入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2001-09-01 |
2005-07-01 |
清华大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1998-09-01 |
2001-07-01 |
郑州大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1994-09-01 |
1998-07-01 |
郑州工业大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2005-07-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2013-12-02 |
2014-12-01 |
美国加州大学河滨分校 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
绿色化工助力美好生活 |
2023 |
16 |
28 |
研讨课 |
化工设计基础 |
2023 |
32 |
68 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计 |
2022 |
14 |
22 |
实践环节必修 |
绿色化工助力美好生活 |
2022 |
16 |
25 |
研讨课 |
绿色化工助力美好生活 |
2022 |
16 |
25 |
研讨课 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
38 |
公共基础必修 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
1 |
公共基础选修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2022 |
32 |
30 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2022 |
32 |
30 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2021 |
32 |
18 |
专业必修 |
绿色化工助力美好生活 |
2021 |
16 |
8 |
研讨课 |
绿色化工助力美好生活 |
2021 |
16 |
8 |
研讨课 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2020 |
32 |
56 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2020 |
32 |
56 |
专业必修 |
化工设计(Ⅱ) |
2019 |
48 |
51 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2019 |
32 |
76 |
专业必修 |
能源化工设计基础 |
2019 |
32 |
76 |
专业必修 |
- 1. 新型工业化背景下宁东精细化工科学与技术发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2024-11-30
- 2. 微通道反应器中浆态分隔流强化苯酚非均相催化氧化过程的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31
- 3. XJZ2022110046 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
- 4. XJZ20221100460402 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
- 5. 难降解化工废水催化氧化关键技术研究及应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2020-12-01 至 2022-11-30
- 6. 金属纳米簇负载铂基单原子合金催化剂的结构与性能关系 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31
- 7. 化工行业典型VOCs治理的超重力强化机制与效能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 8. BHJG2020030 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-12-10 至 2023-12-31
- 9. 低碳醇分离精制工艺研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2018-05-01 至 2021-04-30
- 10. 江苏省科技副总经费 ,其他课题,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 11. 浆态床合成油大型工程化关键技术研究 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 12. 沸石咪唑酯骨架材料的成型及烃类分离性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 13. 金属有机骨架材料强化二氧化碳吸收的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 14. 在建筑中太阳能采暖和热水组合系统的优化研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 15. 离子液体用做相变储能介质的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 16. 稀土催化材料的功能化和工程化基础研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2006-09-01 至 2011-08-31
- 1. 燃速催化剂制备及应用研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-02 至 2026-04-02
- 2. 烯烃氢甲酰化制备醛工艺验证 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-14 至 2024-12-31
- 3. 关于旋转喷雾反应器设计及制备 LiOH 工艺优化的合 作技术开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 4. 一种高浓高盐废水零排放的连续处理方法及装置的专利转让 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-06-27 至 2023-12-31
- 5. 一种吸附材料ZIF-8的大量制备方法及成型方法的专利转让 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-06-27 至 2023-12-31
- 6. 均相成核的电化学水软化技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2033-01-01
- 7. 煤基可降解塑料(PGA)绿色合成技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-05-13 至 2024-05-12
- 8. 烟气预处理反应器工艺技术开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-04-14 至 2024-06-30
- 9. 内蒙古伊泰煤基新材料研究院有限公司-北京化工大学煤基新材料催化合成联合研发中心共建合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-10 至 2026-07-09
- 10. 高端纳米级润滑油清净剂的研制及产业化 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2024-06-30
- 11. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
- 12. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
- 13. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
- 14. 高性能润滑油添加剂的合成研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-01 至 2022-06-30
- 15. 二氯甲烷废气吸附回收项目 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-03-01 至 2022-02-28
- 16. 北京化工大学-中建环能科技股份有限公司联合研发中心合作协议 ,自选课题,项目时间:2020-07-01 至 2023-06-30
- 17. 间苯二甲胺合成新工艺研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2020-06-15 至 2020-12-31
- 18. 苯酚专一合成对苯二酚新工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
- 19. 基础油在线调和自控系统研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
- 20. 间苯二甲胺合成新工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2019-12-31
- 21. 费托合成微晶蜡的改性及特种蜡产品的开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-03-25 至 2020-05-31
- 22. 现代煤化工工业废气污染防治可行技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 23. 北京化工大学-金风环保有限公司联合研发中心合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-10-01 至 2023-10-01
- 24. 臭氧催化氧化催化剂的制备技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-06-01 至 2019-04-30
- 25. 临邑县污水处理厂技术服务 ,其他课题,项目时间:2018-05-20 至 2020-05-20
- 26. 3D打印催化剂载体结构的计算表征及其构效关系研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-01 至 2019-12-30
- 27. 北京化工大学-滨州裕能化工有限公司技术合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2018-01-15 至 2021-01-15
- 28. 吉化乙烯厂废碱反应器尾气处理催化剂更换 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2017-06-06 至 2020-06-05
- 29. 费托脱碳尾气VOCs处理技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-06-06 至 2017-06-06
- 30. 煤间接液化过程废水的深度处理工艺评估 ,项目时间:2015-12-15 至 2016-01-15
- 31. 自热式催化燃烧反应器 ,项目时间:2012-03-03 至 2032-03-02
- 32. 煤矿乏风催化氧化工业示范技术及装备开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 33. 煤矸石制备堇青石蜂窝陶瓷催化剂载体技术研究 ,项目时间:2009-06-28 至 2010-06-28
- 34. 低浓度甲烷流向变换催化燃烧制热技术 ,项目时间:2008-05-18 至 2009-05-17
- 35. 苯酚产品中痕量杂质脱除 ,项目时间:2007-04-01 至 2007-12-31
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
3. DOI
柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
4. DOI
Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
5. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
6. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
7. DOI
Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
8. DOI
柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
9. DOI
Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
10. DOI
11. DOI
李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
12. DOI
13. DOI
刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
[EMIM] [DCA] as an entrainer for the extractive distillation of methanol-ethanol-water system[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-06-01
14. DOI
15. DOI
Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
16. DOI
17. DOI
18. DOI
Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
NBD-based fluorescent probes for separate detection of cysteine and biothiols via different reactivities[期刊论文],ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY,2020-06-07
19. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
20. DOI
Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
21. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
22. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
23. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
24. DOI
Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
Design and synthesis of a highly efficient labelling reagent for incorporation of tetrafluorinated aromatic azide into proteins[期刊论文],TETRAHEDRON,2019-02-15
25. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
26. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
27. DOI
28. DOI
29. DOI
30. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
31. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
32. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
33. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
34. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
35. DOI
Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
36. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
37. DOI
Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
38. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
39. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
40. DOI
朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
Gas adsorption in shaped zeolitic imidazolate framework-8[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-08-01
41. DOI
雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
42. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
43. DOI
代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
44. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
45. DOI
Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
46. DOI
雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,代成娜,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
47. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
48. DOI
1. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
2. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
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柳萍,张加威,Liu, Kefeng,Hu, Xuesheng,Gao, Fei,杜乐,朱吉钦
Aerobic oxidation of 2-tert-butyl phenol within gas–liquid segmented flow: Mass transfer characteristics and scale-up[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-01-01
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Gao, Zhangyi,姜琳靖,Zhang, Jiawei,朱吉钦,杜乐,Wang, Yujun
Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas in MeroxTM Process with Microfluidics[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Technology,2022-12-01
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程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
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Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
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Lu, Yuheng,盛晓,张傑,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Cumene autooxidation to cumene hydroperoxide based on a gas-liquid microdispersion strategy[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
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柳萍,Ge, Haowei,Lu, Yuheng,Wang, Yujun,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous synthesis of 2-tert-butyl phenol oxidation in gas-liquid segmented flow and its kinetic investigation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-02-02
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Fast identification of the stability of atomically dispersed bi-atom catalysts using a structure descriptor-based model[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022-01-18
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李函容,韩飞艳,姜琳靖,Yang, Tongqian,杜乐,朱吉钦
Continuous Synthesis of N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole Sulfenamide with Microfluidics and Its Kinetic Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-10-06
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刘胜利,Wang, Zhenhang,朱瑞松,雷志刚,朱吉钦
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Gao, Xin,Wang, Yiwei,Wang, Rui,Dai, Chengna,Chen, Biaohua,朱吉钦,Li, Xingang,Li, Hong,雷志刚
Application of Dimethyl Carbonate Assisted Chemical Looping Technology in the Separation of the Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol Mixture and Coproduction of 1,2-Butene Carbonate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-10
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Huang, Haojie,Ji, Xiuru,Jiang, Yaqing,Zhang, Changyu,Kang, Xueying,朱吉钦,Sun, Lu,易龙
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Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
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Jiang, Yifan,Taheri, Mohsen,Yu, Gangqiang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Experiments, Modeling, and Simulation of CO2 Dehydration by Ionic Liquid, Triethylene Glycol, and Their Binary Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-28
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许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
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Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
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Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
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Ma, Dejun,Kang, Xueying,Gao, Yasi,朱吉钦,易龙,Xi, Zhen
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Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
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吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
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Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
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Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
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Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
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Jiang, Lu,Zhang, Wei,Luo, Congguang,Cheng, Daojian,朱吉钦
Adsorption toward Trivalent Rare Earth Element from Aqueous Solution by Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-06-08
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Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
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Zhu Lin,Li Fangfang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid–liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane[期刊论文],Chemical Papers,2016-05-03
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Zhu, Lin,Li, Fang-Fang,朱吉钦,雷志刚
Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary systems of 1-hexene/hexane and extraction solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PAPERS,2016-05-01
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Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
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朱吉钦,Jiang, Lu,代成娜,Yang, Na,雷志刚
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雷志刚,代成娜,Yang, Qian,朱吉钦,陈标华
UNIFAC Model for Ionic Liquid-CO (H-2) Systems: An Experimental and Modeling Study on Gas Solubility[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-12-01
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Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
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代成娜,雷志刚,Xi, Xiaomin,朱吉钦,陈标华
Extractive Distillation with a Mixture of Organic Solvent and Ionic Liquid as Entrainer[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
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Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
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Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids: A Review[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-09-01
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Extractive Distillation with the Mixture of Ionic Liquid and Solid Inorganic Salt as Entrainers[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2014-08-01
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