

副教授  博士研究生毕业

部门: 数理学院 研究方向: 微纳光学,超材料,光电探测器

电子邮箱: 2021500112@mail.buct.edu.cn 办公地址: 文理楼-215

ORCID: 0000-0002-3880-3664 DBLP:

10 访问


    陈召,副教授,硕士生导师,近年来一直在从事表面等离激元特性分析和相关应用的研究工作。在基于表面等离激元的Fano共振、EIT现象、传感器、光电探测器、原子囚禁以及手性光场调控等方面有着深入的研究,并已取得多项创新性成果。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,国家重点实验室纵向课题1项,横向项目2项。目前,以第一作者和通讯作者在SCI期刊上发表研究论文40余篇,包括 Nanophotonics, Advanced Optical Materials, Photonics Research, Opt. Express, Optics Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal等,他引700余次,授权国家发明专利3项。




1.         Chinese Physics Letters,29(10): 104210, 2012

2.         Chinese Physics Letters,30(5): 054212, 2013

3.         Optics Communications,320:6-11, 2014

4.         OPTIK, 126: 168-171, 2014

5.         Optics Communications,340:1-4, 2014

6.         IEEE Photonics Journal, 6(6):4802208, 2014

7.         Plasmonics, 10(3): 721-727,2014

8.         Plasmonics, 10(1): 131-137, 2014

9.         Optics Communications,354:407-413, 2015

10.     IEEE Photonics Journal, 7(6):4801408, 2015

11.     IEEE Photonics Journal, 7(3): 2701009, 2015

12.     IEEE PHOTON. TECHNO. LETT., 27(16):1695-1698, 2015

13.     Plasmonics, 11(1):307-313, 2015

14.     Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33(15): 3250-3252, 2015

15.     Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,49:145109, 2016

16.     Photonics Research, 5(5):436-440, 2017

17.     Advanced Optical Materials, 6,1800261,2018

18.     Nanophotonics,8,1739-1745, 2019

19.     Plasmonics, 15,2177-2183, 2020

20.     Photonics Research,9(1), 27-33,2021

21.     Nanomaterials, 12, 516 (2022)

22.     IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(14), 14044 (2022)

23.     Optics Express, 31(22), 35697-35708 (2023)

24.     IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(4), 4418-4423 (2024)

25.     物理学报, 73(8), 084205 (2024)

26.     Optics Letters, 49(8), 2503-2506(2024)

27. Optics Express, 32(26),46969-46981 (2024)



1.       陈召等 基于简洁谐振腔的多模式激励结构   ZL202010670951.5

2.       陈召等 基于表面等离激元实现原子囚禁的结构 ZL202010671538.0

3.       陈召等 一种手性调控电磁诱导透明现象的结构 ZL202111499308.1








入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2011-09-01 2016-07-01 北京邮电大学 博士研究生毕业
2007-09-01 2011-07-01 河南科技大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2016-07-01 2018-06-30 北京大学
2018-08-01 2021-10-01 中国空间技术研究院



Optics Express, Plasmonics, Optics Communications等期刊审稿人




课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
大学物理实验(I) 2023 32 30 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2023 32 29 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2023 32 27 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2023 32 26 实践环节必修
微波技术 2023 32 72 专业必修
微波技术 2023 32 71 专业必修
大学物理实验(I) 2022 32 29 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2022 32 30 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2022 32 32 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2022 32 25 实践环节必修
微波技术 2022 32 62 专业必修
大学物理实验(I) 2021 32 29 实践环节必修
大学物理实验(I) 2021 32 30 实践环节必修




  • 1. 多功能微纳结构设计及其应用研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2024-12-31


  • 1. 里德堡原子微波光学射频系统 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-09-09 至 2024-12-31
  • 2. MXene 基复合材料的结构表征与电学性能研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-11-06 至 2024-05-06


  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
  • 8. DOI 蔡家宁,李林浩,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    High performance selective light absorber based on nickel nanopillar array for photothermal conversion[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Physics,2023-12-18
  • 9. DOI 陈召,马昕新,段运鸿,李林浩,张实捷,王艺霖,俞耀伦,侯志灵
    Tunable electromagnetically induced absorption based on coupled-resonators in a compact plasmonic system[期刊论文],OPTICS EXPRESS,2023-10-10
  • 10. DOI 王艺霖,谭宇轩,陈召,侯志灵
    On-chip plasmonic nanosensor based on multiple Fano resonances in rectangular coupled systems[期刊论文],Optics Communications,2023-09-09
  • 11. DOI 陈召,王艺霖,侯志灵,张鹏飞,于丽
    Loaded Slot Cavity Induced Sensing Enhancement and Transparency Based on Plasmonic Structure[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2022-06-17
  • 12. DOI 陈召,俞耀伦,王艺霖,侯志灵,于丽
    Plasmon-Induced Transparency for Tunable Atom Trapping in a Chiral Metamaterial Structure[期刊论文],Nanomaterials,2022-02-01
  • 1. DOI 陈召,朱柏旭,马昕新,张实捷,李林浩,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Plasmonic nanosensor and pressure-induced transparency based on coupled resonator in a nanoscale system[期刊论文],OPTICS LETTERS,2024-04-15
  • 2. DOI 李连杰,Han, Yaxuan,Yang, Baoyu,Juan, Yong,陈召,张均营,侯志灵
    Vanadium dioxide-based H-shaped terahertz metasurface for beam modulation[期刊论文],Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2024-04-14
  • 3. DOI 陈召,马昕新,李童,王艺霖
  • 4. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Baffle Induced Sensing Enhancement for Pressure and Refractive Index Based on Fano Resonance[期刊论文],Plasmonics,2024-03-07
  • 5. DOI 陈召,马昕新,张实捷,李童,王艺霖,侯志灵
    Pressure Sensor Based on Optical Resonator in a Compact Plasmonic System[期刊论文],IEEE Sensors Journal,2024-02-15
  • 6. DOI 马昕新,李童,王艺霖,陈召
    Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing[期刊论文],Modern Physics Letters B,2024-01-11
  • 7. DOI 张雅琴,黄美玉,王洋洋,陈召,黄云清,向雪霜
    Attention-based network for passive non-light-of-sight reconstruction in complex scenes[期刊论文],Visual Computer,2024-01-10
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