





  • 部门: 化学学院
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  • 电子邮箱: 2017500091@mail.buct.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 高精尖3楼



        博士生导师,科技部重点研发计划青年科学家,国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金获得者 (2019,结题优秀)、中国科协青年人才托举工程入选者,2019-2023年连续五年科睿唯安全球高被引学者,2021-2023年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者 (化学工程与技术 )。 2013年博士毕业于北京化工大学,获博士学位,导师段雪院士; 2011-2012、 2018年在牛津大学 Dermot O'Hare、 Edman Tsang教授实验室访问。 2013至 2017年于中国科学院理化技术研究所超分子光化学研究中心工作,任助理研究员。 2018年加入北京化工大学,就职于北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,从事水滑石基纳米材料的可控合成及其在矿化和催化方面的研究。迄今主持国家自然科学青年基金 1项,面上项目 2项,国际 (地区 )合作交流项目 1项,优秀青年基金1项 (结题优秀 )、北京市自然科学基金面上项目 1项,以及企业项目 5项;迄今共发表 SCI论文 110余篇,总引 22500余次, H因子 71。 其中以第一 /通讯作者在 Chem. Soc. Rev.、 J. Am. Chem. Soc.、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、 Adv. Mater.、Chem、 Joule以及化工领域期刊 AIChe J、Chem. Eng. Sci.、 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.、 Chem. Eng. J.等 SCI期刊上发表论文 60余篇,已授权国家发明专利 22项。作为共同主编出版 RSC英文专著一部;入选美国化学会2023 Ind Eng Chem Res “有影响力研究者”(2023 Class of Influential Researchers),2021中国感光学会特等奖 、2022年石油化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖 。任 《 物理化学学报 》、《 Trans. Tianjin Univ.》、《 SmartMat》编委 /青年编委,北京化工大学资源化学研究所副所长、北京化工大学科普实验中心副主任。


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2011-12-01 2012-06-01 牛津大学 其他
2007-09-01 2013-07-01 北京化工大学 博士研究生毕业
2004-09-01 2006-07-01 山西大学 双学位毕业
2003-09-01 2007-06-01 山西大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2017-12-01 2019-03-31 北京化工大学
2013-06-01 2017-12-01 中国科学院理化技术研究所
2019-04-01 至今 北京化工大学




1、单层二维纳米材料的可控规模合成及应用  研究单层二维纳米材料的可控合成和规模化制备方法,探索其在光/电催化、能源、环境领域的实际应用。 

2、面向高值化学品的太阳能催化合成  针对高值化学品的合成,利用太阳能作为可再生能源,推动双碳温室气体/惰性气体的绿色高效转化,实现整个过程的可持续性。

3、光(电)催化工业废水清洁处理及其资源回收  针对工业废水处理难度大,成本高,利用光(电)催化技术,采用超稳矿化材料,实现高效、环保、可持续的废水净化和废弃资源回收再利用。


课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
计算化学 2023 56 25 专业必修
化学与创新 2023 24 152 素质教育课程
计算化学 2022 56 28 专业必修
化学与创新 2022 24 63 素质教育课程
绿色合成化学 2021 32 12 研讨课-学科交叉
化学与创新 2021 24 195 素质教育课程
化学文献检索 2020 16 53 专业选修
化学与创新 2020 24 160 素质教育课程
绿色合成化学 2020 32 15 研讨课-学科交叉
无机及分析化学实验 B(I) 2020 48 26 实践环节必修
无机及分析化学实验 A(I) 2020 64 27 专业必修
化学文献检索 2019 16 46 专业选修
无机及分析化学实验 C(I) 2019 32 25 专业必修
无机及分析化学实验 B(I) 2019 48 26 实践环节必修




  • 1. 太阳能直接驱动CO2干重整制合成气技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2027-11-30
  • 2. 电化学还原耦合超稳矿化治理及回收高浓度重金属废液 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31
  • 3. 科学传播类:面向化工企业以及高校实验室的化工安全培训与多媒体 科普传播 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31
  • 4. 超稳矿化材料作用机制及重金属污染土壤和水体修复性能强化 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2024-12-31
  • 5. 超薄二维光催化材料太阳能转化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 6. 超薄二维光催化材料太阳能转化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 7. 超薄二维光催化材料太阳能转化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 8. 超薄二维光催化材料太阳能转化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 9. 等离子体催化降解VOCs用水滑石结构化薄膜催化剂的设计与合成 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
  • 10. 层状催化材料与设计工程 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
  • 11. 光催化苯制苯酚用水滑石纳米催化剂的设计和性能调控 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31


  • 1. 光催化固氮与氮肥直供系统平台 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-04-01 至 2025-12-31
  • 2. 碳酸盐加氢炼制工程化基础研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2023-03-31 至 2025-03-31
  • 3. 水滑石双疏涂料性能研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2023-03-15 至 2023-08-15
  • 4. 重金属污染土壤修复技术成果科普化 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-10-01 至 2023-10-31
  • 5. 外籍专家的科学家精神研究——十余年热衷 科普的英籍戴伟教授 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-10-01 至 2023-10-31
  • 6. 关于北京化工大学-烟台嘉利环保科技有限公司合作的协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-03-01 至 2027-03-01
  • 7. 温度传感器标定 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-01-25 至 2023-12-31
  • 8. JG2021053 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2021-10-01 至 2023-10-01
  • 9. 光解水合成氨直供太空种植植物生长 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-15 至 2022-12-31


  • 1. DOI Li, Shaoquan,Liu, Jinjia,Su, Wenli,王怡,Li, Jinhao,宁晨君,任静,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Wenkai,Tong, Yuxin,Wang, Chong,Zheng, Lirong,Zhang, Wei,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
  • 13. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,Zhao, Pu,Li, Zixian,刘宾,孔祥贵,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
  • 16. DOI 熊文博,王纪康,孔祥贵,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Liu, Huijie,Wang, Ye,柳世华,王亚文,Li, Shaoquan,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong
    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
  • 30. DOI 喻莎,谭玲,白莎,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王慧娟,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 117. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 122. DOI 赵宇飞,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Guangbo Chen,Xuyang Xiong,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI Li, Shaoquan,Liu, Jinjia,Su, Wenli,王怡,Li, Jinhao,宁晨君,任静,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Wenkai,Tong, Yuxin,Wang, Chong,Zheng, Lirong,Zhang, Wei,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
  • 13. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,Zhao, Pu,Li, Zixian,刘宾,孔祥贵,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
  • 16. DOI 熊文博,王纪康,孔祥贵,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Liu, Huijie,Wang, Ye,柳世华,王亚文,Li, Shaoquan,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong
    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
  • 30. DOI 喻莎,谭玲,白莎,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王慧娟,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 117. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 122. DOI 赵宇飞,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Guangbo Chen,Xuyang Xiong,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI Li, Shaoquan,Liu, Jinjia,Su, Wenli,王怡,Li, Jinhao,宁晨君,任静,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Wenkai,Tong, Yuxin,Wang, Chong,Zheng, Lirong,Zhang, Wei,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
  • 13. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,Zhao, Pu,Li, Zixian,刘宾,孔祥贵,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
  • 16. DOI 熊文博,王纪康,孔祥贵,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Liu, Huijie,Wang, Ye,柳世华,王亚文,Li, Shaoquan,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong
    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
  • 30. DOI 喻莎,谭玲,白莎,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王慧娟,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
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  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 122. DOI 赵宇飞,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Guangbo Chen,Xuyang Xiong,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
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    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
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    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
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    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
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    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
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  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
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  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 122. DOI 赵宇飞,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Guangbo Chen,Xuyang Xiong,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
  • 1. DOI Li, Shaoquan,Liu, Jinjia,Su, Wenli,王怡,Li, Jinhao,宁晨君,任静,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Wenkai,Tong, Yuxin,Wang, Chong,Zheng, Lirong,Zhang, Wei,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
  • 13. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,Zhao, Pu,Li, Zixian,刘宾,孔祥贵,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
  • 16. DOI 熊文博,王纪康,孔祥贵,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Liu, Huijie,Wang, Ye,柳世华,王亚文,Li, Shaoquan,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong
    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
  • 30. DOI 喻莎,谭玲,白莎,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王慧娟,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
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    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
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    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
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    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
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    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
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    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
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    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
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    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
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    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
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    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
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    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 95. DOI Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞,O Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
    2020 Roadmap on two-dimensional nanomaterials for environmental catalysis[期刊论文],CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2019-12-01
  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
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  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 122. DOI 赵宇飞,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Guangbo Chen,Xuyang Xiong,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
    Photohole-oxidation-assisted anchoring of ultra-small Ru clusters onto TiO2 with excellent catalytic activity and stability[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013-02-21
  • 1. DOI Li, Shaoquan,Liu, Jinjia,Su, Wenli,王怡,Li, Jinhao,宁晨君,任静,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Wenkai,Tong, Yuxin,Wang, Chong,Zheng, Lirong,Zhang, Wei,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY,2024-04-01
  • 2. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,Xue, Yao,Li, Zixian,Liu, Huijie,Li, Yang,郭静轶,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate in methane atmosphere for the synthesis of syngas: The effect of O2[期刊论文],Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2024-02-01
  • 3. DOI 刘世华,任静,高娃,王亚文,许诺,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2024-01-05
  • 4. DOI 柳世华,任静,Gao, Wa,Wang, Yawen,Xu, Nuo,熊文博,赵宇飞
    Efficient recovery and treatment of actual electroplating wastewater using stable electrocatalyst-coupled super-stable mineralizer[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2024-01-05
  • 5. DOI Chen, Zhiye,Mo, Shichao,Lin, He,Wu, Zhenduo,赵宇飞,Hua, Xiao,Zhao, Pu
    Understanding porous materials with pair distribution functions[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2023-12-20
  • 6. DOI Guo, Chan,Tang, Yunxiang,Yang, Zhengyi,Zhao, Tingting,Liu, Jiurong,赵宇飞,Wang, Fenglong
    Reinforcing the Efficiency of Photothermal Catalytic CO2 Methanation through Integration of Ru Nanoparticles with Photothermal MnCo2O4 Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2023-12-12
  • 7. DOI 李绍泉,刘金家,苏文丽,王怡,李金昊,宁晨君,任静,温晓东,张文凯,仝宇新,王崇,郑黎荣,张炜,Dermot O'Hare,赵宇飞,段雪
    Tuning excited-state electronic structure in tungsten oxide for enhanced nitrogen photooxidation as fertilizer[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-11-19
  • 8. DOI 任静,邢丽莎,来天艺,赵宇飞
    Boosting the Hydrogen Production Coupling with ElectrochemicalMethanol Oxidation to Formate Using Monolayered Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2023-10-20
  • 9. DOI 宁晨君,杨江荣,白莎,陈广波,刘贵浩,沈天阳,郑黎荣,徐思民,孔祥贵,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    An Efficient Intercalation Supramolecular Structure for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Ethylene Under Visible Light[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2023-10-13
  • 10. DOI Lyu, Meng,Zheng, Jianwei,Coulthard, Claire,任静,赵宇飞,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,Chen, Chunping,O'Hare, Dermot
    Core-shell silica@CuxZnAl LDH catalysts for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023-09-20
  • 11. DOI Wang, Meng,Li, Xiaoyu,Wu, Jiaoge,Sun, Tian,Xu, Xuan,Fan, Faying,赵宇飞,Gao, Wa
    Satisfactory Degradation of Tetracycline by a Ph-Universal Cofe-Ldh/Mos2 Heterojunction Catalyst in Fenton Process: Performances, Mechanisms and Toxicity Assessments[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-07
  • 12. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,赵朴,李子贤,刘宾,孔祥贵,段昊泓,赵宇飞
    Recycling and photocatalysis using super stable mineralization products of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2023-09-05
  • 13. DOI 熊文博,杨沐菲,王纪康,王慧娟,Zhao, Pu,Li, Zixian,刘宾,孔祥贵,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Removal, recycle and reutilization of multiple heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater using super-stable mineralizer Ca-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-09-05
  • 14. DOI 尹倩,沈天阳,李金昊,宁晨君,薛耀,陈广波,徐明,王凤龙,宋宇飞,赵宇飞,段雪
    Solar-driven dry reforming of methane using RuNi single-atom alloy catalyst coupled with thermal decomposition of carbonates[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-08-15
  • 15. DOI 宋慧婷,尹倩,赵宇飞,鄢红
  • 16. DOI 熊文博,王纪康,孔祥贵,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Liu, Huijie,Wang, Ye,柳世华,王亚文,Li, Shaoquan,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong
    Efficient and Super-Stable Mineralization of Toxic Cd2+ Ions Through Defect Engineering in Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2023-05-11
  • 17. DOI 李金昊,任静,李绍泉,李光超,Molly Meng-Jung Li,李仁贵,Young Soo Kang,邹晓新,罗勇,刘宾,赵宇飞
    Potential industrial applications of photo/electrocatalysis: Recent progressand future challenges[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2023-05-09
  • 18. DOI 王纪康,王亚文,熊文博,Li, Zixian,孔祥贵,鄢红,林彦军,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Super-stable mineralization of multiple heavy metal ions from wastewater for utilization in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and trace precious metal recovery[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2023-05-05
  • 19. DOI 李嫦娟,Li, Zixian,王纪康,熊文博,鄢红,Bai, Yiling,O'Hare, Dermot,赵宇飞
    Mineralization and electroreduction-recycling of toxic Pb2+ ions using memory-effect of layered double hydroxide structure with ultrahigh capacity[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-04-15
  • 20. DOI 宁晨君,白莎,王纪康,李子贤,韩志跃,赵宇飞,Dermot O'Hare,宋宇飞
    Review of photo- and electro-catalytic multi-metallic layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2023-04-01
  • 21. DOI 尹倩,Song, Huiting,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
    Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates Coupled with Dry Reforming of Methane to Synthesize High-Value Products: A Perspective[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2023-03-15
  • 22. DOI Li, Yixuan,Xu, Yanqi,Li, Cunjun,Zhu, Wenfeng,陈伟,赵宇飞,Liu, Ruping,Wang, Linjiang
    ZIF-67-Derived NiCo-Layered Double Hydroxide@Carbon Nanotube Architectures with Hollow Nanocage Structures as Enhanced Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],MOLECULES,2023-02-01
  • 23. DOI 任静,迟浩远,谭玲,Peng, Yung-Kang,Li, Guangchao,Meng-Jung Li, Molly,赵宇飞,段雪
    Semi-quantitative determination of active sites in heterogeneous catalysts for photo/electrocatalysis[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023-01-10
  • 24. DOI 王纪康,孔祥贵,杨沐菲,熊文博,Li, Zixian,Zhou, Hua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,徐思民,鄢红,宋宇飞,Duan, Haohong,赵宇飞
    Superstable Mineralization of Heavy Metals Using Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toward Water Remediation and Soil Fertility Enhancement[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-12-29
  • 25. DOI 戚兴怡,胡耀峰,王若愚,杨雅清,赵宇飞
  • 26. DOI 尹倩,宋慧婷,徐明,鄢红,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 27. DOI 王保举,罗勇,初广文,赵宇飞,段雪,陈建峰
    Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
  • 28. DOI 迟浩远,Dong, Jingwen,李恬,白莎,谭玲,王纪康,沈天阳,刘贵浩,Liu, Lihong,Sun, Luyi,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2022-10-01
  • 29. DOI 王若愚,李金昊,宁晨君,田强,赵宇飞
  • 30. DOI 喻莎,谭玲,白莎,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王慧娟,刘宾,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Rational Regulation of Electronic Structure in Layered Double Hydroxide Via Vanadium Incorporation to Trigger Highly Selective CO2 Photoreduction to CH4[期刊论文],Small,2022-09-01
  • 31. DOI 李佳欣,沈天阳,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,王纪康,Williams, Gareth R.,赵宇飞,孔祥贵,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Insights into the Superstable Mineralization of Chromium(III) from Wastewater by CuO[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-08-24
  • 32. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,熊文博,王慧娟,杨沐菲,Li, Tian,孔祥贵,Zou, Xiaoxin,赵宇飞,O'Hare, Dermot,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and environmental remediation using mineralization of toxic metal cations products[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-08-10
  • 33. DOI 刘宾,王霄,王素雯,彭慧晴,肖童瑶,刘贵浩,白莎,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hydroxyl vacancies triggered high methanol oxidation activity of monolayered layered double hydroxides for energy-saving hydrogen production[期刊论文],Materials Today Energy,2022-08-01
  • 34. DOI 葛静敏,Chen, Yuxin,赵宇飞,王一平,张法智,雷晓东
    Activated MoS2by Constructing Single Atomic Cation Vacancies for Accelerated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2022-06-15
  • 35. DOI Smith, Andrew T.,Shen, Kuangyu,Hou, Zaili,Zeng, Songshan,Jin, Jing,宁晨君,赵宇飞,Sun, Luyi
    Dual Photo- and Mechanochromisms of Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Polyvinyl Alcohol Film[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-03-16
  • 36. DOI 刘宾,肖童瑶,孙晓亮,彭慧晴,王霄,赵宇飞,Zhang, Wenjun,宋宇飞
    Hierarchical trace copper incorporation activated cobalt layered double hydroxide as a highly selective methanol conversion electrocatalyst to realize energy-matched photovoltaic-electrocatalytic formate and hydrogen co-production[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-03-01
  • 37. DOI Yang, Qin,Liu, Hanxuan,Yuan, Pei,Jia, Yi,Zhuang, Linzhou,Zhang, Hongwei,Yan, Xuecheng,刘贵浩,赵宇飞,Liu, Jizi,Wei, Shiqiang,Song, Li,Wu, Qilong,Ge, Bingqing,Zhang, Longzhou,Wang, Kang,Wang, Xin,Chang, Chun-Ran,Yao, Xiangdong
    Single Carbon Vacancy Traps Atomic Platinum for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2022-02-09
  • 38. DOI 迟浩远,王纪康,王慧娟,Li, Shaoquan,杨沐菲,白莎,李嫦娟,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Super-Stable Mineralization of Ni2+ Ions from Wastewater using CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-01-01
  • 39. DOI 李恬,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Solar-driven hydrogen production from steam methane reforming using highly dispersed metallic Ni catalysts supported on layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-14
  • 40. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,孙晓亮,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Modulation of Defects for Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets by Altering Intercalation Anions for Efficient Electrooxidation Catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2021-12-01
  • 41. DOI Wang Zelin,刘贵浩,沈天阳,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Remote Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Through the Automatic Chemical Robot[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2021-11-01
  • 42. DOI 王慧娟,白莎,Zhao, Pu,谭玲,宁晨君,刘贵浩,王纪康,沈天阳,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Green light (550 nm) driven tunable syngas synthesis from CO2 photoreduction using heterostructured layered double hydroxide/TiC photocatalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
  • 43. DOI 许艳旗,孙晓亮,王贤,He, Lunhua,Wharmby, Michael T.,Hua, Xiao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Topological Transformation of Mg-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Photodriven CH4 Coupling[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2021-09-15
  • 44. DOI 白莎,李恬,王慧娟,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scale-up synthesis of monolayer layered double hydroxide nanosheets via separate nucleation and aging steps method for efficient CO2 photoreduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01
  • 45. DOI 陈子茹,朱玉荃,徐思民,赵宇飞,Peng, Qian,鄢红
    Theoretical study on the anisotropic photo-induced carrier mobilities in layered double hydroxide-based photocatalysts[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2021-08-01
  • 46. DOI Gao, Wa,Ran, Xiangkun,Zhao, Hanqing,赵宇飞
    Research progress of catalytic materials based on Mg-based layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
  • 47. DOI 丁中振,李恬,Li Changming,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Research Progress of Catalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials by Layered Double Hydroxide-based Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2021-03-16
  • 48. DOI 李佳欣,李蓓,王纪康,何蕾,赵宇飞
  • 49. DOI Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan,Zhao, Pu,Wu, Xin-Ping,Purchase, Kirsty,Orlandi, Fabio,Manuel, Pascal,Taylor, James,Li, Yiyang,Day, Sarah,Ye, Lin,Tang, Chiu C.,赵宇飞,Tsang, S. C. Edman
    Responses of Defect-Rich Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks toward NH3 Adsorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021-03-03
  • 50. DOI He, Shaoxiong,Yin, Renli,来天艺,赵宇飞,Guo, Wanqian,Zhu, Mingshan
    Structure-dependent degradation of nitroimidazoles by cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide catalyzed peroxymonosulfate process[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2021-03-01
  • 51. DOI 郭佳宁,Li, Bingjie,张琪宇,Liu, Qingtao,王泽林,赵宇飞,Shui, Jianglan,向中华
    Highly Accessible Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-x Sites Electrocatalyst for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2021-03-01
  • 52. DOI 谭玲,徐思民,王泽林,郝晓杰,李恬,鄢红,Zhang, Wenkai,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2021-02-24
  • 53. DOI 安佳敏,沈天阳,常文,赵宇飞,祁波,宋宇飞
    Defect engineering of NiCo-layered double hydroxide hollow nanocages for highly selective photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with suppressing H-2 evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2021-02-21
  • 54. DOI Chenjun Ning,Zelin Wang,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Hongliang Dong,Yanqi Xu,Xiaojie Hao,Tianyang Shen,Jingwen Zhao,Pu Zhao,Zhaorui Li,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    650 nm-driven syngas evolution from photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Co-containing ternary layered double hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-07
  • 55. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Latest development of ultrathin two-dimensional materials for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-01-01
  • 56. DOI Ling Tan,Si-Min Xu,Zelin Wang,Xiaojie Hao,Tian Li,鄢红,Wenkai Zhang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm induced nearly 99% selectivity of CH4 from CO2 photoreduction using defect-rich monolayer structures[期刊论文],Cell Reports Physicial Science,2020-12-10
  • 57. DOI 刘贵浩,王泽林,沈天阳,Zheng, Xusheng,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Atomically dispersed Rh-doped NiFe layered double hydroxides: precise location of Rh and promoting hydrazine electrooxidation properties[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2020-12-08
  • 58. DOI Haoyuan Chi,Jingwen Dong,Tian Li,Sha Bai,Ling Tan,Jikang Wang,Tianyang Shen,Guihao Liu,Lihong Liu,Luyi Sun,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Scaled-up synthesis of defect-rich layered double hydroxide monolayers without organic species for efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-12-07
  • 59. DOI 任静,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 60. DOI 谭玲,王泽林,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent Progress on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for Visible-Light-Induced Photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2020-11-02
  • 61. DOI Jikang Wang,Yanqi Xu,Jiaxin Li,Xiaodong Ma,Si-Min Xu,Rui Gao,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Highly selective photo-hydroxylation of phenol using ultrathin NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 550 nm[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2020-10-24
  • 62. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 63. DOI Ling Tan,Zelin Wang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent progress on naonstructured layered double hydroxides for visible-light-induced photoreduction of CO2[期刊论文],Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2020-10-06
  • 64. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Bai, Sha,Cao, Wenjing,Tan, Ling,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tunable Syngas Synthesis from Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Under Visible-Light Irradiation by Interfacial Engineering[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-10-01
  • 65. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
    Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2020-10-01
  • 66. DOI 来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪
  • 67. DOI Ma, Xiaodong,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of C=C Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-12
  • 68. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Tan, Ling,Liu, Guihao,Shen, Tianyang,Yu, Can,Wang, Hao,Tao, Ye,Cao, Xingzhong,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm-driven photoreduction of CO2 through the topological transformation of layered double hydroxides nanosheets[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-08-05
  • 69. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,L.-Z., Wu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],Matter,2020-08-05
  • 70. DOI Gao, Yu-Ji,Li, Xu-Bing,Wang, Xu-Zhe,Zhao, Ning-Jiu,赵宇飞,Wang, Yang,Xin, Zhi-Kun,Zhang, Jian-Ping,Zhang, Tierui,Tung, Chen-Ho,Wu, Li-Zhu
    Site- and Spatial-Selective Integration of Non-noble Metal Ions into Quantum Dots for Robust Hydrogen Photogeneration[期刊论文],MATTER,2020-08-05
  • 71. DOI 谭玲,Peter, Kipkorir,任静,杜宝扬,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO(2)and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-08-01
  • 72. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],J. Energy Chem.,2020-07-01
  • 73. DOI Wang, Xian,Wang, Zelin,Bai, Ya,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,Zheng, Lirong,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2020-07-01
  • 74. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],SCIENCE BULLETIN,2020-06-30
  • 75. DOI Qiu, Conghui,Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,Cao, Wenjing,Liu, Junyan,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    500 nm induced tunable syngas synthesis from CO2photoreduction by controlling heterojunction concentration[期刊论文],Chemical Communications,2020-05-18
  • 76. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-05-15
  • 77. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-01
  • 78. DOI Bai, Sha,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    600 nm Irradiation-Induced Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-01
  • 79. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Recent advance in ultrathin/ultrasmall layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2020-03-01
  • 80. DOI Bai, Panxing,Han, Xinpeng,He, Yongwu,Xiong, Peixun,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Xu, Yunhua
    Solid electrolyte interphase manipulation towards highly stable hard carbon anodes for sodium ion batteries[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 81. DOI 李天,郝晓杰,白莎,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 82. DOI 王泽林,许艳旗,谭玲,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 83. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-02-19
  • 84. DOI Hao, Xiaojie,Tan, Ling,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Wang, Xian,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Zhao, Jingwen,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Engineering Active Ni Sites in Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for a Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 under Irradiation above 500 nm[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-19
  • 85. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],Adv. Energy Mater.,2020-02-01
  • 86. DOI Wang, Yuanshen,赵宇飞,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Zhenhua,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Shi, Run,Wen, Xiaodong,Zhang, Tierui
    Manganese Oxide Modified Nickel Catalysts for Photothermal CO Hydrogenation to Light Olefins[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-02-01
  • 87. DOI Kipkorir, Peter,Tan, Ling,Ren, Jing,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Intercalation Effect in NiAl-layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for CO2 Reduction Under Visible Light[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2020-02-01
  • 88. DOI Xiong, Xuyang,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Yin, Wenjin,Zhao, Yunxuan,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Zhang, Tierui
    Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Zn-based layered double hydroxides containing tri or tetravalent metals[期刊论文],Sci. Bull.,2020-01-01
  • 89. DOI Li, Jiaxin,Xu, Yanqi,Ding, Zhongzhen,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzene to phenol in water over layered double hydroxide: A thermodynamic and kinetic perspective[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. J.,2020-01-01
  • 90. DOI Li, Tian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Controllable Synthesis and Scale-up Production Prospect of Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2020-01-01
  • 91. DOI Tan, Ling,Peter, Kipkorir,Ren, Jing,Du, Baoyang,Hao, Xiaojie,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO2 and H2O using ultrafine CeO2-decorated layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2020-01-01
  • 92. DOI Ma, Qianmin,Zhang, Meng,Xu, Xihan,Meng, Ke,Yao, Chi,赵宇飞,Sun, Jie,Du, Yaping,Yang, Dayong
    Multiresponsive Supramolecular Luminescent Hydrogels Based on a Nucleoside/Lanthanide Complex[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-12-18
  • 93. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
  • 94. DOI 赵宇飞,段雪
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    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 96. DOI Yang, Yulu,Wu, Mingguang,Zhu, Xingwang,Xu, Hui,Ma, Si,Zhi, Yongfeng,Xia, Hong,Liu, Xiaoming,Pan, Jun,Tang, Jie-Yinn,Chai, Siang-Piao,Palmisano, Leonardo,Parrino, Francesco,Liu, Junli,Ma, Jianzhong,Wang, Ze-Lin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,宋宇飞,Singh, Pardeep,Raizada, Pankaj,Jiang, Deli,Li, Di,Geioushy, R. A.,Ma, Jizhen,Zhang, Jintao,Hu, Song,Feng, Rongjuan,Liu, Gang,Liu, Minghua,栗振华,邵明飞,Li, Neng,Peng, Jiahe,Ong, Wee-Jun,Kornienko, Nikolay,Xing, Zhenyu,Fan, Xiujun,Ma, Jianmin
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  • 97. DOI Duan, Haohong,Liu, Jin-Cheng,Xu, Ming,赵宇飞,Ma, Xue-Lu,Dong, Juncai,Zheng, Xusheng,Zheng, Jianwei,Allen, Christopher S.,Danaie, Mohsen,Peng, Yung-Kang,Issariyakul, Titipong,Chen, Dongliang,Kirkland, Angus, I,Buffet, Jean-Charles,Li, Jun,Tsang, Shik Chi Edman,O'Hare, Dermot
    Molecular nitrogen promotes catalytic hydrodeoxygenation[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2019-12-01
  • 98. DOI 张伟,Wang, Zelin,赵宇飞,Miras, Haralampos N.,宋宇飞
    Precise Control of the Oriented Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Growth on Graphene Oxides Leading to Efficient Catalysts for Cascade Reactions[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2019-11-21
  • 99. DOI 王贤,王泽林,白亚,谭玲,许艳旗,郝晓杰,王纪康,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,郑黎荣,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Tuning the selectivity of photoreduction of CO 2 to syngas over Pd/layered double hydroxide nanosheets under visible-light up to 600 nm[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2019-10-15
  • 100. DOI 赵宇飞,宋宇飞
  • 101. DOI Tan, Ling,Xu, Si-Min,Wang, Zelin,Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Xian,Hao, Xiaojie,Bai, Sha,Ning, Chenjun,Wang, Yu,Zhang, Wenkai,Jo, Yun Kyung,Hwang, Seong-Ju,Cao, Xingzhong,Zheng, Xusheng,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Highly Selective Photoreduction of CO2 with Suppressing H-2 Evolution over Monolayer Layered Double Hydroxide under Irradiation above 600 nm[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2019-08-19
  • 102. DOI Xu, Min,Chen, Hong,赵宇飞,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Xue, Yifei,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Ultrathin-Carbon-Layer-Protected PtCu Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon Capsules: A Structure Engineering of the Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2019-07-01
  • 103. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I.N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2019-06-01
  • 104. DOI Li, Zhenhua,Liu, Jinjia,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wang, Yuanshen,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Photothermal hydrocarbon synthesis using alumina-supported cobalt metal nanoparticle catalysts derived from layered-double-hydroxide nanosheets[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-06-01
  • 105. DOI Xin Zhang,赵宇飞,Yunxuan Zhao,Run Shi,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Tierui Zhang
    A Simple Synthetic Strategy toward Defect-Rich Porous Monolayer NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-05-10
  • 106. DOI Zhao, Yunxuan,赵宇飞,Shi, Run,Wang, Bin,Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.,Wu, Li-Zhu,Tung, Chen-Ho,Zhang, Tierui
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-04-19
  • 107. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao Wa,Li Siwei,Gareth R. Williams,Abdul Hanif Mahadi,马丁
    Solar- versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],Joule,2019-04-17
  • 108. DOI 赵宇飞,Gao, Wa,Li, Siwei,Williams, Gareth R.,Mahadi, Abdul Hanif,Ma, Ding
    Solar-versus Thermal-Driven Catalysis for Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOULE,2019-04-17
  • 109. DOI Xu, Min,赵宇飞,Chen, Hong,Ni, Wei,Liu, Mingquan,Huo, Silu,Wu, Linlin,Zang, Xiaogang,杨志宇,严乙铭
    Role of Ultrathin Carbon Shell in Enhancing the Performance of PtZn Intermetallic Nanoparticles as an Anode Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2019-04-15
  • 110. DOI Zhao yunxuan,赵宇飞,Run Shi,Bin Wang,Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse,Li-Zhu Wu,Chen-Ho Tung,Tierui Zhang
    Tuning Oxygen Vacancies in Ultrathin TiO 2 Nanosheets to Boost Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation up to 700 nm[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2019-03-04
  • 111. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019-01-14
  • 112. DOI 孔祥贵,Wang, Xinrui,Cheng, Huimin,赵宇飞,史文颖
    Activating room temperature phosphorescence by organic materials using synergistic effects[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-01-14
  • 113. DOI Wang, Zelin,Xu, Si-Min,Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Xian,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Single Ru atoms with precise coordination on a monolayer layered double hydroxide for efficient electrooxidation catalysis[期刊论文],Chem. Sci.,2019-01-01
  • 114. DOI Gao, Wa,Gao, Rui,赵宇飞,Peng, Mi,Song, Chuqiao,Li, Mengzhu,Li, Siwei,Liu, Jinjia,Li, Weizhen,Deng, Yuchen,Zhang, Mengtao,Xie, Jinglin,Hu, Gang,Zhang, Zhaosheng,Long, Run,Wen, Xiao-Dong,Ma, Ding
    Photo-Driven Syngas Conversion to Lower Olefins over Oxygen-Decorated Fe5C2 Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEM,2018-12-13
  • 115. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Tan, Ling,Wang, Zelin,Hao, Xiaojie,Wang, Jikang,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
    Multiscale structural modulation of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their application in solar-driven catalysis[期刊论文],Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin,2018-12-01
  • 116. DOI 许艳旗,谭玲,王泽林,郝晓杰,王纪康,赵宇飞,宋宇飞
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  • 118. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 119. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Fine Tuning the Heterostructured Interfaces by Topological Transformation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-08-08
  • 120. DOI Liu, Bin,赵宇飞
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
  • 121. DOI Liu, Bin,He, Bin,Peng, Hui-Qing,赵宇飞,Cheng, Junye,Xia, Jing,Shen, Jianhua,Ng, Tsz-Wai,Meng, Xiangmin,Lee, Chun-Sing,Zhang, Wenjun
    Unconventional Nickel Nitride Enriched with Nitrogen Vacancies as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2018-08-01
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    Two-dimensional-related catalytic materials for solar-driven conversion of CO x into valuable chemical feedstocks[期刊论文],CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS,2018-07-29
  • 123. DOI Xu, Yanqi,Wang, Zelin,Tan, Ling,鄢红,赵宇飞,Duan, Haohong,宋宇飞
    Interface Engineering of High-Energy Faceted Co3O4/ZnO Heterostructured Catalysts Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-18
  • 124. DOI Li, Changming,Zhang, Shitong,Zhang, Bingsen,Su, Dangsheng,何杉,赵宇飞,刘婕,Wang, Fei,卫敏,Evans, David G.,段雪
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作者类型 作者姓名 著作名称 出版日期 出版社 排名/总人数
教师 赵宇飞 Photocalysis Using 2D Nanomaterials 2022-04-01 00:00:00 英国皇家化学会Royal Society of Chemistry 1


  • 1. 一种单分散贵金属负载的单层水滑石材料及其制备方法和应用
  • 2. 一种二氧化铅电极及其制备方法和应用、电解耦合超稳矿化处理含重金属废水的方法


  • 1. 创新魅力化学化工传播途径与启迪多群体科学思维 ,2022-12-30 00:00:00 ,社会科技奖励 ,二等奖



1、课题组可供使用的设备:拥有量化计算平台、荧光光谱仪、紫外光谱仪、高效液相色谱仪、气相色谱仪、光电催化系统、CO₂ 高压光催化反应釜、太阳能光催化分解水制氢系统等仪器,高压反应釜、电化学工作站、理论计算服务器等。



1)各种光谱学表征手段(600MHz 液体核磁、400MHz 固体核磁、高分辨率质谱、气相-质谱联用、瞬态吸收光谱、XRD、SEM、TEM-EDX、HRTEM、紫外、荧光、拉曼光谱、FT-IR 等);2)各种原位表征手段:低温 ESR、原位 XPS、原位红外等,国家重点实验室拥有长期从事测试工作,具有高级职称的专业测试团队。
3、学校测设中心设备:球差高分辨透射电子显微镜、核磁共振仪、气质联用仪、X 射线粉末衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、ESR、拉曼光谱仪,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪等有机、无机材料表征仪器。
4、国内外交流和合作:本课题组与牛津大学 Dermot O'Hare 教授、韩国延世大学、新西兰奥克兰大学,西班牙瓦伦西亚科技大学、中科院理化所、北京大学、中科院山西煤化所等课题组都有多年的合作,一直保持长期联系,为后期继续深造提供机会。
课题组内氛围自由融洽,经常组织组内聚餐和外出游玩等课余活动。详细团队研究方向以及个人介绍,请参考 B 站视频。

赵宇飞教授近年来围绕催化活性位缺陷结构设计调控与光驱动加氢过程强化,针对三类关键科学问题:1)催化剂缺陷结构的确认与分类;2)催化剂缺陷结构的调控优化与宏量制备;3)工业热催化反应的温和条件催化转化,取得如下创新成果:1)以易于工业化放大的层状水滑石(LDHs)为模型体系,通过LDHs高催化活性晶面的择优取向,明确了与该活性晶面相关的催化活性位缺陷结构的种类、定位与浓度;2)通过精准控制 LDHs 的多维尺寸,实现了催化活性位缺陷结构的设计与调控;提出了可调控 LDHs 主体层板堆叠生长热力学、强化传质的改进成核晶化隔离法,首次实现了单层超小 LDHs 纳米片的工程化制备;3)针对费托反应制烯烃、高碳烃以及合成氨、精细化学品合成等重要工业热催化过程,提出了以 LDHs 还原构筑缺陷结构丰富的金属/氧化物催化体系的方法,实现了常压温和条件光驱动 CO 高选择性加氢制高碳烃/烯烃以及光催化合成氨过程。揭示了 LDHs 基催化活性位缺陷结构-催化性能之间的关系,提供了绿色低碳 CO、N 还原制备高附加值产品的新途径















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邮件标题需要注明:姓名-硕士面试或姓名-博士面试联系人:赵宇飞邮箱:zhaoyufei@mail.buct.edu.cn地址:北京朝阳区北三环东路 15 号北京化工大学