北京化工大学化学学院教授,博导,教育部新世纪优秀人才、国家杰出青年基金获得者。2007年7月博士毕业于清华大学化学系,同年8月去美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)从事博士后研究,2009年10月加入北京化工大学、化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,任教授、博导。主要围绕高性能纳米材料(纳米晶、团簇、单原子纳米结构等)、荧光探针、功能高分子的设计、合成及其在生化传感、成像分析(核磁共振成像、放射影像和荧光成像)、纳米药物及能源催化转化中的应用开展研究,在包括JACS、Angew Chem Int Ed、Nat Commun、Chem、Sci. Adv.、Adv Mater、Adv. Sci.、Nano Lett等期刊上共计发表SCI收录论文190余篇,获省部级科技奖励2项,相关技术获授权中国发明专利30多项。主持国家自然科学基金委国家重大科研仪器研制项目、重点项目、北京市国际合作重点项目、中石化委托技术开发重点项目等。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2004-09-01 |
2007-07-01 |
清华大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1999-09-01 |
2002-07-01 |
安徽师范大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1993-09-01 |
1997-07-01 |
安徽师范大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2019-05-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2009-10-01 |
2018-05-01 |
北京化工大学 |
2009-06-01 |
2009-09-01 |
安徽师范大学 |
2007-08-01 |
2009-06-01 |
美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 |
2023-07-25 |
北京化工大学 |
1997-07-01 |
2004-07-01 |
安徽师范大学 |
2018-05-01 |
2019-05-01 |
北京化工大学 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
纳米科技前沿与方法论 |
2023 |
32 |
10 |
研讨课-学科交叉 |
分析化学 |
2023 |
32 |
75 |
公共基础必修 |
纳米科技前沿与方法论 |
2022 |
32 |
11 |
研讨课-学科交叉 |
分析化学 |
2022 |
32 |
106 |
公共基础必修 |
分析化学 |
2021 |
32 |
109 |
公共基础必修 |
纳米科技前沿与方法论 |
2021 |
32 |
11 |
素质教育课程 |
纳米科技前沿与方法论 |
2020 |
32 |
15 |
研讨课-学科交叉 |
纳米科技前沿与方法论 |
2019 |
32 |
15 |
研讨课-学科交叉 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
纳米生物技术 |
2024 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2023 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2022 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2021 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
荧光分析方法 |
2020 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2019 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2018 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
荧光分析方法 |
2018 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
荧光分析方法 |
2017 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2016 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
荧光分析方法 |
2015 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
纳米生物技术 |
2014 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
荧光分析方法 |
2013 |
32 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 无机纳米晶的功能化修饰及其在癌症诊断中的应用研究 ,化学学院,项目时间: 至 2014-12-31
- 1. 新型氢/氟磁共振成像纳米探针的构筑与活体深度组织成像分析 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2028-12-31
- 2. 基于新型荧光探针的肿瘤类器官培养 实时动态评价新方法联合研发及应用 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2023-10-01 至 2025-06-30
- 3. 专题研讨类:面向临床成像分析技术与仪器学术研讨会 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-08-01 至 2023-12-31
- 4. 二氧化碳高值资源化异相热催化转化原位分析系统 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2027-12-31
- 5. 大化工类专业工程教育治理体系研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2023-02-28
- 6. 先进纳米能源分析仪器与技术学术研讨会 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2021-12-01 至 2022-04-30
- 7. 新一代非铂高温燃料电池研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2019-09-01 至 2024-08-31
- 8. 纳米探针与成像分析 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2018-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 9. 近红外表面等离子体共振光热纳米探针的构筑及生化分析应用 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31
- 10. 多功能近红外荧光给药复合纳米胶囊的制备与应用 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 11. 金和银高效利用与替代的纳米催化剂 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 12. 特定形貌金属基纳米晶的控制合成及相关性能研究 (二期) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 13. 疏水无机纳米晶的表面功能化修饰及其生物医学检测应用 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2016-12-31
- 14. 止转换发光纳米生物标记 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 15. 特定形貌金属基纳米晶的控制合成及相关性能研究 (一期) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 16. 多功能纳米材料用于食品毒物的快速分离与荧光检测 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2013-12-31
- 17. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 1. “千人进千企”科创公共服务产学研合作站点 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2023-05-18 至 2023-11-30
- 2. CO2催化转化绿色制备氮杂环化合物技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-07-02 至 2025-06-01
- 3. 降钙素原 PCT 的磁珠抗体偶联制备 ,自选课题,项目时间:2020-11-20 至 2021-12-31
- 4. 稀土元素探针和肌钙蛋白I标记物结合的制备 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-07-22 至 2020-07-22
- 5. 食品中塑化剂等污染物快速荧光检测多功能纳米探针的研制 ,自选课题,项目时间:2016-10-01 至 2018-12-31
- 6. C反应蛋白、肌钙蛋白I键合磁珠合成 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2015-05-25 至 2016-04-29
- 7. 基于纳米材料的芳香植物精油特征成份分离技术与质量检测研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2020-12-31
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
3. DOI
刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
4. DOI
Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
5. DOI
Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
9. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
10. DOI
孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
11. DOI
Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
12. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
13. DOI
Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
14. DOI
郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
16. DOI
孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
18. DOI
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
35. DOI
36. DOI
37. DOI
Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
60. DOI
Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
62. DOI
A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
63. DOI
高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
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Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
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Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
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Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
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刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
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Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
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袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
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孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
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林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
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Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
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Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
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25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
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Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
62. DOI
A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
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高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
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Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
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Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
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Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
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刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
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Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
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孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
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Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
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25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
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A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
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高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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73. DOI
胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
83. DOI
Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
89. DOI
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
90. DOI
Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
3. DOI
刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
5. DOI
Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
16. DOI
孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
18. DOI
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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37. DOI
Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
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A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
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高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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73. DOI
胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
83. DOI
Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
89. DOI
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
90. DOI
Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
3. DOI
刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
5. DOI
Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
16. DOI
孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
18. DOI
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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37. DOI
Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
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A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
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高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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73. DOI
胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
83. DOI
Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
89. DOI
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
90. DOI
Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
3. DOI
刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
5. DOI
Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
16. DOI
孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
18. DOI
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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37. DOI
Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
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A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
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高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
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Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
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高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
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超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
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73. DOI
胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
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Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
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Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
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A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
83. DOI
Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
89. DOI
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
90. DOI
Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
1. DOI
侯锦鸿,Liu, Hongqian,马倩,许苏英,汪乐余
Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-15
2. DOI
Lanthanide-based probe for imaging and inhibition of LMP1-ralated cancers[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2022-11-01
3. DOI
刘雪慧,王好好,李伟丹,陈佳雯,房嘉琪,Yan, Xiaoying,Mi, Shuo,洪崧,雷鸣,殷雄,Bai, Lu,Guo, Yanjun,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
Molybdenum-Single Atom Catalyst for High-Efficiency Cobalt(III)/(II)-Mediated Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2022-10-24
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Intensifying uneven charge distribution via geometric distortion engineering in atomically dispersed M-Nx/S sites for efficient oxygen electroreduction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2022-10-01
5. DOI
Yang, Xi,宁金闯,赵莹莹,许苏英,汪乐余
Design of Fluorinated Probes for Versatile Surface Functionalization and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging[期刊论文],Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2022-08-01
6. DOI
王辉,王岩,Lu, Lilin,马倩,Feng, Ruxin,许苏英,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Reducing Valence States of Co Active Sites in a Single-Atom Nanozyme for Boosted Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2022-07-11
7. DOI
Ling, Yuxuan,葛晗东,陈佳雯,Zhang, Yuqi,段云霞,Liang, Minghui,Guo, Yanjun,Wu, Tai-Sing,Soo, Yun-Liang,殷雄,Ding, Liming,汪乐余
General Strategy toward Hydrophilic Single Atom Catalysts for Efficient Selective Hydrogenation[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2022-07-07
8. DOI
袁涤,许子威,Zhang, Bingling,殷雄,Ye, Jiqing,周霄乐,汪乐余
A ratiometric fluorescence probe for selective and sensitive detection of leucine aminopeptidase in lysosome[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022-06-28
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In Situ Fabrication of Nanoprobes for19F Magnetic Resonance and Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Tumor Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-04-05
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孙美丽,Shu, Junfeng,赵彩香,Wu, Jinpeng,Guo, Haodan,Guo, Yanjun,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,谭占鳌,He, Meng,汪乐余
Interface Modification with CuCrO2Nanocrystals for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-23
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Acid-Triggered H2O2 Self-Supplying Nanoplatform for 19F-MRI with Enhanced Chemo-Chemodynamic Therapy[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2022-03-01
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Cui, Jiabin,Ma, Pin,李伟丹,姜瑞,Zheng, Lirong,Lin, Yuan,郭唱,殷雄,汪乐余
Surface active-site engineering in hierarchical PtNi nanocatalysts for efficient triiodide reduction reaction[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2021-12-01
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Selective Ligand Sensitization of Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Multilevel Information Encryption with Excellent Durability[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-26
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郭唱,Nie, Qiangqiang,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19-Grafted Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots for Dual-Mode Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-10-19
15. DOI
陈玥光,刘欣田,武仁杰,Cui, Jiabin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Dual Active Center-Assembled Cu31S16-Co9-xNixS8 Heterodimers: Coherent Interface Engineering Induces Multihole Accumulation for Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021-05-05
16. DOI
孙浩峰,Ma, Lingyun,汪乐余,Xiao, Peng,Li, Hongmei,Zhou, Min,Song, Dewei
Research advances in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry for protein epitope mapping[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2021-04-01
17. DOI
林谛,姜瑞,Ma, Pin,洪崧,Cheng, Zhihai,Guo, Jianfeng,Xu, Rui,Lin, Yuan,赵莹莹,殷雄,汪乐余
Nickel-Based Single-Atom Catalyst toward Triiodide Reduction Reaction in Hybrid Photovoltaics[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2021-03-22
18. DOI
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-12-01
19. DOI
Zhang Yangyang,Ma Qian,Yan Yunhe,Guochang,许苏英,汪乐余
Intratumoral Glutathione Activatable Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and 19F Magnetic Resonance Turn-On Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-11-11
20. DOI
Perovskite nanogels: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2020-09-28
21. DOI
Yang Xi,Yuan Di,Hou Jinhong,Sedgwick Adam C.,许苏英,James Tony D.,汪乐余
Organic/inorganic supramolecular nano-systems based on host/guest interactions[期刊论文],COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2020-09-15
22. DOI
Li, Yawei,Zhang, Hecheng,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multiresponsive Nanoprobes for Turn-On Fluorescence/F-19 MRI Dual-Modal Imaging[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2020-09-01
23. DOI
24. DOI
25. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Yina,Li, Liangyu,许苏英,汪乐余
Fluorinated ZnFeIII Hollow Metal-Organic Framework as a F-19 NMR Probe for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-04-14
26. DOI
Tailoring N-Coordination Environment by Ligand Competitive Thermolysis Strategy for Efficient Oxygen Reduction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-12
27. DOI
Wang, Hui,Zhang, Ruijuan,Yuan, Di,许苏英,汪乐余
Gas Foaming Guided Fabrication of 3D Porous Plasmonic Nanoplatform with Broadband Absorption, Tunable Shape, Excellent Stability, and High Photothermal Efficiency for Solar Water Purification[期刊论文],Advanced Functional Materials,2020-01-01
28. DOI
Zhu, Hui,汪乐余
Smart window based on Cu7S4/hydrogel composites with fast photothermal response[期刊论文],SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2019-11-01
29. DOI
Gu, Shiwei,Guo, Chang,Wang, Hui,Tian, Guangjun,许苏英,汪乐余
A Versatile Strategy for Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic Nanoparticle by Boronic Acid Modified Polymerizable Diacetylene Derivatives[期刊论文],FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY,2019-11-01
30. DOI
Li, Weidan,Ma, Pin,Chen, Fanfan,Xu, Rui,Cheng, Zhihai,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,汪乐余
CoSe2/porous carbon shell composites as high-performance catalysts toward tri-iodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2019-09-01
31. DOI
Edge-Contact Geometry and Anion-Deficit Construction for Activating Ultrathin MoS2 on W17O47 in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-08-19
32. DOI
Xing, Lili,许苏英,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Solvent Tailored Strategy for Synthesis of Ultrasmall Ag2S Quantum Dots with Near-Infrared-II Luminescence[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
33. DOI
Guo, Chang,Zhang, Yangyang,Li, Yawei,许苏英,汪乐余
F-19 MRI Nanoprobes for the Turn-On Detection of Phospholipase A2 with a Low Background[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2019-07-02
34. DOI
Li, Li,Ma, Pin,Hussain, Sabir,Jia, Lianjun,Lin, Di,殷雄,Lin, Yuan,Cheng, Zhihai,汪乐余
FeS2/carbon hybrids on carbon cloth: a highly efficient and stable counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells[期刊论文],SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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37. DOI
Lu, Wenli,Li, Weidan,相国磊,汪乐余
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Trace Pt in Ternary CuCoPt Alloy Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2019-05-06
38. DOI
Wang, Hui,Jiang, Rui,Sun, Meili,殷雄,Guo, Yanjun,He, Meng,汪乐余
Titanate hollow nanospheres as electron-transport layer in mesoscopic perovskite solar cell with enhanced performance[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-02-21
39. DOI
Luo, Qing,Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Hydrophilic perovskite microdisks with excellent stability and strong fluorescence for recyclable temperature sensing[期刊论文],Sci. China Mater.,2019-01-01
40. DOI
胡高飞,Yang, Lili,Li, Yina,汪乐余
Continuous and scalable fabrication of stable and biocompatible MOF@SiO2 nanoparticles for drug loading[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2018-12-21
41. DOI
Wang, Hui,殷雄,汪乐余
Highly stable perovskite nanogels as inks for multicolor luminescent authentication applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2018-11-21
42. DOI
Guo, Chang,许苏英,Arshad, Anila,汪乐余
A pH-responsive nanoprobe for turn-on F-19-magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018-09-11
43. DOI
Edge-Site Engineering of Atomically Dispersed Fe-N-4 by Selective C-N Bond Cleavage for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activities[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2018-08-31
44. DOI
许苏英,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Exploration of photothermal sensors based on photothermally responsive materials: a brief review[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018-04-01
45. DOI
Bai, Xilin,许苏英,汪乐余
Full-Range pH Stable Au-Clusters in Nanogel for Confinement-Enhanced Emission and Improved Sulfide Sensing in Living Cells[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018-03-06
46. DOI
Wang, Hui,Cui, Jiabin,Arshad, Anila,许苏英,汪乐余
A visual photothermal paper sensor for H2S recognition through rational modulation LSPR wavelength of plasmonics[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2018-03-01
47. DOI
Xu, Minmin,Guo, Chang,胡高飞,许苏英,汪乐余
Organic Nanoprobes for Fluorescence and F-19 Magnetic Resonance Dual-Modality Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2018-01-01
48. DOI
Hengli Zhu,Rui Jiang,Xiaoqing Chen,yueguang chen,汪乐余
3D nickel-cobalt diselenide nanonetwork for highly efficient oxygen evolution[期刊论文],Science Bulletin,2017-11-28
49. DOI
Wenli Lu,Jiabin Cui,Rui Jiang,陈玥光,汪乐余
In-situ wet tearing based subnanometer MoSeS for efficient hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA Materials,2017-11-21
50. DOI
Lu, Xiaoquan,Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,胡高飞,汪乐余
Multifunctional Cu1.94S-Bi2S3@polymer nanocomposites for computed tomography imaging guided photothermal ablation[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-08-01
51. DOI
Mao, Junjie,庄仲滨,梁鑫,Zhou, Gang,汪乐余
Design of ultrathin Pt-Mo-Ni nanowire catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation[期刊论文],SCIENCE ADVANCES,2017-08-01
52. DOI
Ternary Pd-Ni-P nanoparticle-based nonenzymatic glucose sensor with greatly enhanced sensitivity achieved through active-site engineering[期刊论文],Nano Research,2017-08-01
53. DOI
Guo, Chang,Xu, Minmin,许苏英,汪乐余
Multifunctional nanoprobes for both fluorescence and F-19 magnetic resonance imaging[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-07
54. DOI
55. DOI
Shen, Chenqi,Lan, Xiang,Zhu, Chenggan,Zhang, Wei,汪乐余,Wang, Qiangbin
Spiral Patterning of Au Nanoparticles on Au Nanorod Surface to Form Chiral AuNR@AuNP Helical Superstructures Templated by DNA Origami[期刊论文],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2017-04-25
56. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Monolayer MoS2 decorated Cu7S4-Au nanocatalysts for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II)[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2017-04-01
57. DOI
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrical Hydrogen Evolution on Monolayer MoS 2 Decorated Cu 1.75 S-Au Nanocrystals[期刊论文],SMALL,2017-02-24
58. DOI
Chen, Lin,Lu, Lilin,Zhu, Hengli,陈玥光,Huang, Yu,Li, Yadong,汪乐余
Improved ethanol electrooxidation performance by shortening Pd-Ni active site distance in Pd-Ni-P nanocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2017-01-10
59. DOI
Surface plasmon resonance-enhanced photothermal nanosensor for sensitive and selective visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical,2016-12-01
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Highly efficient PdCu 3 nanocatalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-10-01
61. DOI
胡高飞,Li, Nannan,Tang, Juan,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
A General and Facile Strategy to Fabricate Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical/Thermal Imaging, and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-09-07
62. DOI
A general and facile strategy to fabricate multifunctional nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging, optical/thermal imaging, and photothermal therapy[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2016-09-07
63. DOI
高灵敏多功能 19 F磁共振成像纳米复合探针的制备及应用[会议论文],第十九届全国波谱学学术会议论文摘要集,2016-08-17
64. DOI
Ultrasmall Organic Nanoparticles with Aggregation-Induced Emission and Enhanced Quantum Yield for Fluorescence Cell Imaging[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-08-02
65. DOI
66. DOI
67. DOI
68. DOI
高氟负载量的Cu 7 S 4 纳米复合探针用于肿瘤 19 F磁共振成像示踪和光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
69. DOI
超高活性Cu 7 S 4 @MoS 2 纳米框架的合成及电解水析氢[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第三十七分会:纳米催化,2016-07-01
70. DOI
超高 19 F负载的Cu 1.75 S纳米探针用于 19 F磁共振成像与光热治疗[会议论文],中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第四分会:生物分析和生物传感,2016-07-01
71. DOI
72. DOI
73. DOI
胡高飞,Tang, Juan,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous F-19 magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2016-06-01
74. DOI
Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Recent developments of low-toxicity NIR II quantum dots for sensing and bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
75. DOI
Arshad, Anila,Chen, Hongli,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-Pot Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Biocompatible Near Infrared CuInS2 Quantum Dots for Target Cell Imaging[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
76. DOI
Superfluorinated copper sulfide nanoprobes for simultaneous 19 F magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal ablation[期刊论文],Nano Research,2016-06-01
77. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Guo, Chong,Zhao, Zipeng,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,庄仲滨,Huang, Yu,汪乐余,Li, Yadong
Ultrasmall Cu7S4@MoS2 Hetero-Nanoframes with Abundant Active Edge Sites for Ultrahigh-Performance Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2016-05-23
78. DOI
Li, Yuanbao,Bai, Xilin,Xu, Minmin,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Photothermo-responsive Cu7S4@polymer nanocarriers with small sizes and high efficiency for controlled chemo/photothermo therapy[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2016-04-01
79. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Xu, Suying,Liu, Jiali,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence tracking of gene delivery via multifunctional nanocapsules[期刊论文],TALANTA,2016-04-01
80. DOI
Simultaneous 19 F Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS Nano,2016-01-26
81. DOI
A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Live-Cell Monitoring of Aqueous Sulfides[期刊论文],Analytical Chemistry,2016-01-19
82. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Song, Manli,Tang, Juan,胡高飞,Xu, Suying,Guo, Zhide,Li, Nannan,Cui, Jiabin,Zhang, Xianzhong,Chen, Xiaoyuan,汪乐余
Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75S Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy[期刊论文],ACS NANO,2016-01-01
83. DOI
Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
A facile strategy for the synthesis of monodispersed W17O47 nanoneedles[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
84. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Liu, Jing,He, Qian,Chen, Hongli,Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Zhao, Yuliang,Chen, Chunying,汪乐余
Smart Cu1.75S nanocapsules with high and stable photothermal efficiency for NIR photo-triggered drug release[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-12-01
85. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Xu, Suying,Guo, Chang,Jiang, Rui,James, Tony D.,汪乐余
Highly Efficient Photothermal Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photothermal Imaging of Latent Fingerprints[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-17
86. DOI
Bai, Xilin,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Luminescent nanocarriers for simultaneous drug or gene delivery and imaging tracking[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-11-01
87. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Lin,徐军,Ma, Jingwen,Fang, Gang,汪乐余
Near-Infrared Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvest for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Reactions[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2015-10-01
88. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,Jiang, Rui,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],SMALL,2015-09-02
89. DOI
Cu7S4 Nanosuperlattices with Greatly Enhanced Photothermal Efficiency[期刊论文],Small,2015-09-01
90. DOI
Yingxin Ma,Shiguo Wang,汪乐余
Nanomaterials for luminescence detection of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-07-23
91. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Li, Aiqin,Tang, Juan,Wang, Shiguo,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Simultaneous detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose in human serum with upconversion luminescence[期刊论文],BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,2015-06-15
92. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Peng, Shan,Li, Yuanbao,Cui, Jiabin,Chen, Hongli,汪乐余
Development of NIR-II fluorescence image-guided and pH-responsive nanocapsules for cocktail drug delivery[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2015-06-01
93. DOI
Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
Polyaniline-Based Photothermal Paper Sensor for Sensitive and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-19
94. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Xu, Suying,Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Luminescent molecularly-imprinted polymer nanocomposites for sensitive detection[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-04-01
95. DOI
Liu, Jiali,Lu, Lili,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
One-pot synthesis of gold nanoclusters with bright red fluorescence and good biorecognition Abilities for visualization fluorescence enhancement detection of E. coli[期刊论文],TALANTA,2015-03-01
96. DOI
Xu, Suying,Huang, Sheng,He, Qian,汪乐余
Upconversion nanophosphores for bioimaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-03-01
97. DOI
Bai, Min,Huang, Shuina,Xu, Suying,胡高飞,汪乐余
Fluorescent Nanosensors via Photoinduced Polymerization of Hydrophobic Inorganic Quantum Dots for the Sensitive and Selective Detection of Nitroaromatics[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-02-17
98. DOI
Chen, Hongli,Xu, Suying,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Cu2-xS/graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient photocatalysis driven by real sunlight[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
99. DOI
He, Qian,Huang, Sheng,Xu, Suying,汪乐余
pH-responsive cocktail drug nanocarriers by encapsulating paclitaxel with doxorubicin modified poly(amino acid)[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01
100. DOI
Bai, Min,Bai, Xilin,汪乐余
Real-Time Fluorescence Tracking of Gene Delivery via Multifunctional Nanocomposites[期刊论文],ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-18
101. DOI
Wang, Shiguo,汪乐余
Lanthanide-doped nanomaterials for luminescence detection and imaging[期刊论文],TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-11-01
102. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
White Upconversion Luminescence Nanocrystals for the Simultaneous and Selective Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2014-05-28
103. DOI
Deng, Mingliang,汪乐余
Unexpected luminescence enhancement of upconverting nanocrystals by cation exchange with well retained small particle size[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2014-05-01
104. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,汪乐余
Upconversion luminescence nanosensor for TNT selective and label-free quantification in the mixture of nitroaromatic explosives[期刊论文],TALANTA,2014-03-01
105. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,汪乐余
Magnetic Recyclable Nanocomposite Catalysts with Good Dispersibility and High Catalytic Activity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-02-13
106. DOI
Ma, Yingxin,Huang, Sheng,汪乐余
Multifunctional inorganic-organic hybrid nanospheres for rapid and selective luminescence detection of TNT in mixed nitroaromatics via magnetic separation[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-11-15
107. DOI
Peng, Shan,Yan, Wei,汪乐余
High T-2-relaxation and biocompatible magnetic nanofluids with poly(amino acid) coating[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2013-11-01
108. DOI
Cui, Jiabin,An, Mingyue,汪乐余
Nanocomposite-based rapid, visual, and selective luminescence turn-on assay for Hg2+ sensing in aqueous media[期刊论文],TALANTA,2013-10-15
109. DOI
Huang, Sheng,Bai, Min,汪乐余
Improved dispersion and interface in the graphene/epoxy composites via a facile surfactant-assisted process[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013-06-19
110. DOI
Wang, Huanjie,汪乐余
One-Pot Syntheses and Cell Imaging Applications of Poly(amino acid) Coated LaVO4:Eu3+ Luminescent Nanocrystals[期刊论文],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2013-03-04
111. DOI
Tu, Nina,汪乐余
Surface plasmon resonance enhanced upconversion luminescence in aqueous media for TNT selective detection[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2013-01-01
112. DOI
An, Mingyue,Cui, Jiabin,He, Qian,汪乐余
Down-/up-conversion luminescence nanocomposites for dual-modal cell imaging[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2013-01-01
作者类型 |
作者姓名 |
著作名称 |
出版日期 |
出版社 |
排名/总人数 |
教师 |
汪乐余 |
光学探针与传感分析 |
2020-07-01 00:00:00 |
化学工业出版社 |
2 |
- 1. 金属氮/氧化物负载过渡金属单原子催化剂及其制备方法和应用 ,CN114984973B
- 2. 一种钛基催化剂及其应用 ,CN114618541B
- 3. 金属氧化物基金属单原子催化剂及其制备方法和应用 ,CN 114653370 B
- 4. 一种壳聚糖衍生物包覆的单分散四氟钇钠发光纳米颗粒及其制备方法
- 5. 一种负载纳米金颗粒的磁性镍铝水滑石复合材料及其催化对
- 6. 一种稀土发光纳米颗粒及其在Fe3+检测中的应用
- 7. 一种多聚氨基酸包覆的纳米磁流体复合材料及其制备方法
- 8. 一种负载贵金属的具有可回收功能的复合功能纳米球催化剂
- 9. 一种多功能纳米复合球及其检测分离TNT的应用
- 10. 一种多功能分子印迹纳米传感器及其制备方法和应用
- 11. 一种聚合物包覆疏水纳米颗粒的复合功能纳米球及其制备方
- 12. 一种通过表面修饰将油溶性纳米晶体稳定分散于水中的方法
- 13. 一种表面功能化的水溶性稀土发光纳米晶的制备方法
- 14. 一种水相上转换发光纳米聚集体和水相金纳米颗粒的制备方
- 15. 一种表面功能化的水溶性稀土发光纳米晶的制备方法
- 16. 一种制备单分散四氟钇钠多色发光纳米晶的方法
- 17. 一种表面包裹氨基官能团的上转换发光材料及其对TNT检测
- 18. 一种基于上转换NaYF4共振能量转移的Hg2+传感器及其检测方法
- 19. 一种水相中单分散四氟钇钠多色发光纳米颗粒及其制备方法
- 20. 一种近红外光热响应的抗癌药物纳米胶囊及其制备方法
- 21. 一种多功能复合印迹纳米球及其在农药残留检测中的应用
- 22. 一种用近红外荧光示踪的pH响应的疏水药物纳米胶囊及其制
- 23. 一种Cu7S4@MoS2异质纳米骨架材料及其催化电解水制氢的应用
- 24. 一种超低活性位点间距的超小高活性钯-镍-磷三元合金纳米材料的制备及应用
- 25. 一种磁性MOF-5纳米复合吸附剂的制备及应用
- 26. 一种表面原子比可调的AuCu合金的制备方法及其应用
- 27. 一种基于金属离子诱导多肽自组装的双功能纳米复合球及其
- 28. 一种Cu2-xS自掺杂半导体光热材料及其在隐形指纹成像方面的应用
- 29. 一种用油胺改性聚琥珀酰亚胺对疏水纳米颗粒的亲水化表面
- 30. 一种油溶性农药稳定分子散于水相的方法
- 31. 一种光聚合法制备亲水性荧光纳米球及其在2,4,6-三硝基甲
- 32. 一种利用双模板策略制备仿生纳米影像探针的方法
- 33. 一种医药用改性葡聚糖包覆磁性纳米颗粒复合材料及其制备方法
- 34. 一种可控边缘活性位点的Fe-N-C催化材料的制备方法
- 35. 一种阳离子取代法增强纳米材料发光性能的制备工艺
- 36. 一种pH响应型19F磁共振成像纳米探针及其制备方法
- 37. 一种利用反应釜进行2,5-二甲氧酰基-1,4-环己二酮胺基化的方法
- 38. 一种高稳定性的全无机钙钛矿发光纳米晶的制备方法
- 39. 一种多级反应微流控装置及其制备纳米材料的应用
- 40. 一种构晶离子诱导生长将金属纳米团簇嵌入金属有机骨架材料的方法
- 41. 一种高效光热转化的自悬浮聚合物气凝胶的制备方法及其应用
- 42. 一种纳米晶原位包覆-热解合成具有不对称双配体结构的单原子催化材料的方法
- 43. 一种多功能含氟硫化铜纳米探针的制备新方法
- 44. 一种交替型含氟聚合物氟磁共振成像探针的制备方法
- 45. 一种可应用于19F磁共振成像的含氟聚合物纳米探针的制备方法
- 46. 一种基于金属纳米团簇的硫化氢检测方法
- 47. 一种多功能诊疗一体化纳米复合探针及其制备方法和应用