张 睿
副教授 硕士生导师 行业任职:北京膜协会理事 Guest Editor of Journal Membranes 办公地址:北京化工大学东校区综合楼A403 电子邮箱:zhangrui1@mail.buct.edu.cn 联系方式:18703641 招生专业:学硕、专硕:化学工程与技术、材料化工、环境科学与技术、能源化工 研究方向:功能性膜材料制备、选择性分离膜材料结构与性能关系研究、高性能气液体分离膜制备、水处理工艺、超滤微滤膜组件结构设计、渗透汽化脱盐、高盐高氨氮废水处理研究、高浓废水的减量和无害化研究。 教育经历: 2014-2018年北京化工大学 材料科学与工程 博士选择性分离膜制备 2006-2009年北京化工大学 材料加工工程 硕士离子膜制备与加工 2000-2004年青岛化工学院 高分子材料加工 学士弹性体聚合物合成 工作经历: 2009-至今 北京化工大学 副教授 近期学术成果: 2021-2024 1、 Menghan Yang, Chenghao Niu, Yifei Guo, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang, Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation desalination composite membranes with study of its acid-base stability, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 354, Part 6, 2025, 129277, ISSN 1383-5866, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.129277. 2、 Jiahua Yan, Zhongxiao Du, Zijian Yu, Bing Cao, ThiThi Mar, Dujian Qin, Rui Zhang, Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination, Desalination, Volume 586, 2024, 117872, ISSN 0011-9164, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2024.117872. 3、 Thi Thi Mar, Da Yin, Ziyu Fang, Tao Wang, Xi Dai, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang, Structural Optimization of Separation Layer and Porous PES Substrate for Enhanced Pervaporation Desalination Performance, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2024, 110083, ISSN 0255-2701, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2024.110083. 4、 Thi Thi Mar, Yunlong Xue, Jiahua Yan, Zijian Yu, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang, Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 206, 2024, Pages 175-187, ISSN 0263-8762, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2024.04.052. 5、 Thi Thi Mar, Yunlong Xue, Yu Chang, Zijian Yu, Zhongxiao Du, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang, Fabrication and performance optimization of an advanced pervaporation desalination membrane: A study utilizing PVDF and hydrophilic active layer as composite, Results in Engineering, Volume 23, 2024, 102760, ISSN 2590-1230, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102760. 6、 Dujian Qin, Hangmin Liu, Jiahua Yan, ZiJian Yu, Zhongxiao Du, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang*, Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 691, 2024, 122175, ISSN 0376-7388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2023.122175. 7、 Ye, X., Cao, X., Kong, Rui Zhang*. et al. Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells. J. Electron. Mater. 52, 7897–7906 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-023-10750-x 8、 Junli Wang, Bing Cao, Rui Zhang*, et al, Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 179, 2022, Pages 493-501, ISSN 0263-8762, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2022.01.028. 9、 Dujian Qin, Hangmin Liu, Tianhui Xiong, Junli Wang, Rui Zhang, et al, Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure, Desalination, Volume 525, 2022, 115496, ISSN 0011-9164, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2021.115496. 10、 Dujian Qin, Rui Zhang*, et al, Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 638, 2021, 119672, ISSN 0376-7388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119672. 11、 Pengbo Zhao, Bowen Yao, Junquan Meng, Rui Zhang*, et al, Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 274, 2021, 119034, ISSN 1383-5866, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119034. 12、 Pengbo Zhao, Junquan Meng, Rui Zhang*, et al, Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 268, 2021, 118671, ISSN 1383-5866, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118671. 13、 Huaqing Liu, Jianzhong Xia, Kangjie Cui, Zhang Rui, et al. Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2021.1. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119108 2020年以前 14、 Li Y, Yang R, Zhang Rui, et al. Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020. 15、 Wang S, Xiang D, Meng J, Zhang Rui, Li Pei,Cao Bing. Preparation of UiO/DMBPTB and UiO㎞H 2 /DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO 2 /CH 4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[J]. ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5(45):14251-14260. 16、 Meng J , Lau C H , Xue Y , Zhang Rui,Li Pei,Cao Bing. Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8. 17、 Cui Kangjie, Li Pei, Zhang, Rui, Cao Bing, Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN.171-179(156),2020 18、 Zhao P, Xue Y, Zhang Rui, Li Pei, Cao Bing. Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 10.1016/j.memsci.2020.118367 19、 Zhang Rui, Xu X, Cao Bing, Li Pei. Fabrication of high−performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[J]. Petroleum Science. 2018;15(1):146−156. doi: 10.1007/s12182−017−0204−z 20、 Rui Zhang, JJ Xue, Yuan Li, Bing Cao, Pei Li. A Chemical Imidization Method to Avoid Pore Collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA−ODA Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment. 115(2018)33−44. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2018.22470 21、 Zhang Rui, Liang B, Qu T, Cao Bing, Li Pei. High−performance sulfosuccinic acid cross−linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[J]. Environ Technol. 2017:1−9. doi: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1388852 22、 Zhang Rui Li Pei. Tubular Membrane Module − The Suitable Configuraton for Pervaporaton Desalinaton Membrane. Polymer Sciences. 2016; Vol.2 No.2:13. doi: 10.4172/2471−9935.100021 23、 Tang W, Zhang Rui, et al. Perfluorosulfonated ionomers membranes: Melt‐processing and characterization for ion exchange applications[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(4). 24、 全氟磺酸离子交换树脂挤出流延薄膜加工性能研究张睿苑会林《塑料工业》2013年第S01期 119-123页 科研项目: 1、柔性太阳电池赝玻璃盖片膜设计制备与封装技术研发 银行航天2021.6-2023.10 横向 主持 2、渗透汽化膜组器设计与制备技术研究开发 中石化研究院 2020.6-2023.5 横向 主持 3、催化裂化烟气脱硫浓盐水正渗透减量化技术研究中石油华北2018.12-2020.12横向主持 4、管式膜高粘溶液过滤分离溶剂回收工艺设计研究 2022.11-2023.12横向主持 5、水蒸气加速透水率测试方法研究及性能测试 海洋化工研究院 2022.9-2022.12横向 主持 6、新能源柔性太阳电池抗辐照环氧树脂研发 2023.3-2023.12 横向 主持 7、海水淡化渗透汽化管式复合膜制备与性能研究双一流海洋生物化工培2016.12 -2017.12主持 工程实践: 1、管式渗透汽化脱盐膜制备及工程化应用。根据需求自主设计并制备能够工程化应用的管式渗透汽化分离复合膜制备设备,在前期试验基础上制备管式膜渗透汽化脱盐膜组件,设计研发并试制4款工业应用级别渗透汽化膜组器,根据不同到组器结构设计并制备试验运行装置。使用自制的一体式渗透汽化脱盐膜装置在山东泰安蒙牛集团进行发酵罐清洗水回用中试;6组连用管式膜设备在盘锦沥青新材料有限公司进行反渗透浓水回收;防爆型渗透汽化膜组器在天津渤海化工厂区进行锅炉水纯化回用实验。 2、全氟磺酸离子交换膜多层复合成型。与山东东岳神州集团合作制备国产化燃料电池及电解槽用离子交换薄膜,针对杜邦公司离子膜结构特点,参考薄膜挤出工艺文献,设计离子交换膜多层共挤复合成型工艺,并解决工艺质量问题。并独立在东岳进行中式,并提供制备工艺可行性报告3篇,流延基础设备改造方案1项,并撰写离子交换膜制备论文1篇。 招生需求: 工作踏实认真,欢迎对选择性气、液分离膜制备、膜组件结构设计、运行装置优化感兴趣;实践动手能力强,对分离膜法气体分离、污水处理、高浓废水脱盐领域有经验的各位同学。 实验室网页介绍: https://membrane.buct.edu.cn/ 本团队拥有雄厚的技术力量、人才资源,拥有一批优秀的工程技术专家。团队以技术进步和科技创新作为支撑,目标是建立高水平的技术成果孵化、转化、推广平台,促进学校基础科研成果向先进生产力的转化。自2006年成立以来,团队与多地企业展开了广泛的科技合作,并逐步强化工程化基地建设。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2014-09-01 |
2018-12-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
2006-09-01 |
2009-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
2000-09-01 |
2004-07-01 |
青岛科技大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2021-03-19 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2009-07-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
研究方向: 1、功能性膜材料制备; 2、选择性分离膜材料结构与性能关系研究; 3、高性能气液体分离膜制备; 4、水处理超滤微滤膜组件结构设计; 5、渗透汽化脱盐及有机物脱除; 6、高盐高氨氮废水处理研究; 7、高浓废水的减量和无害化研究。
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
化工专业实验 |
2022 |
1 |
22 |
实践环节必修 |
物理化学实验 B(I) |
2019 |
32 |
23 |
专业必修 |
- 1. 海水淡化渗透汽化管式复合膜制备与性能研究 ,信息科学与技术学院,项目时间:2016-11-01 至 2017-11-01
- 1. 三乙基铝含量测试 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2023-05-05 至 2023-10-31
- 2. 三乙基铝溶液反应性能测试 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-05-05 至 2023-10-31
- 3. 高粘溶液膜过滤分离器测试服务 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2023-12-31
- 4. 柔性太阳电池赝玻璃封装技术研发与制备 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-10-15 至 2023-10-15
- 5. 透水率测试方法研究及性能测试 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-09-06 至 2022-12-31
- 6. 人工加速透水率测试 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-09-06 至 2022-12-31
- 7. 柔性太阳电池赝型玻璃盖片研发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-01 至 2022-03-30
- 8. 渗透汽化膜组器设计与制备技术研究开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-05-08 至 2022-05-07
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
1. DOI
Yan, Jiahua,Du, Zhongxiao,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,Mar, Thithi,Qin, Dujian,张睿
Optimization of mass transfer-enhanced chlorine-resistant crosslinked PVA composite membranes for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2024-10-01
2. DOI
Mar, Thi Thi,薛云龙,Yan, Jiahua,Yu, Zijian,曹兵,张睿
Synthesis of robust interface-anchored composite PVA/PSU/epoxy membrane for highly efficient pervaporation in concentrated brine desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2024-06-01
3. DOI
Large-scale preparation of UV photo-crosslinked composite membrane with high pervaporation desalination properties and excellent fouling resistance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2023-10-15
4. DOI
Low-Cost Layered Double Hydroxides as Inorganic Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文], Journal of Electronic Materials,2023-10-06
5. DOI
6. DOI
Spray-coated tough thin film composite membrane for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2022-03-01
7. DOI
Enhancing the property of composite pervaporation desalination membrane by fabricating a less resistance substrate with porous but skinless surface structure[期刊论文],Desalination,2022-03-01
8. DOI
Fabrication of high-performance composite membranes based on hierarchically structured electrospun nanofiber substrates for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-11-15
9. DOI
Studies on the fouling behavior and cleaning method of pervaporation desalination membranes for reclamation of reverse osmosis concentrated water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-11-01
10. DOI
蒙俊权,赵鹏波,曹兵,Lau, Cher Hon,薛云龙,张睿,李培
Fabricating thin-film composite membranes for pervaporation desalination via photo-crosslinking[期刊论文],DESALINATION,2021-09-15
11. DOI
Molecular design of chlorine-resistant polymer for pervaporation desalination[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-08-01
12. DOI
刘华卿,Xia, Jianzhong,崔康杰,蒙俊权,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation membrane for sulfuric acid recovery via interfacial polymerization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2021-04-15
13. DOI
白桂芹,Xia, Jianzhong,曹兵,张睿,蒙俊权,李培
Fabrication of high-performance pervaporation composite membrane for alkaline wastewater reclamation[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021-02-01
14. DOI
Preparation of UiO-66/DMBPTB and UiO-66-NH2/DMBPTB Nanocomposite Membranes with Enhanced CO2/CH4 Selectivity for Gas Separation[期刊论文],ChemistrySelect,2020-11-21
15. DOI
Zhao, Pengbo,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of pervaporation desalination membranes with excellent chemical resistance for chemical washing[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2020-10-01
16. DOI
Preparation of Thermally Imidized Polyimide Nanofiltration Membranes with Macrovoid-Free Structures[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2020-08-05
17. DOI
Meng, Junquan,Lau, Cher Hon,Xue, Yunlong,张睿,曹兵,李培
Compatibilizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers via spray coating for desalination[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020-05-07
18. DOI
Cui, Kangjie,李培,张睿,曹兵
Preparation of pervaporation membranes by interfacial polymerization for acid wastewater purification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-04-01
19. DOI
张睿,Liang, Bin,Qu, Ting,曹兵,李培
High-performance sulfosuccinic acid cross-linked PVA composite pervaporation membrane for desalination[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01
20. DOI
张睿,Xue, Jingjing,李媛,曹兵,李培
A chemical imidization method to avoid pore collapsing and selective layer thickening of PMDA-ODA polyimide nanofiltration membranes[期刊论文],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2018-05-01
21. DOI
张睿,Xu, Xiaoying,曹兵,李培
Fabrication of high-performance PVA/PAN composite pervaporation membranes crosslinked by PMDA for wastewater desalination[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2018-02-01
22. DOI
Tubular Membrane Module - The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane[期刊论文],polymer sciences,2016-12-07
23. DOI
24. DOI
Tang, Weihua,张睿,Liu, Beibei,苑会林
Perfluorosulfonated Ionomers Membranes: Melt-Processing and Characterization for Ion Exchange Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-02-15
- 1. 高密堆积柔性抗辐照赝型玻璃盖片及其制备方法 ,202210453160.6