主要从事高分子材料(生物基、生物降解高分子)与高分子物理(聚合物结晶)的基础研究工作,侧重于环境友好高分子材料的制备、多层次结构与性能调控。已发表期刊论文189篇,其中SCI论文181篇。逾百篇论文发表在Macromolecules (8)、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (1)、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (22)、Compos. Sci. Technol. (2)、Carbohyd. Polym. (1)、Giant (2)和Polymer (30)等本学科领域重要国际学术期刊。其中,发表在Polymer (2021, 227, 123869)的一篇论文获得了2022年第16届冯新德高分子奖最佳论文提名奖。 总引用次数5800余次,正面他引4500余次;H指数42(Scopus数据库)。专著4章(其中国外专著3章)。应邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告/口头报告20余次。连续入选全球学者终身学术影响力榜,斯坦福大学-Scopus世界前2%顶尖科学家。 作为负责人已顺利完成国家自然科学基金青年基金和面上项目共5项,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目1项;作为主要科研骨干完成了长江学者创新团队项目1项和国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目2项。目前,作为负责人国家自然科学基金面上项目在研2项、横向项目多项。 不仅在基础研究领域从事科研工作,也与万华化学、新疆蓝山屯河科技股份有限公司等化工新材料领域头部和领先企业开展了密切合作。 已独立培养博士生10名、硕士生42名,每人至少有1篇1作SCI论文发表,全员顺利毕业,无延毕。实验室目前2博6硕在读。据不完全统计,7人获北京化工大学优秀硕士学位论文;4人获北京市优秀毕业生,16人获校级优秀毕业生,4人获院级优秀毕业生;9人获研究生国家奖学金(1博8硕,获奖比例9/36=25%),2人获北京化工大学高额社会奖学金(1万元/项)。累计获得38人/次校级及以上荣誉或奖励。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
1997-09-01 |
2000-07-01 |
中科院长春应用化学研究所 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1994-09-01 |
1997-07-01 |
吉林大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1990-09-01 |
1994-07-01 |
吉林大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2005-04-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2003-12-01 |
2005-03-01 |
日本神奈川大学 |
2003-04-01 |
2003-11-01 |
东京工业大学 |
2001-11-01 |
2003-03-01 |
东京大学 |
2000-09-01 |
2001-10-01 |
德国高分子研究所 |
1、生物基高分子材料 2、生物降解高分子材料 3、聚合物(纳米)复合材料 4、聚合物共混 5、高分子结晶
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
聚合物表征 |
2023 |
32 |
50 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2023 |
32 |
50 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2022 |
32 |
57 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2022 |
32 |
57 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2021 |
32 |
29 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2021 |
32 |
29 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2020 |
32 |
62 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2020 |
32 |
62 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2019 |
32 |
83 |
专业必修 |
聚合物表征 |
2019 |
32 |
83 |
专业必修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
生物降解高分子材料 |
2023 |
16 |
D专业选修课 |
生物降解高分子材料 |
2022 |
16 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 新型生物基可降解聚丁二酸丁二醇酯-b-聚呋喃二甲酸二甘醇酯多嵌段共聚酯的制备、结构与性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2028-12-31
- 2. 三元PLLA/PDEGA/CNC体系的协同结晶行为与性能调控 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 3. 高性能烯烃基高分子材料的先进制备及功能化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 4. 全生物降解PLLA/PEA共混体系的制备、结晶行为与性能调控 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 5. 几种生物降解聚酯/POSS复合材料的制备、结晶行为和性能的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 6. 高性能烯烃基高分子材料的先进制备及功能化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 7. 碳纳米管/生物降解高分子纳米复合材料形态结构与性能调控的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 8. 生物基高分子材料的多层次结构与性能的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 9. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2006-01-01 至 2008-12-31
- 10. 相容性结晶/结晶聚合物共混物的独特球晶形态与性能的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2006-01-01 至 2008-12-31
- 1. 生物降解聚酯成核剂技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-12-01 至 2025-11-30
- 2. 关于成立 “北京化工大学—新疆蓝山屯河科技股份有限公司—环境友好高分子材料联合实验室”的协议 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-11-01 至 2027-10-31
- 3. 低成本可降解聚草酸酯材料开发 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2023-09-25 至 2024-09-25
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
1. DOI
Chen, Mingkun,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-b-poly(diethylene glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate) multiblock copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-08-20
2. DOI
Chen, Changlin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behavior of Novel Biobased Poly(butylene 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate)[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2024-08-20
3. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,邱兆斌
Synthesis and property of two biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with slight difference in the chemical structure in comonomers[期刊论文],European Polymer Journal,2024-06-24
4. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Property of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],Polymers,2024-06-01
5. DOI
Yao, Wenxin,Chen, Mingkun,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical property of biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-2-methyl succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2024-05-23
6. DOI
Influence of low contents of cellulose nanocrystals on the crystallization behavior of biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
7. DOI
Synthesis and property of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers with methyl group introduced from diacid[期刊论文],Giant,2024-03-01
8. DOI
Fully biodegradable poly(l-lactide)/poly(triethylene glycol adipate) blends with different phase behaviors and significantly increased crystallization rate[期刊论文],Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2023-12-01
9. DOI
Synthesis and properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) containing two adjacent side methyl groups[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-08-24
10. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly (hexamethylene succinate-co-2,5-furandicarboxylate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2023-01-13
11. DOI
Crystallization and mechanical property of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-12
12. DOI
Synthesis, thermal, and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-diglycolate) copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymer,2023-01-06
13. DOI
Feng, Shiwei,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2023-01-01
14. DOI
Synthesis, Thermal Behavior, and Mechanical Properties of Fully Biobased Poly(Hexamethylene 2,5-Furandicarboxylate-Co-Sebacate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-12-25
15. DOI
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-07-21
16. DOI
Fully biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-1,2-decylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites with significantly enhanced crystallization and mechanical property*[期刊论文],Polymer,2022-06-14
17. DOI
Nonisothermal Melt Crystallization Study of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-04-01
18. DOI
Biobased Poly(1,3-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2022-02-01
19. DOI
In Situ Synthesis, Crystallization Behavior, and Mechanical Property of Biobased Poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-01-01
20. DOI
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-1,2-propylene succinate) by Cellulose Nanocrystals as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],Polymers,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Synthesis and properties of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-co-adipate) copolyesters[期刊论文],EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL,2021-12-05
22. DOI
Pan, Siyu,邱兆斌
Fully Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate)/Cellulose Nanocrystals Composites with Enhanced Crystallization Rate and Mechanical Property[期刊论文],POLYMERS,2021-11-01
23. DOI
Fully Biodegradable poly(hexamethylene succinate)/cellulose nanocrystals composites with enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical property[期刊论文],Polymers,2021-10-25
24. DOI
Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-b-poly (diethylene glycol terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting point and significantly improved mechanical property[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-10-12
25. DOI
In-situ synthesis and thermal properties of biobased Poly(neopentyl glycol 2,5-furandicarboxylate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-08-16
26. DOI
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of cellulose nanocrystals nucleated biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-06-16
27. DOI
Effect of different lengths of side groups on the thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2021-05-01
28. DOI
Effect of cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent on the crystallization of novel biodegradable branched poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Macromol,2021-03-01
29. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-02-01
30. DOI
Li, Jingnan,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021-02-01
31. DOI
Sun, Zhipeng,姜志国,邱兆斌
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],POLYMER,2021-01-20
32. DOI
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of novel biobased, biodegradable and double crystalline Poly(butylene succinate)-b-Poly (butylene sebacate) multiblock copolymers[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-24
33. DOI
Thermal and rheological properties of fully biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Cellulose nanocrystals composites[期刊论文],Composites Communications,2020-11-08
34. DOI
Thermal, crystallization and mechanical properties of branched Poly (butylene succinate) copolymers with 1,2-decanediol being the comonomer[期刊论文],Polymer,2020-11-04
35. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Effect of methyl as the simplest C-H side group on the significant variation of physical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2020-10-01
36. DOI
Liu, Yang,邱兆斌
Enhanced melt crystallization of biobased Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by low loading of octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2020-06-01
37. DOI
Teng, Si-Qi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Octaisobutyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Composites Prepared via Different Methods[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2020-02-01
38. DOI
Bi, Tianzhi,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of fully biobased poly (butylene-co-propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) copolyesters with low contents of propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate units[期刊论文],POLYMER,2020-01-09
39. DOI
Shang, Yaqing,Li, Xiaojing,姜志国,邱兆斌
Synthesis, crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of novel biobased Poly(octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2020-01-01
40. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Influence of Two Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene adipate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2019-12-01
41. DOI
Zhang, Kang-Jing,邱兆斌
Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Branched Poly(ethylene succinate)/Poly(vinyl phenol) Blends[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2019-11-01
42. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Significantly Enhanced Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) by the Synergistic Effect of Poly(diethylene glycol adipate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals in Their Fully Biodegradable Ternary Composite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
43. DOI
Li, Jingnan,邱兆斌
Effect of low loadings of cellulose nanocrystals on the significantly enhanced crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)[期刊论文],CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-02-01
44. DOI
Teng, Siqi,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of different POSS structures on the crystallization behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Li, Jingnan,Zhao, Yuping,姜志国,邱兆斌
Effect of low molecular weight poly(diethylene glycol adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their partially miscible blends[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2019-01-01
46. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Influence of high molecular weight poly(ethylene adipate) on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) in their immiscible polymer blend[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-05-01
47. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,Zhang, Kangjing,苏志强,邱兆斌
Thermal behavior, mechanical and rheological properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel branched biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2018-04-01
48. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-6 mol% butylene succinate) and Poly(hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2018-04-01
49. DOI
He, Xueyan,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene adipate) with different molecular weights on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2018-01-10
50. DOI
Teng, Siqi,邱兆斌
Nucleating and Plasticization Effects of Low-Loading Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes in Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate)-Based Nanocomposite[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-20
51. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Cyanuric Acid as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017-12-01
52. DOI
Zhang, Kang-jing,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(Ε-caprolactone) by cyanuric acid as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2017-12-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kangjing,邱兆斌
Influence of low octavinyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes loadings on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2017-09-10
54. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of novel biobased poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene sebacate) copolymers from the amorphous state[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2017-08-01
55. DOI
Enhanced crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) by octaisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2017-03-10
56. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and hydrolytic degradation of novel biobased poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-03-01
57. DOI
Xin, Rui,Zhang, Jie,孙晓丽,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
Epitaxial Effects on Polymer Crystallization[期刊论文],POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION II: FROM CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE TO PROCESSING,2017-01-01
58. DOI
Crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, and hydrolytic degradation of novel eco-friendly poly(butylene diglycolate) containing ether linkages[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-12-10
59. DOI
Dai, Xun,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolyesters from renewable resources[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol)-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2016-12-01
61. DOI
Qiu, Shoutian,苏志强,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics, Morphology, and Mechanical Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-ethylene suberate) Copolyesters[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-10-05
62. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Enhanced nonisothermal and isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) by trisilanolisobutyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes in their nanocomposites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,2016-09-15
63. DOI
Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/Trisilanolisobutyl- polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2016-09-01
64. DOI
Crystallization Behavior, Morphology, and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate)/Carboxyl-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2016-04-20
65. DOI
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(ethylene suberate)[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-20
66. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization kinetics, morphology, and mechanical properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-octamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],POLYMER TESTING,2015-12-01
67. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Crystallization behaviors and morphology of novel poly(octamethylene adipate-co-octamethylene succinate) and poly(octamethylene adipate)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015-07-01
68. DOI
Thermal properties and crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene suberate)[期刊论文],Polymer (United Kingdom),2015-04-29
69. DOI
Xue, Peng,邱兆斌
Synthesis, thermal properties, and crystallization kinetics of novel biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate-co-diethylene glycol succinate) copolyesters[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2015-04-20
70. DOI
Ye, Liwei,Li, Huihui,邱兆斌,闫寿科
The melt-recrystallization behavior of highly oriented alpha-iPP fibers embedded in a HIPS matrix[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-01-01
71. DOI
Zhao, Yuping,邱兆斌
Effect of poly(vinyl alcohol) as an efficient crystallization-assisting agent on the enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(L-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
72. DOI
Shi, Xiaoran,邱兆斌
Miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphology of novel poly(butylene suberate) and poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
73. DOI
Li, Xiaojing,邱兆斌
Synthesis and properties of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-decamethylene succinate) copolymers[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
74. DOI
Meng, Fan,邱兆斌
Enhanced crystallization rate of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate) by poly(butylene fumarate) as an efficient polymeric nucleating agent[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
75. DOI
Yan, Rui,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics, melting behavior, and spherulitic morphology of novel biobased poly(hexylene oxalate)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
76. DOI
Jiang, Zinan,邱兆斌
Unusual crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) based nanocomposites induced by graphene oxide[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
77. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Unusual Fractional Crystallization Behavior of Novel Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene suberate) and Poly(ethylene oxide) with Similar Melting Points[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2014-12-09
78. DOI
Effect of biodegradable poly(ethylene adipate) with low molecular weight as an efficient plasticizer on the significantly enhanced crystallization rate and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2014-10-03
79. DOI
Huang, Shuo,邱兆斌
Enhanced Thermal Stability and Crystallization Rate of Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate) by a Small Amount of Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
80. DOI
Wang, Gu-yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2014-09-01
81. DOI
Wang, Gu-Yu,邱兆斌
Crystalline morphology and crystallization kinetics of melt-miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24mol% hexamethylene succinate)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition),2014-09-01
82. DOI
Tang, Lu,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)/Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Nanocomposites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-07-16
83. DOI
Morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Macromolecular Research,2014-06-01
84. DOI
Pan, Hong,邱兆斌
Biodegradable Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Nanocomposites: Effect of Different Nanofillers on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY,2014-04-01
85. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Effect of cyanuric acid on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) as an efficient nucleating agent[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-02-10
86. DOI
Wang, Guyu,邱兆斌
Effects of Preexisting Poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol % hexamethylene succinate) Crystals on the Crystallization Behavior and Crystalline Morphology of Poly(butylene adipate) in Their Melt-Miscible Polymer Blend[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-29
87. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and tannic acid blends[期刊论文],THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,2014-01-10
88. DOI
Jing, Xiangjin,邱兆斌
Influence of Thermally Reduced Graphene Low-Loadings on the Crystallization Behavior and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-01-08
89. DOI
邱兆斌,Guan, Wen
In situ ring-opening polymerization of poly(L-lactide)-graft-graphene oxide and its effect on the crystallization kinetics and morphology of biodegradable poly(L-lactide) at low loadings[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
90. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
A Spherulitic Morphology Study of Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends of Poly(ethylene succinate-co-9.9 mol % ethylene adipate) and Poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULES,2013-11-12
91. DOI
Weng, Mengting,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Miscible Crystalline/Amorphous Polymer Blends of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate) and Poly(vinyl phenol)[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-07-31
92. DOI
93. DOI
Yang, Huiying,邱兆斌
Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Novel Biodegradable Poly(hexamethylene succinate-co-3 mol % ethylene succinate) with Low and High Molecular Weights[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-03-06
94. DOI
Chen, Kai,Yu, Jing,邱兆斌
Effect of Low Octavinyl-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Loading on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Biodegradable Poly(ethylene succinate-co-5.1 mol % ethylene adipate) as an Efficient Nucleating Agent[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-30
95. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Nonisothermal melt crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of biodegradable poly(hydroxybutyrate)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2009-11-15
96. DOI
邱兆斌,Zhu, Siyu,杨万泰
Crystallization kinetics and morphology studies of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009-08-01
97. DOI
Yang, Fang,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Miscibility and crystallization of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blends[期刊论文],Polymer,2009-05-08
98. DOI
Song, Liang,邱兆斌
Crystallization behavior and thermal property of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/functional multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite[期刊论文],Polymer Degradation and Stability,2009-04-01
99. DOI
Zhao, Yuanyuan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization and hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(l-lactide)[期刊论文],Composites Science and Technology,2009-04-01
100. DOI
Xu, Changling,邱兆斌
Isothermal melt crystallization kinetics study of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites[期刊论文],Polymer Journal,2009-01-01
101. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and hydrophilicity improvement of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blends with poly(ethylene oxide)[期刊论文],Macromolecular Materials and Engineering,2008-11-12
102. DOI
Miao, Laiquan,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki
Fully biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(ethylene succinate) blends: Phase behavior, crystallization and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Reactive and Functional Polymers,2008-02-01
103. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Effects of blend composition and crystallization temperature on unique crystalline morphologies of miscible polyethylene succinate/polyfcethylene oxide blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2008-01-08
104. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kurihara, Hideo,邱兆斌,Nishi, Toshio
Study of spherulitic structures by analyzing the spherulitic growth rate of the other component in binary crystalline polymer blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-11-27
105. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai
Miscible crystalline/crystalline polymer blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly (butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate): Spherulitic morphologies and crystallization kinetics[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2007-07-10
106. DOI
Lu, Jiaoming,邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Fully biodegradable blends of poly(l-lactide) and poly(ethylene succinate): Miscibility, crystallization, and mechanical properties[期刊论文],Polymer,2007-06-29
107. DOI
Subsequent melting behavior of poly(butylene succinate) in its miscible blend with poly(vinyl phenol) crystallized nonisothermally from the melt[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-06-15
108. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007-04-15
109. DOI
邱兆斌,Yan, Chunzhu,Lu, Jiaoming,Yang, Wantai,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Various crystalline morphology of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) in its miscible blends with poly(vinylidene fluoride)[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2007-03-22
110. DOI
Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone ether ketone ketone) containing a meta-phenyl linkage[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006-12-05
111. DOI
邱兆斌,Yang, Wantai
Crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinyl phenol) blend[期刊论文],Polymer,2006-08-23
112. DOI
邱兆斌,Miao, Laiquan,杨万泰
Crystallization and melting behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene carbonate)[期刊论文],Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics,2006-06-01
113. DOI
邱兆斌,杨万泰,Ikehara, Takayuki,Nishi, Toshio
Miscibility and crystallization behavior of biodegradable blends of two aliphatic polyesters. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(蔚-caprolactone)[期刊论文],Polymer,2005-11-28
114. DOI
Ikehara, Takayuki,Kimura, Hironori,邱兆斌
Penetrating spherulitic growth in poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends[期刊论文],Macromolecules,2005-06-14
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邱兆斌 |
Crystallization in Multiphase Polymer Systems |
2018-01-01 00:00:00 |
Elsevier |
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