系统入侵检测[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
65. DOI
基于改进的IN-IGA算法在管网计算中的应用[会议论文],第31届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2020)摘要集,2020-07-30
66. DOI
韩永明,武昊,耿志强,朱群雄,顾祥柏,Yu, Bin
Review: Energy efficiency evaluation of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-07-15
67. DOI
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-07-01
68. DOI
耿志强,张彦辉,Li, Chengfei,韩永明,崔芸菲,Yu, Bin
Energy optimization and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: An improved convolutional neural network based on cross-feature[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-01
69. DOI
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-03-01
70. DOI
Mu, Peng,于洋,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Raw material management networks based on an improved P-graph integrated carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA-P-graph) method[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-03-01
71. DOI
Operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on improved NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm[期刊论文],化工学报,2020-03-01
72. DOI
韩永明,Zhou, Rundong,耿志强,Bai, Ju,马波,Fan, Jinzhen
A novel data envelopment analysis cross-model integrating interpretative structural model and analytic hierarchy process for energy efficiency evaluation and optimization modeling: Application to ethylene industries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-02-10
73. DOI
马波,韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,李洪达,Chu Chong
Risk early warning and control of food safety based on an improved analytic hierarchy process integrating quality control analysis method[期刊论文],Food Control,2020-02-01
74. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Level Set based Shape Prior and Deep Learning for Image Segmentation[期刊论文],IET Image Processing,2020-01-16
75. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Ning,韩永明,马波
An improved intelligent early warning method based on MWSPCA and its application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
76. DOI
Semantic relation extraction using sequential and tree-structured LSTM with attention[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2020-01-01
77. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm Based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 CHINESE INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION CONFERENCE,2020-01-01
78. DOI
耿志强,毕帅,韩永明,Chen, Kai
Equipment Configuration Optimization for Integrated Energy System Based on Improved NSGA-II[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
79. DOI
Power Generation Efficiency Evaluation of Hydropower Plants Based on the DEA[会议论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND 2020 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2020),2020-01-01
80. DOI
耿志强,王绮,韩永明,Chen, Kai,Xie, Feng,Wang, Yajie
Fault Diagnosis of Modular Multilevel Converter Based on RNN and Wavelet Analysis[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
81. DOI
韩永明,杜子兰,耿志强,Wang, Yajie,Xie, Feng,Chen, Kai
Production Prediction Model Of Complex Industrial Processes Based On GRU Neural Network[会议论文],2020 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC 2020),2020-01-01
82. DOI
83. DOI
84. DOI
Soft sensor development using PLSR based multi-kernel ELM[会议论文],2019 12th Asian Control Conference,2019-12-13
85. DOI
董俊根,Jia, Minghui,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An Improved MPC Integrating Fuzzy PI of an MMC-HVDC System[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
86. DOI
An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Based on Auto-Encoder for Production Predictive Modeling of Industrial Processes[会议论文],Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2019-11-25
87. DOI
耿志强,Ning Ding,韩永明
Fault Diagnosis of Converter Based on Wavelet Decomposition and BP Neural Network[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2019-11-24
88. DOI
林晓勇,胡乔治,韩永明,耿志强,Qin Wei,Zhi Ouyang
An Improved MOPSO Algorithm for Operation Optimization of Ethylene Cracking Furnace[会议论文],2019 Chinese Automation Congress,2019-11-23
89. DOI
韩永明,崔仕颖,耿志强,Chu, Chong,陈恺,王雅洁
Food quality and safety risk assessment using a novel HMM method based on GRA[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-11-10
90. DOI
An Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm based on Competition Mechanism for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2019-11-07
91. DOI
崔云菲,韩永明,朱群雄,耿志强,Fan, Jinzhen
Production Optimization and Energy Saving of Complex Chemical Processes using Novel Competing Evolutionary Membrane Algorithm: Emphasis on Ethylene Cracking[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-09-15
92. DOI
韩永明,Fan, Chenyu,徐猛,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy saving of complex chemical processes using LSTM based on attention mechanism[期刊论文],Applied Thermal Engineering,2019-09-10
93. DOI
耿志强,Cheng, Minjie,韩永明,Wei, Qin,Ouyang, Zhi
Energy Efficiency Recognition and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Processes using Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Method[会议论文],2019 CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS),2019-08-10
94. DOI
Production prediction modeling of industrial processes based on Bi-LSTM[会议论文],Youth Academic Annual Conference,2019-08-05
95. DOI
A pattern recognition modeling approach based on the intelligent ensemble classifier:Application to identification and appraisal of water-flooded layers[期刊论文],Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2019-08-01
96. DOI
改进的灰狼优化算法在工控系统入侵检测中的应用[会议论文],第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019-07-31
97. DOI
Fault Diagnosis of Chemical Processes Based on a novel Adaptive Kernel Principal Component Analysis[会议论文],Asian Control Conference,2019-07-18
98. DOI
耿志强,曾荣甫,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua,Fu, Hua
Energy efficiency evaluation and energy saving based on DEA integrated affinity propagation clustering: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],Energy,2019-07-15
99. DOI
耿志强,魏春阳,韩永明,Qin Wei,Ouyang Zhi
Pipeline Network Simulation Calculation Based on Improved Newton Jacobian Iterative Method[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019-07-12
100. DOI
Total Factor Productivity Analysis of Industrial Processes Based on Malmquist Model[会议论文],Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science,2019-07-10
101. DOI
林晓勇,崔仕颖,韩永明,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
An improved ISM method based on GRA for hierarchical analyzing the influencing factors of food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-05-10
102. DOI
A model-free Bayesian classifier[期刊论文],Information Sciences,2019-05-10
103. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,胡海霞,韩永明,林晓勇
A Fault Detection Method based on Horizontal Visibility Graph-Integrated Complex Networks: Application to Complex Chemical Processes[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-05-01
104. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,朱群雄,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel DEACM integrating affinity propagation for performance evaluation and energy optimization modeling: Application to complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2019-03-01
105. DOI
耿志强,胡渲,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
A novel leakage detection method based on the sensitivity matrix of the pipe flow: Case study of water distribution systems[期刊论文],Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2019-02-10
106. DOI
耿志强,商迪瑞,韩永明,Zhong, Yanhua
Early warning modeling and analysis based on a deep radial basis function neural network integrating an analytic hierarchy process: A case study for food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2019-02-10
107. DOI
韩永明,武昊,Jia, Minghui,耿志强,Zhong, Yanhua
Production capacity analysis and energy optimization of complex petrochemical industries using novel extreme learning machine integrating affinity propagation[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2019-01-15
108. DOI
基于MWSPCA-CBR 的智能预警方法研究及其在石化工业中的应用[期刊论文],化工学报,2019-01-12
109. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Guofei,韩永明,Wei, Qin
Oil Reservoir Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network[会议论文],2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018-12-12
110. DOI
111. DOI
耿志强,Li, Hongda,朱群雄,韩永明
Production prediction and energy-saving model based on Extreme Learning Machine integrated ISM-AHP: Application in complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-01
112. DOI
A new deep belief network based on RBM with glial chains[期刊论文],INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018-10-01
113. DOI
耿志强,Li, Zhongkun,韩永明
A Novel Asymmetric Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion[会议论文],2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018-08-28
114. DOI
Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies,2018-07-14
115. DOI
耿志强,Ju Bai,韩永明,Deyang Jiang
Energy structure analysis and energy saving of complex chemical industries:A novel fuzzy interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018-07-06
116. DOI
耿志强,Bai, Ju,朱群雄,徐圆,韩永明
Energy Saving and Management of the Industrial Process Based on an Improved DEA Cross-model[会议论文],2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2018-06-04
117. DOI
韩永明,Zeng, Qing,朱群雄,耿志强
Energy management and optimization modeling based on a novel fuzzy extreme learning machine: Case study of complex petrochemical industries[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-06-01
118. DOI
耿志强,韩永明,Chen, Ning,Zhong, Yanhua
Energy efficiency analysis of PTA plants based on PCA-DEACM[会议论文],2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC),2018-05-26
119. DOI
120. DOI
耿志强,Hu, Xuan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Pattern recognition for water flooded layer based on ensemble classifier[会议论文],2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT),2018-04-20
121. DOI
A novel prediction intervals method integrating an error & self-feedback extreme learning machine with particle swarm optimization for energy consumption robust prediction[期刊论文],Energy,2018-04-10
122. DOI
基于主成分分析的交叉环境DEA 模型的应用[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2018-01-01
123. DOI
韩永明,Zhang, Shuheng,耿志强
Multi-Frequency Decomposition with Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification[会议论文],2018 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR),2018-01-01
124. DOI
朱群雄,Ya Sitai,耿志强,徐圆,韩永明,贺彦林
Research and application of causal network modeling based on process knowledge and modified transfer entropy[期刊论文],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018-01-01
125. DOI
耿志强,Li, Yanan,朱群雄,韩永明
A Novel Self-Organizing Cosine Similarity Learning Network: An Application to Production Prediction of Petrochemical Systems[期刊论文],Energy,2018-01-01
126. DOI
韩永明,Long, Chang,耿志强,Zhang, Keyu
Carbon emission analysis and evaluation of industrial departments in China: An improved environmental DEA cross model based on information entropy[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
127. DOI
耿志强,Shang, Dirui,朱群雄,QiangQiang Wu,韩永明
Research on improved focused crawler and its application in food safety public opinion analysis[会议论文],2017 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2017,2017-12-20
128. DOI
耿志强,Zhao Shanshan,朱群雄,韩永明,徐圆,贺彦林
Early warning modeling and application based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine[会议论文],Intelligent Systems Conference,2017-12-18
129. DOI
130. DOI
131. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy analysis and management method of complex chemical processes based on index decomposition analysis[会议论文],2017 IEEE 6th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference,2017-09-20
132. DOI
PID Control Loop Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Based on DEA-Related MCDA[会议论文],2017 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes,2017-09-20
133. DOI
耿志强,Chen, Jie,韩永明
Energy Efficiency Prediction Based on PCA-FRBF Model: A Case Study of Ethylene Industries[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems,2017-08-20
134. DOI
耿志强,Gao, Huachao,王艳清,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2017-08-01
135. DOI
耿志强,Zhao, ShanShan,Tao, GuangCan,韩永明
Early warning modeling and analysis based on analytic hierarchy process integrated extreme learning machine (AHP-ELM): Application to food safety[期刊论文],Food Control,2017-08-01
136. DOI
基于改进DEA交叉模型的化工工业能效评价方法研究[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
137. DOI
基于IDA-ELM的复杂化工过程能效分析方法研究及应用[会议论文],第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2017)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集,2017-07-30
138. DOI
Chen, Yaxun,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environmental efficiency evaluation based on a novel data envelopment analysis: An application in petrochemical industries[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-06-05
139. DOI
耿志强,Dong, Jungen,Chen, Jie,韩永明
A new Self-Organizing Extreme Learning Machine soft sensor model and its applications in complicated chemical processes[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2017-06-01
140. DOI
Linear optimization fusion model based on fuzzy C-means: Case study of energy efficiency evaluation in ethylene product plants[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-05-01
141. DOI
Cui, Yunfei,耿志强,朱群雄,韩永明
Review: Multi-objective optimization methods and application in energy saving[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-04-15
142. DOI
Energy and carbon emissions analysis and prediction of complex petrochemical systems based on an improved extreme learning machine integrated interpretative structural model[期刊论文],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017-03-25
143. DOI
144. DOI
耿志强,Qin, Lin,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy saving and prediction modeling of petrochemical industries: A novel ELM based on FAHP[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-03-01
145. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zhongkai,朱群雄,韩永明
Energy efficiency evaluation method based on IDA-DEA and its applications in ethylene industries[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2017-03-01
146. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Xiao,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy optimization and analysis modeling based on extreme learning machine integrated index decomposition analysis: Application to complex chemical processes[期刊论文],ENERGY,2017-02-01
147. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,朱群雄,Wang, Zun,Cui, Yunfei
Energy consumption analysis and evaluation of petrochemical industries using an improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2017-01-01
148. DOI
耿志强,Dong, JunGen,韩永明,朱群雄
Energy and environment efficiency analysis based on an improved environment DEA cross-model: Case study of complex chemical processes[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2017-01-01
149. DOI
150. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Wang, Zun,Mu, Peng
Performance analysis and optimal temperature selection of ethylene cracking furnaces: A data envelopment analysis cross-model integrated analytic hierarchy process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2016-11-01
151. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,朱群雄,韩永明
Multi-objective operation optimization of ethylene cracking furnace based on AMOPSO algorithm[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-22
152. DOI
Energy optimization and prediction of complex petrochemical industries using an improved artificial neural network approach integrating data envelopment analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2016-07-02
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Energy efficiency evaluation of ethylene industries based on DEA models[会议论文],Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016-05-27
156. DOI
耿志强,Wang, Zun,Peng, Chenglong,韩永明
A New Fuzzy Process Capability Estimation Method Based on Kernel Function and FAHP[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT,2016-05-01
157. DOI
158. DOI
159. DOI
Ethylene plants production capacity forecast based on fuzzy RBF neural network[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2016-03-01
160. DOI
耿志强,Wu, Kaiying,韩永明
Research and application of FLANN neural network based on AHP[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao,2016-03-01
161. DOI
162. DOI
163. DOI
164. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,朱群雄
Energy efficiency analysis based on DEA integrated ISM: A case study for Chinese ethylene industries[期刊论文],ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2015-10-01
165. DOI
166. DOI
Energy efficiency analysis method based on fuzzy DEA cross-model for ethylene production systems in chemical industry[期刊论文],ENERGY,2015-04-01
167. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Gu, Xiangbai,Wang, Zun
Performance Analysis of China Ethylene Plants by Measuring Malmquist Production Efficiency Based on an Improved Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-Model[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-14
168. DOI
耿志强,Yang, Ke,韩永明,Gu, Xiangbai
Fault detection of large-scale process control system with higher-order statistical and interpretative structural model[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
169. DOI
耿志强,Tang, Xia,Zhang, Yikang,韩永明
A hybrid public opinion analysis method based on improved clustering and mutual information[期刊论文],Int. J. u e Serv. Sci. Technol.,2015-01-01
170. DOI
Energy efficiency hierarchy evaluation based on data envelopment analysis and its application in a petrochemical process[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014-12-01
171. DOI
韩永明,耿志强,Liu, Qiyu
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process in Ethylene Production[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-11-01
172. DOI
- 1. 基于快速分割卷积神经网络的水冷壁表面缺陷视频识别方法 ,CN 113192018 B
- 2. 一种新型无模型贝叶斯分类预测模型软测量方法
- 3. 一种PTA装置醋酸消耗的软测量方法
- 4. 一种基于最大信息熵的化工数据流实时异常检测方法
- 5. 一种基于改进动态可见图的过程故障监测方法
- 6. 一种基于Storm分布式框架的食品安全网络舆情预警系统
- 7. 基于多元非线性回归的工业过程能效识别与诊断方法
- 8. 一种基于核函数的模糊过程能力的减压塔在线监测方法
- 9. 一种基于主元融合的DEA交叉模型能效分析方法
- 10. 基于融合随机黑洞策略的灰狼优化算法的特征选择方法
- 11. 基于自编码器的极限学习机在工业生产预测的建模应用
- 12. 一种遗传算法包裹式特征选择电网入侵检测方法
- 13. 基于注意力机制与逻辑回归的长短期记忆网络预测方法
- 14. 一种基于动态主元分析的钻井过程异常预警模型
- 15. 一种管道流量敏感性矩阵漏损检测方法
- 16. 一种基于深度学习的预测模型软测量方法
- 17. 一种基于GRA的ISM模型食品安全因素分析方法
- 18. 基于ISM和AHP的神经网络食品安全风险预测模型
- 19. 集成AP算法的DEACM能效评价和能源分析方法
- 20. 一种模块化多电平换流器的模型预测控制方法
- 21. 基于MDS的RBF对石化行业生产能力的预测模型
- 22. 基于灰色关联分析的隐马尔可夫模型食品质量评估方法
- 23. 基于AP算法的DEA乙烯装置的能效评价方法
- 24. 基于AP聚类算法的RBF建筑运行能耗的预测方法
- 25. 一种基于MWSPCA的CBR预测模型智能化预警方法
- 26. 一种基于过程图的乙烯原料优化调度方案的求解方法
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- 28. 自适应核主元分析的化工过程故障诊断方法
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- 31. 一种用于自动分类法归纳的行动者—评论家方法
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- 6. 能源化工生产单元过程智能控制技术 ,2024-06-01 00:00:00 ,其他 ,一等奖
- 7. AI赋能的建筑业智能化缺陷检测维护综合解决方案 ,2024-12-01 00:00:00 ,其他 ,其他
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