

Associate professor

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  • Email: yinliang@mail.buct.edu.cn
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Yin Liang, male, Doctor, Associate professor, master tutor.

[1] Yongcheng Hua, Minglong Hu, Junjie Zhou, Ding Yingchun, Liang Yin*. Fast single-shot imaging through scattering media based on a captured speckle pattern without a guidestar [J]. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2024, 124: 141101. (top)

[2] Yulin Zhang, Dongwei Hu, Juan Chen*, Liang Yin*. Research on non-destructive testing of stress in ferromagnetic components based on metal magnetic memory and the Barkhausen effect [J]. NDT and E International, 2023, 138: 102881.(top)

[3] Yue Dai, Liang Yin*, Minglong Hu, Junjie Zhou, Lina Zhao, Yingchun Ding. Large field of view multi-point light focusing in strongly perturbed scattering media based on non-dominated bat algorithm wavefront shaping[J]. Optics Communications, 2024, 563: 130592.


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[1] Yongcheng Hua, Minglong Hu, Junjie Zhou, Ding Yingchun, Liang Yin*. Fast single-shot imaging through scattering media based on a captured speckle pattern without a guidestar [J]. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2024, 124: 141101. (top)

[2] Yulin Zhang, Dongwei Hu, Juan Chen*, Liang Yin*. Research on non-destructive testing of stress in ferromagnetic components based on metal magnetic memory and the Barkhausen effect [J]. NDT and E International, 2023, 138: 102881.(top)

[3] Yue Dai, Liang Yin*, Minglong Hu, Junjie Zhou, Lina Zhao, Yingchun Ding. Large field of view multi-point light focusing in strongly perturbed scattering media based on non-dominated bat algorithm wavefront shaping[J]. Optics Communications, 2024, 563: 130592.



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