李征,2009年在英国King’s College London获博士学位,现任北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院教授、博导,曾获获教育部《新世纪优秀人才支持计划》资助。
重点研究智能化软件工程,是中国基于搜索的软件工程研讨会(CSBSE)发起人,研究领域同时包括基于模型的分析与测试、基于程序源代码的分析与测试,共发表了40多篇国际学术文章,单篇文章最高被引超过500次,主持4项国家级项目、2项省部级项目,2013年度获中国电子学会科学技术奖自然科学类三等奖。担任ICSM、WCRE、GECCO、和RT等国际会议的程序委员会委员,同时担任了STVR和JSS等国际期刊的客座编辑。2017年担任第十七届IEEE SCAM国际会议大会主席和第十六届全国软件与应用学术会议English Track程序委员会主席。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2005-09-01 |
2009-04-01 |
英国伦敦国王学院 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1992-09-01 |
1996-08-01 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2010-11-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2008-05-01 |
2010-11-01 |
英国King's College London大学和UCL大学 |
2004-04-01 |
2005-04-01 |
英国Brunel大学和King's College London大学 |
1996-08-01 |
2004-03-01 |
北京化工大学 |
测试用例优先排序 开展了系统化研究,在面向传统软件回归测试中,基于上位基因优化理论,提出普适性的超启发式框架,实现基于GPU高效计算。在面向持续集成测试中,系统研究强化学习奖励函数和奖励策略,解决奖励稀疏问题,
程序自动化错误定位 基于变异的错误定位(MBFL):针对该技术执行开销大的问题,从测试用例优化、变异体约减、变异体执行优化等多个方面展开研究,在保证高精度错误定位的前提下,大幅度提升执行效率。 基于程序谱的错误定位(SBFL):从偶然正确测试用例识别与处理,多错误情况下的测试用例聚类等方面展开研究,提升了SBFL的错误定位效果。
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2023 |
16 |
34 |
专业选修 |
数据库原理课程设计 |
2023 |
32 |
63 |
实践环节必修 |
软件工程 |
2023 |
40 |
146 |
专业必修 |
计算机科学前沿讲座 |
2022 |
16 |
94 |
专业选修 |
软件工程 |
2022 |
40 |
159 |
专业必修 |
软件工程 |
2021 |
40 |
83 |
专业选修 |
数据库原理课程设计 |
2021 |
1 |
53 |
实践环节必修 |
Python编程(全英文) |
2019 |
48 |
55 |
专业选修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
高级软件工程 |
2024 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
高级软件工程 |
2023 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
软件源代码分析技术 |
2023 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
高级软件工程(留学生) |
2023 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
高级软件工程(留学生) |
2022 |
32 |
A公共基础课 |
高级软件工程 |
2022 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
软件源代码分析技术 |
2022 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
软件源代码分析技术 |
2021 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 基于深度强化学习的软件持续集成测试优化技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 2. 状态模型切片及测试技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 3. 回归测试 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 4. 基于GPGPU的软件回归测试用例多目标预优化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 5. 新型状态模型切片关键技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 1. 特征提取算法代码实现及集成调试模块开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-10-10 至 2023-11-24
- 2. 浙江三澳核电厂屏蔽泵抗震分析技术指南 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-03-04 至 2022-12-25
- 3. 主泵故障诊断专家系统软件开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2019-04-30 至 2022-12-31
- 4. 数据采集与服务状态管理平台 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-01-08 至 2022-12-31
- 5. 北京国有企业云平台数据分析系统开发项目 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-07-01 至 2018-06-30
- 6. 平板电脑智能测试系统 ,项目时间:2014-10-01 至 2017-09-30
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
He, Liu-Liu,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
Reward of Reinforcement Learning of Test Optimization for Continuous Integration[期刊论文],Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2019-05-01
58. DOI
王微微,Guo, Xiaohong,李征,赵瑞莲
Test Case Generation based on Client-Server of Web Applications by Memetic Algorithm[会议论文],2019 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ISSRE),2019-01-01
59. DOI
李征,Zhang, Xingyao,郭俊霞,尚颖
Class Imbalance Data-Generation for Software Defect Prediction[会议论文],2019 26TH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APSEC),2019-01-01
60. DOI
Wu, Zhaolin,杨阳,李征,赵瑞莲
A Time Window based Reinforcement Learning Reward for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration[会议论文],11TH ASIA-PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNETWARE (INTERNETWARE 2019),2019-01-01
61. DOI
Chen, Yimei,李征,赵瑞莲,郭俊霞
Research on page object generation approach for web application testing[会议论文],Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE,2019-01-01
62. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
63. DOI
李征,Jiang, He,Li, Ge,Zhou, Minghui,Li, Ming
Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
1. DOI
Androutsopoulos, Kelly,Clark, David,Harman, Mark,Hierons, Robert M.,李征,Tratt, Laurence
Amorphous Slicing of Extended Finite State Machines[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING,2013-07-01
2. DOI
Binkley, David,Gold, Nicolas,Harman, Mark,Islam, Syed,Krinke, Jens,李征
Efficient Identification of Linchpin Vertices in Dependence Clusters[期刊论文],ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS,2013-07-01
3. DOI
李征,Li, Mingyu,武淑美,Xu, Shunqing,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
GBSR: Graph-based suspiciousness refinement for improving fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2024-12-01
4. DOI
Yang, Yang,Wang, Weiwei,李征,Zhang, Lieshan,潘超月
Security Development Lifecycle-Based Adaptive Reward Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing Optimization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2024-09-01
5. DOI
Wu, Yonghao,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,刘勇
ConDefects: A Complementary Dataset to Address the Data Leakage Concern for LLM-Based Fault Localization and Program Repair[会议论文],FSE Companion - Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering,2024-07-10
6. DOI
7. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],Software Testing Verification and Reliability,2024-06-01
8. DOI
刘恒源,李征,Han, Baolong,Liu, Yangtao,Chen, Xiang,刘勇
Delta4Ms: Improving mutation-based fault localization by eliminating mutant bias[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2024-06-01
9. DOI
李征,武淑美,刘勇,沈季涛,吴永豪,Zhang, Zhanwen,Chen, Xiang
VsusFL: Variable-suspiciousness-based Fault Localization for novice programs[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2023-11-01
10. DOI
武淑美,Chang, Zexing,Zhang, Zhanwen,李征,刘勇
DTester: Diversity-Driven Test Case Generation for Web Applications[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2023-10-26
11. DOI
Research on hyper-level of hyper-heuristic framework for MOTCP[期刊论文],SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY,2023-09-03
12. DOI
吴永豪,李征,Zhang, Jie M.,Papadakis, Mike,Harman, Mark,刘勇
Large Language Models in Fault Localisation[会议论文],arXiv,2023-08-29
13. DOI
Parallel evolutionary test case generation for web applications[期刊论文],Information and Software Technology,2023-03-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
范露曦,李征,刘恒源,Paul, Doyle,王海峰,陈翔,刘勇
SGS: Mutant Reduction for Higher-order Mutation-based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
16. DOI
吴永豪,Tian, Shuaihua,Yang, Zezhong,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Identifying Coincidental Correct Test Cases with Multiple Features Extraction for Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
17. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
Extended Abstract of SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[会议论文],2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ANALYSIS, EVOLUTION AND REENGINEERING, SANER,2023-01-01
18. DOI
A Self-attention Agent of Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2023-01-01
19. DOI
刘恒源,李征,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency[期刊论文],SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2022-12-01
20. DOI
尚颖,Huang, Qingyuan,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Research and Practice of SQL-OJ based on blockchain for the second class of database course[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
21. DOI
尚颖,Li, Zexiang,李征,Jiao, Yongqiang
Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Higher Education[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2022-10-28
22. DOI
王海峰,刘恒源,李征,刘勇,孙福湘,Chen, Xiang
A Token-based Compilation Error Categorization and Its Applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS,2022-10-01
23. DOI
吴永豪,刘勇,王威博,李征,陈翔,Doyle, Paul
Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on the Impact of Coincidental Correct Test Cases in Multiple Fault Localization[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
24. DOI
王海峰,李征,刘勇,陈翔,Paul, Doyle,蔡雨萧阳,范露曦
Can Higher-Order Mutants Improve the Performance of Mutation-Based Fault Localization?[期刊论文],IEEE Transactions on Reliability,2022-06-01
25. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,陈翔,孙泽宇,刘勇,Paul, Doyle
SeTransformer: A Transformer-Based Code Semantic Parser for Code Comment Generation[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2022-03-01
26. DOI
27. DOI
An Empirical Study on Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2022-01-01
28. DOI
Sparse Reward for Reinforcement Learning based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],Journal of Software Evolution and Process,2021-12-01
29. DOI
李征,吴永豪,彭斌,Chen, Xiang,Sun, Zeyu,刘勇,余德利
SeCNN: A semantic CNN parser for code comment generation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2021-11-01
30. DOI
李征,李丽萍,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Automated student code scoring by analyzing grammatical and semantic information of code[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
31. DOI
李征,周枭棠,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Applying faulty statement category frequency to localize faults for student programs[会议论文],ICCSE 2021 - IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education,2021-08-17
32. DOI
Behavior Model Construction for Client Side of Modern Web Applications[期刊论文],TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021-02-01
33. DOI
Adaptive Reward Computation in Reinforcement Learning-Based Continuous Integration Testing[期刊论文],IEEE ACCESS,2021-01-01
34. DOI
李征,沈季涛,吴永豪,刘勇,Sun, Zeyu
VSBFL: Variable Value Sequence Based Fault Localization for Novice Programs[会议论文],2021 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C 2021),2021-01-01
35. DOI
An Automated Modeling Method and Visualization Implementation of Smart Contracts[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2021-01-01
36. DOI
李征,周枭棠,余德利,吴永豪,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
37. DOI
李征,石补天,王海峰,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
HMBFL: Higher-Order Mutation-Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2021,2021-01-01
38. DOI
曹天歌,李征,赵瑞莲,Yang, Yang
Historical Information Stability based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SECURITY (QRS 2021),2021-01-01
39. DOI
A systematic study of reward for reinforcement learning based continuous integration testing[期刊论文],Journal of Systems and Software,2020-12-01
40. DOI
Dynamic Time Window based Reward for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Integration Testing[会议论文],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2020-11-01
41. DOI
李征,Wang, Haifeng,刘勇
HMER: A Hybrid Mutation Execution Reduction approach for Mutation-based Fault Localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2020-10-01
42. DOI
吴永豪,李征,刘勇,Chen, Xiang
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
43. DOI
郭俊霞,Dongdong Liu,赵瑞莲,李征
WLTDroid: Repackaging Detection Approach for Android Applications[会议论文],WISA 2020: Web Information Systems and Applications,2020-09-22
44. DOI
FATOC: Bug isolation-based multi-fault localiation by using optics clustering[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020-09-01
45. DOI
Gong, Dunwei,Tian, Tian,Wang, Jinxin,Du, Ying,李征
A novel method of grouping target paths for parallel programs[期刊论文],PARALLEL COMPUTING,2020-09-01
46. DOI
Occurrence frequency and all historical failure information based method for TCP in CI[会议论文],Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,2020-06-26
47. DOI
赵瑞莲,王微微,Song, Yuqi,李征
Diversity-Oriented Test Suite Generation for EFSM Model[期刊论文],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2020-06-01
48. DOI
Web 应用前后端融合的遗传算法并行化测试用例生成[期刊论文],软件学报,2020-04-07
49. DOI
郭俊霞,李征,Shi, CunFeng,赵瑞莲
Thread Scheduling Sequence Generation Based on All Synchronization Pair Coverage Criteria[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING,2020-01-01
50. DOI
A Hybrid Algorithms Construction of Hyper-heuristic for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
51. DOI
IRBFL: An Information Retrieval Based Fault Localization Approach[会议论文],2020 IEEE 44TH ANNUAL COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC 2020),2020-01-01
52. DOI
郭俊霞,Cao, Qiyun,Zhao, Rilian,李征
Improving detection accuracy for malicious javascript using gan[会议论文],Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020-01-01
53. DOI
Convergence based Evaluation Strategies for Learning Agent of Hyper-heuristic Framework for Test Case Prioritization[会议论文],2020 IEEE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY (QRS 2020),2020-01-01
54. DOI
尚颖,Wu, Jiawei,赵瑞莲,李征
Research and practice of 'internet + teaching' mode for cyberkids[会议论文],Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2019,2019-08-01
55. DOI
李征,Wu, Yonghao,刘勇
An Empirical Study of Bug Isolation on the Effectiveness of Multiple Fault Localization[会议论文],Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2019,2019-07-01
56. DOI
刘勇,Li, Meiying,Wu, Yonghao,李征
A weighted fuzzy classification approach to identify and manipulate coincidental correct test cases for fault localization[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2019-05-01
57. DOI
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Test Oracle Prediction for Mutation Based Fault Localization[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
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Preface[会议论文],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2019-01-01
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- 1. 一种基于复合依赖关系覆盖准则的EFSM测试方法 ,CN108536606B
- 2. 一种基于依赖关系的EFSM模型事件失效修复方法
- 1. 基于进化优化的复杂软件自动测试理论及应用 ,2013-11-20 00:00:00 ,社会科技奖励 ,三等奖