杨文胜,北京化工大学教授,博士生导师。2001年入选北京市科技新星计划,2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。担任北京化工大学能源化学专业负责人、北京大学先进电池材料北京市重点实验室学术委员会委员。 主要从事电化学能量转换和储能材料化学研究,研究内容涉及锂离子电池正负极材料、锂离子电池固态电解质、燃料电池及全解水电催化剂等。承担国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划课题、国家863计划课题、中国石化等公司企业委托课题、北化大-宝马公司国际合作项目等20余项。在Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials等期刊发表SCI论文80余篇,论文他引2600余次;取得中国发明专利授权30余件,美国专利授权2件,其中2件中国发明专利已许可实施。建成2000 t/a高性能锰酸锂正极材料生产线2条、高镍三元镍钴锰酸锂正极材料10 t/a中试线1条。作为主要成员获北京市科学技术二等奖1项。 承担本科生《无机化学》、研究生《高等无机化学》、《应用电化学》等课程的教学工作。主讲《高等无机化学》入选首批国家级课程思政示范课、教学名师和教学团队,作为主要成员获北京市教育教学成果(高等教育)一等奖2项,主编《应用电化学》教材并获北京市精品教材。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
1994-09-01 |
1998-03-20 |
北京科技大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1991-09-01 |
1994-06-30 |
山东大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1987-09-01 |
1991-06-30 |
山东大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2002-07-01 |
2019-03-31 |
北京化工大学 |
1999-07-01 |
2002-06-30 |
北京化工大学 |
1997-08-01 |
1999-06-30 |
北京化工大学 |
2019-04-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
1. 能量转换和储能材料化学 ü 锂/钠离子电池正极材料、负极材料及固体电解质等关键材料研发 ü 超级电容器、薄膜微电源等新型储能器件电极材料研发 2. 电催化剂及电化学传感器 ü 电解水制氢、燃料电池等器件关键催化剂研发 ü 电化学生物传感器、气体传感器及离子选择性电极敏感材料研发及器件化 3. 无机功能材料的组装化学 ü 基于层间限域反应、原位插层反应设计组装超分子结构无机功能材料 ü 开发新型超分子结构无机功能材料在电化学领域的应用
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
无机化学原理 |
2023 |
64 |
64 |
公共基础必修 |
化学学科导论 |
2023 |
16 |
23 |
专业选修 |
化学学科导论 |
2023 |
16 |
151 |
专业必修 |
化学学科导论 |
2023 |
16 |
166 |
专业必修 |
无机元素化学 |
2023 |
48 |
55 |
专业必修 |
化学学科导论 |
2022 |
16 |
129 |
专业必修 |
化学学科导论 |
2022 |
16 |
156 |
专业必修 |
无机化学原理 |
2022 |
64 |
51 |
公共基础必修 |
无机元素化学 |
2022 |
48 |
47 |
专业必修 |
无机元素化学 |
2022 |
48 |
51 |
专业必修 |
无机合成 |
2021 |
32 |
75 |
专业选修 |
无机化学原理 |
2021 |
64 |
50 |
公共基础必修 |
无机合成 |
2020 |
32 |
25 |
专业选修 |
无机化学(Ⅱ) |
2020 |
48 |
55 |
专业必修 |
无机合成 |
2019 |
32 |
11 |
专业选修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
高等无机化学 |
2024 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2023 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2022 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米材料化学 |
2021 |
48 |
B专业核心课 |
高等无机化学 |
2021 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2020 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2019 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2018 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2017 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2016 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2015 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米材料化学 |
2014 |
48 |
B专业核心课 |
高等无机化学 |
2014 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
高等无机化学 |
2013 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 动力锂电高镍低钴及无钴正极材料的工程制备技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2023-06-30
- 2. 快充型动力电池的研发 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2019-10-01 至 2021-09-30
- 3. 插层结构的纳米效应与功能强化 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 4. 蛋黄-蛋壳结构锂离子筛的设计合成及其电化学提锂方法研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 5. 插层材料的纳米效应与功能强化 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 6. 基于层间限域反应可控制备超短碳纳米管及其电化学性能 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 7. 面向贵金属催化剂高效利用与替代的关键纳米材料和相关技术基础(二期) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 8. 基于层间限域反应可控制备超短碳纳米管及其性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2016-12-31
- 9. 限域反应构建新型纳米复合材料的化工基础 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 10. “超分子插层组装”材料国际科技合作基地能力提升 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2012-12-01 至 2013-12-31
- 11. 面向贵金属催化剂高效利用与替代的关键纳米材料和相关技术基础 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2012-08-31
- 12. 国家重点实验室 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 13. 无机纳米片/导电聚合物多层复合薄膜电极材料的组装及性能 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 14. 一维纳晶ZnO气敏元件检测环境污染气体 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 15. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 16. 基于无机纳米片的薄膜超级电容器电极制备及应用技术 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2006-12-01 至 2008-12-31
- 17. 替代含铅热稳定剂等有毒害材料的关键技术开发 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2005-06-01 至 2006-06-01
- 18. 纳米结构与聚合物基功能材料 ,国际合作项目,项目时间:2005-01-01 至 2007-12-31
- 19. 纳米双金属复合氧化物催化剂的产业化技术开发及应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2004-08-01 至 2005-12-31
- 20. 二氧化锰插层组装超分子插层结构材料及其电化学特性 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2004-01-01 至 2006-12-31
- 21. 新型层柱结构锰酸锂电极材料的超分子插层组装及性能研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2001-12-01 至 2004-11-30
- 22. 高比容量层状锰酸锂的插层组装研究 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2001-01-01 至 2003-12-31
- 23. 新型嵌入化合物电极材料的合成及性能研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:1998-07-04 至 1999-06-28
- 1. 锂离子电池高镍低钴正极材料的研发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-04-01 至 2025-12-31
- 2. 宽温域硅基电池电解液开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-03-15 至 2026-03-14
- 3. 钠离子电池用高性能硬碳负极材料开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 4. 低残碱高性能NCM811三元材料的工程化开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-03 至 2031-06-03
- 5. 高性能硅碳负极材料放大生产及配套电芯开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-03 至 2031-06-03
- 6. 锂离子电池正极材料镍钴铝(NCA)单晶绿色制备工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-15 至 2031-05-15
- 7. 高能量密度正极材料技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-07-15 至 2030-07-15
- 8. 廉价碳源制备碳基纳米材料工艺开发及其应用研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-06-26 至 2029-06-26
- 9. 锂离子电池高镍型三元正极材料的设计与开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-08-13 至 2028-08-13
- 10. 电解法制备高纯砷烷原理研究和模拟设备开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-06-30 至 2022-07-31
- 11. 高性能系列锰酸锂正极材料技术转让 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-09-08 至 2027-09-08
- 12. 北京化工大学-石家庄圣泰化工有限公司电解液联合实验室 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-07-07 至 2020-07-06
- 13. 高性能电池材料研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 14. CVD法制备碳纳米管的工艺开发 ,项目时间:2014-07-29 至 2016-12-31
- 15. 新型正极材料及其匹配的凝胶电解质 ,项目时间:2013-10-28 至 2016-10-27
- 16. 锂离子电池正极材料的中试制备技术 ,项目时间:2008-10-29 至 2009-10-31
- 17. 锂离子电池电极材料的研究与开发 ,项目时间:1998-12-01 至 2001-12-01
- 18. 锂离子电池正极材料的研究与开发 ,项目时间:1997-11-01 至 1998-10-01
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
68. DOI
Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
69. DOI
于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
68. DOI
Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
69. DOI
于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
68. DOI
Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
69. DOI
于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
68. DOI
Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
69. DOI
于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
68. DOI
Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
69. DOI
于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
1. DOI
Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
2. DOI
Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
3. DOI
张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
4. DOI
5. DOI
Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
6. DOI
白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
7. DOI
A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
8. DOI
刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
9. DOI
谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
Recycling-oriented cathode materials design for lithium-ion batteries: Elegant structures versus complicated compositions[期刊论文],ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS,2021-10-01
10. DOI
Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
11. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
12. DOI
A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2020-12-25
13. DOI
Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
14. DOI
Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of tumor exosomes based on peptide recognition and luminol-AuNPs@g-C3N4 nanoprobe signal amplification[期刊论文],Talanta,2020-07-18
15. DOI
Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
Fe3C/Fe, N-codoped porous carbon from petroleum vacuum residual for highly efficient oxygen reduction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-06-01
16. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
17. DOI
Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
18. DOI
Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
19. DOI
Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
20. DOI
练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
Movable hollow nanoparticles as reactive oxygen scavengers[期刊论文],Chem,2019-09-12
21. DOI
Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
22. DOI
Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
23. DOI
Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
24. DOI
25. DOI
Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
26. DOI
Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
27. DOI
Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
28. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
29. DOI
Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
31. DOI
32. DOI
Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
33. DOI
李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
34. DOI
Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
35. DOI
李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
36. DOI
Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
37. DOI
Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
38. DOI
Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
39. DOI
Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
40. DOI
Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
41. DOI
Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
42. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
43. DOI
44. DOI
Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
45. DOI
Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
46. DOI
synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
47. DOI
Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
48. DOI
A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
49. DOI
Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
50. DOI
于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
51. DOI
Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
52. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
53. DOI
Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
54. DOI
Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
60. DOI
N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
61. DOI
62. DOI
63. DOI
Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
64. DOI
Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
65. DOI
Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
66. DOI
Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
67. DOI
Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
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Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
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于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
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Conductive and self-healing hydrogel for flexible electrochemiluminescence sensor[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-03-09
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Three-dimensional LLZO/PVDF-HFP fiber network-enhanced ultrathin composite solid electrolyte membrane for dendrite-free solid-state lithium metal batteries[期刊论文],Journal of Membrane Science,2023-01-05
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张硕,陈俊,Lian, Mei-Ling,杨文胜,陈旭
An engineered, self-propelled nanozyme as reactive oxygen species scavenger[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-15
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Vacancies-rich CoAl monolayer layered double hydroxide as efficient superoxide dismutase-like nanozyme[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-09-01
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白帆,曲鑫,李聪,Liu, Shuo,Sun, Jie,陈旭,杨文胜
Nickel Nanoflowers with Controllable Cation Vacancy for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-22
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A Self-Assembled Fmoc-Diphenylalanine Hydrogel-Encapsulated Pt Nanozyme as Oxidase- and Peroxidase-Like Breaking pH Limitation for Potential Antimicrobial Application[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL,2022-05-06
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刘雪娇,Li, Yuanliang,何莉,冯拥军,Tan, Huangying,陈旭,杨文胜
Simultaneous detection of multiple neuroendocrine tumor markers in patient serum with an ultrasensitive and antifouling electrochemical immunosensor[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2021-12-15
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谭江豪,王琪,陈帅,栗振华,Sun, Jie,刘文,杨文胜,项顼,孙晓明,段雪
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Research progress of electrochemical lithium extraction systems and electrode materials[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-06-01
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A simple electrochemiluminesecence aptasenor using a GCE/NCQDs/aptamers for detection of Pb2+[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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Fan Bai,Xin Qu,Jun Wang,陈旭,杨文胜
Confinement Catalyst of Co9S8@N-Doped Carbon Derived from Intercalated Co(OH)(2) Precursor and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020-07-29
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Xuejiao liu,Qiaoe Wang,Jun Chen,陈旭,杨文胜
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Zhai, Xiaoying,Lin, Weiguo,Liu, Jinkai,陈旭,Yong, Junfeng,杨文胜
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Zhang, Bin,Zhang, Biao,Wang, Lye,许晨,路艳罗,徐斌,杨文胜
Li and Ti Co-doping to stabilize slabs of high-voltage P2-type Na-0.560[Li0.041Mn0.642Ni0.221Ti0.095]O-2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020-05-25
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Chen, Jun,Wang, Qiaoe,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,Wang, Lianying,杨文胜
Black phosphorus quantum dots as novel electrogenerated chemiluminescence emitters for the detection of Cu2+[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2020-04-30
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Lv, Wanxue,Ye, Haochen,袁智勤,Liu, Xuejiao,陈旭,杨文胜
Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based simultaneous detection of multiple targets[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-02-01
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Vacancy in Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials toward Sustainable Energy Application[期刊论文],Advanced Energy Materials,2019-09-28
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练美玲,Zhenjie Xue,Xuezhi Qiao,Cong Liu,张硕,Xiao Li,Chuanhui Huang,Qian Song,杨文胜,陈旭,王铁
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Lian, Meiling,Zhang, Shuo,杨文胜,陈旭
Movable Hollow Nanoparticles as Reactive Oxygen Scavengers[期刊论文],CHEM,2019-09-12
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Liang Xu,Xiaoying Zhai,Weiguo Lin,陈旭,李峰,杨文胜
Monodispersed platinum nanoparticles embedded in Ni3S2-containing hollow carbon spheres with ultralow Pt loading and high alkaline hydrogen evolution activity[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2019-06-20
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Lin Weiguo,Sun Weihang,Qu Zongkai,Feng Xiaolei,Rong Junfeng,陈旭,杨文胜
Preparation and Performance of Nano-porous Si/Graphite/C Composite Microspheres as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries[期刊论文],CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE,2019-06-10
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Meiling Lian,Shuo Zhang,Jun Chen,Xuejiao Liu,陈旭,杨文胜
Self-assembling peptide artificial enzyme as an efficient detection prober and inhibitor for cancer cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019-04-11
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Zhang, Bin,Wang, Lve,Bai, Fan,Xiao, Peng,Zhang, Biao,许晨,Sun, Jie,杨文胜
High-discharge-voltage lithium-rich layered-oxide cathode materials based on low oxygen vacancy[期刊论文],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2019-03-14
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Liu, Xuejiao,Chen, Wanwan,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Enzyme immobilization on ZIF-67/MWCNT composite engenders high sensitivity electrochemical sensing[期刊论文],Journal of Electroanalytical Chemisty,2019-01-01
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Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,陈旭,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-: XCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated (1- x)Ni(OH)2@ x Co(OH)2 and doped Ni1- xCox(OH)2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC Adv.,2019-01-01
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Tang, Lei,Li, Gang,Xiao, Peng,许晨,杨文胜
Comparison of electrochemical performance of LiNi1-xCoxO2 cathode materials synthesized from coated ( 1-x) Ni( OH) 2@ xCo( OH) 2 and doped Ni1-xCox( OH) 2 precursors[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-01-01
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Synthesis of high-energy-density LiMn2O4 cathode through surficial Nb doping for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2018-10-01
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Zhu Wan-Jun,Zhai Xiao-Ying,Huang Ren-Yao,冯拥军,Yuan Mao,许晨,杨文胜
Analysis of Trace Pb, Zn and Cu in Water Samples Based on Three-dimensional Flower-Shaped Magnesium Silicate as A Solid Sorbent and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-09-01
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李刚,陈旭,Liu Yafei,Chen Yanbin,杨文胜
One-time sintering process to synthesize ZrO2-coated LiMn2O4 materials for lithium-ion batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-05-01
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Rigid TiO2-x coated mesoporous hollow Si nanospheres with high structure stability for lithium-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-04-17
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李刚,Lin Qi,肖鹏,于永利,陈旭,杨文胜
Effect of precursor structures on the electrochemical performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.88Co0.12O2 cathode materials[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-03-20
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Xu, Liang,Wang, Zhe,陈旭,Qu, Zongkai,李峰,杨文胜
Ultrathin layered double hydroxide nanosheets with Ni(III) active species obtained by exfoliation for highly efficient ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
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Han, Xinpeng,Liu, Cheng,Sun, Jie,Sendek, Austin D.,杨文胜
Density functional theory calculations for evaluation of phosphorene as a potential anode material for magnesium batteries[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2018-01-01
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Zhu, Xiaowen,Zhang, Zhen,Xue, Zhenjie,Huang, Chuanhui,Shan, Ye,Liu, Cong,Qin, Xiaoyun,杨文胜,陈旭,Wang, Tie
Understanding the Selective Detection of Fe3+Based on Graphene Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes: The Kspof a Metal Hydroxide-Assisted Mechanism[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2017-11-21
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Feng, Xiaolei,Qu, Zongkai,Chen, Jun,Wang, Dengdeng,陈旭,杨文胜
NiFe2O4/NiO Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2017-11-10
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Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles generated in situ on layered double hydroxide nanowalls for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of hydrazine[期刊论文],Analytical Methods,2017-11-06
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Seamless signal transduction from three-dimensional-cultured cells to a superoxide anions biosensor via in situ self-assembly of dipeptide hydrogel[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-11-03
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Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube - chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2017-11-01
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Understanding the selective detection of Fe based on graphene quantum dots as fluorescent probes: the Ksp of a metal hydroxide assisted mechanism[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2017-10-20
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Xu, Liang,Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide via an ITO electrode modified with gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on a CoMn-layered double hydroxide[期刊论文],MICROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-10-01
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synergistic action of Co-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst and multiple ions of sea salt for efficient seawater oxidation at near-neutral pH[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-25
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Yu, Yongli,李刚,Zhou, Shuai,陈旭,Lee, Hyun-Wook,杨文胜
Self-adaptive Si/reduced graphene oxide scrolls for high-performance Li-ion battery anodes[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-08-01
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A Co-N/C hollow-sphere electrocatalyst derived from a metanilic CoAl layered double hydroxide for the oxygen reduction reaction, and its active sites in various pH media[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-07-01
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Chen, Wanwan,杨文胜,路艳罗,Zhu, Wanjun,陈旭
Encapsulation of enzyme into mesoporous cages of metal-organic frameworks for the development of highly stable electrochemical biosensors[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL METHODS,2017-06-07
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于书平,xiangfang chi,jianhua fan,xinkai liang,杨文胜,汪中明,韩克飞,朱红
High performance N-doped moCNTs catalyst with graphene-like nanosheets structure for oxygen reduction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-05-12
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Intercalated Co(OH) 2 -derived flower-like hybrids composed of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles partially embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets with superior lithium storage[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017-01-01
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Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Liu, Xuejiao,Yi, Zongchun,杨文胜
A self-assembled peptide nanotube–chitosan composite as a novel platform for electrochemical cytosensing[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2017-01-01
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Non-enzymatic acetylcholine electrochemical biosensor based on flower-like NiAl layered double hydroxides decorated with carbon dots[期刊论文],SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2016-10-05
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Lian, Meiling,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogel as a Smart Biointerface for Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensing and Cell Monitoring[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-28
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Monodisperse cobalt sulfides embedded within nitrogen-doped carbon nanoflakes: An efficient and stable electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016-01-01
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N-doped carbon@Ni-Al2O3 nanosheet array@graphene oxide composite as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2015-10-20
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Carbon quantum dots displaying dual-wavelength photoluminescence and electro -chemiluminescence prepared by high-energy ball milling[期刊论文],CARBON,2015-07-07
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Chemical power source based on layered double hydroxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY,2015-07-01
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Gong, Yufei,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Self-assembled dipeptide-gold nanoparticle hybrid spheres for highly sensitive amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensors[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-04-15
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Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,Yang, Hui,杨文胜
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behavior of peptide nanovesicle and its application in sensing dopamine[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-01-15
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Han, Xue,Huang, Chunxiu,陈旭,Lu, Yanluo,杨文胜
Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of self-assembled peptide nanotubes in an aqueous system[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2015-01-01
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Hierarchical hollow urchin-like NiCo2O4 nanomaterial as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline medium[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-05
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于书平,Runting Liu,杨文胜,韩克飞,汪中明,朱红
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of MnO2-promoted Ag@Pt/MWCNT electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014-01-14
- 1. 超分子插层结构无铅热稳定剂 ,省部级科技奖励 ,二等奖