1989年于大连理工大学获学士学位。1989~2002年在中科院山西煤化所工作、学习,助理研究员,并获硕士和博士学位。2002~2004:中科院化学所工作,副研究员。2004~2006:英国诺丁汉大学化学院工作,Research Fellow,获得欧盟“玛丽·居里学者计划”资助。2006~现在:北京化工大学化学工程学院、化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室工作,教授,博士生导师,从事科研和教学工作。兼任中国化工学会离子液体专业委员会、超临界流体技术专业委员会、工程热化学专业委员会委员,中国化学会绿色化学专业委员会、化学热力学与热分析专业委员会委员,MDPI刊物《Processes》编委,曾任美国化学会刊物《Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data》编委。 主持和参加过的科研项目20余项;在国内外学术刊物上发表论文210篇,其中SCI 收录180篇;获得发明专利30项。2008 年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。1994 年获中国科学院科技进步一等奖;2012年获北京市科技进步二等奖。 主要研究领域:(1)功能化离子液体的制备、性质和应用;(2)燃煤烟气净化;(3)煤炭、生物质转化制化学品;(4)化工热力学。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
1999-03-01 |
2002-06-01 |
中科院山西煤炭化学研究所 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1996-09-01 |
1999-03-15 |
中科院山西煤炭化学研究所 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1985-09-01 |
1989-07-01 |
大连理工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2004-12-01 |
2006-08-01 |
英国诺丁汉大学 |
2002-06-01 |
2004-12-01 |
中科院化学研究所 |
1989-07-01 |
1999-03-01 |
中科院山西煤炭化学研究所 |
2006-09-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
1、中国化工学会离子液体专业委员会委员(2012-) 2、中国化工学会超临界流体技术专业委员会委员(2017-) 3、中国化工学会工程热化学专业委员会委员委员(2018-) 4、中国化学会绿色化学专业委员会委员(2016-) 5、中国化学会化学热力学与热分析专业委员会委员(2018-) 6、MDPI出版集团的《Processes》刊物编委(2020-) 7、Nature出版集团的《Scientific Reports》刊物编委(2021-) 8、Elsevier出版集团的《Resources Chemicals and Materials 》编委(2021-) 9、美国化学会刊物《Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data》编委(2010-2018)
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
碳基能源化工 |
2023 |
48 |
54 |
专业必修 |
能源化工节能原理与技术 |
2023 |
32 |
51 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2022 |
40 |
专业必修 |
能源化工节能原理与技术 |
2022 |
32 |
30 |
专业必修 |
能源化工节能原理与技术 |
2021 |
32 |
19 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2021 |
40 |
18 |
专业必修 |
能源化工节能原理与技术 |
2020 |
32 |
56 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2020 |
40 |
55 |
专业必修 |
能源化工节能原理与技术 |
2019 |
32 |
76 |
专业必修 |
煤化学与化工 |
2019 |
40 |
72 |
专业必修 |
- 1. 木质素结构的新认识:不接氧及多环的芳香核结构 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 2. 基于同位素示踪法的钒(V)催化氧化碳水化合物碳碳断键生成甲酸过程中的机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31
- 3. 煤温和加氢液化条件温和化技术原理 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2017-07-01 至 2021-06-30
- 4. 选择性氧化化学剪裁低阶煤制备含羧基化学品 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31
- 5. 有机质分子与无机岩相组成结构及其伴生赋存关系(后三年) ,“973”计划,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2018-08-31
- 6. 有机质分子与无机岩相组成结构及其伴生赋存关系 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 7. 基于离子液体的油和酚混合物分离的研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 8. 煤转化残焦制备电石的低能耗新技术原理 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-08-31
- 9. 褐煤温和加氢机理及产物油和芳烃/酚的分离精制 ,“973”计划,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-08-31
- 10. 功能化离子液体用于同时脱除烟气中SO2和CO2的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 11. 煤转化残焦制备电石的低能耗新技术原理 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2012-12-31
- 12. 近临界水中裼煤选择性催化氧化制备化学品的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2013-12-01
- 13. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 14. 功能化离子液体的定向制备及同时吸收烟气中SO2和CO2的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2008-12-31
- 15. 留学回国人员科研启动基金 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 16. 超临界流体的导电性与超临界流体中的电化学反应研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 17. 基于γ-戊内酯的生物质转化的绿色化学研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 18. 功能化离子液体的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2005-01-01 至 2009-12-31
- 1. 一种催化氧气氧化生物质制备含氧化学品的方法 ,自选课题,项目时间:2024-09-04 至 2024-10-04
- 2. 生物质秸秆制备高附加值化学品技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-08-06 至 2027-08-06
- 3. 超临界辅助前驱体沉积工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-08-01 至 2024-08-31
- 4. 耐高温有机树脂技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2022-10-10 至 2022-12-31
- 5. 低碱酸消耗的甲基丙烯酸甲酯精制提纯技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2018-11-01 至 2019-10-30
- 6. NCO2加氢反应放热量测试 ,项目时间:2015-09-15 至 2015-11-30
- 7. 中低温煤焦油中酚的分离技术中试放大开发 ,项目时间:2014-10-20 至 2015-05-19
- 8. 多种褐煤的气化特性测试 ,项目时间:2010-01-01 至 2011-12-30
1. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
2. DOI
Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
3. DOI
Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
4. DOI
Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
5. DOI
6. DOI
Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
7. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
8. DOI
么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
9. DOI
李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
10. DOI
Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
11. DOI
何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
12. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
13. DOI
张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
14. DOI
么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
15. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
16. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
17. DOI
Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
18. DOI
A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
19. DOI
Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
20. DOI
Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
22. DOI
Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
23. DOI
梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
24. DOI
纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
25. DOI
Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
26. DOI
Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
27. DOI
Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
28. DOI
Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
30. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
31. DOI
Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
32. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
35. DOI
A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
36. DOI
Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
37. DOI
Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
38. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
50. DOI
牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
57. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
89. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
90. DOI
The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
94. DOI
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
101. DOI
102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
105. DOI
离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
107. DOI
108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
156. DOI
向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
162. DOI
Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
163. DOI
164. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
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Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
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Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
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Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
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Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
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么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
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李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
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Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
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何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
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Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
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张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
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么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
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王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
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Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
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A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
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Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
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Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
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梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
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纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
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Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
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Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
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Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
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Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
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Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
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Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
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Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
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Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
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Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
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Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
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A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
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Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
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Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
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Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
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Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
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Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
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Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
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牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
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Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
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Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
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Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
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Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
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Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
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Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
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102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
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离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
153. DOI
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155. DOI
Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
156. DOI
向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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164. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
167. DOI
Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Poliakoff, Martyn
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of CO2 + gamma-Valerolactone Systems in Various Phase Regions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2009-01-01
1. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
3. DOI
Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
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Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
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Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
7. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
8. DOI
么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
9. DOI
李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
10. DOI
Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
11. DOI
何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
12. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
13. DOI
张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
14. DOI
么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
15. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
16. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
17. DOI
Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
18. DOI
A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
22. DOI
Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
23. DOI
梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
24. DOI
纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
25. DOI
Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
26. DOI
Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
27. DOI
Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
28. DOI
Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
30. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
31. DOI
Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
32. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
35. DOI
A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
36. DOI
Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
37. DOI
Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
38. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
50. DOI
牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
55. DOI
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
57. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
89. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
90. DOI
The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
94. DOI
95. DOI
冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
101. DOI
102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
105. DOI
离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
106. DOI
乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
107. DOI
108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
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任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
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Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
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Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
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向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
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Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
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Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
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Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
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Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Poliakoff, Martyn
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of CO2 + gamma-Valerolactone Systems in Various Phase Regions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2009-01-01
1. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
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Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
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Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
7. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
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么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
9. DOI
李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
10. DOI
Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
11. DOI
何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
12. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
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张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
14. DOI
么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
15. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
16. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
17. DOI
Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
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A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
22. DOI
Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
23. DOI
梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
24. DOI
纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
25. DOI
Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
26. DOI
Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
27. DOI
Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
28. DOI
Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
30. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
31. DOI
Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
32. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
35. DOI
A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
36. DOI
Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
37. DOI
Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
38. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
50. DOI
牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
55. DOI
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
57. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
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Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
90. DOI
The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
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102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
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离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
156. DOI
向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
162. DOI
Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
163. DOI
164. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
167. DOI
Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Poliakoff, Martyn
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of CO2 + gamma-Valerolactone Systems in Various Phase Regions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2009-01-01
1. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
2. DOI
Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
3. DOI
Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
4. DOI
Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
5. DOI
6. DOI
Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
7. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
8. DOI
么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
9. DOI
李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
10. DOI
Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
11. DOI
何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
12. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
13. DOI
张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
14. DOI
么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
15. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
16. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
17. DOI
Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
18. DOI
A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
22. DOI
Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
23. DOI
梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
24. DOI
纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
25. DOI
Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
26. DOI
Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
27. DOI
Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
28. DOI
Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
30. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
31. DOI
Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
32. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
35. DOI
A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
36. DOI
Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
37. DOI
Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
38. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
50. DOI
牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
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Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
89. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
90. DOI
The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
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102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
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离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
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Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
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Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
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向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
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Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
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Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
167. DOI
Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Poliakoff, Martyn
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of CO2 + gamma-Valerolactone Systems in Various Phase Regions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2009-01-01
1. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
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Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
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Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
7. DOI
Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
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么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
9. DOI
李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
10. DOI
Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
11. DOI
何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
12. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
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张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
14. DOI
么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
15. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
16. DOI
王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
17. DOI
Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
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A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
22. DOI
Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
23. DOI
梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
24. DOI
纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
25. DOI
Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
26. DOI
Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
27. DOI
Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
28. DOI
Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
30. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
31. DOI
Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
32. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
35. DOI
A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
36. DOI
Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
37. DOI
Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
38. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
50. DOI
牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
55. DOI
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
57. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
89. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
90. DOI
The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
94. DOI
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
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102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
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离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
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108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
156. DOI
向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
162. DOI
Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
163. DOI
164. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
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A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
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Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Bingru,Wang, Fang,Dai, Yasen,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
A green recyclable process for selective recovery of Li and Fe from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries by synergistic effect of deep eutectic solvent and oxygen[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Simultaneous absorption of CO2 and H2S by [Emim][Ac]: The competition mechanism[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2025-02-19
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Bai, Jiao-Xuan,Xu, Cong,Wang, Jie-Ping,Guo, Rui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,Li, Guang-Yue,Liang, Ying-Hua
A combined experimental and theoretical study on the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by iron[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-10-15
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Characterization of fused aromatic multirings in lignin via synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and catalytic hydro-depolymerization[期刊论文],MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024-10-01
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Wei, Jian,孙建军,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,吴卫泽
Hydroliquefaction of lignin: Can it generate recycle solvents by itself?[期刊论文],Fuel,2024-06-15
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Zhang, Yaozhi,Wang, Fang,Zhang, Wanxiang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
High-Selectivity Recycling of Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Recyclable Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ChemSusChem,2024-05-08
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么聪菲,Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Zhang, Wanxiang,Yu, Gangqiang,Liu, Hongqi,Miao, Yuqing,吴卫泽
Molecular insights into dicationic versus monocationic ionic liquids as a high hydrophobic alternative for the separation of phenol from waters[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2024-05-01
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李贺,Hou, Yucui,宋卓礼,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel insights into the molecular structure of lignite and its oxidation characteristics: A comprehensive characterization from single molecule of intermediates to complex coal[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2024-05-01
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Wu, Haisong,Li, Xiaoyu,Chen, Qiuyu,Ding, Tianyu,Liu, Hongqi,Yu, Gangqiang,么聪菲,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of phenol with tetraethylammonium chloride-based deep eutectic solvents: Experiments and theoretical calculations[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2024-04-01
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何卓森,Hou, Yucui,李贺,魏剑,任树行,吴卫泽
Novel chemical looping oxidation of biomass-derived carbohydrates to super-high-yield formic acid using heteropolyacids as oxygen carrier[期刊论文],Renewable Energy,2023-05-01
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Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Baizhang,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Densities, viscosities and specific heat capacities of deep eutectic solvents composed of ethanediol + betaine and ethanediol + L-carnitine for absorbing SO2[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2023-04-01
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张万祥,赵无疾,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of benzene + cyclohexane mixtures by extraction combined extractive distillation using imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids[期刊论文],Green Chemical Engineering,2023-03-01
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么聪菲,Liu, Hongqi,Wu, Haisong,Song, Xudong,Wang, Xuanzhen,任树行,吴卫泽
Comparative study on the deep eutectic solvents formed by choline chloride and cresol isomers from theoretical and experimental perspectives[期刊论文],Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022-12-01
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王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
New insights into the coalification of lignite from lignin: A comparison of their chemical structures[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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王宇鹏,Hou, Yucui,李贺,吴卫泽,任树行,李建伟
A New Structural Model of Enzymatic Lignin with Multiring Aromatic Clusters[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-06-07
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Hou, Yucui,张琪,高敏杰,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Conversion of SO2 in Functional Ionic Liquids: Effect of Water on the Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-03-29
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A study on the structure of Naomaohu coal and its suitability for direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-03-01
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Dissolution behavior of hydrogen in the model recycle solvent of mild direct coal liquefaction[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2021-12-01
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Polycyclic Aromatics Observed in Enzymatic Lignin by Spectral Characterization and Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021-10-20
21. DOI
Hou, Yucui,杨帆,Yang, Chunmei,冯子梁,Feng, Lixia,李贺,任树行,吴卫泽
A study on the structure of anthracite based on benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE,2021-10-01
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Yan Wang,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Capture of Acidic Gases from Flue Gas by Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],PROCESSES,2021-07-22
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梁石生,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,李贺,何卓森,任树行
Residues characteristics and structural evolution of Naomaohu coal during a mild direct liquefaction process[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01
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纪柚安,Hou, Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Highly efficient separation of indole from model wash oil using tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
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Wang, Bingru,蔺隆,任树行,吴卫泽
Specific Heat Capacity of Non-Functional and Functional Ionic Liquids during the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2021-01-01
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Lu, Ting,Li, Guangyue,吴卫泽,Li, Kejiang,Li, Wenchao,Yang, Fan,Liang, Yinghua
Alkali-oxygen oxidation mechanism for producing benzene carboxylic acids from lignite: Experimental and molecular modelling studies[期刊论文],FUEL,2020-11-15
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Hou, Yucui,冯志,Cuellar, Jaime Ruben Sossa,吴卫泽
Separation of phenols from oils using deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids [期刊论文],PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY,2020-10-01
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Hou, Yucui,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Catalytic Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid Using O-2 as an Oxidant[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-30
29. DOI
Gao, Minjie,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Qi,Sun, Ying,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption of SO2 in Simulated Flue Gas by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Imidazole and H2O with High Mass Capacities[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-04-16
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Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Extraction of aromatics from aliphatics using a hydrophobic dicationic ionic liquid adjusted with small-content water[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2020-04-01
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Gu, Yanxue,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Sun, Ying,吴卫泽
Hydrophobic Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents Used for Efficient and Reversible Capture of CO2[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2020-03-31
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Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Gao, Minjie,Sun, Ying,Zhang, Qi,任树行,吴卫泽
Universal Method for Energy-Saving Absorption of SO2 with Absorbents Adjusted by Lactic Acid[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-03-19
33. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,Zhang, Qi,吴卫泽
Highly Reversible and Efficient Absorption of Low-Concentration NO by Amino-Acid-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-02
34. DOI
Sun, Ying,Gao, Minjie,任树行,Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Amine-Based Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2020-01-01
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A deep insight into the structural characteristics of Yilan oil shale kerogen through selective oxidation[期刊论文],Carbon Resources Conversion,2019-09-19
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Gong, Lijiao,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yang, Fan,任树行
Catalytic O-2 oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids with iron-based catalysts in acidic aqueous solutions[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
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Li, Li,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liang, Shisheng,任树行
Behaviors of tetralin and 9,10-dihydroanthracene as hydrogen donor solvents in the hydrogenolysis of coal-related model compounds[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019-08-01
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Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Absorption of NO by Dual Functional Ionic Liquids with Low Viscosity[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
39. DOI
Liang, Shisheng,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Li, Li,任树行
New Insights into the Primary Reaction Products of Naomaohu Coal via Breaking Weak Bonds with Supercritical Ethanolysis[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-07-01
40. DOI
Zhang, Qi,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Efficient Regeneration of SO2-Absorbed Functional Ionic Liquids with H2S via the Liquid-Phase Claus Reaction[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-06-17
41. DOI
Wu, Zhangjin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Kai
Efficient Removal of Sulfuric Acid from Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution Based on the Common-Ion Effect for the Absorption of SO2 of Flue Gas[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-05-01
42. DOI
Huang, Weijia,郑丹星,Xie, Hui,Li, Yun,吴卫泽
Hybrid physical-chemical absorption process for carbon capture with strategy of high-pressure absorption/medium-pressure desorption[期刊论文],APPLIED ENERGY,2019-04-01
43. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Separation of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures using environmentally benign biological reagents based on Bronsted acid-Lewis base interaction[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-03-01
44. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Yupeng,Wang, Qian,任树行
New Insights into the Occurrence and Interaction of Inorganic Minerals and Organic Matter in Huadian Oil Shale[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-02-01
45. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Lu, Ting,刘振宇
Oxidation of Xiaolongtan lignite to oxygen-containing chemicals over NaVO3-H2SO4 by introducing methanol to suppress the formation of CO2[期刊论文],FUEL,2019-01-15
46. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Lin, Zengqi,牛牧歌,任树行,吴卫泽
Conversion of Cellulose into Formic Acid by Iron(III)-Catalyzed Oxidation with O-2 in Acidic Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-11-01
47. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids and CO2 for Separation of Phenols from Oil Mixtures[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-01
48. DOI
Sun, Ying,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Absorption of nitric oxide in simulated flue gas by a metallic functional ionic liquid[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-09-01
49. DOI
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牛牧歌,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,杨儒
Successive C1-C2 bond cleavage: the mechanism of vanadium(V)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of D-glucose to formic acid in aqueous solution[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-07-14
51. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,刘辉
Imidazolium-based dicationic ionic liquids: highly efficient extractants for separating aromatics from aliphatics[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2018-07-07
52. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
Ionic liquids: Functionalization and absorption of SO2[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2018-07-01
53. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Yiming,Wang, Kun,任树行,吴卫泽
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of CO2 by Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-07-01
54. DOI
Liu, Qing,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,任树行,刘清雅
New insight into the chemical structures of Huadian kerogen with supercritical ethanolysis: Cleavage of weak bonds to small molecular compounds[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-07-01
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褐煤选择性氧化 制羧基化学品[期刊论文],中国科学:化学,2018-06-20
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Yin, Guojun,刘清雅,刘振宇,吴卫泽
Extension of Kelvin equation to CO2 adsorption in activated carbon[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-06-01
58. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Li, Wei,任树行
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in V(V)-Fe(III)-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-05-01
59. DOI
Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,吴卫泽
Improvement of the selectivity of isophorone hydrogenation by Lewis acids[期刊论文],ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE,2018-05-01
60. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Qing,刘振宇
The structural characteristics of kerogens in oil shale with different density grades[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-05-01
61. DOI
Ting Lu,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,Muge Niu,任树行,Zengqi Lin,Vijay K. Ramani
Catalytic oxidation of biomass to oxygenated chemicals with exceptionally high yields using H5PV2Mo10O40[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-15
62. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,牛牧歌,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Efficient extraction of indole from wash oil by quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-03-01
63. DOI
Lu, Ting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,牛牧歌,Wang, Yupeng
Formic acid and acetic acid production from corn cob by catalytic oxidation using O-2[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
64. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly efficient extraction of phenolic compounds from oil mixtures by trimethylamine-based dicationic ionic liquids via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2018-03-01
65. DOI
Hou Yucui,Yao Congfei,吴卫泽
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Green Solvents for Separation Applications[期刊论文],ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA,2018-01-01
66. DOI
Li, Zhengke,吴卫泽,Guo, Xiaojin,刘清雅,刘振宇
Analysis of carbon fines obtained from the off-gas dust of calcium carbide furnace[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2018-01-01
67. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Yu, Zhi,任树行,刘清雅,刘振宇
A study on the structure of Yilan oil shale kerogen based on its alkali-oxygen oxidation yields of benzene carboxylic acids, C-13 NMR and XPS[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-11-01
68. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Yang, Xin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient absorption of low-concentration SO2 in simulated flue gas by functional deep eutectic solvents based on imidazole and its derivatives[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-01
69. DOI
Kai Zhang,任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,包雨云
Sodium Lactate Aqueous Solution, a Green and Stable Absorbent for Desulfurization of Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-23
70. DOI
Fan Yang,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Structures of Aromatic Clusters of Different Coals Based on Benzene Carboxylic Acids from Coal via Oxidation[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-10-23
71. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Kai,Ji, Youan
Efficient separation of phenol from model oils using environmentally benign quaternary ammonium-based zwitterions via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-15
72. DOI
73. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol plus toluene plus zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2017-09-25
74. DOI
Yao, Congfei,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Ji, Youan,吴卫泽
Ternary phase behavior of phenol + toluene + zwitterionic alkaloids for separating phenols from oil mixtures via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-09-25
75. DOI
Zhang, Kai,Li, Haomin,吴卫泽,包雨云
Specific Heat Capacities of Two Functional Ionic Liquids and Two Functional Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Absorption of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-09-01
76. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient Separation of Phenolic Compounds from Oil Mixtures by Imidazolium-Based Dicationic Ionic Liquids via Forming Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-09-01
77. DOI
Wang, Qian,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,刘振宇
The relationship between the humic degree of oil shale kerogens and their structural characteristics[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-07-07
78. DOI
Degradation of lignin in NaVO 3 -H 2 SO 4 aqueous solution with oxygen[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2017-06-15
79. DOI
Ji, Youan,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Yao, Congfei,吴卫泽
Removal of the neutral oil entrained in deep eutectic solvents using an anti-extraction method[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
80. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Wang, Qian,Niu, Muge,任树行
The relationship between benzene carboxylic acids from coal via selective oxidation and coal rank[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2017-06-01
81. DOI
82. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Yan, Jiahe,Feng, Lixia,Xie, Fan,吴卫泽
Selective conversion of rice straw to xylose, glucose, and other products in H2O-SO2 system by two-step treatment[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2017-05-01
83. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Lu, Ting,吴卫泽,Liu, Zhenyu
Catalytic Oxidation of Lignite to Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous H5PV2Mo10O40/H2SO4 Solution with Molecular Oxygen[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
84. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Kong, Jie,Ren, Yuehong,任树行,吴卫泽
Mass transfer dynamics in the separation of phenol from model oil with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-03-01
85. DOI
Li, Wenbin,Hou, Yucui,Yang, Fan,吴卫泽
Production of Benzene Carboxylic Acids and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Two-Stage Alkali-Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
86. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽
Efficient absorption of SO2 with low-partial pressures by environmentally benign functional deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017-02-15
87. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,任树行,Wang, Qian
A new insight into the structure of Huolinhe lignite based on the yields of benzene carboxylic acids[期刊论文],FUEL,2017-02-01
88. DOI
Zhang, Kai,任树行,Meng, Lingyuan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,包雨云
Efficient and Reversible Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide of Flue Gas by Environmentally Benign and Stable Quaternary Ammonium Inner Salts in Aqueous Solutions[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-02-01
89. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of lignite to carboxylic acids by molecular oxygen in an aqueous FeCl 3 solution[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
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The generation of benzene carboxylic acids from lignite and the change in structural characteristics of the lignite during oxidation[期刊论文],Fuel,2017-01-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Junhai,任树行,Hou, Yucui,Zhang, Kai,吴卫泽
SO2 Absorption by Carboxylate Anion-Based Task-Specific Ionic Liquids: Effect of Solvents and Mechanism[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-12-21
92. DOI
Lin, Zengqi,Yucui Huo,任树行,Youan Ji,Congfei Yao,Muge Niu,吴卫泽
Phase equilibria of phenol plus toluene plus quaternary ammonium salts for the separation of phenols from oil with forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2016-12-15
93. DOI
Phase equilibria of high pressure CO 2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by quaternary ammonium salts and phenol[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-12-15
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冶炼烟气干法脱硫过程中CaS与SO 2 反应的实验及机理研究[期刊论文],高校化学工程学报,2016-02-15
96. DOI
Lu, Ting,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Yang, Fan
Catalytic oxidation of cellulose to formic acid in H5PV2Mo10O40 + H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
97. DOI
Efficient capture of low partial pressure H 2 S by tetraethyl ammonium amino acid ionic liquids with absorption-promoted solvents[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-01-01
98. DOI
Wang, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Dongdong,Ji, Youan,任树行
Roles of a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor in the extraction of toluene from n-heptane using deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2016-01-01
99. DOI
Yang, Fan,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽,Sun, Dongyue,Wang, Qian,Liu, Zhenyu
Production of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s and Small-Molecule Fatty Acids from Lignite by Catalytic Oxidation in NaVO3/H2SO4 Aqueous Solution with Molecular Oxygen[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-16
100. DOI
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102. DOI
任树行,Ying Xiao,Yiming Wang,Jie Kong,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽
Effect of water on the separation of phenol from model oil with choline chloride via forming deep eutectic solvent[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-09-01
103. DOI
Yucui Hou,Zongyi Li,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of toluene from toluene/alkane mixtures with phosphonium salt based deep eutectic solvents[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2015-07-01
104. DOI
105. DOI
离子液体水溶液吸收模拟烟气中SO 2[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
106. DOI
乙醇胺乳酸盐离子液体吸收SO 2 过程中的物理化学性质[期刊论文],化工学报,2015-05-15
107. DOI
108. DOI
Shidong Tian,Yucui Hou,吴卫泽,任树行,Chenxing Wang,Jianguo Qian
Reversible absorption of SO2 from simulated flue gas by aqueous calcium lactate solution[期刊论文],Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2015-04-09
109. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Reversible absorption of CO2 by diethylenetriamine hydrochloride and ethylene glycol mixtures with high capacity and low viscosity[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2015-04-01
110. DOI
NaVO 3 +H 2 SO 4 溶液中氧气气氛下甲酸分解的研究[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2015-01-20
111. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Wenhua,Zheng, Qitian,吴卫泽,任树行
The relationship between oxidation and hydrolysis in the conversion of cellulose in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with O-2[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
112. DOI
Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Marsh, Kenneth N.,任树行
Conversion of wheat straw into formic acid in NaVO3-H2SO4 aqueous solution with molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
113. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Li, Jian,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Separation of the Isomers of Benzene Poly(carboxylic acid)s by Quaternary Ammonium Salt via Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2014-11-27
114. DOI
功能化离子液体吸收SO 2 的机理和热力学行为研究[会议论文],第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议论文集,2014-10-17
115. DOI
Qian, Jianguo,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,Wang, Chenxing,吴卫泽
Highly Efficient and Reversible Absorption of SO2 by Aqueous Triethylenetetramine Tetra lactate Solutions[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-01
116. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Absorption of SO2 at High Temperatures by Ionic Liquids and the Absorption Mechanism[期刊论文],BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2014-09-20
117. DOI
Yan, Jiahe,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Niu, Muge,吴卫泽
Two-Step Treatment of Corn Cob in H2O-SO2 System[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-08-27
118. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Qian, Jianguo
Hydrophobic task-specific ionic liquids: Synthesis, properties and application for the capture of SO2[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2014-08-15
119. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Niu, Muge,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,任树行,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to formic acid using molecular oxygen[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2014-01-01
120. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Ren, Yuehong,Peng, Wei,任树行,吴卫泽
Separation of Phenols from Oil Using Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-12-18
121. DOI
Oils and Phenols-and-Water-Free Tars Produced in Pyrolysis of 23 Chinese Coals in Consecutive Temperature Ranges[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2013-09-02
122. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,刘清雅,吴卫泽
The role of different properties of activated carbon in CO2 adsorption[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-08-15
123. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge
Simultaneous production of small-molecule fatty acids and benzene polycarboxylic acids from lignite by alkali-oxygen oxidation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-08-01
124. DOI
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal — A TGA study[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2013-07-11
125. DOI
Tian, Shidong,任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Peng, Wei
Densities, Viscosities and Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidinium Lactate plus Water at T = (303.15 to 328.15) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-07-01
126. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong,吴卫泽
Production of benzene polycarboxylic acids from bituminous coal by alkali-oxygen oxidation at high temperatures[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-06-01
127. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,任树行,Tian, Shidong,吴卫泽
Formation of Deep Eutectic Solvents by Phenols and Choline Chloride and Their Physical Properties[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-04-01
128. DOI
石磊,刘清雅,Guo, Xiaojin,吴卫泽,刘振宇
Pyrolysis behavior and bonding information of coal - A TGA study[会议论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2013-04-01
129. DOI
Sun, Nannan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Electro-oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in supercritical CO2 with ionic liquid[期刊论文],ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2013-03-01
130. DOI
Yin, Guojun,刘振宇,吴卫泽,刘清雅
Dynamic adsorption of CO2 over activated carbon - Error analysis and effect of N-2[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2013-03-01
131. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Chen, Xiumei,吴卫泽
What Are Functional Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of Acidic Gases ?[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2013-02-28
132. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wu, Tong
High-Temperature Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation of Lignite to Produce Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2013-01-16
133. DOI
Guo, Wujie,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Separation of phenol from model oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01
134. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,张晨
Absorption of SO2 by thermal-stable functional ionic liquids with lactate anion[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2013-01-01
135. DOI
Separation of phenols from oils with quaternary ammonium salts via forming eutectic solvents[会议论文],30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013,2013-01-01
136. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘振宇,刘清雅,Tian, Shidong,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose, Levulinic Acid, and Other Products in Hot Water Using SO2 as a Recoverable Catalyst[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-28
137. DOI
Wang, Wenhua,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Liu, Weina
Production of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids from Lignite by Alkali-Oxygen Oxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-11-21
138. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Niu, Muge,Wang, Wenhua
Pretreatment of wheat straw using SO2 dissolved in hot water[期刊论文],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2012-11-01
139. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Wang, Wenhua
Complete conversion of cellulose to water soluble substances by pretreatment with ionic liquids[期刊论文],KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012-10-01
140. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Tian, Shidong,Lu, Cheng,Sun, Nannan,吴卫泽
High pressure phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide and benzaldehyde binary system[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2012-07-15
141. DOI
Pang Kun,Hou YuCui,吴卫泽,Tian ShiDong,Sun NanNan
Control of the morphology of electrodeposited three-dimensional copper foam by tuning the pressure[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY,2012-07-01
142. DOI
Tian, Shidong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Pang, Kun
Physical Properties of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Mixtures and the Solubility of CO2 in the System at Elevated Pressures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2012-03-01
143. DOI
任树行,侯玉翠,吴卫泽,Shidong Tian,Weina Liu
Deactivation and Regeneration of an Ionic Liquid during Desulphurization of Simulated Flue Gas[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2012-01-10
144. DOI
Pang, Kun,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Guo, Wujie,Peng, Wei,Marsh, Kenneth N.
Efficient separation of phenols from oils via forming deep eutectic solvents[期刊论文],GREEN CHEMISTRY,2012-01-01
145. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Tian, Shidong,Liu, Weina
CO2 capture from flue gas at high temperatures by new ionic liquids with high capacity[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2012-01-01
146. DOI
Hou Yucui,任树行,吴卫泽
Absorption and Separation of SO2 by Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY,2011-10-24
147. DOI
Liu, Weina,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Jing, Yan,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of Glucose in Ionic Liquid plus Antisolvent Mixtures[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-06-01
148. DOI
Jin, Meijin,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Tian, Shidong,Xiao, Li,Lei, Zhigang
Solubilities and Thermodynamic Properties of SO2 in Ionic Liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2011-05-26
149. DOI
Jing, Yan,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina,Zhang, Baogang
Solubility of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at (314.1 to 343.2) K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2011-02-01
150. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Jin, Meijin
Oxidation of SO2 Absorbed by an Ionic Liquid during Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gases[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2011-01-19
151. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Liu, Weina
Purification of Ionic Liquids: Sweeping Solvents by Nitrogen[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-11-01
152. DOI
Liao, Sha,Hou, Yucui,Li, Shengyun,Chen, Xiaoting,吴卫泽
High-pressure phase equilibria for the binary system carbon dioxide plus benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2010-11-01
153. DOI
154. DOI
155. DOI
Fan, Jinlong,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Zhang, Jianwei,任树行,Chen, Xiaoting
Levulinic Acid Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol as Cosolvent at Different Temperatures[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-06-01
156. DOI
向中华,曹达鹏,邵晓红,Wang, Wenchuan,Zhang, Jianwei,吴卫泽
Facile preparation of high-capacity hydrogen storage metal-organic frameworks : A combination of microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis and supercritical activation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2010-05-15
157. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Song, Zhangzuo,吴卫泽
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of (Carbon Dioxide plus Dimethyl Carbonate)[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-04-01
158. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,刘清雅,Xiao, Yunfei,Chen, Xiaoting
Properties of Ionic Liquids Absorbing SO2 and the Mechanism of the Absorption[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B,2010-02-18
159. DOI
Li, Guodong,刘清雅,刘振宇,Zhang, Z. Conrad,李成岳,吴卫泽
Production of Calcium Carbide from Fine Biochars[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2010-01-01
160. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of Carbon Dioxide+1-Bromobutane, Carbon Dioxide+1-Chlorobutane, and Carbon Dioxide+1-Methylimidazole[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2010-01-01
161. DOI
Hou, Yucui,Chen, Xiaoting,任树行,Li, Guo,吴卫泽
High pressure phase behavior of carbon dioxide plus nitrobenzene binary system at 298.15, 310.45 and 322.75 K[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-12-01
162. DOI
Effect of V2O5 additive on simultaneous SO2 and NO removal from flue gas over a monolithic cordierite-based CuO/Al2O3 catalyst[会议论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2009-09-01
163. DOI
164. DOI
Chen, Xiaoting,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,任树行,Zhang, Jianwei,Fan, Jinlong
High pressure phase behavior and density of the carbon dioxide+1-methylimidazole binary system[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS,2009-07-01
165. DOI
任树行,Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Chen, Xiaoting,Fan, Jinlong,Zhang, Jianwei
Effect of H2O on the Desulfurization of Simulated Flue Gas by an Ionic Liquid[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2009-05-20
166. DOI
Alexander A. Novitskiy,Eduardo Perez,吴卫泽,Jie Ke,Martyn Poliakoff
A New Continuous Method for Performing Rapid Phase Equilibrium Measurements on Binary Mixtures Containing CO2 or H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2009-02-20
167. DOI
Hou, Yucui,吴卫泽,Poliakoff, Martyn
Phase Behavior, Densities, and Isothermal Compressibility of CO2 + gamma-Valerolactone Systems in Various Phase Regions[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2009-01-01
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吴卫泽 |
Industrial Arene Chemistry: Markets, Technologies, Sustainable Processes and Cases Studies of Aromatic Commodities |
2023-03-10 00:00:00 |
Wiley‐VCH GmbH |
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- 1. 一种回收废弃锂电三元正极材料中镍、锰、钴和锂的方法 ,CN 114875238 B
- 2. 一种碱-氧氧化褐煤制备苯羧酸的方法
- 3. 一种分离葡萄糖与离子液体的工艺方法
- 4. 一种离子液体的纯化方法
- 5. 一种两步法转化生物质的方法
- 6. 一种采用逐级热溶解聚油页岩中有机质的方法
- 7. 一种催化氧气氧化生物质制备含氧化学品的方法
- 8. 一种碱-氧氧化烟煤制备苯羧酸的方法
- 9. 一种用可溶性钙盐水溶液吸收SO2以及吸收剂再生的方法
- 10. 一种新型的从油中分离酚类化合物的方法
- 11. 一种异佛尔酮选择性加氢制备3,3,5-三甲基环己酮的方法
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- 14. 一种烟气脱硫的工艺方法
- 15. 一种苯多羧酸同分异构体的分离方法
- 16. 一种催化氧气氧化生物质制备甲酸的方法
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- 19. 一种构建油页岩有机质结构模型的方法
- 20. 一种离子液体再生及吸收物分离回收的工艺方法
- 21. 一种构建褐煤有机质大分子结构模型的方法
- 22. 一种选择性氧化油页岩制备苯多羧酸和小分子脂肪酸的方法
- 23. 一种用季氨基双阳离子液体萃取分离油酚混合物中酚类化合物的方法
- 24. 一种可再生低共熔溶剂吸收SO2的方法
- 25. 一种褐煤分级碱-氧氧化制苯羧酸和小分子脂肪酸的方法
- 26. 一种氨基酸阴离子型功能化离子液体捕集一氧化氮及再生的工艺方法
- 27. 一种均苯四甲酸和偏苯三甲酸混合物的分离方法
- 28. 一种用于烟气脱硫的金属羧酸盐水溶液中硫酸的脱除方法
- 29. 一种用低共熔溶剂吸收烟气中二氧化硫并采用硫化氢再生的工艺方法
- 30. 一种烟气二氧化硫复合吸收剂和吸收的方法
- 31. 一种含有硫酸的离子液体再生的方法
- 32. 一种油中酚类化合物的分离方法
- 33. 一种离子液体前处理纤维素使其完全转化为水溶性糖的工艺方法
- 34. 一种通过催化氧化生物质来制备甲酸的方法
- 35. 一种碳水化合物的降解方法
- 36. 一种在亚临界水中氧化纤维素制备甲酸和乙酸的方法
- 37. 一种用季铵盐萃取剂萃取分离洗油中吲哚的方法
- 38. 一种功能化离子液体吸收烟气中二氧化硫并用克劳斯反应低温再生的工艺方法
- 39. 一种用内盐从含酚油中萃取酚类化合物的方法
- 40. 一种用可生物降解化合物作为吸附剂吸附分离油中酚类化合物的方法
- 41. 一种可再生胺基功能化低共熔溶剂捕集NO的工艺方法
- 42. 一种聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯催化解聚为单体的方法和反应装置
- 43. 一种中低阶煤温和加氢液化制备化学品和燃料油的方法
- 1. 固定源SO2和NOX同时脱除的结构化催化剂的催化原理和反应工程 ,2012-12-01 00:00:00 ,省部级科技奖励 ,二等奖