姓名:张润铎 性别:男 职称:教授 学院:化学工程学院 招生学科:化学工程与技术(一级学科)、环境科学与工程(一级学科) 研究方向:环境催化 职务:校人才引进办公室主任 能源环境催化北京市重点实验室主任 学术兼职:教育部新世纪优秀人才(2009年),国家863计划项目首席专家(2013年)。中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会副主任(2017年)。 导师类别:博士生导师 联系电话:15810077837,010-64419619 办公地址:北京市朝阳区北三环东路15号北京化工大学无机楼311/行政楼417 电子邮箱:zhangrd@mail.buct.edu.cn 所负责北京市重点实验室网页:http://eec.buct.edu.cn/
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
1996-09-01 |
2001-10-01 |
大连理工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1990-09-01 |
1994-07-01 |
天津大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2003-07-01 |
2008-03-01 |
加拿大Laval University |
2001-11-01 |
2003-06-01 |
中科院生态环境研究中心 |
1994-06-01 |
1996-08-01 |
抚顺石化公司设计院 |
2008-03-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
1. 新型环境友好材料的制备及微/介孔分子筛结构的控制与调变 新型超微孔分子筛材料的设计合成 微/介孔环境友好材料的孔道拓扑调控 钙钛矿复合氧化物的高比表面制备策略 2. 新型废气净化催化剂结构与高净化效能间的匹配创研 居室甲醛的室温催化净化
臭氧的高效催化分解 己二酸厂温室气体N2O尾气的催化分解 工业挥发含氮/含氯有机废气的催化治理 汽油机动车尾气中NOx、CO、碳氢化物的三效催化净化 柴油机动车富氧条件下NO的催化脱除 3. 尾气催化剂活性结构的研究及反应机理的深入探索。 活性结构的表征(边界迁移氧物种的特色考察)与设计 基于红外、程序升温等谱学手段的反应机理考察
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2023 |
36 |
78 |
素质核心课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2023 |
36 |
78 |
素质核心课程 |
环境科学与工程概论 |
2023 |
32 |
62 |
专业必修 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2022 |
36 |
64 |
素质核心课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2022 |
36 |
64 |
素质核心课程 |
“碳达峰、碳中和” 背景下的新材料与技术 |
2022 |
24 |
40 |
素质教育课程 |
“碳达峰、碳中和” 背景下的新材料与技术 |
2022 |
24 |
40 |
素质教育课程 |
工业化学 |
2021 |
32 |
108 |
素质教育课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2021 |
36 |
139 |
素质核心课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2021 |
36 |
139 |
素质核心课程 |
大气污染催化控制技术 |
2021 |
32 |
123 |
素质教育课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2020 |
36 |
118 |
素质核心课程 |
工业化学 |
2020 |
32 |
120 |
素质教育课程 |
大气污染成因与控制技术 |
2019 |
36 |
136 |
素质核心课程 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2023 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2022 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2021 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2020 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2019 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2018 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2017 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
工业催化原理(留学生) |
2015 |
48 |
A公共基础课 |
- 1. 典型致霾工业废气净化的关键科学问题与技术研究 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2016-12-31
- 2. 工业含氮、含氯有机废气双高催化燃烧的科学基础研究 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2016-12-31
- 1. 剧毒光气源头替代的异氰酸酯绿色制备技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2023-11-17 至 2027-11-30
- 2. 基于甲醛室温高效脱除的分子筛限域封装贵金属催化剂构建原则 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 3. 具有核壳结构特征高效分子筛脱硝催化剂的构建原则 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31
- 4. 石化丙烯腈尾气催化燃烧净化的高N2选择性分子筛催化剂设计 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31
- 5. 基于氮氧化物高效催化脱除的分子筛拓扑结构调控研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 6. 石化行业典型含氰废气净化技术与示范 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 7. 反应过程强化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2014-12-31
- 8. 建构高比表面钙钛矿复合氧化物催化燃烧含氰工艺废气的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 9. 钙钛矿边界迁移氧与汽油机车尾气净化效能的耦合性研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 10. 钙钛矿边界迁移氧的调控及与三效催化性能的匹配创研 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 11. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 12. 留学回国人员科研启动基金 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 1. 石化碳纤维低浓度含氰废气深度催化净化技术与示范 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-31 至 2031-05-31
- 2. 银纳米线项目技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-10-29 至 2019-10-28
- 3. 碳纤维炭化尾气催化治理技术研究 ,项目时间:2012-09-14 至 2014-12-31
- 4. 新型整体式泡沫陶瓷催化剂及其应用的技术开发 ,项目时间:2011-05-15 至 2012-05-15
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
50. DOI
51. DOI
52. DOI
53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
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53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
50. DOI
51. DOI
52. DOI
53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
50. DOI
51. DOI
52. DOI
53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
50. DOI
51. DOI
52. DOI
53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
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53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
1. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Xiong, Gaoyan,Yang, Di,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Cr-doping regulates Mn3O4 spinel structure for efficient total oxidation of propane: Structural effects and reaction mechanism determination[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-07-05
2. DOI
冯超,Bi, Yuxi,Chen, Chong,Li, Shuangju,Wang, Zhong,Xin, Hongchuan,Pan, Yuan,Liu, Fang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,李学兵
Urea-H2O2 defect engineering of δ-MnO2 for propane photothermal oxidation: Structure-activity relationship and synergetic mechanism determination[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-07-01
3. DOI
谢贵明,靳容容,Ren, Pengju,方云明,张润铎,王周君
Boosting CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by adding trace amount of Au into Cu/ZnO catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2023-05-05
4. DOI
郭耀东,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,张润铎,贾静波
N/Ce doped graphene supported Pt nanoparticles for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2023-03-01
5. DOI
Feng, Chao,Chen, Chong,Wang, Jun,Xiong, Gaoyan,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Liu, Yunqi,张润铎,Li, Xuebing
Total oxidation of propane in Ag-doped MnCeOx catalysts: The role of Ag species[期刊论文],FUEL,2023-01-15
6. DOI
侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,王苗,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,贾静波,张润铎
Tailored alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis of extra-large-pore germanosilicate zeolite ITT as Baeyer-Villiger oxidation catalyst[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2023-01-15
7. DOI
Feng, Chao,Jiang, Fei,Xiong, Gaoyan,Chen, Chong,Wang, Zhong,Pan, Yuan,Fei, Zhaoyang,Lu, Yukun,Li, Xuebing,张润铎,Liu, Yunqi
Revelation of Mn4+-O-sur-Mn3+ active site and combined Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism in propane total oxidation at low temperature over MnO2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
李浩杰,侯晓哲,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,梁岩,Qiao, Junjun,Su, Haohao,Gao, Xibing,贾静波,张润铎
Alkyl-imidazolium templating synthesis to extra-large-pore aluminogermanosilicate zeolite IRR with enhanced Al substitution and excellent catalytic performance in bulky molecule acetalization[期刊论文],Journal of Porous Materials,2023-01-01
9. DOI
贾静波,Veksha, Andrei,Lim, Teik-Thye,Lisak, Grzegorz,张润铎,魏莹
Modulating local environment of Ni with W for synthesis of carbon nanotubes and hydrogen from plastics[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-06-10
10. DOI
黄鹏飞,魏莹,侯晓哲,姚振江,李浩杰,梁岩,贾静波,Zhang, Ling,张润铎
Solvent-Free Thermal Synthesis of Extra-Large-Pore Aluminophosphate Zeotype via Self-Assembly of Double-Four-Ring Unit[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2022-05-19
11. DOI
Significant promotion of reducing treatment on Pd/TS-1 zeolite for formaldehyde catalytic purification at ambient temperature[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2022-05-01
12. DOI
邸钊滢,王浩,张润铎,陈红霞,魏莹,Jia, Jingbo
ZSM-5 core–shell structured catalyst for enhancing low-temperature NH3-SCR efficiency and poisoning resistance[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-01-25
13. DOI
康彬,李明,邸钊滢,Guo, Xiaonan,魏莹,贾静波,张润铎
Role of Al pairs on effective N2O decomposition over the ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2022-01-01
14. DOI
Facet control of manganese oxides with diverse redox abilities and acidities for catalytic removing the hazardous 1,2-dichloroethane[期刊论文],Materials Advance,2021-11-11
15. DOI
Shan, Yulong,Du, Jinpeng,Zhang, Yan,Shan, Wenpo,Shi, Xiaoyan,Yu, Yunbo,张润铎,Meng, Xiangju,Xiao, Feng-Shou,He, Hong
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites[期刊论文],NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2021-10-01
16. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN(2)O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2021-09-15
17. DOI
孟祥智,郭可,林宇彤,王昊,陈红霞,黄鹏飞,Tao, Shuo,Zhang, Ling,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal synthesis, physicochemical characterization and catalytic performance of extra-large-pore silicoaluminophosphate zeotype with -CLO structure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS,2021-06-01
18. DOI
Ce-promoted Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts for highly efficient decomposition of ozone[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2021-05-01
19. DOI
邵旭飞,Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,张润铎,He, Hong
Terminal Hydroxyl Groups on Al2O3 Supports Influence the Valence State and Dispersity of Ag Nanoparticles: Implications for Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2021-04-27
20. DOI
王昊,贾静波,刘珊珊,陈红霞,魏莹,王周君,Zheng, Lirong,Wang, Zichun,张润铎
Highly Efficient NO Abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with Special Nanosheet Features[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-04-20
21. DOI
In Situ Fabrication of Ultrasmall Ni Nanoparticles from Ni(OH)2Precursors for Efficient CO2Reforming of Methane[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
22. DOI
Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-12-05
23. DOI
Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2020-11-05
24. DOI
Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-09-15
25. DOI
Guo, Yu,Li, Yifan,Ning, Yanxiao,Liu, Qiankun,Tian, Long,张润铎,Fu, Qiang,王周君
CO2 Reforming of Methane over a Highly Dispersed Ni/Mg-Al-O Catalyst Prepared by a Facile and Green Method[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-02
26. DOI
Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 Zeolite Aiming at Outstanding Performances for NH3-SCR Process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA,2020-06-01
27. DOI
王昊,张润铎,Liu, Yiyun,李沛欣,陈红霞,Wang, Feng Ryan,Teoh, Wey Yang
Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over nano Cu/zeolites with different topologies[期刊论文],Environmental Science-Nano,2020-05-01
28. DOI
Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES,2020-05-01
29. DOI
Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2020-04-01
30. DOI
Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
31. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Chen, Hongxia,魏莹,梁鑫
Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
32. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018) Preface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
33. DOI
王周君,张润铎,雷志刚,Descorme, Claude,Wong, Michael S.
New opportunities and challenges in energy and environmental catalysis (EEST2018)[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2020-01-01
34. DOI
Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2020-01-01
35. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,张润铎,魏莹
Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2019-11-01
36. DOI
Lin, Yutong,魏莹,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Wang, Miao,Huang, Pengfei,Meng, Xiangzhi,张润铎
Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2019-11-01
37. DOI
Wang, Hao,张润铎,Li, Peixin,Royer, Sebastien,Dacquin, Jean-Philippe
Mechanistic insight into the methanol selective catalytic reduction of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2019-09-01
38. DOI
Peng, Bo,Bao, Wenjing,Wei, Linlin,张润铎,王周君,Wang, Zhichun,魏莹
Highly active OMS-2 for catalytic ozone decomposition under humid conditions[期刊论文],PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2019-08-01
39. DOI
刘宁,Shi, Dongjun,张润铎,李英霞,陈标华
Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-07-15
40. DOI
Huang, Yongqiang,Li, Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N-2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING,2019-07-01
41. DOI
Liu, Shanshan,Wang, Hao,魏莹,张润铎,Royer, Sebastien
Morphology-Oriented ZrO2-Supported Vanadium Oxide for the NH3-SCR Process: Importance of Structural and Textural Properties[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019-06-26
42. DOI
43. DOI
Wang, Hao,Xu, Ruinian,Jin, Yi,张润铎
Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2019-05-01
44. DOI
45. DOI
Wang, Miao,Zhang, Ling,Guo, Ke,Lin, Yutong,Meng, Xiangzhi,Huang, Pengfei,魏莹,张润铎
Ionothermal Synthesis of Germanosilicate Zeolites Constructed with Double-Four-Ring Structure-Building Units in the Presence of Organic Base[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2019-03-01
46. DOI
Huang Yongqiang,Li Peixin,张润铎,魏莹
Efficiency of Phosphotungstic Acid Modified Mn-Based Catalysts to Promote Activity and N2 Formation for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Ammonia[期刊论文],International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2019-01-22
47. DOI
Li, Xiaotong,Ma, Jinzhu,Yang, Li,He, Guangzhi,Zhang, Changbin,张润铎,He, Hong
Oxygen Vacancies Induced by Transition Metal Doping in gamma-MnO2 for Highly Efficient Ozone Decomposition[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-11-06
48. DOI
Peng, Bo,Feng, Chao,Liu, Shanshan,张润铎
Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2018-09-15
49. DOI
50. DOI
51. DOI
52. DOI
53. DOI
54. DOI
Dreyer, Jochen A. H.,Li, Peixin,Zhang, Linghai,Beh, Gein Khai,张润铎,Sit, Patrick H. -L.,Teoh, Wey Yang
Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-12-15
55. DOI
Selective catalytic combustion of hydrogen cyanide over metal modified zeolite catalysts: From experiment to theory[期刊论文],Catalysis Today,2017-11-15
56. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
Mesoporous Ceria-Supported Gold Catalysts Self- Assembled from Monodispersed Ceria Nanoparticles and Nanocubes: A Study of the Crystal Plane Effect for the Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction[期刊论文],chemcatchem,2017-09-05
57. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-08-08
58. DOI
New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic O-18(2) exchange[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-08-01
59. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
60. DOI
Yeheng He,Sanya Du,李建伟,张润铎,梁鑫,陈标华
mesoporous ceria-supported gold catalysts self-assembled from monodispersed ceria nanoparticles and nanocubes: a study of the crystal plane effect for the low-temperature water gas shift reaction[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2017-06-06
61. DOI
Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2017-04-17
62. DOI
Li, Peixin,张润铎,刘宁,Royer, Sebastien
Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N-2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO)[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2017-04-01
63. DOI
Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2017-01-01
64. DOI
N2O Direct Dissociation over MgxCeyCo1-x-yCo2O4 Composite Spinel Metal Oxide[期刊论文],CATALYSTS,2017-01-01
65. DOI
Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-11-05
66. DOI
NO与NH3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
67. DOI
NO与NH 3 在不同构型分子筛催化剂中吸附和扩散的分子模拟[期刊论文],工业催化,2016-10-15
68. DOI
Study of eight membered ring zeolitic catalyst of Cu/SAPO-35 over NH3-SCR[期刊论文],Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2016-10-10
69. DOI
70. DOI
新型八元环孔结构分子筛Cu/SAPO-35应用于NH 3 -SCR的研究[期刊论文],高等学校化学学报,2016-10-10
71. DOI
张润铎,K. Hedjazi,陈标华,李英霞,雷志刚,刘宁
M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-26
72. DOI
Selective Transformation of Various Nitrogen-Containing Exhaust Gases toward N2 over Zeolite Catalysts[期刊论文],CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2016-03-23
73. DOI
Synthesis of TiO2 with diverse morphologies as supports of manganese catalysts for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Applied Petrochemical Research,2016-03-01
74. DOI
Template Design and Economical Strategy for the Synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) Zeolite as an Excellent Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Ammonia[期刊论文],ChemCatChem,2015-12-01
75. DOI
The Effects of Mn2+ Precursors on the Structure and Ozone Decomposition Activity of Cryptomelane-Type Manganese Oxide (OMS-2) Catalysts[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015-10-08
76. DOI
Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2015-04-08
77. DOI
Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015-03-01
78. DOI
Economical Way to Synthesize SSZ-13 with Abundant Ion-Exchanged Cu+ for an Extraordinary Performance in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by Ammonia[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2014-12-02
79. DOI
高比表面有序介孔CuFe 2 O 4 复合氧化物上NH 3 选择性催化氧化[期刊论文],科学通报,2014-09-20
80. DOI
Local Electric Field Effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O Direct Dissociation[期刊论文],Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014-05-22
81. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Transfer and Reaction Performances of Selective Catalytic Reduction of N2O with CO over Monolith Catalysts[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2013-08-01
82. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Wang, Yuli,张润铎,陈标华
Reduction of N2O by CO over Fe- and Cu-BEA zeolites: An experimental and computational study of the mechanism[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2013-02-02
作者类型 |
作者姓名 |
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出版日期 |
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教师 |
张润铎 |
Heterogeneous Catalysts: Emerging Techniques for Design, Characterization and Applications |
2021-03-15 00:00:00 |
Wiley-VCH Publishers |
1 |
教师 |
张润铎 |
典型化工有机废气催化净化基础与应用 |
2016-09-01 00:00:00 |
科学出版社 |
1 |
- 1. 一种分子筛催化剂处理碳纤维生产工艺废气的工艺方法 ,CN202210720417.X
- 2. 一种片层状分子筛低温脱硝催化剂及其制备方法 ,CN202110060203.X
- 3. 一种硅锗酸盐分子筛的制备方法 ,CN109502602A
- 4. 一种分解一氧化二氮的双金属负载分子筛催化剂的制备
- 5. 含氰类废气一体化净化方法
- 6. 一种N2O分解用整体蜂窝状分子筛催化剂制备方法
- 7. 一种用于含丙烯腈废气处理的催化剂制备方法及应用
- 8. 一种用于脱除丙烯腈废气的方法
- 9. 可用于粉体固态反应的球磨机
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- 12. 用于N2O直接催化分解的整体式BEA分子筛催化剂的制备方法
- 13. 一种具有介孔特征催化剂及其应用
- 14. 一种介孔氧化铝负载型金属催化剂的制备方法及应用
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- 16. 一种用于氨脱除的介孔分子筛基催化剂及其制备方法和应用
- 17. 含氰类、烃类和NOx的工业废气一体化净化方法及系统
- 18. 贫,富燃型机车尾气中多种污染物催化脱除的复合氧化物
- 19. 一种用于氨脱除的微孔分子筛基催化剂及其制备方法和应用
- 20. 一种分子筛催化剂的整体式蜂窝状结构化成型方法
- 21. 一种用于低温SCR脱硝的分子筛基催化剂及其制备方法
- 22. 一种用于一氯甲烷脱氯的分子筛基催化剂
- 23. 一种用于脱除含氰废气的方法
- 24. 一种提高脱硝性能的组合催化剂及其应用
- 25. 一种合成分子筛SSZ-13的方法
- 26. 一种以电子电器废弃物中塑料为原料制备掺氮碳纳米管和氢气的方法
- 27. 一种净化居室甲醛的涂料及其制备方法
- 28. 一种用于催化分解臭氧的MOFs衍生钴基多孔碳材料催化剂
- 1. 典型氮氧化物催化脱除的科学与工程基础 ,2015-02-09 00:00:00 ,省部级科技奖励 ,二等奖