





  • 部门: 数理学院
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10 访问

  • 电子邮箱: cylin@mail.buct.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 昌平校区文理楼412


林承友,数理学院副院长,教授,目前在Optics Express,Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Optics, Journal of Optics、Optics Communications等国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文五十余篇,担任Optics Letters等国际期刊审稿人;作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金青年基金、理论物理专项项目等项目,参与国家重点研发计划等科研项目。主讲本科生课程《光电子技术》、《生产实习》、《综合课程设计》以及研究生课程《薄膜光学》。


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2009-09-01 2011-08-31 University of California, Berkeley 其他
2007-09-01 2013-01-25 北京师范大学 博士研究生毕业
2003-09-01 2007-06-25 北京交通大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2023-10-17 至今 北京化工大学
2017-12-01 至今 北京化工大学
2013-02-22 2017-11-01 北京化工大学
至今 北京化工大学






课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
理科试验班专业概论 2023 32 165 公共基础选修
理科试验班专业概论 2023 32 169 公共基础选修
光电子技术A 2023 32 62 专业必修
理科试验班专业概论 2022 32 159 专业选修
理科试验班专业概论 2022 32 162 专业选修
光电子技术A 2022 32 58 专业必修
光电子技术A 2022 32 71 专业必修
光电子技术 2021 40 41 专业选修
理科试验班专业概论 2021 32 161 专业选修
理科试验班专业概论 2021 32 154 专业选修
光电子技术 2020 48 68 专业选修
光电子技术 2019 48 111 专业选修


课程名称 开课学年 总学时 开课方式
薄膜光学 2024 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2023 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2022 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2021 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2020 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2019 40 A公共基础课
薄膜光学 2018 32 D专业选修课
薄膜光学 2017 32 D专业选修课
薄膜光学 2016 32 D专业选修课
薄膜光学 2015 32 D专业选修课
薄膜光学 2014 32 D专业选修课
薄膜光学 2013 32 D专业选修课


  • 1. 反常波形成机理研究 ,数理学院,项目时间:2016-11-01 至 2017-11-01
  • 2. 极紫外反射式多层膜宽带偏振元件研究 ,数理学院,项目时间: 至 2014-12-31
  • 3. 极紫外宽带四分之一波片及相位延迟片研究 ,数理学院,项目时间: 至 2015-12-31


  • 1. XJZ2023090060 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2023-09-01 至 2025-10-01
  • 2. XJZ2022050026 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-04-15 至 2022-12-15
  • 3. XJZ2022110049 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-03-01 至 2023-12-31
  • 4. 用于产生水窗波段圆偏振阿秒脉冲的非周期性多层膜反射镜的设计研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31
  • 5. 高性能聚氯乙烯制备关键技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2020-06-30
  • 6. 利用时域优化的极紫外啁啾多层膜反射镜产生变换极限阿秒脉冲 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2016-12-31


  • 1. 辐射制冷聚合物薄膜的性能研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-09-04 至 2027-09-04
  • 2. 表面增强拉曼散射银纳米颗粒-氧化锌纳米梳活性基底制备技术开发 ,项目时间:2015-07-27 至 2015-11-27


  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01
  • 1. DOI 仝俊华,阮俊,NAEEM IQBAL,马赫,葛坤,林承友,翟天瑞
    Tunable random lasers via phase transition for information encryption[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-09-08
  • 2. DOI 李天琦,陈淑静,林承友
    Theoretical investigation of transition metal dichalcogenides based Bloch surface wave sensors with mono and double absentee layers[期刊论文],Results in Optics,2023-05-01
  • 3. DOI 张欢欢,林承友
    Highly sensitive self-referenced surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor with indium tin oxide/metal/dielectric structure[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2023-03-01
  • 4. DOI Wang, Zijin,He, Jiarui,Chen, Jiaxiang,Zhu, Jiangtao,林承友
    Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared copper based fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor using two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides[期刊论文],Optik,2022-11-01
  • 5. DOI 杨韬略,林承友
    Design of broadband reflective quarter-wave plates in the water window region based on aperiodic Cr/Sc multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],Optical Engineering,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 李天琦,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of aluminum-based far-ultraviolet nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance sensor[期刊论文],Chinese Physics B,2022-11-01
  • 7. DOI 林承友,杨韬略,陈淑静
    Compression of attosecond water window pulse by stacked Cr/Sc multilayer mirror with chirped structure[期刊论文],Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics,2022-09-01
  • 8. DOI 杨韬略,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2022-04-01
  • 9. DOI Chen, Shujing,林志宁,白改艳,林承友
    Comparative study on sensitivity enhancement of a graphene based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor optimized using genetic algorithm in the visible region[期刊论文],OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2022-03-01
  • 10. DOI 杨松,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of reflective phase retarders in the extreme ultraviolet based on chirped Mo/Si multilayer mirrors[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION,2021-09-01
  • 11. DOI 林志宁,白改艳,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of efficient broadband extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirrors using a two-parametric merit function[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-15
  • 12. DOI 张均营,侯志灵,邵晓红,冯志芳,林承友
  • 13. DOI 杨松,林志宁,陈淑静,林承友
    Design of extreme ultraviolet quarter wave plate based on linearly chirped multilayer mirror[会议论文],Processing of SPIE,2020-12-24
  • 14. DOI 白改艳,林承友
  • 15. DOI 林承友
  • 16. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity improvement of a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional materials hybrid structure in visible region: A theoretical study[期刊论文],Sensors,2020-05-01
  • 17. DOI 林志宁,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity Improvement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Hybrid Structure in Visible Region: A Theoretical Study[期刊论文],SENSORS,2020-05-01
  • 18. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of highly sensitive guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensor with deep dip using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-08-15
  • 19. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019-05-01
  • 20. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity analysis of graphene multilayer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions[期刊论文],APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2019-04-01
  • 21. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Design of high-performance Au-Ag-dielectric-graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2019-03-21
  • 22. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-03-15
  • 23. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 24. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor with Au, Ag and Cu in the visible region[期刊论文],Mater. Res. Express,2019-01-01
  • 25. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Figure of merit analysis of graphene based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for visible and near infrared[期刊论文],Opt Commun,2019-01-01
  • 26. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    Theoretical comparison of sensitivity enhancement of various metals based nearly guided wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors designed by genetic algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 27. DOI Lin, Zhining,Chen, Shujing,林承友
    A comparative study on reflection of broadband EUV multilayer mirrors basing on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[会议论文],AOPC 2019: NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 28. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Sensitivity comparison of graphene-based nearly guided-wave surface plasmon resonance biosensors with Au, Ag, Cu, and Al[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019-01-01
  • 29. DOI 黄亮,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,石美浓
  • 30. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Analysis of temporal broadening of isolated attosecond pulses induced by periodic Mo/Si multilayer mirrors reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2018-01-01
  • 31. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Theoretical investigation of detection accuracy of surface plasmon resonance sensor with dielectric layer[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-11-14
  • 32. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-06
  • 33. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,焦志伟,丁玉梅
    Design of broadband near-infrared reflector using polymer multilayer heterostructure with low-refractive-index contrast[期刊论文],Applied Physics A,2017-10-15
  • 34. DOI 程祥,杨卫民,林承友,丁玉梅,焦志伟
    Design of polymer multilayer heterostructure broadband reflector for the near-infrared using genetic algorithm[期刊论文],Journal of Nanophotonics,2017-10-15
  • 35. DOI 林承友,陈淑静
    Optimized Dielectric Film for Maximum Sensitivity of Nearly Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor[期刊论文],PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A,2017-10-09
  • 36. DOI 王志国,尹亮,林承友,宣佳彬,叶青
  • 37. DOI 孟建勋,王志国,林承友,陈朝阳
  • 38. DOI 陈朝阳,Zhao,Xin,林承友,Chen,Shujing,Yin,Liang,Ding,Yingchun
    Figure of merit enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensors using absentee layer[期刊论文],Applied Optics,2016-09-01
  • 39. DOI 林承友,陈淑静,尹亮
  • 40. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友
    High-performance bimetallic film surface plasmon resonance sensor based on film thickness optimization[期刊论文],OPTIK,2016-01-01
  • 41. DOI 林承友,Chen Shu-Jing,Chen Zhao-Yang,Ding Ying-Chun
    Design of broad angular phase retarders for the complete polarization analysis of extreme ultraviolet radiation[期刊论文],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015-11-01
  • 42. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 43. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,陈朝阳,Ding, Yingchun
    Design of reflective quarter-wave plates in extreme ultraviolet[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2015-07-15
  • 44. DOI Chen, Shujing,林承友,Gao, Hua
    Design of broadband transmission quarter-wave plates for polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2015-07-01
  • 45. DOI Ding,Y.C.,Zhang,F.L.,Gao,J.B.,陈朝阳,林承友,Yu,M.Y.
    Excitation of random intense single-cycle light-pulse chains in optical fiber[期刊论文],Physica Scripta,2014-10-01
  • 46. DOI 林承友,邵晓红,祁欣,战可涛,王维
  • 47. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Chen, Zhaoyang
    Design of transmissive quarter-wave plate in the extreme ultraviolet by aperiodic multilayer[期刊论文],OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2014-09-01
  • 48. DOI 林承友,Chen, Shujing,Liu, Dahe
    Characterization of periodic multilayer mirrors optimized for single attosecond pulse reflection[期刊论文],OPTIK,2013-01-01



  • 1. 一种光学多层梯度薄膜及其制备装置
  • 2. 一种红外反射复合薄膜
  • 3. 一种红外反射复合薄膜
  • 4. 一种光学多层梯度薄膜及其制备装置


