入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2001-09-01 |
2006-07-01 |
中国农业大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1997-09-01 |
2001-07-01 |
山西财经大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2021-10-25 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2006-07-01 |
2013-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
2013-07-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2021-10-19 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
世界生物能源协会理事会理事; 国际区域炉具测试与知识中心主任; 中国农村能源行业协会民用清洁炉具专委会主任; 中华环保联合会可降解塑料专委会主任等学术兼职。
研究领域包括: 1. 生物质及有机废弃物厌氧发酵沼气技术及其应用 2. 废水及污泥处理技术及应用 3. 生物质清洁燃料与炊事供暖技术及其应用 4. 碳资产管理及碳交易项目开发
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
环境工程基础 |
2023 |
24 |
160 |
公共基础必修 |
环境工程基础 |
2023 |
24 |
164 |
公共基础必修 |
碳中和基本理论与实践 |
2021 |
24 |
69 |
素质核心课程 |
新时期中国发展道路 |
2021 |
32 |
5 |
公共基础必修 |
新时期中国发展道路 |
2020 |
32 |
8 |
公共基础必修 |
新能源国际交叉与前沿 |
2019 |
32 |
27 |
素质教育课程 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
中国发展道路 |
2023 |
32 |
中国发展道路 |
2022 |
32 |
新时期中国发展道路 |
2021 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
新时期中国发展道路 |
2020 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
- 1. 生物质成型燃料及炉具的可持续发展研究 ,化学工程学院,项目时间:2024-03-01 至 2024-12-01
- 1. 中希生物能源联合实验室合作项目 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2023-10-01 至 2026-09-30
- 2. 民用煤VOCs和I/SVOCs排放特征及其对SOA生成贡献研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 3. 新时期中国发展道路——国情教育课程设 置、教学大纲、教学方法研究 ,地、市、厅、局等政府部门项目,项目时间:2020-10-31 至 2021-12-31
- 4. 中国-西班牙联合研究中心合作平台过程管理 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-12-01 至 2021-10-31
- 5. 基于棉秆生物质资源高效多联产转化技术 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31
- 6. 清洁居民采暖炉具设计方法及其产品研发 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2017-07-01 至 2020-06-30
- 7. 民用燃煤炉具质量监管技术方法 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2017-04-01 至 2019-03-31
- 8. 工业节能与绿色发展评价中心能力建设 ,其他课题,项目时间:2016-12-01 至 2017-12-31
- 9. 中美+清洁炉灶国际发展战略合作过程管理 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2015-12-10 至 2016-12-31
- 10. 清洁炉灶关键创新技术合作开发 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2015-04-01 至 2018-03-31
- 11. 北方城市生活垃圾干法厌氧消化及生物质燃气利用技术及示范 ,国家科技支撑计划,项目时间:2013-03-01 至 2015-12-31
- 12. 联合国基金会测试与知识中心项目 ,国际合作项目,项目时间:2013-01-15 至 2015-01-15
- 13. 大型居民区生活垃圾生物质燃气制备与提纯天然气技术及示范 ,国家科技支撑计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 14. 北京市餐厨垃圾沼气能源化集成技术研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2014-12-31
- 15. Support for the China Alliance for Clean Stoves ,国际合作项目,项目时间:2012-07-13 至 2013-07-12
- 16. 中国清洁炉灶联盟项目 ,其他课题,项目时间:2012-03-29 至 2012-09-30
- 17. 生物质高效催化热解定向制备燃气关键技术研究及工程示范 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2012-03-19 至 2015-12-31
- 18. 木质纤维原料高效预处理技术与工艺设备研究及示范 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 19. 基于高效沼气发酵的高木质纤维素类废弃物生化预处理结构解析和耦合强化机制研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2014-12-31
- 20. 问榆河流域畜禽养殖废水处理模式研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2010-10-31
- 21. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ,其他课题,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 22. EPA项目炉灶推广使用调查及空气质量监测 ,其他课题,项目时间:2008-10-20 至 2009-06-30
- 23. 农村污水生态净化系统参数设计及性能研究 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2009-08-31
- 24. 分级厌氧发酵生活垃圾产气性能研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2007-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 1. “一带一路”国家零碳村镇建设技术能力培训 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-11-13 至 2026-03-31
- 2. 新能源产学研国际合作政策与模式研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-10-24 至 2024-11-30
- 3. 中国棉花可持续发展项目“双碳”研究与应用推广 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-09-01 至 2024-12-31
- 4. 北京化工大学-世纪昊诚环保消防材料创新中心 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-11-24 至 2028-11-23
- 5. 共建北化泰安(岱岳)协同创新中心合作协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-09-30 至 2026-01-01
- 6. 北京化工大学与山东公用控股有限公司合作共建绿色能源环保协同创新中心协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2028-01-01
- 7. 关于设立中希生物能源国际联合实验室的谅解备忘录 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-06-22 至 2025-12-31
- 8. 基于生物质高效催化热解为核心的清洁能源化利用关键技术优化及碳减排路径研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-11-16 至 2024-11-15
- 9. 中国北方典型地区冬季居民生物质清洁取暖模式及试点研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-10-15 至 2022-06-30
- 10. 内蒙古乌梁素海流域水生态修复农村面源污染及废弃物处理技术 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2020-06-10 至 2021-03-31
- 11. 农村生物质能利用技术支持与服务 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2020-04-30 至 2020-12-31
- 12. 《民用炉具清洁采暖现场测试及评价方法》等5项标准编制 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-12-10 至 2021-02-11
- 13. 颗粒燃料炉具研究项目合作协议 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-11-01 至 2020-12-31
- 14. 清洁炉灶关键污染物排放测试方法及评价方法研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-07-01 至 2020-06-30
- 15. 有机废弃物生物质能源转化利用技术查询系统开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-12-12 至 2017-07-11
- 16. 微波加热生物质催化气化关键技术开发研究 ,项目时间:2015-07-01 至 2018-07-01
- 17. 生物质高效热解催化定向制备清洁燃气关键技术研究 ,项目时间:2015-03-10 至 2015-03-10
- 18. 清洁炉灶推广项目 ,项目时间:2013-08-09 至 2014-06-30
- 19. 户用生物质炉灶空气质量监测及分析方法开发 ,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 20. 城市污水处理厂与排水管网优化技术研究与示范 ,项目时间:2011-09-27 至 2012-09-27
- 21. 城市污水处理厂与排水管网优化技术研究与示范项目测试分析 ,项目时间:2011-02-21 至 2012-02-21
- 22. 有机沼液测试分析项目 ,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 23. 沼气工程测试分析项目 ,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 24. 综合利用废弃二氧化碳及废水资源养殖微藻并转化沼气能源工艺系统 ,项目时间:2010-08-28 至 2011-08-31
- 25. 山西焦煤汾西矿业集团生物质热解生产技术开发 ,项目时间:2009-03-02 至 2010-03-01
- 26. 生物质热解气化及产物的综合利用技术 ,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2011-07-10
- 27. 纪元集团酒精生产过程废水零排放工艺开发 ,项目时间:2008-05-01 至 2009-11-30
1. DOI
金琰,Sun, Xue,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
2. DOI
刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
3. DOI
吴婉玲,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,孙航宇,Li, Zhiqi,杨紫怡,刘广青,王雯
Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
4. DOI
Mawusi, Sylvester,Shrestha, Prabin,高曈,刘敏,李志敏,焦铭泽,李友杰,闫铭,Li, Chuang,薛春瑜,刘广青
A laboratory assessment of how biomass pellets could reduce indoor air pollution, mitigate climate change and benefit health compared to other solid fuels used in Ghana[期刊论文],Energy for Sustainable Development,2023-02-01
5. DOI
6. DOI
Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
7. DOI
Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
8. DOI
吴婉玲,Li, Zhiqi,刘广青,Zhou, Ling,王雯
Regulation on C2-C8 carboxylic acid biosynthesis from anaerobic CO2 fermentation[期刊论文],ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES,2022-12-01
9. DOI
10. DOI
杨紫怡,Wu, Shimin,Sun, Hangyu,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,周岭,王雯
Efficient degradation of organic compounds in landfill leachate via developing bio-electro-Fenton process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022-10-01
11. DOI
Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxvalerate) from volatile fatty acids by Cupriavidus necator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2022-10-01
12. DOI
Recycling different textile wastes for methane production: Morphological and microstructural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Waste Management,2022-09-01
13. DOI
Degradation of biodegradable plastics by anaerobic digestion: Morphological, micro-structural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-08-15
14. DOI
Influences of organic loading, feed-to-inoculum ratio, and different pretreatment strategies on the methane production performance of eggplant stalk[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
15. DOI
Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
16. DOI
Alkali-microwave co-pretreatment to enhance the solid-state anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2022-07-01
17. DOI
孙航宇,杨紫怡,Zhou, Ling,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Calcium ion can alleviate ammonia inhibition on anaerobic digestion via balanced-strengthening dehydrogenases and reinforcing protein-binding structure: Model evaluation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-06-01
18. DOI
叔新鹏,毕华奇,王俊,杨佳鑫,Wang, Jue,刘广青,苏本生
Highly stable and efficient calcined gamma-Al2O3 catalysts loaded with MnOx-CeOx for the ozonation of oxytetracycline[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-06-01
19. DOI
20. DOI
杨紫怡,孙航宇,Zhou, Ling,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Bioaugmentation with well-constructed consortia can effectively alleviate ammonia inhibition of practical manure anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Water Research,2022-05-15
21. DOI
苏本生,刘琪,梁慧莉,周小华,张原洁,刘广青,Qiao, Zhuangming
Simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox, and denitrification in an upflow microaerobic membrane bioreactor treating middle concentration of ammonia nitrogen wastewater with low COD/TN ratio[期刊论文],CHEMOSPHERE,2022-05-01
22. DOI
杨紫怡,孙航宇,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,Zhou, Ling,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Simultaneous supplementation of magnetite and polyurethane foam carrier can reach a Pareto-optimal point to alleviate ammonia inhibition during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2022-04-01
23. DOI
Aravani, Vasiliki P.,孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,刘广青,王雯,Anagnostopoulos, George,Syriopoulos, George,Charisiou, Nikolaos D.,Goula, Maria A.,Kornaros, Michael,Papadakis, Vagelis G.
Agricultural and livestock sector's residues in Greece & China: Comparative qualitative and quantitative characterization for assessing their potential for biogas production[期刊论文],Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2022-02-01
24. DOI
25. DOI
Recycling durian shell and jackfruit peel via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-01-01
26. DOI
Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
27. DOI
28. DOI
王立功,冯佳昱,蔡凡凡,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
Anaerobic digestion and lignocellulosic compositions alteration of industrial vinegar residue after different pretreatments[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2021-11-01
29. DOI
王立功,Liu, Caiyan,魏宝程,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Effects of different microbial pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion of giant grass under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2021-10-01
30. DOI
31. DOI
孙航宇,杨紫怡,Shi, Guangyao,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,Zhou, Ling,张燚,刘广青,王雯
Methane production from acetate, formate and H-2/CO2 under high ammonia level: Modified ADM1 simulation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-08-20
32. DOI
付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
33. DOI
赵晴,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Yang, Ziyi,刘昊鹏,Li, Zongye,Anwar, Naveed,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,刘广青,王雯
pH regulation of the first phase could enhance the energy recovery from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
34. DOI
Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
35. DOI
顾意琴,蔡凡凡,朱哲,王立功,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
Continuous anaerobic digestion of zucchini stem after pretreatment[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2021-08-01
36. DOI
徐圣凯,杨佳鑫,Hussein, Rafaat,刘广青,苏本生
Heterogeneous ozonation of ofloxacin using MnOx-CeOx/gamma-Al2O3 as a catalyst: Performances, degradation kinetics and possible degradation pathways[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
37. DOI
38. DOI
Anaerobic and Microaerobic Pretreatment for Improving Methane Production From Paper Waste in Anaerobic Digestion[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2021-07-06
39. DOI
Shrestha, Prabin,张文廷,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Li, Jie,许江东,李闯,薛春瑜,刘广青
In-use emissions and usage trend of pellet heating stoves in rural Yangxin, Shandong Province[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2021-07-01
40. DOI
41. DOI
Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
42. DOI
Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,李万武,陈畅,刘广青
Enhanced methane production and energy potential from rice straw by employing microaerobic pretreatment via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-05-10
43. DOI
Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
44. DOI
Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,El-Mashad, Hamed M.,陈畅,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Functions of bacteria and archaea participating in the bioconversion of organic waste for methane production[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-04-01
45. DOI
付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
46. DOI
王立功,张鸿雁,戴壮强,Liu, Yi,陈畅,刘广青
Effect of nicotine inhibition on anaerobic digestion and the co-digestion performance of tobacco stalks with different animal manures[期刊论文],PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,2021-02-01
47. DOI
孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
Modification and extension of anaerobic digestion model No.1 (ADM1) for syngas biomethanation simulation: From lab-scale to pilot-scale[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-01
48. DOI
Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
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Long-term evaluation of bioaugmentation to alleviate ammonia inhibition during anaerobic digestion: Process monitoring, microbial community response, and methanogenic pathway modeling[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-11-01
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Insight of co-fermentation of carbon monoxide with carbohydrate - rich wastewater for enhanced hydrogen production: Homoacetogenic inhibition and the role of pH[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-09-10
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Effect of nicotine inhibition on anaerobic digestion and the co-digestion performance of tobacco stalks with different animal manures[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2020-09-08
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Biomethane production characteristics, kinetic analysis, and energy potential of different paper wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-09-01
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A 24-h real-time emissions assessment of 41 uncontrolled household raw coal combustion stoves in four provinces of Northern China[期刊论文],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2020-08-15
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CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Assessment of pretreatment effects on anaerobic digestion of switchgrass: Economics-energy-environment (3E) analysis[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2020-03-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Hongyan,Liu, Caiyan,Li, Wei,Abuzar, Muhammad Khubaib,Amin, Farrukh Raza,刘广青,陈畅
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Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Effects of Temperature, Heating Rate, Residence Time, Reaction Atmosphere, and Pressure on Biochar Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2019-02-01
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Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich swine slaughterhouse waste: Methane production performance, long-chain fatty acids profile and predominant microorganisms[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
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Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Methane production through anaerobic digestion: Participation and digestion characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2018-09-15
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Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Effect of ammonia on methane production, methanogenesis pathway, microbial community and reactor performance under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-09-01
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Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic digestion performance of food waste to produce methane as a biofuel[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2018-08-01
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The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-07-15
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Feng, Jiayu,Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Enlan,Zhang, Jiyu,王雯,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Solid-State Co-digestion of NaOH-Pretreated Corn Straw and Chicken Manure Under Mesophilic Condition[期刊论文],WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION,2018-06-01
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Zhang Han,Habiba Khalid,Li Wanwu,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Du, Wei,Shen, Guofeng,Chen, Yuanchen,Zhu, Xi,Zhuo, Shaojie,Zhong, Qirui,Qi, Meng,薛春瑜,刘广青,Zeng, Eddy,Xing, Baoshan,Tao, Shu
Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves[期刊论文],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2017-10-01
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Study of the combination of sulfuric acid treatment and thermal regeneration of spent powdered activated carbons from decolourization process in glucosamine production[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intersification,2017-09-14
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Char characterization and analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-07-15
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Enhancing the Performance on Anaerobic Digestion of Vinegar Residue by Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment[期刊论文],Waste and Biomass Valorization,2017-06-01
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Enhanced methane production of vinegar residue by response surface methodology (RSM)[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-05-08
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Yang, Ziyi,王雯,Zhang, Shuyu,Ma, Zonghu,Anwar, Naveed,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Comparison of the methane production potential and biodegradability of kitchen waste from different sources under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017-04-01
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Han,Rahman, Sajid U.,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic biomass for anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-03-28
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Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-03-01
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Yan, Hu,Zhao, Chen,Zhang, Jiafu,Zhang, Ruihong,Xue, Chunyu,刘广青,陈畅
Study on biomethane production and biodegradability of different leafy vegetables in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],AMB Express,2017-01-25
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Maximization of the methane production from durian shell during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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Ji, Jinli,Zhang, Jiyu,Yang, Liutianyi,何艳峰,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Impact of co-pretreatment of calcium hydroxide and steam explosion on anaerobic digestion efficiency with corn stover[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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The impact of household cooking and heating with solid fuels on ambient PM 2.5 in peri-urban Beijing[期刊论文],Atmospheric Environment,2017-01-01
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Inhalation exposure and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) among the rural population adopting wood gasifier stoves compared to different fuel-stove users[期刊论文],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2016-12-01
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Biochar from microwave pyrolysis of biomass: A review[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2016-11-01
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Effect of Lipase Hydrolysis on Biomethane Production from Swine Slaughterhouse Waste in China[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2016-09-01
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Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-09-01
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Influence of steam explosion pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Waste Management and Research,2016-07-01
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Effects of Ammonia on Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste:Process Performance and Microbial Community[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2016-06-08
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Bio-energy conversion performance, biodegradability, and kinetic analysis of different fruit residues during discontinuous anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Waste Management,2016-06-01
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Biochar applications and modern techniques for characterization[期刊论文],Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,2016-06-01
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Efficiencies and pollutant emissions from forced-draft biomass-pellet semi-gasifier stoves: Comparison of International and Chinese water boiling test protocols[期刊论文],ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,2016-06-01
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Potential of black liquor of potassium hydroxide to pretreat corn stover for biomethane production[期刊论文],BioResources,2016-05-01
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刘金淼,何艳峰,马欣欣,刘广青,Yao, Yao,刘辉,Chen, Hong,黄燕,陈畅,王雯
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Tar Model Compound with Various Bio-Char Catalysts to Recycle Char from Biomass Pyrolysis[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2016-05-01
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Fu, Yu'ang,黄燕,向中华,刘广青,曹达鹏
Phosphorous-Nitrogen-Codoped Carbon Materials Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions[期刊论文],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2016-05-01
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Zhao, Zheng,Li, Na,Bhutto, Abdul Waheed,Abdeltawab, Ahmed A.,Al-Deyab, Salem S.,刘广青,陈晓春,于光认
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidonium-based Bronsted-Lewis acidic ionic liquids as catalysts for the hydrolysis of cellulose[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2016-05-01
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Influence of Nickel Impregnation on Behavior and Kinetic Characteristics of Oak Pyrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2016-04-01
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Low-cost upgrading of biomass pyrolysis vapors by char recycling in a downstream reactor[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2016-04-01
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Effect of sodium salt on anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste[期刊论文],Water Science and Technology,2016-04-01
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Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Li, Jianghao,Zhang, Jiafu,Huang, Yan,Wang, Wen,陈畅,刘广青
Improve the Anaerobic Biodegradability by Copretreatment of Thermal Alkali and Steam Explosion of Lignocellulosic Waste[期刊论文],BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2016-01-01
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Liu, Xiaoying,Zicari, Steven M.,刘广青,Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong
Improving the bioenergy production from wheat straw with alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING,2015-12-01
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Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu,李琳,冯璐,张瑞红,何艳峰,王雯,陈畅,刘广青
An integrated approach to clean energy production from vinegar residue for industry[会议论文],14th World Congress of Anaerobic Digestion,2015-11-25
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Pretreatment of Corn Stover for Methane Production with the Combination of Potassium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-09-01
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Shen, Guofeng,薛春瑜,Huangfu, Yibo,Zhang, Weihao,刘广青
Pollutant Emissions from Improved Coal- and Wood-Fuelled Cookstoves in Rural Households[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-02
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Anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue in continuously stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-01
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Pretreatment of wheat straw with potassium hydroxide for increasing enzymatic and microbial degradability[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-01
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Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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pH regulation of the first phase could enhance the energy recovery from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Enhanced methane production and energy potential from rice straw by employing microaerobic pretreatment via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-05-10
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Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
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王立功,张鸿雁,戴壮强,Liu, Yi,陈畅,刘广青
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孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
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Yang, Ziyi,Sun, Hangyu,Zhao, Qing,Kubonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Liu, Chao,Luo, Gang,Liu, Haopeng,Yang, Ziyi,Angelidaki, Irini,O-Thong, Sompong,刘广青,Zhang, Shicheng,王雯
CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Yang, Ziyi,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Jie,Mao, Kaiwei,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,刘广青,张瑞红,王雯
Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Liu, Caiyan,Wei, Baocheng,Dai, Zhuangqiang,陈畅,刘广青
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Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Hongyan,Liu, Caiyan,Li, Wei,Abuzar, Muhammad Khubaib,Amin, Farrukh Raza,刘广青,陈畅
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Comparison of Anaerobic Methane Fermentation Performance and Ammonia Resistance with Different Inoculum Configurations[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-09-01
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Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Li, Wanwu,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Li, Lyu,Wang, Ruolin,Jiang, Zhenlai,Li, Wanwu,刘广青,陈畅
Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
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Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Ji, Jinli,Zhang, Jiyu,Yang, Liutianyi,何艳峰,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
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Anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and corn stover in batch and continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR)[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2014-03-01
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Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,陈畅,刘广青,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying
Biogas production from co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure under anaerobic wet, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Li, Yeqing,Feng, Lu,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying,Xiao, Xiao,Ma, Xinxin,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of Inoculum Source and Pre-incubation on Bio-Methane Potential of Chicken Manure and Corn Stover[期刊论文],APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2013-09-01
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Xiao Xiao,张瑞红,何艳峰,李叶青,Feng Lu,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of particle size and alkaline pretreatment on the anareobic digestion of corn stover[期刊论文],BioResources,2013-08-01
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,Liu, Xiaoying,陈畅,Xiao, Xiao,Feng, Lu,He, Yanfeng,刘广青
Evaluating Methane Production from Anaerobic Mono - and Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste , Corn Stover , and Chicken Manure[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-04-01
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Biochemical Methane Potential ( BMP ) of Vinegar Residue and the Influence of Feed to Inoculum Ratios on Biogas Production[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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Influence of Particle Size and Alkaline Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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金琰,Sun, Xue,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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吴婉玲,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,孙航宇,Li, Zhiqi,杨紫怡,刘广青,王雯
Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
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Mawusi, Sylvester,Shrestha, Prabin,高曈,刘敏,李志敏,焦铭泽,李友杰,闫铭,Li, Chuang,薛春瑜,刘广青
A laboratory assessment of how biomass pellets could reduce indoor air pollution, mitigate climate change and benefit health compared to other solid fuels used in Ghana[期刊论文],Energy for Sustainable Development,2023-02-01
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Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
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Regulation on C2-C8 carboxylic acid biosynthesis from anaerobic CO2 fermentation[期刊论文],ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES,2022-12-01
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杨紫怡,Wu, Shimin,Sun, Hangyu,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,周岭,王雯
Efficient degradation of organic compounds in landfill leachate via developing bio-electro-Fenton process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022-10-01
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Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxvalerate) from volatile fatty acids by Cupriavidus necator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2022-10-01
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Recycling different textile wastes for methane production: Morphological and microstructural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Waste Management,2022-09-01
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Degradation of biodegradable plastics by anaerobic digestion: Morphological, micro-structural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-08-15
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Influences of organic loading, feed-to-inoculum ratio, and different pretreatment strategies on the methane production performance of eggplant stalk[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
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Biomethane production characteristics, kinetic analysis, and energy potential of different paper wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-09-01
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CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Li, Wanwu,Amin, Farrukh Raza,Fu, Yanshuai,Zhang, Han,何艳峰,黄燕,刘广青,陈畅
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Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich swine slaughterhouse waste: Methane production performance, long-chain fatty acids profile and predominant microorganisms[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
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黄燕,Li, Shouchuan,Yu, Sihan,吕珊珊,刘广青,曹达鹏
Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Methane production through anaerobic digestion: Participation and digestion characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2018-09-15
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Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Effect of ammonia on methane production, methanogenesis pathway, microbial community and reactor performance under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-09-01
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Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic digestion performance of food waste to produce methane as a biofuel[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2018-08-01
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Liu, Chao,Luo, Gang,王雯,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青
The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-07-15
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Feng, Jiayu,Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Enlan,Zhang, Jiyu,王雯,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Solid-State Co-digestion of NaOH-Pretreated Corn Straw and Chicken Manure Under Mesophilic Condition[期刊论文],WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION,2018-06-01
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Zhang Han,Habiba Khalid,Li Wanwu,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Du, Wei,Shen, Guofeng,Chen, Yuanchen,Zhu, Xi,Zhuo, Shaojie,Zhong, Qirui,Qi, Meng,薛春瑜,刘广青,Zeng, Eddy,Xing, Baoshan,Tao, Shu
Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves[期刊论文],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2017-10-01
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Study of the combination of sulfuric acid treatment and thermal regeneration of spent powdered activated carbons from decolourization process in glucosamine production[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intersification,2017-09-14
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Char characterization and analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-07-15
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Enhancing the Performance on Anaerobic Digestion of Vinegar Residue by Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment[期刊论文],Waste and Biomass Valorization,2017-06-01
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Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Biogas production from co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure under anaerobic wet, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Influence of Inoculum Source and Pre-incubation on Bio-Methane Potential of Chicken Manure and Corn Stover[期刊论文],APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2013-09-01
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Xiao Xiao,张瑞红,何艳峰,李叶青,Feng Lu,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of particle size and alkaline pretreatment on the anareobic digestion of corn stover[期刊论文],BioResources,2013-08-01
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Evaluating Methane Production from Anaerobic Mono - and Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste , Corn Stover , and Chicken Manure[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-04-01
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Biochemical Methane Potential ( BMP ) of Vinegar Residue and the Influence of Feed to Inoculum Ratios on Biogas Production[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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Influence of Particle Size and Alkaline Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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吴婉玲,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,孙航宇,Li, Zhiqi,杨紫怡,刘广青,王雯
Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
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Mawusi, Sylvester,Shrestha, Prabin,高曈,刘敏,李志敏,焦铭泽,李友杰,闫铭,Li, Chuang,薛春瑜,刘广青
A laboratory assessment of how biomass pellets could reduce indoor air pollution, mitigate climate change and benefit health compared to other solid fuels used in Ghana[期刊论文],Energy for Sustainable Development,2023-02-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
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Regulation on C2-C8 carboxylic acid biosynthesis from anaerobic CO2 fermentation[期刊论文],ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES,2022-12-01
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Efficient degradation of organic compounds in landfill leachate via developing bio-electro-Fenton process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022-10-01
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Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxvalerate) from volatile fatty acids by Cupriavidus necator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2022-10-01
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Recycling different textile wastes for methane production: Morphological and microstructural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Waste Management,2022-09-01
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Influences of organic loading, feed-to-inoculum ratio, and different pretreatment strategies on the methane production performance of eggplant stalk[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Alkali-microwave co-pretreatment to enhance the solid-state anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2022-07-01
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孙航宇,杨紫怡,Zhou, Ling,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Calcium ion can alleviate ammonia inhibition on anaerobic digestion via balanced-strengthening dehydrogenases and reinforcing protein-binding structure: Model evaluation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-06-01
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叔新鹏,毕华奇,王俊,杨佳鑫,Wang, Jue,刘广青,苏本生
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Bioaugmentation with well-constructed consortia can effectively alleviate ammonia inhibition of practical manure anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Water Research,2022-05-15
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苏本生,刘琪,梁慧莉,周小华,张原洁,刘广青,Qiao, Zhuangming
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Simultaneous supplementation of magnetite and polyurethane foam carrier can reach a Pareto-optimal point to alleviate ammonia inhibition during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2022-04-01
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Recycling durian shell and jackfruit peel via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-01-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
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王立功,冯佳昱,蔡凡凡,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
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王立功,Liu, Caiyan,魏宝程,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Effects of different microbial pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion of giant grass under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2021-10-01
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Methane production from acetate, formate and H-2/CO2 under high ammonia level: Modified ADM1 simulation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-08-20
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付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
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赵晴,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Yang, Ziyi,刘昊鹏,Li, Zongye,Anwar, Naveed,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,刘广青,王雯
pH regulation of the first phase could enhance the energy recovery from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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顾意琴,蔡凡凡,朱哲,王立功,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
Continuous anaerobic digestion of zucchini stem after pretreatment[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2021-08-01
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徐圣凯,杨佳鑫,Hussein, Rafaat,刘广青,苏本生
Heterogeneous ozonation of ofloxacin using MnOx-CeOx/gamma-Al2O3 as a catalyst: Performances, degradation kinetics and possible degradation pathways[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Shrestha, Prabin,张文廷,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Li, Jie,许江东,李闯,薛春瑜,刘广青
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,李万武,陈畅,刘广青
Enhanced methane production and energy potential from rice straw by employing microaerobic pretreatment via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-05-10
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Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,El-Mashad, Hamed M.,陈畅,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Functions of bacteria and archaea participating in the bioconversion of organic waste for methane production[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-04-01
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付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
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王立功,张鸿雁,戴壮强,Liu, Yi,陈畅,刘广青
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孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Long-term evaluation of bioaugmentation to alleviate ammonia inhibition during anaerobic digestion: Process monitoring, microbial community response, and methanogenic pathway modeling[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-11-01
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Effect of nicotine inhibition on anaerobic digestion and the co-digestion performance of tobacco stalks with different animal manures[期刊论文],Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2020-09-08
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CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Effects of Temperature, Heating Rate, Residence Time, Reaction Atmosphere, and Pressure on Biochar Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2019-02-01
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Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich swine slaughterhouse waste: Methane production performance, long-chain fatty acids profile and predominant microorganisms[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
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Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Effect of ammonia on methane production, methanogenesis pathway, microbial community and reactor performance under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-09-01
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Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic digestion performance of food waste to produce methane as a biofuel[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2018-08-01
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The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-07-15
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Char characterization and analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-07-15
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Enhancing the Performance on Anaerobic Digestion of Vinegar Residue by Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment[期刊论文],Waste and Biomass Valorization,2017-06-01
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Enhanced methane production of vinegar residue by response surface methodology (RSM)[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-05-08
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Yang, Ziyi,王雯,Zhang, Shuyu,Ma, Zonghu,Anwar, Naveed,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Comparison of the methane production potential and biodegradability of kitchen waste from different sources under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017-04-01
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Han,Rahman, Sajid U.,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic biomass for anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-03-28
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Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-03-01
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Maximization of the methane production from durian shell during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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Ji, Jinli,Zhang, Jiyu,Yang, Liutianyi,何艳峰,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Impact of co-pretreatment of calcium hydroxide and steam explosion on anaerobic digestion efficiency with corn stover[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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Effect of Lipase Hydrolysis on Biomethane Production from Swine Slaughterhouse Waste in China[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2016-09-01
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Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-09-01
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Influence of steam explosion pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Waste Management and Research,2016-07-01
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Effects of Ammonia on Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste:Process Performance and Microbial Community[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2016-06-08
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Efficiencies and pollutant emissions from forced-draft biomass-pellet semi-gasifier stoves: Comparison of International and Chinese water boiling test protocols[期刊论文],ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,2016-06-01
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Potential of black liquor of potassium hydroxide to pretreat corn stover for biomethane production[期刊论文],BioResources,2016-05-01
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刘金淼,何艳峰,马欣欣,刘广青,Yao, Yao,刘辉,Chen, Hong,黄燕,陈畅,王雯
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Tar Model Compound with Various Bio-Char Catalysts to Recycle Char from Biomass Pyrolysis[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2016-05-01
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Fu, Yu'ang,黄燕,向中华,刘广青,曹达鹏
Phosphorous-Nitrogen-Codoped Carbon Materials Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions[期刊论文],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2016-05-01
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Zhao, Zheng,Li, Na,Bhutto, Abdul Waheed,Abdeltawab, Ahmed A.,Al-Deyab, Salem S.,刘广青,陈晓春,于光认
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Influence of Nickel Impregnation on Behavior and Kinetic Characteristics of Oak Pyrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2016-04-01
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Low-cost upgrading of biomass pyrolysis vapors by char recycling in a downstream reactor[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2016-04-01
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Effect of sodium salt on anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste[期刊论文],Water Science and Technology,2016-04-01
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Improve the Anaerobic Biodegradability by Copretreatment of Thermal Alkali and Steam Explosion of Lignocellulosic Waste[期刊论文],BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2016-01-01
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Improving the bioenergy production from wheat straw with alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING,2015-12-01
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Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu,李琳,冯璐,张瑞红,何艳峰,王雯,陈畅,刘广青
An integrated approach to clean energy production from vinegar residue for industry[会议论文],14th World Congress of Anaerobic Digestion,2015-11-25
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Pretreatment of Corn Stover for Methane Production with the Combination of Potassium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-09-01
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Shen, Guofeng,薛春瑜,Huangfu, Yibo,Zhang, Weihao,刘广青
Pollutant Emissions from Improved Coal- and Wood-Fuelled Cookstoves in Rural Households[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-02
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Anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue in continuously stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-01
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Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
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Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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pH regulation of the first phase could enhance the energy recovery from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Enhanced methane production and energy potential from rice straw by employing microaerobic pretreatment via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-05-10
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Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
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付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
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王立功,张鸿雁,戴壮强,Liu, Yi,陈畅,刘广青
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孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
Modification and extension of anaerobic digestion model No.1 (ADM1) for syngas biomethanation simulation: From lab-scale to pilot-scale[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-01
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
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Yang, Ziyi,Sun, Hangyu,Zhao, Qing,Kubonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Biomethane production characteristics, kinetic analysis, and energy potential of different paper wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-09-01
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Chuang Li,Kun Ye,Sylvester Mawusi,Wenting Zhang,Yinhong Xu,Jiangdong Xu,Weiqing Zhou,Jie Li,Mingze Jiao,Prabin Shrestha,Ran Pang,Rafaat Hussein,薛春瑜,刘广青
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Improving the methane production from zucchini stem by response surface methodology and different pretreatments[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2020-08-01
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张文廷,李 闯,叶 堃,徐银鸿,李 洁,刘广青,薛春瑜
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Liu, Chao,Luo, Gang,Liu, Haopeng,Yang, Ziyi,Angelidaki, Irini,O-Thong, Sompong,刘广青,Zhang, Shicheng,王雯
CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Yang, Ziyi,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Jie,Mao, Kaiwei,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,刘广青,张瑞红,王雯
Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Liu, Caiyan,Wei, Baocheng,Dai, Zhuangqiang,陈畅,刘广青
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Assessment of pretreatment effects on anaerobic digestion of switchgrass: Economics-energy-environment (3E) analysis[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2020-03-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Hongyan,Liu, Caiyan,Li, Wei,Abuzar, Muhammad Khubaib,Amin, Farrukh Raza,刘广青,陈畅
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Comparison of Anaerobic Methane Fermentation Performance and Ammonia Resistance with Different Inoculum Configurations[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-09-01
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Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Li, Wanwu,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Mitigation of ammonia inhibition through bioaugmentation with different microorganisms during anaerobic digestion: Selection of strains and reactor performance evaluation[期刊论文],WATER RESEARCH,2019-05-15
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Effects of Temperature, Heating Rate, Residence Time, Reaction Atmosphere, and Pressure on Biochar Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2019-02-01
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Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Du, Wei,Shen, Guofeng,Chen, Yuanchen,Zhu, Xi,Zhuo, Shaojie,Zhong, Qirui,Qi, Meng,薛春瑜,刘广青,Zeng, Eddy,Xing, Baoshan,Tao, Shu
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Yang, Ziyi,王雯,Zhang, Shuyu,Ma, Zonghu,Anwar, Naveed,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Han,Rahman, Sajid U.,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
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Ji, Jinli,Zhang, Jiyu,Yang, Liutianyi,何艳峰,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
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Shen, Guofeng,薛春瑜,Huangfu, Yibo,Zhang, Weihao,刘广青
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Anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and corn stover in batch and continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR)[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2014-03-01
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Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,陈畅,刘广青,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying
Biogas production from co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure under anaerobic wet, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Li, Yeqing,Feng, Lu,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying,Xiao, Xiao,Ma, Xinxin,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of Inoculum Source and Pre-incubation on Bio-Methane Potential of Chicken Manure and Corn Stover[期刊论文],APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2013-09-01
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Xiao Xiao,张瑞红,何艳峰,李叶青,Feng Lu,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of particle size and alkaline pretreatment on the anareobic digestion of corn stover[期刊论文],BioResources,2013-08-01
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,Liu, Xiaoying,陈畅,Xiao, Xiao,Feng, Lu,He, Yanfeng,刘广青
Evaluating Methane Production from Anaerobic Mono - and Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste , Corn Stover , and Chicken Manure[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-04-01
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Feng, Lu,Li, Yeqing,陈畅,Liu, Xiaoying,Xiao, Xiao,Ma, Xinxin,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,刘广青
Biochemical Methane Potential ( BMP ) of Vinegar Residue and the Influence of Feed to Inoculum Ratios on Biogas Production[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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Influence of Particle Size and Alkaline Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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金琰,Sun, Xue,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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吴婉玲,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,孙航宇,Li, Zhiqi,杨紫怡,刘广青,王雯
Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
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Mawusi, Sylvester,Shrestha, Prabin,高曈,刘敏,李志敏,焦铭泽,李友杰,闫铭,Li, Chuang,薛春瑜,刘广青
A laboratory assessment of how biomass pellets could reduce indoor air pollution, mitigate climate change and benefit health compared to other solid fuels used in Ghana[期刊论文],Energy for Sustainable Development,2023-02-01
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Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
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Regulation on C2-C8 carboxylic acid biosynthesis from anaerobic CO2 fermentation[期刊论文],ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES,2022-12-01
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杨紫怡,Wu, Shimin,Sun, Hangyu,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,周岭,王雯
Efficient degradation of organic compounds in landfill leachate via developing bio-electro-Fenton process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022-10-01
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Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxvalerate) from volatile fatty acids by Cupriavidus necator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2022-10-01
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Recycling different textile wastes for methane production: Morphological and microstructural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Waste Management,2022-09-01
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Influences of organic loading, feed-to-inoculum ratio, and different pretreatment strategies on the methane production performance of eggplant stalk[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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孙航宇,Yang, Ziyi,赵晴,Kurbonova, Malikakhon,张瑞红,刘广青,王雯
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
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Biomethane production characteristics, kinetic analysis, and energy potential of different paper wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-09-01
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CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Li, Wanwu,Amin, Farrukh Raza,Fu, Yanshuai,Zhang, Han,何艳峰,黄燕,刘广青,陈畅
Effects of Temperature, Heating Rate, Residence Time, Reaction Atmosphere, and Pressure on Biochar Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2019-02-01
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Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich swine slaughterhouse waste: Methane production performance, long-chain fatty acids profile and predominant microorganisms[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
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黄燕,Li, Shouchuan,Yu, Sihan,吕珊珊,刘广青,曹达鹏
Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Methane production through anaerobic digestion: Participation and digestion characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2018-09-15
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Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Yang, Ziyi,王雯,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青
Effect of ammonia on methane production, methanogenesis pathway, microbial community and reactor performance under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-09-01
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Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic digestion performance of food waste to produce methane as a biofuel[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2018-08-01
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Liu, Chao,Luo, Gang,王雯,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青
The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-07-15
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Feng, Jiayu,Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Enlan,Zhang, Jiyu,王雯,何艳峰,刘广青,陈畅
Solid-State Co-digestion of NaOH-Pretreated Corn Straw and Chicken Manure Under Mesophilic Condition[期刊论文],WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION,2018-06-01
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Du, Wei,Shen, Guofeng,Chen, Yuanchen,Zhu, Xi,Zhuo, Shaojie,Zhong, Qirui,Qi, Meng,薛春瑜,刘广青,Zeng, Eddy,Xing, Baoshan,Tao, Shu
Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves[期刊论文],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2017-10-01
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Study of the combination of sulfuric acid treatment and thermal regeneration of spent powdered activated carbons from decolourization process in glucosamine production[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intersification,2017-09-14
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Char characterization and analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-07-15
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Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Biogas production from co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure under anaerobic wet, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
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Influence of Inoculum Source and Pre-incubation on Bio-Methane Potential of Chicken Manure and Corn Stover[期刊论文],APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2013-09-01
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Xiao Xiao,张瑞红,何艳峰,李叶青,Feng Lu,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of particle size and alkaline pretreatment on the anareobic digestion of corn stover[期刊论文],BioResources,2013-08-01
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Evaluating Methane Production from Anaerobic Mono - and Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste , Corn Stover , and Chicken Manure[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-04-01
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Biochemical Methane Potential ( BMP ) of Vinegar Residue and the Influence of Feed to Inoculum Ratios on Biogas Production[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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Influence of Particle Size and Alkaline Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
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金琰,Sun, Xue,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Understanding the mechanism of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of biodegradable plastics after alkaline pretreatment[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2023-05-15
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刘亚非,李志敏,Floess, Emily,张有,Lam, Nicholas,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Shrestha, Prabin,Li, Xinghua,薛春瑜,刘广青
Field assessment of straw pellet combustion in improved heating stoves in rural Northeast China[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-05-01
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吴婉玲,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,孙航宇,Li, Zhiqi,杨紫怡,刘广青,王雯
Facilitated CO biomethanation by exogenous materials via inducing specific methanogenic pathways[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-03-15
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Mawusi, Sylvester,Shrestha, Prabin,高曈,刘敏,李志敏,焦铭泽,李友杰,闫铭,Li, Chuang,薛春瑜,刘广青
A laboratory assessment of how biomass pellets could reduce indoor air pollution, mitigate climate change and benefit health compared to other solid fuels used in Ghana[期刊论文],Energy for Sustainable Development,2023-02-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
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Regulation on C2-C8 carboxylic acid biosynthesis from anaerobic CO2 fermentation[期刊论文],ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES,2022-12-01
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杨紫怡,Wu, Shimin,Sun, Hangyu,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,周岭,王雯
Efficient degradation of organic compounds in landfill leachate via developing bio-electro-Fenton process[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022-10-01
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Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxvalerate) from volatile fatty acids by Cupriavidus necator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2022-10-01
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Recycling different textile wastes for methane production: Morphological and microstructural changes and microbial community dynamics[期刊论文],Waste Management,2022-09-01
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Influences of organic loading, feed-to-inoculum ratio, and different pretreatment strategies on the methane production performance of eggplant stalk[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Impact of different pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion performance of cucumber vine[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-07-01
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Alkali-microwave co-pretreatment to enhance the solid-state anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2022-07-01
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孙航宇,杨紫怡,Zhou, Ling,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Calcium ion can alleviate ammonia inhibition on anaerobic digestion via balanced-strengthening dehydrogenases and reinforcing protein-binding structure: Model evaluation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-06-01
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叔新鹏,毕华奇,王俊,杨佳鑫,Wang, Jue,刘广青,苏本生
Highly stable and efficient calcined gamma-Al2O3 catalysts loaded with MnOx-CeOx for the ozonation of oxytetracycline[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022-06-01
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杨紫怡,孙航宇,Zhou, Ling,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,刘广青,张燚,王雯
Bioaugmentation with well-constructed consortia can effectively alleviate ammonia inhibition of practical manure anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Water Research,2022-05-15
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苏本生,刘琪,梁慧莉,周小华,张原洁,刘广青,Qiao, Zhuangming
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Simultaneous supplementation of magnetite and polyurethane foam carrier can reach a Pareto-optimal point to alleviate ammonia inhibition during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2022-04-01
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Recycling durian shell and jackfruit peel via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Bioresource Technology,2022-01-01
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Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
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王立功,冯佳昱,蔡凡凡,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
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王立功,Liu, Caiyan,魏宝程,宋超,蔡凡凡,刘广青,陈畅
Effects of different microbial pretreatments on the anaerobic digestion of giant grass under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2021-10-01
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孙航宇,杨紫怡,Shi, Guangyao,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,Goula, Maria A.,Zhou, Ling,张燚,刘广青,王雯
Methane production from acetate, formate and H-2/CO2 under high ammonia level: Modified ADM1 simulation and microbial characterization[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-08-20
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付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
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赵晴,Arhin, Samuel Gyebi,Yang, Ziyi,刘昊鹏,Li, Zongye,Anwar, Naveed,Papadakis, Vagelis G.,刘广青,王雯
pH regulation of the first phase could enhance the energy recovery from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Compositional components and methane production potential of typical vegetable wastes[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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顾意琴,蔡凡凡,朱哲,王立功,Wang, Jue,陈畅,刘广青
Continuous anaerobic digestion of zucchini stem after pretreatment[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2021-08-01
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徐圣凯,杨佳鑫,Hussein, Rafaat,刘广青,苏本生
Heterogeneous ozonation of ofloxacin using MnOx-CeOx/gamma-Al2O3 as a catalyst: Performances, degradation kinetics and possible degradation pathways[期刊论文],WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH,2021-08-01
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Shrestha, Prabin,张文廷,Mawusi, Sylvester K.,Li, Jie,许江东,李闯,薛春瑜,刘广青
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Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,李万武,陈畅,刘广青
Enhanced methane production and energy potential from rice straw by employing microaerobic pretreatment via anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021-05-10
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Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,El-Mashad, Hamed M.,陈畅,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Functions of bacteria and archaea participating in the bioconversion of organic waste for methane production[期刊论文],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-04-01
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付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
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王立功,张鸿雁,戴壮强,Liu, Yi,陈畅,刘广青
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Modification and extension of anaerobic digestion model No.1 (ADM1) for syngas biomethanation simulation: From lab-scale to pilot-scale[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-01-01
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Biomethane production characteristics, kinetic analysis, and energy potential of different paper wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-09-01
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CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-06-15
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Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
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Improvement of biofuel recovery from food waste by integration of anaerobic digestion, digestate pyrolysis and syngas biomethanation under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-05-20
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Steam explosion pretreatment of rice straw to improve structural carbohydrates anaerobic digestibility for biomethanation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Khalid, Habiba,Cai, Fanfan,Zhang, Jiyu,Zhang, Ruihong,王雯,刘广青,陈畅
Optimizing key factors for biomethane production from KOH-pretreated switchgrass by response surface methodology[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-08-01
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Anaerobic digestion of tobacco stalk: biomethane production performance and kinetic analysis[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-05-01
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Prediction of methane production performances based on determination of organic components for different vegetable wastes[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2019-05-01
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Co-pretreatment of wheat straw by potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: Methane production, economics, and energy potential analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2019-04-15
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Effects of Temperature, Heating Rate, Residence Time, Reaction Atmosphere, and Pressure on Biochar Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2019-02-01
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Anaerobic digestion of lipid-rich swine slaughterhouse waste: Methane production performance, long-chain fatty acids profile and predominant microorganisms[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
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Robust Alginate Aerogel Absorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutant[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2018-10-01
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Methane production through anaerobic digestion: Participation and digestion characteristics of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2018-09-15
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Air pollutant emissions and mitigation potential through the adoption of semi-coke coals and improved heating stoves: Field evaluation of a pilot intervention program in rural China[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-09-01
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Effect of ammonia on methane production, methanogenesis pathway, microbial community and reactor performance under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-09-01
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Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
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刘晓英,Khalid, Habiba,Amin, Farrukh Raza,马欣欣,李欣,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic digestion performance of food waste to produce methane as a biofuel[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2018-08-01
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The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-07-15
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Enhancement of methane production from Cotton Stalk using different pretreatment techniques[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018-02-22
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Characterization and methane production of different nut residue wastes in anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2018-02-01
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Li, Wanwu,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,Amin, Farrukh Raza,何艳峰,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅
Methane production through anaerobic co-digestion of sheep dung and waste paper[期刊论文],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2018-01-15
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Employing response surface methodology (RSM) to improve methane production from cotton stalk[期刊论文],Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017-12-28
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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A Simple Method of Evaluating the Structural Strength and Behavior of Aerobic Granules in the SBR System[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Stability and Performance Characteristics of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Different COD Concentrations in Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2017-11-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Char characterization and analysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-07-15
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Enhancing the Performance on Anaerobic Digestion of Vinegar Residue by Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment[期刊论文],Waste and Biomass Valorization,2017-06-01
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Enhanced methane production of vinegar residue by response surface methodology (RSM)[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-05-08
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Yang, Ziyi,王雯,Zhang, Shuyu,Ma, Zonghu,Anwar, Naveed,刘广青,Zhang, Ruihong
Comparison of the methane production potential and biodegradability of kitchen waste from different sources under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions[期刊论文],WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017-04-01
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Amin, Farrukh Raza,Khalid, Habiba,Zhang, Han,Rahman, Sajid U.,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic biomass for anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],AMB EXPRESS,2017-03-28
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Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-03-01
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Maximization of the methane production from durian shell during anaerobic digestion[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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Ji, Jinli,Zhang, Jiyu,Yang, Liutianyi,何艳峰,张瑞红,刘广青,陈畅
Impact of co-pretreatment of calcium hydroxide and steam explosion on anaerobic digestion efficiency with corn stover[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01
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Effect of Lipase Hydrolysis on Biomethane Production from Swine Slaughterhouse Waste in China[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2016-09-01
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Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-09-01
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Influence of steam explosion pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of vinegar residue[期刊论文],Waste Management and Research,2016-07-01
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Efficiencies and pollutant emissions from forced-draft biomass-pellet semi-gasifier stoves: Comparison of International and Chinese water boiling test protocols[期刊论文],ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,2016-06-01
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Potential of black liquor of potassium hydroxide to pretreat corn stover for biomethane production[期刊论文],BioResources,2016-05-01
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Catalytic Pyrolysis of Tar Model Compound with Various Bio-Char Catalysts to Recycle Char from Biomass Pyrolysis[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2016-05-01
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Fu, Yu'ang,黄燕,向中华,刘广青,曹达鹏
Phosphorous-Nitrogen-Codoped Carbon Materials Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions[期刊论文],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2016-05-01
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Influence of Nickel Impregnation on Behavior and Kinetic Characteristics of Oak Pyrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2016-04-01
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Low-cost upgrading of biomass pyrolysis vapors by char recycling in a downstream reactor[期刊论文],Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,2016-04-01
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Effect of sodium salt on anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste[期刊论文],Water Science and Technology,2016-04-01
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Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu,李琳,冯璐,张瑞红,何艳峰,王雯,陈畅,刘广青
An integrated approach to clean energy production from vinegar residue for industry[会议论文],14th World Congress of Anaerobic Digestion,2015-11-25
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Pollutant Emissions from Improved Coal- and Wood-Fuelled Cookstoves in Rural Households[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-02
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Anaerobic digestion performance of vinegar residue in continuously stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-01
167. DOI
Liu, Xiaoying,Zicari, Steven M.,刘广青,Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong
Pretreatment of wheat straw with potassium hydroxide for increasing enzymatic and microbial degradability[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-06-01
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Li, Jianghao,Zhang, Ruihong,Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan,He, Yanfeng,Li, Yeqing,陈畅,刘广青
Enhancing methane production of corn stover through a novel way: Sequent pretreatment of potassium hydroxide and steam explosion[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2015-04-01
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Jiafu Zhang,Xin Zhang,Chi Li,Wenyu Zhang,Jingkun Zhang,张瑞红,袁其朋,刘广青,Gang Cheng
A comparative study of enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal degradation of corn stover: understanding biomass pretreatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
171. DOI
Jiafu Zhang,Xin Zhang,Chi Li,Wenyu Zhang,Jingkun Zhang,张瑞红,袁其朋,刘广青,Gang Cheng
A comparative study of enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal degradation of corn stover: understanding biomass pretreatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
172. DOI
Jiafu Zhang,Xin Zhang,Chi Li,Wenyu Zhang,Jingkun Zhang,张瑞红,袁其朋,刘广青,Gang Cheng
A comparative study of enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal degradation of corn stover: understanding biomass pretreatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
173. DOI
Zhang, Jiafu,张鑫,Li, Chi,Zhang, Wenyu,Zhang, Jingkun,Zhang, Ruihong,袁其朋,刘广青,程刚
A comparative study of enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal degradation of corn stover : understanding biomass pretreatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
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Huangfu, Yibo,Li, Haixi,Chen, Xiaofu,Xue, Chunyu,陈畅,刘广青
Effects of moisture content in fuel on thermal performance and emission of biomass semi-gasified cookstove[期刊论文],ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,2014-08-01
176. DOI
Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying,陈畅,刘广青
Thermophilic Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion of Alkaline-Pretreated Corn Stover[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2014-06-01
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Zhang, Chenyu,Liu, Xiaoying,陈畅,刘广青
Anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and corn stover in batch and continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR)[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2014-03-01
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Zhang, Jiafu,Feng, Lu,Wang, Dan,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,程刚
Thermogravimetric analysis of lignocellulosic biomass with ionic liquid pretreatment[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2014-02-01
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Zhang, Jiafu,Wang, Yixun,Zhang, Liye,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,程刚
Understanding changes in cellulose crystalline structure of lignocellulosic biomass during ionic liquid pretreatment by XRD[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2014-01-01
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提升来华留学生教育水平 推进北京市高等教育国际化[期刊论文],北京教育(高教),2013-12-10
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Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,刘广青,陈畅,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying
Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
184. DOI
Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,陈畅,刘广青,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying
Biogas production from co-digestion of corn stover and chicken manure under anaerobic wet, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2013-12-01
185. DOI
Li, Yeqing,Feng, Lu,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Liu, Xiaoying,Xiao, Xiao,Ma, Xinxin,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of Inoculum Source and Pre-incubation on Bio-Methane Potential of Chicken Manure and Corn Stover[期刊论文],APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2013-09-01
186. DOI
Xiao Xiao,张瑞红,何艳峰,李叶青,Feng Lu,陈畅,刘广青
Influence of particle size and alkaline pretreatment on the anareobic digestion of corn stover[期刊论文],BioResources,2013-08-01
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188. DOI
Li, Yeqing,Zhang, Ruihong,Liu, Xiaoying,陈畅,Xiao, Xiao,Feng, Lu,He, Yanfeng,刘广青
Evaluating Methane Production from Anaerobic Mono - and Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste , Corn Stover , and Chicken Manure[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-04-01
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190. DOI
Feng, Lu,Li, Yeqing,陈畅,Liu, Xiaoying,Xiao, Xiao,Ma, Xinxin,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,刘广青
Biochemical Methane Potential ( BMP ) of Vinegar Residue and the Influence of Feed to Inoculum Ratios on Biogas Production[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
191. DOI
Xiao, Xiao,Zhang, Ruihong,He, Yanfeng,Li, Yeqing,Feng, Lu,Chen, Chang,刘广青
Influence of Particle Size and Alkaline Pretreatment on the Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover[期刊论文],BIORESOURCES,2013-01-01
作者类型 |
作者姓名 |
著作名称 |
出版日期 |
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教师 |
刘广青 |
Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy |
2017-02-01 00:00:00 |
科学出版社 |
4 |
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