刘清雅,教授、博士生导师、教育部长江学者特聘教授 2004年于中国科学院山西煤化所获博士学位,2004-2005年任教于中国海洋大学,2005至今工作于北京化工大学。2011年晋升为教授,2014年赴美国西北大学访问交流一年。先后任化工学院副院长、教务处处长。
科研方面:主要从事重质有机资源高效清洁转化、电石生产与下游产品开发、电磁感应用于能源化工过程的应用基础研究和技术创新。主持国家重点研发计划课题和国家基金等国家级项目8项,国家能源集团揭榜挂帅课题、埃克森美孚项目和其他企业项目10余项。发表学术刊物论文120余篇,授权国际发明专利2件和国内发明专利18件。入选北京市科技新星计划、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划,获北京市科学技术二等奖1项。现任《低碳化学与化工》、《煤化工》和《洁净煤技术》杂志编委、中国化工学会工程热化学专业委员会委员。 教学方面:主持教育部新工科教改项目、北京市教改重点项目、北京市‒中央高校共建教改项目各1项。曾获中国石油和化工教育教学优秀成果一等奖(第一完成人,2020年)、北京市教学成果一等奖(第一完成人,2021年)、国家教学成果一等奖(7/16,2022年),2023年获评北京市教学名师。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2001-09-01 |
2004-08-01 |
中科院山西煤化所 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1998-09-01 |
2001-07-01 |
太原理工大学煤化工研究所 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1994-09-01 |
1998-07-01 |
太原理工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2023-07-21 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2017-01-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2005-10-01 |
2007-06-01 |
北京化工大学 |
2004-09-01 |
2005-09-01 |
中国海洋大学 |
2007-06-01 |
2016-12-01 |
北京化工大学 |
2013-12-01 |
2015-01-01 |
美国西北大学 |
《低碳化学与化工》《煤化工》和《洁净煤技术》杂志编委 中国化工学会工程热化学专业委员会委员
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
能源转化中污染物控制基础 |
2023 |
24 |
29 |
专业必修 |
碳基能源化工 |
2023 |
48 |
54 |
专业必修 |
能源化工导论 |
2023 |
16 |
59 |
专业必修 |
化工导论 |
2023 |
16 |
133 |
专业必修 |
能源与环境 |
2023 |
24 |
76 |
素质核心课程 |
化工导论 |
2022 |
16 |
124 |
专业必修 |
能源化工导论 |
2022 |
16 |
57 |
专业必修 |
能源转化中污染物控制基础 |
2022 |
24 |
22 |
专业必修 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
38 |
公共基础必修 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
1 |
公共基础选修 |
能源与环境 |
2022 |
24 |
117 |
素质核心课程 |
煤化学与化工 |
2022 |
40 |
专业必修 |
能源转化中污染物控制基础 |
2021 |
24 |
49 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2021 |
40 |
18 |
专业必修 |
能源与环境 |
2021 |
24 |
144 |
素质核心课程 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2021 |
32 |
117 |
公共基础必修 |
能源转化中污染物控制基础 |
2020 |
24 |
70 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2020 |
40 |
55 |
专业必修 |
能源与环境 |
2020 |
24 |
119 |
素质核心课程 |
化工类专业导论 |
2020 |
24 |
169 |
专业选修 |
文献检索与科技论文写作 |
2019 |
24 |
121 |
专业必修 |
文献检索与科技论文写作 |
2019 |
24 |
121 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2019 |
40 |
72 |
专业必修 |
能源与环境 |
2019 |
24 |
50 |
素质核心课程 |
化工类专业导论 |
2019 |
24 |
172 |
专业选修 |
化工类专业导论 |
2019 |
24 |
168 |
专业选修 |
能源与环境 |
2019 |
24 |
135 |
素质核心课程 |
- 1. 新疆煤中微量有害元素、氮和硫的耦合迁移机理 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2017-12-31
- 1. 煤直接液化过程中煤中显微组分差异化高效转化控制策略研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-12-01 至 2026-11-30
- 2. 煤直接液化中供氢溶剂特性及氢传递机理 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-07-01 至 2024-06-30
- 3. 电石与醇直接反应制备脂肪烃类化合物的探索 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 4. 大化工类专业工程教育治理体系研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2023-02-28
- 5. 人才培养共建项目—新工科背景下 “化工+”人才培养模式的探索与实践 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2020-02-01 至 2021-12-31
- 6. 关于多学科卓越创新人才培养综合性改革的探索与实践 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2019-03-01 至 2019-12-31
- 7. 青年教师能力与素质提升工程项目 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2018-05-02 至 2018-12-31
- 8. 中低温煤焦油的品质调控及加氢过程中的结焦机制研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-16 至 2019-12-30
- 9. 低变质煤显微组分交互反应的自由基理论及挥发物反应规律 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2021-06-30
- 10. 有机质分子与无机岩相组成结构及其伴生赋存关系(后三年) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-08-31
- 11. 燃煤污染溯源治理技术、装备研究及产业化示范 ,其他课题,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 12. 有机质分子与无机岩相组成结构及其伴生赋存关系 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 13. 煤转化残焦制备电石的低能耗新技术原理(二期) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-08-31
- 14. 煤转化残焦制备电石的低能耗新技术原理-刘清雅 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-08-31
- 15. 新世纪 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2012-01-02 至 2014-12-31
- 16. 煤转化残焦制备电石的低能耗新技术原理 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 17. 板式V2O5/TiO2基脱硝催化剂的制备及性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 18. 北京市科技新星计划(A类) ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2007-10-01 至 2010-10-31
- 19. 堇青石对Al2O3的抗硫化作用及高效烟气脱硝催化剂的制备理论研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2007-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 20. 新型烟气脱硝催化剂的研发和机理研究 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2006-01-01 至 2007-12-31
- 1. 哈密能源集成创新基地项目(化工)岔哈泉煤高效液化性能技术咨询服务 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-06-01 至 2024-08-30
- 2. 新能源材料与数字信息化跨学科背景下的新工科固体物理 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-03-01 至 2024-02-29
- 3. 烟草废弃原料热解炭化及生物质能源循环利用研究-炭化过程中焦油脱除及钾元素迁移规律研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-06-20 至 2023-12-31
- 4. 混合供氢溶剂的供氢活性及供氢能力的研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-08-01 至 2019-07-31
- 5. 铜系催化剂用于乙炔炔醛化反应的活性测试 ,其他课题,项目时间:2016-08-01 至 2017-12-31
- 6. 蒸汽裂解焦油在热转化过程中的自由基反应行为研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2015-05-01 至 2016-04-30
- 7. 板式钒钛基脱硝催化剂制备的中试技术开发 ,项目时间:2013-07-01 至 2013-12-31
- 8. 红柳林煤中低温热解焦油的析炭(结焦)规律研究 ,项目时间:2013-05-29 至 2013-12-15
- 9. 活性炭吸附法脱除Claus尾气中的SO2 ,项目时间:2011-05-20 至 2011-09-30
- 10. 多种焦粉的气化特性测试 ,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2011-12-30
- 11. SO2氧化催化剂的性能和稳定性测试 ,项目时间:2009-11-25 至 2010-02-10
1. DOI
2. DOI
李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
3. DOI
Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
4. DOI
Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
5. DOI
Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
6. DOI
Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
7. DOI
8. DOI
9. DOI
张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
10. DOI
郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
11. DOI
雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
12. DOI
刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
13. DOI
Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
14. DOI
沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
15. DOI
张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
16. DOI
A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
17. DOI
Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
18. DOI
Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
19. DOI
20. DOI
雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
21. DOI
Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
22. DOI
Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
23. DOI
A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
24. DOI
Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
25. DOI
王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
26. DOI
A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
27. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
28. DOI
29. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
31. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
32. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
34. DOI
Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
35. DOI
Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
37. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
41. DOI
Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
43. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
47. DOI
48. DOI
Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
52. DOI
53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
61. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
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Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
67. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
70. DOI
Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
71. DOI
The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
74. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
83. DOI
Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
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Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
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碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
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Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
87. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
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Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
89. DOI
He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
90. DOI
Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Pyrolysis of coal in TGA: Extent of volatile condensation in crucible[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2014-07-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
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Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
10. DOI
郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
11. DOI
雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
12. DOI
刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
15. DOI
张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
18. DOI
Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
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Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
26. DOI
A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
27. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
28. DOI
29. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
31. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
32. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
34. DOI
Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
35. DOI
Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
37. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
41. DOI
Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
43. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
47. DOI
48. DOI
Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
52. DOI
53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
61. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
62. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
63. DOI
Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
64. DOI
Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
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Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
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Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
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石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
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Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
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Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
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碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
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Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
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Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
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He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
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Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Pyrolysis of coal in TGA: Extent of volatile condensation in crucible[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2014-07-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
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Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
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郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
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雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
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刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
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Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
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Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
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A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
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29. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
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Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
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Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
32. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
34. DOI
Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
35. DOI
Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
37. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
41. DOI
Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
43. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
47. DOI
48. DOI
Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
52. DOI
53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
61. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
62. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
63. DOI
Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
64. DOI
Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
67. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
68. DOI
Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
69. DOI
Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
70. DOI
Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
71. DOI
The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
72. DOI
Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
73. DOI
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
74. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
75. DOI
Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
76. DOI
Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
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Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
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Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
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碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
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Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
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Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
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He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
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Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
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郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
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雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
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刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
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Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
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Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
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A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
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Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
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Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
32. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
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Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
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Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
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Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
43. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
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Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
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53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
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Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
67. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
70. DOI
Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
71. DOI
The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
73. DOI
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
74. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
75. DOI
Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
76. DOI
Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
82. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
83. DOI
Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
84. DOI
Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
85. DOI
碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
86. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
87. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
88. DOI
Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
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He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
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Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
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郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
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雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
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刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
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Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
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Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
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A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
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Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
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Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
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Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
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Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
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Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
37. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
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Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
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Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
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53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
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Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
67. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
70. DOI
Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
71. DOI
The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
74. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
75. DOI
Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
76. DOI
Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
82. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
83. DOI
Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
84. DOI
Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
85. DOI
碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
86. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
87. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
88. DOI
Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
89. DOI
He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
90. DOI
Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
91. DOI
Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Pyrolysis of coal in TGA: Extent of volatile condensation in crucible[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2014-07-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
96. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
97. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
98. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
99. DOI
100. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
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郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
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雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
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刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
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Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
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Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
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A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
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Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
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Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
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Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
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Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
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Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
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Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
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Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
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Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
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Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
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Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
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Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
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Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
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Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
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Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
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Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
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Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
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Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
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Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
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Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
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Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
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Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
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Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
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石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
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石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
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Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
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Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
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Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
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Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
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Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
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Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
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Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
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石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
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Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
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Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
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碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
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Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
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Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
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He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
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Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Pyrolysis of coal in TGA: Extent of volatile condensation in crucible[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2014-07-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
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Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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李文杰,Li, Lifen,Xia, Qineng,洪崧,王丽君,姚志波,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,Zhang, Hao,Lo, Tsz Woon Benedict,Robertson, Alex W.,刘清雅,郝磊端,孙振宇
Lowering C-C coupling barriers for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to C2H4 by jointly engineering single Bi atoms and oxygen vacancies on CuO[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-12-05
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Molecular structure, bond cleavage and their relation of four low rank coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-11-01
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Leaching of vanadium and tungsten from spent V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst by ionic liquids[期刊论文],Hydrometallurgy,2022-08-01
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Catalyst-free liquefaction of lignin for monophenols in hydrogen donor solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022-05-01
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Pyrolysis of COVID-19 disposable masks and catalytic cracking of the volatiles[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-05-01
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张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,Cheng, Long,Xu, Linlin,Bi, Xiaotao,刘清雅
Valorization of fluid petroleum coke for efficient catalytic destruction of biomass gasification tar[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022-02-15
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郭啸晋,石磊,刘振宇,Xu, Xiang,刘清雅,Xue, Xiaoyong,Li, Xiquan
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The quantitative correction on spectra and insight on structural evolution during coalification[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-11-15
11. DOI
雷庭俞,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,刘清雅,Wen, Xiaodong
Insights into Coke Formation and Removal under Operating Conditions with a Quantum Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021-10-07
12. DOI
刘浅,Yang, Sasha,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Comparison of TG-MS and GC-simulated distillation for determination of the boiling point distribution of various oils[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-10-01
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Coupling of methoxy group with organic matter during methanolysis of heavy hydrocarbon using oil shale as an example[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-09-01
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沈涛,Wang, Yijia,刘清雅,刘家鹏,刘振宇
A comparative study on direct liquefaction of two coals and hydrogen efficiency to the main products[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-06-15
15. DOI
张旭瑞,Chen, Zezhou,刘振宇,刘清雅
Radical induced cracking of naphtha model compound: Using bibenzyl as a novel radical initiator[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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A study on vitrinite and inertinite interaction in pyrolysis of 3 coals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2021-06-01
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Study of temperature variation of walnut shell and solid heat carrier and their effect on primary pyrolysis and volatiles reaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2021-05-15
18. DOI
Bi, Shan-Song,Guo, Xiao-Jin,Wang, Bo,Xu, Xiang,Zhao, Li-Feng,刘清雅
A DFT simulation on induction reactions involved radicals during pyrolysis of heavy organics[期刊论文],Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2021-05-01
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雷庭俞,Mao, Jiatian,Liu, Xingchen,Pathak, Amar Deep,Shetty, Sharan,van Bavel, Alexander P.,Xie, Lu,Gao, Rui,Ren, Pengju,Luo, Dan,刘清雅,Ma, Wei,Xu, Chuanlai,Wen, Xiaodong
Carbon Deposition and Permeation on Nickel Surfaces in Operando Conditions: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2021-04-08
21. DOI
Ni, Lijuan,Wang, Renxing,刘清雅,Wu, Junfei,潘岳,刘振宇
SiO2 Promoted CaO Diffusion to C Phase at 1500 and 1700 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGIES,2021-02-01
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Prediction of Gray-King coke type from radical concentration and basic properties of coal blends[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-01-01
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A method to evaluate hydrogen donation ability of hydrogen-storage solvent in hydrogenation process by radical-precursor compounds[期刊论文],Fuel,2021-01-01
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Radical-Assisted Formation of Pd Single Atoms or Nanoclusters on Biochar[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2020-11-30
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王廷,刘清雅,石磊,向冲,刘振宇,Wei Han,Le Zhang,Hong Nie,Mingfeng Li
Radicals and coking behaviors during thermal cracking of two vacuum resids and their SARA fractions[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-01
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A study on the new type of radicals in corncob derived biochars[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-10-01
27. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Heat effects of pyrolysis of 15 acid washed coals in a DSC/TGA-MS system[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-05-15
28. DOI
29. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,Xiang, Chong,Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇
A novel vacuumed hermetic reactor and its application in coal pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-11-01
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Synthesis of 1-Butanol from Ethanol over Calcium Ethoxide: Experimental and Density Functional Theory Simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2019-09-19
31. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘振宇,Nie, Hong,刘清雅,石磊,Lin, Weiming,Han, Wei,Zhang, Le,Li, Mingfeng
Behavior of coking and stable radicals formation during thermal reaction of an atmospheric residue[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-09-01
32. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Xie, Jing,刘清雅,Wang, Hongxue,Gao, Shansong,石磊,刘振宇
Characterization of direct coal liquefaction catalysts by their sulfidation behavior and tetralin dehydrogenation activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review (vol 188, pg 212, 2019)[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-01
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Efficient conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol and C-5-C-9 alcohols over calcium carbide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2019-06-17
35. DOI
Quan, Shumiao,刘振宇,石磊,刘清雅
Volatiles reaction during pyrolysis of corn stalk - Its influence on bio-oil composition and coking behavior of volatiles[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-06-15
36. DOI
Lei, Tingyu,Guo, Wenping,刘清雅,Jiao, Haijun,Cao, Dong-Bo,Teng, Botao,Li, Yong-Wang,Liu, Xingchen,Wen, Xiao-Dong
Mechanism of Graphene Formation via Detonation Synthesis: A DFTB Nanoreactor Approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2019-06-01
37. DOI
Zhou, Bin,刘清雅,石磊,刘振宇
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal conversion processes: A review[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-06-01
38. DOI
Zhang, Daojun,Wang, Chunjie,刘清雅,刘振宇,Lei, Tingyu,Wang, Baodong
The combined effects of alkaline-earth metal, SO2 and CO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION,2019-05-01
39. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅,Li, Xiquan
Simulations on Pyrolysis of Different Coals by the Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Percolation (BMCP) Model[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-04-18
40. DOI
Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘清雅,石磊,Yan, Yuxin,Wu, Junfei,Xiang, Chong,Wang, Ting,刘振宇
Effect of volatiles' reaction on composition of tars derived from pyrolysis of a lignite and a bituminous coal[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-04-15
41. DOI
Dong Wang,刘振宇,刘清雅
One-Pot Synthesis of Methyl-Substituted Benzenes and Methyl- Substituted Naphthalenes from Acetone and Calcium Carbide[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-03-28
42. DOI
Liu, Muxin,Yang, Jianli,Li, Yunmei,刘振宇,刘清雅,石磊
Radical Reactions and Two-Step Kinetics of Sub-Bituminous Coal Liquefaction in Various Solvents[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
43. DOI
Cheng, Xiaojie,石磊,刘清雅,刘振宇
Effect of a HF-HF/HCl Treatment of 26 Coals on Their Composition and Pyrolysis Behavior[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
44. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 °c[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2019-03-21
45. DOI
Shi, Xinge,刘清雅,刘振宇,石磊,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng,Zhang, Le,Nie, Hong
Coke Removal from a Deactivated Industrial Diesel Hydrogenation Catalyst by Tetralin at 300-400 degrees C[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Lu, Zhenghua,Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,刘清雅
Mutual Influences between Organic Matter and Minerals during Oil Shale Pyrolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-03-01
47. DOI
48. DOI
Li, Zhengke,刘振宇,Wang, Renxing,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅
Conversion of bio-char to CaC2 at low temperatures-morphology and kinetics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-12-31
49. DOI
Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,Chen, Zezhou,Xu, Teng,刘清雅
Bond cleavage and reactive radical intermediates in heavy tar thermal cracking[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-01
50. DOI
Guo, Xiaojin,刘振宇,Xiao, Yunhan,Xu, Xiang,Xue, Xiaoyong,刘清雅
The Boltzmann-Monte-Carlo-Percolation (BMCP) model on pyrolysis of coal: The volatiles' reactions[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-10-15
51. DOI
Chen, Zezhou,Zhang, Xurui,刘振宇,刘清雅,Xu, Teng
Quantification of reactive intermediate radicals and their induction effect during pyrolysis of two n-alkylbenzenes[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
52. DOI
53. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
54. DOI
55. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
56. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,刘振宇,Lu, Zhenghua,石磊,刘清雅
A study on average molecular structure of eight oil shale organic matters and radical information during pyrolysis[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
57. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
58. DOI
石磊,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘清雅,刘振宇
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-02-01
59. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
61. DOI
Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during co-pyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 1. Reaction of volatiles in the void space between particles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Reaction of volatiles from a coal and various organic compounds during copyrolysis in a TG-MS system. Part 2. Reaction of volatiles in the free gas phase in crucibles[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-10-19
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Structure and pyrolysis behavior of the organic matter in two fractions of Yilan oil shale[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS,2017-08-01
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Behaviors of coking and radicals during reaction of volatiles generated from fixed-bed pyrolysis of a lignite and a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
65. DOI
Junfei Wu,刘清雅,王仁醒,何文静,石磊,郭啸晋,陈泽洲,纪雷鸣,刘振宇
Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-05-05
66. DOI
Yan, Yuxin,石磊,刘清雅,Shi, Xinge,Wang, Ting,Zhou, Qiaoqiao,刘振宇,Han, Wei,Li, Mingfeng
Coke and radicals formation on a sulfided NiMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst during hydroprocessing of an atmospheric residue in hydrogen donor media[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-05-01
67. DOI
Zhao, Xiaosheng,Zhang, Xiaoliang,刘振宇,卢正华,刘清雅
Organic Matter in Yilan Oil Shale: Characterization and Pyrolysis with or without Inorganic Minerals[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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Behavior of radicals during solvent extraction of three low rank bituminous coals[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-02-01
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Synergetic catalysis of calcium oxide and iron in hydrogasification of char[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2017-01-19
70. DOI
Wu, Junfei,刘清雅,Jiang, Juantao,Li, Zhengke,石磊,Shi, Xinge,Yan, Yuxin,Cheng, Xiaojie,刘振宇
Characterization of Coke Formed during Thermal Reaction of Tar[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
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The bond cleavage and radical coupling during pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Behaviors of coking and stable radicals of a heavy oil during thermal reaction in sealed capillaries[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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Coke formation during thermal reaction of tar from pyrolysis of a subbituminous coal[会议论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-01-01
74. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Zhou, Bin,Guo, Xiaojin,Li, Zhengke,Cheng, Xiaojie,杨儒,刘振宇
Interpretation of Methane and Hydrogen Evolution in Coal Pyrolysis from the Bond Cleavage Perspective[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-01-01
75. DOI
Wang, Renxing,刘振宇,Ji, Leiming,Guo, Xiaojin,Lin, Xi,Wu, Junfei,刘清雅
Reaction kinetics of CaC2 formation from powder and compressed feeds[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016-12-01
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH 4[期刊论文],Fuel,2016-09-15
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Transformation of silicon-bearing minerals during CaC 2 production and its effect on CaC 2 formation[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016-09-01
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Examination of structural models and bonding characteristics of coals[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-20
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KCl-induced deactivation of V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3 : Comparison of poisoning methods[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-07-15
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Superior catalytic effect of calcium oxide on the hydrogasification of char for CH4[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-07-07
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Muxin Liu,杨建丽,YongYang,刘振宇,石磊,何文静,刘清雅
The radical and bond cleavage behaviors of 14 coals during pyrolysis with 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene[期刊论文],FUEL,2016-06-02
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Case Study of Quantification of Aromatic Ring Structures in Lignite Using Sequential Oxidation[期刊论文],Energy and Fuels,2016-03-17
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Xi Lin,刘清雅,刘振宇,郭啸晋,王仁醒,石磊
The role of ash layer in syngas combustion in underground coal gasification[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016-01-01
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碱土金属和烟气组分中SO 2 、CO 2 共同对V 2 O 5 -WO 3 /TiO 2 催化剂脱硝性能的影响[会议论文],第九届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议——助力两型社会快速发展的环境催化与环境材料会议论文集(NCECM 2015),2015-11-20
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Zhang, Daojun,Ji, Leiming,刘振宇,刘清雅
Kinetics of Thermal Regeneration of SO2-Captured V2O5/AC[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-09-30
87. DOI
Muxin Liu,杨建丽,刘振宇,何文静,刘清雅,Yunmei Li,Yong Yang
Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in the Pyrolysis of Lignin, Cellulose, and Hemicellulose[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-08-17
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Reaction of volatiles - A crucial step in pyrolysis of coals[期刊论文],Fuel,2015-08-15
89. DOI
He, Wenjing,刘振宇,刘清雅,Liu, Muxin,Guo, Xiaojin,石磊,Wu, Junfei,Guo, Xiaofen,Ci, Donghui
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-06-01
90. DOI
Wenjing He,刘振宇,刘清雅,刘沐鑫,郭啸晋,石磊,吴军飞,郭晓汾,次东辉
Analysis of Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of Four Coals under Various Conditions in a Viewpoint of Radicals[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2015-05-11
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Li, Qichao,Chen, Sifan,刘振宇,刘清雅
Combined effect of KCl and SO2 on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2015-03-01
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Pyrolysis of coal in TGA: Extent of volatile condensation in crucible[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2014-07-01
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Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
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Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
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Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
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石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
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Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
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Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
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Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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- 1. 固定源SO2和NOX同时脱除的结构化催化剂的催化原理和反应工程 ,2012-12-01 00:00:00 ,省部级科技奖励 ,二等奖