

讲师 教学科研岗 博士研究生毕业

部门: 数理学院 研究方向: TENG、2D、Sensor、SERS

电子邮箱: 2022500096@mail.buct.edu.cn 办公地址: 北校区文理楼

ORCID: 0000-0003-0437-1274 DBLP:

10 访问



1. 摩擦纳米发电机
2. 二维微传感器
2. 表面增强拉曼光谱
2. 微流控系统

1. 主持,中国博士后基金,第70批面上资助,二等,项目编号:2021M703174,起止时间:2021-11至2023-11,基于摩擦纳米发电机原理的智能轮胎自供电技术研究。
2. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上,项目编号:61874010,起止时间:2019-1-1至2022-12-30,石墨烯锯齿型晶界局域态的磁性和自旋传输特性研究。
3. 参与,北京理工大学科技创新计划、创新人才科技资助专项计划,起止时间:2017-1-1至2019-12-30,二维量子体系中拓扑缺陷的形成、调控及其在自旋电子学中的应用。


1   Yan, W.#, J. Liu, Y.# Chen P. F. et al. Flexible film-discharge-switch assisted universal power management system for the four operation modes of triboelectric nanogenerators. Adv. Energy Mater.12, 2103677 (2022).

2   Yan, W., Fuh, H. R., Lv, Y. et al. Giant gauge factor of Van der Waals material based strain sensors. Nat. Commun. 12, 2018 (2021).

3   Yan, W.#, Yang, L.#, Chen, J. et al. In Situ Two-Step Photoreduced SERS Materials for On-Chip Single-Molecule Spectroscopy with High Reproducibility. Adv. Mater. 29, 1702893 (2017).

4   Yan, W., Lv, C., Zhang, D. et al. Enhanced NO2 Sensitivity in Schottky-Contacted n-Type SnS2 Gas Sensors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12, 26746-26754 (2020).

5 Yan, W., Liu Y., Cao N.Y. et al. Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 56827–56835 (2022).

6   Yan, W. J., Chen, D. Y., Fuh, H. R. et al. Photo-enhanced gas sensing of SnS2 with nanoscale defects. Rsc Adv.9, 626-635 (2019).

7   Li, J.#, Yan, W.#, Lv, Y. et al. Sub-millimeter size high mobility single crystal MoSe2 monolayers synthesized by NaCl-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Rsc Adv.10, 1580-1587 (2020).

8   Lv, C., Yan, W., Shieh, T. H. et al. Electrical Contact Barriers between a Three-Dimensional Metal and Layered SnS2. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 15830-15836 (2020).

9   Camargo Moreira, O. L., Cheng, W. Y., Fuh, H. R. et al. High Selectivity Gas Sensing and Charge Transfer of SnSe2. ACS Sens. 4, 2546-2552 (2019).

10Fei, H., Wu, G., Cheng, W.-Y. et al. Enhanced NO2 Sensing at Room Temperature with Graphene via Monodisperse Polystyrene Bead Decoration. ACS Omega4, 3812-3819 (2019).

11Zhao, S., Zhao, Y., Ran, Y. et al. Surface enhanced Raman scattering on ion-beam-deposited TiNx/Si substrates. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B472, 24-31 (2020).

12Liu, Y.#,Yan, W.#, Han, J. et al. Aerodynamics-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Enhancing Multi-Operating Robustness via Mode Automatic Switching. Adv. Funct. Mater. n/a, 2202964 (2022).


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2016-09-01 2020-06-30 北京理工大学 博士研究生毕业
2013-09-01 2016-07-01 首都师范大学 硕士研究生毕业
2008-09-01 2012-06-25 首都师范大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2020-09-07 2022-08-24 北京纳米能源与系统研究所




1. 摩擦纳米发电机
2. 二维微传感器
2. 表面增强拉曼光谱
2. 微流控系统


课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
大学物理实验(II) 2023 32 25 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2023 32 22 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2023 32 26 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2023 32 29 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2023 32 29 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2022 32 25 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2022 32 28 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2022 32 22 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2022 32 28 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(II) 2022 32 26 实践环节必修





  • 1. 研发基于电网杆塔振动能的摩擦纳米发电机电源 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2026-12-31


  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16
  • 1. DOI Meng, Shutong,Liao, Peng,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    Ti3C2TX@PPy-reduced graphene oxide heterostructure hydrogel for supercapacitor with excellent rate capability[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2025-01-05
  • 2. DOI Liao, Peng,Geng, ZiYu,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-performance Ti3C2Tx achieved by polyaniline intercalation and gelatinization as a high-energy cathode for zinc-ion capacitor[期刊论文],Nano Research,2024-06-01
  • 3. DOI Liao, Peng,Yu, Xiang,何家琪,张鑫,闫文杰,邱增辉,许海军
    High-energy-density zinc ion capacitors based on 3D porous free-standing defect-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel cathodes[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024-01-17
  • 4. DOI 廖鹏,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Colton Jones,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023-10-04
  • 5. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Jones, Colton,Chen, Shaowei
    3D Hierarchical Ti3C2T X @PANI-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Anode and Defective Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Cathode for High-Performance Zinc Ion Capacitors[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023-10-04
  • 6. DOI Liao, Peng,邱增辉,张鑫,闫文杰,许海军,Chen, Shaowei
    High-Energy Zinc Ion Capacitor Based on 3d Hierarchical Ti3C2TX@Pani-Reduced Graphene Oxide Heterostructure Hydrogel Cathode[会议论文],SSRN,2023-09-26
  • 7. DOI 闫文杰,Liu, Yuan,Cao, Leo N. Y.,Jiang, Tao,Chen, Baodong,Tang, Wei
    Asymmetric-Internal-Capacitance-Induced Charge Aggregation for the Hot-Surface Triboelectric Nanogenerator[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-12-16



