

研究方向 :
部门 : 化学工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业



入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2001-09-01 2005-07-01 清华大学 博士研究生毕业
1998-09-01 2001-07-01 郑州大学 硕士研究生毕业
1994-09-01 1998-07-01 郑州工业大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2005-07-01 至今 北京化工大学
2013-12-02 2014-12-01 美国加州大学河滨分校





课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
绿色化工助力美好生活 2023 16 28 研讨课
化工设计基础 2023 32 68 专业必修
能源化工设计 2022 14 22 实践环节必修
绿色化工助力美好生活 2022 16 25 研讨课
绿色化工助力美好生活 2022 16 25 研讨课
绿色大化工学科前沿 2022 16 38 公共基础必修
绿色大化工学科前沿 2022 16 1 公共基础选修
能源化工设计基础 2022 32 30 专业必修
能源化工设计基础 2022 32 30 专业必修
能源化工设计基础 2021 32 18 专业必修
绿色化工助力美好生活 2021 16 8 研讨课
绿色化工助力美好生活 2021 16 8 研讨课
能源化工设计基础 2020 32 56 专业必修
能源化工设计基础 2020 32 56 专业必修
化工设计(Ⅱ) 2019 48 51 专业必修
能源化工设计基础 2019 32 76 专业必修
能源化工设计基础 2019 32 76 专业必修




  • 1. 新型工业化背景下宁东精细化工科学与技术发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2024-11-30
  • 2. 微通道反应器中浆态分隔流强化苯酚非均相催化氧化过程的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31
  • 3. XJZ2022110046 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
  • 4. XJZ20221100460402 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
  • 5. 难降解化工废水催化氧化关键技术研究及应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2020-12-01 至 2022-11-30
  • 6. 金属纳米簇负载铂基单原子合金催化剂的结构与性能关系 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31
  • 7. 化工行业典型VOCs治理的超重力强化机制与效能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
  • 8. BHJG2020030 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-12-10 至 2023-12-31
  • 9. 低碳醇分离精制工艺研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2018-05-01 至 2021-04-30
  • 10. 江苏省科技副总经费 ,其他课题,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2018-12-31
  • 11. 浆态床合成油大型工程化关键技术研究 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
  • 12. 沸石咪唑酯骨架材料的成型及烃类分离性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
  • 13. 金属有机骨架材料强化二氧化碳吸收的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2011-12-31
  • 14. 在建筑中太阳能采暖和热水组合系统的优化研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
  • 15. 离子液体用做相变储能介质的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
  • 16. 稀土催化材料的功能化和工程化基础研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2006-09-01 至 2011-08-31


  • 1. 燃速催化剂制备及应用研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-02 至 2026-04-02
  • 2. 烯烃氢甲酰化制备醛工艺验证 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-14 至 2024-12-31
  • 3. 关于旋转喷雾反应器设计及制备 LiOH 工艺优化的合 作技术开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2024-12-31
  • 4. 一种高浓高盐废水零排放的连续处理方法及装置的专利转让 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-06-27 至 2023-12-31
  • 5. 一种吸附材料ZIF-8的大量制备方法及成型方法的专利转让 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-06-27 至 2023-12-31
  • 6. 均相成核的电化学水软化技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2033-01-01
  • 7. 煤基可降解塑料(PGA)绿色合成技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-05-13 至 2024-05-12
  • 8. 烟气预处理反应器工艺技术开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-04-14 至 2024-06-30
  • 9. 内蒙古伊泰煤基新材料研究院有限公司-北京化工大学煤基新材料催化合成联合研发中心共建合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-10 至 2026-07-09
  • 10. 高端纳米级润滑油清净剂的研制及产业化 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2024-06-30
  • 11. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 12. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 13. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 14. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
  • 15. 二氯甲烷废气吸附回收项目 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-03-01 至 2022-02-28
  • 16. 北京化工大学-中建环能科技股份有限公司联合研发中心合作协议 ,自选课题,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2023-06-30
  • 17. 间苯二甲胺合成新工艺研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2020-06-15 至 2020-12-31
  • 18. 苯酚专一合成对苯二酚新工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
  • 19. 基础油在线调和自控系统研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
  • 20. 间苯二甲胺合成新工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
  • 21. 费托合成微晶蜡的改性及特种蜡产品的开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-03-25 至 2020-05-31
  • 22. 现代煤化工工业废气污染防治可行技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2019-12-31
  • 23. 北京化工大学-金风环保有限公司联合研发中心合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-10-01 至 2023-10-01
  • 24. 臭氧催化氧化催化剂的制备技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-06-01 至 2019-04-30
  • 25. 临邑县污水处理厂技术服务 ,其他课题,项目时间:2018-05-20 至 2020-05-20
  • 26. 3D打印催化剂载体结构的计算表征及其构效关系研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-01 至 2019-12-30
  • 27. 北京化工大学-滨州裕能化工有限公司技术合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-01-15 至 2021-01-15
  • 28. 吉化乙烯厂废碱反应器尾气处理催化剂更换 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2017-06-06 至 2020-06-05
  • 29. 费托脱碳尾气VOCs处理技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-06-06 至 2017-06-06
  • 30. 煤间接液化过程废水的深度处理工艺评估 ,项目时间:2015-12-15 至 2016-01-15
  • 31. 自热式催化燃烧反应器 ,项目时间:2012-03-03 至 2032-03-02
  • 32. 煤矿乏风催化氧化工业示范技术及装备开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2012-12-31
  • 33. 煤矸石制备堇青石蜂窝陶瓷催化剂载体技术研究 ,项目时间:2009-06-28 至 2010-06-28
  • 34. 低浓度甲烷流向变换催化燃烧制热技术 ,项目时间:2008-05-18 至 2009-05-17
  • 35. 苯酚产品中痕量杂质脱除 ,项目时间:2007-04-01 至 2007-12-31


  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华
  • 1. DOI 孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
    Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
  • 2. DOI 王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
    Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
  • 3. DOI 柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
  • 4. DOI Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
    Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
  • 5. DOI 程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
    Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
  • 6. DOI 张眉佳,许昊翔,罗一斌,朱吉钦,程道建
    Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
  • 7. DOI Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
  • 8. DOI 柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
  • 9. DOI 李丹阳,许昊翔,朱吉钦,曹达鹏
    Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
  • 10. DOI 许建阳,张琳雨,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 11. DOI 李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
    Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
  • 12. DOI 付鹏兵,李函容,杜乐,朱吉钦
  • 13. DOI 刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
    [EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
  • 14. DOI 刘文林,李俊,密建国,朱吉钦
  • 15. DOI Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
    Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
  • 16. DOI 刘文林,李俊,盛晓,杜乐,朱吉钦,刘志学
  • 17. DOI 任超,高君安,潘利鹏,张傑,朱吉钦
  • 18. DOI Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
    NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
  • 19. DOI Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
    PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
  • 20. DOI Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
  • 21. DOI 许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
    Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
  • 22. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
    The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
  • 23. DOI Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
    Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
  • 24. DOI Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
    Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
  • 25. DOI Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
    Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
  • 26. DOI Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
    Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
  • 27. DOI 朱吉钦,李建伟,韦军,牛学坤,吴慧雄,危丽琼,陈标华,黄晋阳,潘立登,李成岳
  • 28. DOI 马军祥,罗从光,付鹏兵,李俊,孟启宇,朱吉钦
  • 29. DOI 李卫东,付鹏兵,李俊,朱吉钦
  • 30. DOI 吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
    Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
  • 31. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
  • 32. DOI Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
  • 33. DOI Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
    Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
  • 34. DOI Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
    Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
  • 35. DOI Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
    Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
  • 36. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 37. DOI Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
  • 38. DOI Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
    Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
  • 39. DOI Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
    CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
  • 40. DOI 朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
    Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
  • 41. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
    UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
  • 42. DOI Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
    Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
  • 43. DOI 代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
  • 44. DOI Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
    Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
  • 45. DOI 雷志刚,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
  • 46. DOI 雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
    Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
  • 47. DOI Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
    Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
  • 48. DOI 张佳瑾,李建伟,朱吉钦,王越,陈标华



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