入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2001-09-01 |
2006-12-31 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1997-09-01 |
2001-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2007-04-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
化学反应工程 |
2023 |
48 |
67 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2023 |
48 |
68 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2022 |
48 |
66 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2022 |
48 |
62 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2021 |
48 |
67 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2021 |
48 |
65 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2020 |
56 |
54 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2020 |
56 |
54 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2020 |
56 |
55 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2020 |
56 |
55 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2019 |
48 |
65 |
专业必修 |
化学反应工程 |
2019 |
56 |
96 |
专业必修 |
- 1. “超重力+”法可控制备纳米/多级孔MOFs的机制及应用基础 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31
- 2. 超重力反应萃取法宏量制备拟均相纳米催化剂新技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2025-10-31
- 3. 新型高效低成本拟均相催化剂及应用技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-11-01 至 2025-10-31
- 4. 纳米杂化纤维多级结构设计及多场耦合调控机制研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2021-12-01 至 2026-11-30
- 5. 可重复使用防护口罩关键技术及产业化 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2020-02-01 至 2020-06-30
- 6. 超重力法可控制备自组装型智能纳米微胶囊机制及应用基础研究(博后出站委托课题组代管) ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 7. 我国石化工业绿色分子制造科技发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-03-08 至 2021-03-08
- 8. 多功能多尺度齿科修复用无机材料可控制备机制和应用基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 9. 碳-氧键构建与重组催化剂的纳米结构设计和规模化制备新技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2017-07-28 至 2022-06-30
- 10. 材料化学工程 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 11. “超重力+”宏量制备多尺度口腔无机纳米材料 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2021-06-30
- 12. 超重力反应结晶-萃取相转移法可控制备纳米金属氢氧化物透明分散体机制及应用基础 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 13. 中低温固体氧化物燃料电池用陶瓷粉体及电解质关键技术开发及产业化 ,其他课题,项目时间:2015-06-01 至 2017-12-31
- 14. 肿瘤治疗用功能新型纳米载体材料与靶向技术 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2013-12-01 至 2016-12-31
- 15. 透明纳米颗粒液相分散体的制备研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2013-10-01 至 2016-12-31
- 16. 纳米阻燃纺织面料研制 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2013-03-01 至 2014-12-31
- 17. 功能纳米颗粒分散体材料制备与应用研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 18. 高通量金属套管式微通道反应器捕集二氧化碳的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 19. 北京市新星计划A类 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2009-12-01 至 2012-12-31
- 20. 新型精细化学品超重力法制备关键技术研究 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 21. 微通道反应器内纳米药物颗粒的制备及性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 1. 新型结构型气凝胶制备工艺开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2026-05-30
- 2. 杀菌杀病毒空气滤材应用技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-11-01 至 2026-05-30
- 3. 碳化聚合物纳米点制备及应用技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-11-01 至 2026-05-30
- 4. 功能纳米分散体规模化制备 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-18 至 2026-05-30
- 5. 废PET纤维降解用拟均相纳米催化剂规模制备及应用 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-18 至 2026-05-30
- 6. 高性能全氟聚醚纳米基础油的制备 ,其他课题,项目时间:2024-08-08 至 2026-05-30
- 7. 超重力法合成磷酸铁前体材料研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-02-19 至 2026-02-18
- 8. 超重力法制备钒酸铋光催化剂新工艺开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-09-26 至 2024-05-31
- 9. 纳米缓释农药制剂中试技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-04-19 至 2025-04-30
- 10. 高折射率光学树脂材料技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-11-24 至 2022-12-31
- 11. 超重力法制备AgBi(CrO4)2光催化剂新工艺开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-10-11 至 2022-03-11
- 12. 纳米碳酸钙PVC复合树脂新材料项目 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-06-30 至 2021-12-30
- 13. 北京化工大学-新疆天业(集团)有限公司联合实验室 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-04-01 至 2024-04-01
- 14. 超重力法制备电极材料前驱体的技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-03-03 至 2021-12-02
- 15. 布洛芬、布地奈德、阿瑞匹坦纳米粉体的开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 16. 超重力法制备汽车革用水性聚氨酯乳液技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 17. 面向延迟焦化的纳米拟均相催化剂设计、 制备及构效关系的基础研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 18. 油溶性助剂协同催化裂解多产低碳烯烃的研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-07-24 至 2029-07-23
- 19. 超重力法口腔用纳米氧化锆制备工艺开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-03-27 至 2021-03-27
- 20. BPI-5014B药物纳微化 ,项目时间:2016-04-01 至 2016-06-30
- 21. 纳米氢氧化镁分散体材料研制 ,项目时间:2014-11-20 至 2015-02-20
- 22. 超重力法制备BaSO4纳米材料新工艺研究 ,项目时间:2013-05-03 至 2013-10-31
1. DOI
2. DOI
王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
4. DOI
High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
5. DOI
Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
6. DOI
Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
7. DOI
Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
8. DOI
Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
9. DOI
High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
10. DOI
贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
11. DOI
Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
12. DOI
Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
13. DOI
Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
14. DOI
曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
15. DOI
Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
16. DOI
Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
17. DOI
Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
19. DOI
Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
20. DOI
杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
22. DOI
A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
23. DOI
A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
28. DOI
Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
29. DOI
Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
30. DOI
Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
31. DOI
唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
32. DOI
PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
33. DOI
CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
34. DOI
Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
38. DOI
Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
39. DOI
Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
42. DOI
High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
43. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
54. DOI
Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
57. DOI
58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
149. DOI
In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
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Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
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Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
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王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
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陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
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Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
167. DOI
孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
168. DOI
Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
169. DOI
孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
170. DOI
Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
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张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
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Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
175. DOI
Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
176. DOI
Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
177. DOI
Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
178. DOI
Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
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High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
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贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
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Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
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Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
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Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
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曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
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Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
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Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
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杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
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Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
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A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
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唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
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PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
38. DOI
Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
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High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
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牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
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Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
57. DOI
58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
149. DOI
In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
154. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
155. DOI
Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
161. DOI
162. DOI
王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
163. DOI
陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
164. DOI
Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
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孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
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Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
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孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
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Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
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张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
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Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
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Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
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Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
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Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
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Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
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Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
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High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
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贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
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Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
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Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
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Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
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曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
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Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
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Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
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Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
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杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
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Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
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A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
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吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
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Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
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唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
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PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
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崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
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Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
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37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
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Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
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刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
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High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
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牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
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Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
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Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
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Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
149. DOI
In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
154. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
155. DOI
Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
161. DOI
162. DOI
王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
163. DOI
陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
164. DOI
Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
167. DOI
孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
168. DOI
Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
169. DOI
孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
170. DOI
Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
171. DOI
172. DOI
张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
173. DOI
174. DOI
Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
175. DOI
Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
176. DOI
Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
177. DOI
Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
178. DOI
Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
179. DOI
Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
180. DOI
181. DOI
Y型微通道内聚乳酸 - 羟基乙酸共聚物纳米分散体的制备[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-20
1. DOI
2. DOI
王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
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High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
10. DOI
贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
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Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
12. DOI
Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
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Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
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曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
15. DOI
Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
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Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
20. DOI
杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
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Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
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A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
28. DOI
Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
29. DOI
Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
31. DOI
唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
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PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
38. DOI
Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
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High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
43. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
54. DOI
Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
57. DOI
58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
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Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
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Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
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Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
149. DOI
In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
154. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
155. DOI
Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
161. DOI
162. DOI
王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
163. DOI
陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
164. DOI
Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
167. DOI
孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
168. DOI
Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
169. DOI
孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
170. DOI
Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
171. DOI
172. DOI
张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
173. DOI
174. DOI
Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
175. DOI
Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
176. DOI
Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
177. DOI
Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
178. DOI
Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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Y型微通道内聚乳酸 - 羟基乙酸共聚物纳米分散体的制备[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-20
1. DOI
2. DOI
王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
4. DOI
High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
10. DOI
贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
11. DOI
Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
12. DOI
Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
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Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
14. DOI
曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
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Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
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Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
20. DOI
杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
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Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
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A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
31. DOI
唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
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PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
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Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
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High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
43. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
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Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
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58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
149. DOI
In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
154. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
155. DOI
Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
161. DOI
162. DOI
王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
163. DOI
陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
164. DOI
Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
167. DOI
孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
168. DOI
Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
169. DOI
孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
170. DOI
Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
171. DOI
172. DOI
张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
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174. DOI
Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
175. DOI
Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
176. DOI
Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
177. DOI
Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
178. DOI
Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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Y型微通道内聚乳酸 - 羟基乙酸共聚物纳米分散体的制备[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-20
1. DOI
2. DOI
王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
4. DOI
High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
10. DOI
贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
11. DOI
Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
12. DOI
Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
13. DOI
Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
14. DOI
曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
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Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
19. DOI
Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
20. DOI
杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
22. DOI
A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
28. DOI
Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
29. DOI
Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
31. DOI
唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
32. DOI
PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
38. DOI
Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
42. DOI
High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
43. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
54. DOI
Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
57. DOI
58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
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王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
144. DOI
Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
145. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,曾晓飞,Zhang, Jie,Huan, Haifeng,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,Chen, Jian-Feng
Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
146. DOI
Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
147. DOI
Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
148. DOI
Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
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In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
150. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
151. DOI
La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
152. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng,王洁欣,Yun, Jimmy
Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
153. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,张亮,乐园,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
154. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Zhang Liang,Liu, Mengtao,乐园,吕珊珊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
155. DOI
Yang, Xiaolan,Fan, Rongrong,Wang, Wenlong,王洁欣,乐园
Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
156. DOI
Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
157. DOI
Han Peng,王洁欣,吕珊珊,Jian Wen,陈建峰
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
158. DOI
Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
159. DOI
Pan, Mei-Yuan,Li, Ting,Zhou, Yue,Qian, Zhi,邵磊,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
160. DOI
Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
161. DOI
162. DOI
王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
163. DOI
陈小媛,商云龙,李银华,王洁欣,Amadou Garba Maimouna,YongXia Li,Dan Zou,Neil R. Foster,Jimmy Yun,蒲源
Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
164. DOI
Sun, Qian,Chen, Bo,Wu, Xi,Wang, Miao,Zhang, Cong,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng
Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
165. DOI
Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
166. DOI
Wang, Wenlong,Chen, Shu,张亮,Wu, Xi,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,乐园
Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
167. DOI
孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
168. DOI
Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
169. DOI
孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
170. DOI
Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
171. DOI
172. DOI
张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
173. DOI
174. DOI
Yi, Qinhua,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
175. DOI
Zhang, Xiao-Ping,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
176. DOI
Zhang, Zhi-Liang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,Chen, Jian-Feng
Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
177. DOI
Xu, Li-Min,Zhang, Qian-Xia,Zhou, Yue,赵宏,王洁欣
Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
178. DOI
Zhiliang Zhang,乐园,王洁欣,赵宏,陈建峰
Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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Y型微通道内聚乳酸 - 羟基乙酸共聚物纳米分散体的制备[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-20
1. DOI
2. DOI
王曼婷,Fan, Rongrong,张建,李凌燕,王洁欣,乐园
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of PNIPAM-Based Smart Microgels for Drug Delivery Using a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-14
3. DOI
Miao, Ting-Ting,夏怡,Chen, Dong-Sheng,Zhen, Yu-Chao,王洁欣
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots[期刊论文],International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022-12-01
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High-gravity-assisted controlled synthesis of lanthanum carbonate for highly-efficient adsorption of phosphate[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2022-11-19
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Metal-Organic Framework-Based Single-Molecule SF6 Trap for Record SF6 Capture[期刊论文],Chemistry of Materials,2022-10-25
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Mechanicalbehaviorand reinforcement mechanism of nanoparticle cluster fillers in dental resin composites:simulation and experimental study[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2022-09-15
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Synthesis of curcumin-loaded shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation in a rotating packed bed for food engineering[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022-07-10
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Enhancing CH4 Capture from Coalbed Methane through Tuning van der Waals Affinity within Isoreticular Al-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-06-08
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High-gravity technology intensified Knoevenagel condensation-Michael addition polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) for blood-brain barrier delivery[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2022-06-01
10. DOI
贾佳,刘荣琨,Gu, Yu-Hang,Sun, Qian,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted Fabrication of Self-assembled Colloidosomes[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-05-25
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Spray-drying-assisted fabrication of CaF2/SiO2 nanoclusters for dental restorative composites[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2022-05-01
12. DOI
Yun, Ling-Xia,吴昊,Shen, Zhi-Gang,付纪文,王洁欣
Ultrasmall CeO2 Nanoparticles with Rich Oxygen Defects as Novel Catalysts for Efficient Glycolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate[期刊论文],ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2022-04-25
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Defect-Rich, Highly Porous PtAg Nanoflowers with Superior Anti-Poisoning Ability for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],Small,2022-04-01
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曹靖,Hu, Ting-Ting,王丹,王洁欣
High-Gravity-Assisted Intensified Preparation of Er-Doped and Yb/ Er-Codoped CaF2 Upconversion Nanophosphors for Noncontact Temperature Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-02
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Macro-Meso-Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks: Template-Assisted Spray Drying Synthesis and Enhanced Catalysis[期刊论文],ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2022-03-02
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Computational and experimental study of dental resin composites with high filler content[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022-03-01
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Spray drying-assisted construction of hierarchically porous ZIF-8 for controlled release of doxorubicin[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2022-02-17
18. DOI
Zhao, Menglu,杨丹蕾,Fan, Suna,Yao, Xiang,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang,Zhang, Yaopeng
3D-Printed Strong Dental Crown with Multi-Scale Ordered Architecture, High-Precision, and Bioactivity[期刊论文],ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022-02-01
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Separation of CH4/N2 by an ultra-stable metal–organic framework with the highest breakthrough selectivity[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-01-01
20. DOI
杨丹蕾,王丹,牛昊,Wang, Rui-Li,Liu, Mei,Zhang, Fei-Min,王洁欣,Zhu, Mei-Fang
A General Strategy for Efficiently Constructing Multifunctional Cluster Fillers Using a Three-Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying Technique for Dental Restoration[期刊论文],Engineering,2022-01-01
21. DOI
Dasatinib Nanoemulsion and Nanocrystal for Enhanced Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2022-01-01
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A robust metal-organic framework with guest molecules induced splint-like pore confinement to construct propane-trap for propylene purification[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-12-15
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A General Strategy for Instantaneous and Continuous Synthesis of Ultrasmall Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021-12-06
24. DOI
吴昊,Sun, Qian,Chen, Jingyi,王贯宇,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Citric acid-assisted ultrasmall CeO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of glyphosate[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-12-01
25. DOI
吴昊,韩林凯,王妮,Yun, Ling-Xia,向中华,王洁欣
Sodium laurate-assisted CeO2 nanoparticles as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for cyanosilylation reaction[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2021-11-25
26. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
27. DOI
Rapid construction of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks by a spray-drying strategy for enhanced tannic acid adsorption[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
28. DOI
Scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium codoped calcium molybdate phosphors as upconversion luminescent thermometer[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
29. DOI
Cost-Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Air-Stable CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots with Bright Emission[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-10-05
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Aqueous dispersions of monodisperse Pt, Pd, and Au nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive polymer for the efficient reduction of nitroarenes[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-08-25
31. DOI
唐睿婕,Yao, Xiaoxue,Chen, Jingyi,Sridar, Sreepathy,何相磊,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Wang, Steven
A Highly Controlled Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation Nanocomposite with Versatile Features toward Wearable Device Applications[期刊论文],MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,2021-08-01
32. DOI
PVP-stabilized platinum nanoparticles supported on modified silica spheres as efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2021-07-16
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CaF2/SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as novel fillers with reinforced mechanical properties and sustained fluoride ion release for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-07-01
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Core-shell structured AP/Fe3O4 composite with enhanced catalytic thermal decomposition property: Fabrication and mechanism study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-06-30
35. DOI
崔思敏,焦一然,Liu, Jiangyong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-driven process intensified approach toward Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanophosphors for deep-ultraviolet detecting[期刊论文],OPTIK,2021-06-01
36. DOI
Huang, Jinhui,Xia, Xue,Dou, Yichen,Gao, Jing,Yuan, Chen,Li, Jidong,王洁欣,Li, Yubao
! Morphology regulation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite by L-glutamic acid in a solvent- and initial temperature-dependent manner[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021-03-20
37. DOI
杨丹蕾,Cui, Ya-Nan,孙倩,Liu, Mei,牛昊,王洁欣
Antibacterial activity and reinforcing effect of SiO2-ZnO complex cluster fillers for dental resin composites[期刊论文],BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE,2021-03-07
38. DOI
Surface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Silicone-Based Transparent Hybrid Films with Ultrahigh Refractive Indexes[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2021-03-02
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
40. DOI
刘荣琨,Hu, Ting-Ting,贾佳,杨丹蕾,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Shell Colloidosomes by a Spray Drying Process[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-01-13
41. DOI
Deng, Wei,Sun, Yajun,Yao, Xiaoxue,Subramanian, Karpagam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Hongbo,Chopra, Shauhrat S.,Xu, Ben Bin,王洁欣,陈建峰,王丹,Amancio, Honeyfer,Pramana, Stevin,Ye, Ruquan,Wang, Steven
Masks for COVID-19[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2021-01-01
42. DOI
High-gravity-assisted engineering of Ni2P/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2021-01-01
43. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
Efficient prediction of the packing density of inorganic fillers in dental resin composites for excellent properties[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2021-01-01
44. DOI
Zhang, Weihong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted emulsification for continuous preparation of waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion with high solids content[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
45. DOI
方乐,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of transparent BaSO4 nanodispersions by high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with surface modification for transparent X-ray shielding nanocomposite films[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020-12-01
46. DOI
牛昊,杨丹蕾,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],DENTAL MATERIALS,2020-12-01
47. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
48. DOI
Xu, Peng-Fei,Liu, Zhi-Hao,Duan, Yong-Hong,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣
Microfluidic controllable synthesis of monodispersed sulfur nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activities[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-10-15
49. DOI
尹雄,Xu, Wei-Feng,蒲源,Zhai, Jing,王丹,王洁欣
Preparation of Aqueous Nanodispersions of Disperse Dye by High-Gravity Technology and Spray Drying[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2020-10-01
50. DOI
Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Monodisperse Selenium-Doped Carbon Dots from Amino Acids for Free Radical Scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-09-23
51. DOI
Zheng, Yuan-Yuan,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Zhai, Jing,张亮亮,王洁欣
Controllable synthesis of monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles by an oxidation-precipitation combined with solvothermal process[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2020-09-15
52. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,Ling, Chen,王洁欣,Amanico, Honeyfer,Saczek, Joshua,Wang, Haoyu,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Xu, Ben Bin,Wang, Steven,王丹
Controllable Synthesis of Upconversion Nanophosphors toward Scale-Up Productions[期刊论文],PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION,2020-09-01
53. DOI
赵志建,Ling, Chen,王丹,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Pramana, Stevin,Sridhar, Sreepathy,Shang, Jin,Xu, Ben B.,Tsang, Daniel C. W.,陈建峰,Wang, Steven
Liquid Marbles in Liquid[期刊论文],SMALL,2020-09-01
54. DOI
Synthesis of ultra-small and monodisperse selenium-doped carbon dots from amino acids for free radical scavenging[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-26
55. DOI
Xia, Yi,Shi, Jie,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis and evolution mechanism of monodispersed Sub-10 nm ZrO 2 nanocrystals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-08-15
56. DOI
Liu, Qing,蒲源,Zhao, Zhijian,王洁欣,王丹
Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Quantum Dots Via the Liquid–Liquid Interface Reaction in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],Transactions of Tianjin University,2020-08-01
57. DOI
58. DOI
Du, Jin-Tao,孙倩,曾晓飞,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
ZnO nanodispersion as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for alcoholysis of polyethylene terephthalate[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
59. DOI
Xie, Xiong,Shi, Jie,蒲源,Wang, Zhiyong,张亮亮,王洁欣,王丹
Cellulose derived nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped carbon-based catalysts for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2020-07-01
60. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Qin, Shaowei,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,Saczek, Joshua,Harvey, Adam,Ling, Chen,Wang, Steven,陈建峰
Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-07-01
61. DOI
Zhou, Linyu,Cao, Shaobo,张亮亮,相国磊,王洁欣,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Facet effect of Co3O4 nanocatalysts on the catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-06-15
62. DOI
蒲源,Lin, Lifeng,刘俊,王洁欣,王丹
High-gravity-assisted green synthesis of rare-earth doped calcium molybdate colloidal nanophosphors[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-06-01
63. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,王洁欣
The properties of dental resin composites reinforced with silica colloidal nanoparticle clusters: Effects of heat treatment and filler composition[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-04-01
64. DOI
杜金涛,施杰,孙倩,王丹,Hao Wu,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted preparation of aqueous dispersions of monodisperse palladium nanocrystals as pseudohomogeneous catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-02-15
65. DOI
Chen, Hongyan,Wang, Ruili,Qian, Li,Liu, Hongmei,王洁欣,Zhu, Meifang
Surface modification of urchin-like serried hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method and its application in dental composites[期刊论文],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2020-02-01
66. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of surfactant-free transparent dispersions of monodispersed MgAl-LDH nanoparticles[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-01-22
67. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Shi, Jie,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
In situ visualization and real-time tracking of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization at the microscale via fluorescence imaging[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-01-16
68. DOI
Wu, Hao-Ran,Wang, Chuan-Qi,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Engineering of Long-Term Stable Transparent Nanoemulsion Using High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed for Oral Drug Delivery[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE,2020-01-01
69. DOI
Liu, Xingzheng,Jin, Junsheng,Chen, Yueliang,Lu, Boting,孙倩,王洁欣,陈建峰,乐园
Controllable polymerization of n-butyl cyanoacrylate using a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-01-01
70. DOI
Niu, Hao,Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,蒲源,Gao, Tianyu,王洁欣
A new method for predicting the maximum filler loading of dental resin composites based on DEM simulations and experiments[期刊论文],Dental Materials,2020-01-01
71. DOI
Jiao, Yiran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Process Intensified Synthesis of Rare-Earth Doped beta-NaYF4 Nanorods toward Gram-Scale Production[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-12-11
72. DOI
Zhenzhen Ma,陶成,Lin Sun,Shengbei Qi,乐园,王洁欣,Changhong Li,Xiangyuan Liu,张建军,Jinxia Zhao
In Situ Forming Injectable Hydrogel For Encapsulation Of Nanoiguratimod And Sustained Release Of Therapeutics[期刊论文],International Journal of Nanomedicine,2019-12-01
73. DOI
He, Xiang-lei,Tang, Rui-jie,Yang, Feng,Kadhim, Mayameen S.,王洁欣,蒲源,王丹
Zirconia quantum dots for a nonvolatile resistive random access memory device[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
74. DOI
Bao, Jun,曾晓飞,Huang, Xie-Jun,Chent, Ri-Kui,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Three-dimensional MoS2/rGO nanocomposites with homogeneous network structure for supercapacitor electrodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-12-01
75. DOI
Bao, Jun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,张亮亮,陈建峰
Large-Scale Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanowires by High-Gravity Technology for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-13
76. DOI
Jiang, Hao,Han, Yongsheng,Zhang, Qiang,王洁欣,Fan, Yiqun,Li, Chunzhong
Research progress in materials-oriented chemical engineering in China[期刊论文],REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-11-01
77. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,王丹,Yang, Feng,Tang, Ruijie,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Sub-kilogram-scale synthesis of highly dispersible zirconia nanoparticles for hybrid optical resins[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-10-15
78. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,孙倩,Duan, Yong-Hong,Niu, Hao,Wang, Rui-Li,王丹,Zhu, Mei-Fang,王洁欣
Efficient Construction of SiO2 Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters as Novel Fillers by a Spray-Drying Process for Dental Composites[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-10-02
79. DOI
Zou, Yuanzuo,Huang, Hong,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Solubility, Solubility Modeling, and Antisolvent Precipitation of 1,3-Bis(9-carbazolyl)benzene in Organic Solvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2019-10-01
80. DOI
Fan, Suna,Zheng, Xiaoting,Zhan, Qi,Zhang, Huihui,Shao, Huili,王洁欣,Cao, Chengbo,Zhu, Meifang,王丹,Zhang, Yaopeng
Super-strong and Intrinsically Fluorescent Silkworm Silk from Carbon Nanodots Feeding[期刊论文],NANO-MICRO LETTERS,2019-09-11
81. DOI
MMP-responsive in situ forming hydrogel loaded with doxorubicin-encapsulated biodegradable micelles for local chemotherapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Adv,2019-09-10
82. DOI
Cui, Simin,He, Xianglei,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Tuning the Doping of Europium in Gadolinium Borate Microparticles at Mesoscale Toward Efficient Production of Red Phosphors[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2019-09-10
83. DOI
Xia, Yi,孙倩,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Surfactant-Free Aqueous Dispersions of Shape- and Size-Controlled Zirconia Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2019-09-10
84. DOI
He, Xianglei,Tang, Ruijie,蒲源,王洁欣,Wang, Zhi,王丹,陈建峰
High-gravity-hydrolysis approach to transparent nanozirconia/silicone encapsulation materials of light emitting diodes devices for healthy lighting[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2019-08-01
85. DOI
Cao, Shao-bo,Han, Xiao-ge,张亮亮,王洁欣,罗勇,邹海魁,陈建峰
Facile and scalable preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticle by high-gravity reactive precipitation method for catalysis of solid propellants combustion[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2019-07-15
86. DOI
High-gravity-assisted synthesis of aqueous nanodispersions of organic fluorescent dyes for counterfeit labeling[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2019-06-27
87. DOI
蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subcritical water processing for nanopharmaceuticals[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-06-01
88. DOI
Wang, Zheng-Meng,王丹,张亮亮,王洁欣
Efficient preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron by high gravity technology for enhanced Cr(VI) removal[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-06-01
89. DOI
Synthesis of monodispersed ZnO@SiO2 nanoparticles for anti-UV aging application in highly transparent polymer-based nanocomposites-[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-05
90. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
CFD modelling of gas flow characteristics for the gas-heating holder in environmental transmission electron microscope[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
91. DOI
Zhao, Shu-Ning,Yang, Dan-Lei,王丹,蒲源,乐园,王洁欣,陈建峰
Design and efficient fabrication of micro-sized clusters of hydroxyapatite nanorods for dental resin composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2019-03-01
92. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Shi, Jie,王丹,蒲源,王洁欣,陈建峰
Metal-free catalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohols for benzaldehyde[期刊论文],REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2019-03-01
93. DOI
He, Xianglei,Wang, Zhi,蒲源,王丹,Tang, Ruijie,Cui, Simin,王洁欣,陈建峰
High-gravity-assisted scalable synthesis of zirconia nanodispersion for light emitting diodes encapsulation with enhanced light extraction efficiency[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-02-23
94. DOI
Guang, Mei,Xia, Yi,王丹,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Controllable synthesis of transparent dispersions of monodisperse anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles and nanorods[期刊论文],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2019-02-15
95. DOI
Liu, Haotian,Hu, Tingting,王丹,Shi, Jie,张建军,王洁欣,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of fluorescent waterborne polyurethane nanodispersion by high-gravity miniemulsion polymerization for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-02-01
96. DOI
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-coated nanodiamonds for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
97. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Recent advances on metal-free graphene-based catalysts for the production of industrial chemicals[期刊论文],FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2018-12-01
98. DOI
Li Yunxia,Du Wenjuan,Fu Zhiguang,Wang Huanhuan,王洁欣,乐园,张建军,Wen Ning
pH-Responsive Polycarbonate Copolymer-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES,2018-12-01
99. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Process intensification for scalable synthesis of ytterbium and erbium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride upconversion nanodispersions[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-12-01
100. DOI
Wu, Kai,Zhang, Shuang,Lin, Suxuan,王洁欣,乐园
Long-Term Antibacterial Coatings with Core-Shell Ag@SiO2 Colloid[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-11-01
101. DOI
Preparation of Reduction-Responsive Camptothecin Nanocapsules by Combining Nanoprecipitation and In Situ Polymerization for Anticancer Therapy[期刊论文],Pharmaceutics,2018-10-03
102. DOI
Su, Rina,王丹,Liu, Mei,Yan, Jia,王洁欣,Zhan, Qiuqiang,蒲源,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid State Patterning[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2018-10-01
103. DOI
蒲源,Leng, Jingning,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,陈建峰
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-10-01
104. DOI
Yang, Dan-Lei,Xiao, Jia,王丹,Lin, Wei-Ming,蒲源,曾晓飞,乐园,王洁欣
Controllable Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles Using Internal Circulation Rotating Packed Bed for Dental Restorative Composite Resin[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-09-26
105. DOI
106. DOI
Tao, Cheng,张建军,王洁欣,乐园
Ginsenoside Drug Nanocomposites Prepared by the Aerosol Solvent Extraction System for Enhancing Drug Solubility and Stability[期刊论文],PHARMACEUTICS,2018-09-01
107. DOI
陈博,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,Clarke, Stuart M.,陈建峰
Synthesis of transparent dispersions of aluminium hydroxide nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018-07-27
108. DOI
Zhao, Zhijian,Wang, Zhiyong,王丹,王洁欣,Foster, Neil R.,蒲源,陈建峰
Preparation of 3D graphene/iron oxides aerogels based on high-gravity intensified reactive precipitation and their applications for photo-Fenton reaction[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-07-01
109. DOI
Xia, Yi,Zhang, Cong,王洁欣,王丹,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Synthesis of Transparent Aqueous ZrO2 Nanodispersion with a Controllable Crystalline Phase without Modification for a High-Refractive-Index Nanocomposite Film[期刊论文],LANGMUIR,2018-06-12
110. DOI
Controllable Synthesis and Evolution Mechanism of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals with Excellent Optical Performance for Energy-Saving Glasses[期刊论文],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018-06-08
111. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Siwen,向阳,Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,邵磊
CFD analyses of liquid flow characteristics in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-06-01
112. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,蒲源,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,陈建峰
3D-foam-structured nitrogen-doped graphene-Ni catalyst for highly efficient nitrobenzene reduction[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2018-04-01
113. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,王洁欣,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,邵磊
Mass transfer study of water deoxygenation in a rotor-stator reactor based on principal component regression method[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
114. DOI
Huang, Xie-Jun,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Dispersions of Monodispersed ZnO Nanoparticles with Ultrahigh Content and Stability for Polymer Nanocomposite Film with Excellent Optical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
115. DOI
Sun, Tingting,Shan, Nannan,徐联宾,王洁欣,陈建峰,Zakhidov, Anvar A.,Baughman, Ray H.
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2018-03-13
116. DOI
Liu, Yaping,Wu, Kai,王洁欣,乐园,张亮亮
Continuous production of antioxidant liposome for synergistic cancer treatment using high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-02-15
117. DOI
蒲源,Cai, Fuhong,王丹,王洁欣,陈建峰
Colloidal Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Large Scale Production: A Review[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
118. DOI
Kang, Fang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2018-02-01
119. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH) 2 /graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-01-23
120. DOI
Wang, Miao,曾晓飞,Chen, Jing-Yi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY,2017-12-01
121. DOI
冉海滢,王洁欣,Ahmed A. Abdeltawab,陈晓春,于光认,Yinghao Yu
Synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids material and application in CO 2 adsorption[期刊论文],Journal of Energy Chemistry,2017-11-30
122. DOI
Fang Kang,王丹,蒲源,曾晓飞,王洁欣,陈建峰
Efficient preparation of monodisperse CaCO 3 nanoparticles as overbased nanodetergents in a high-gravity rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],powder technology,2017-11-30
123. DOI
Dual redox-responsive PEG-PPS-cRGD self-crosslinked nanocapsules for targeted chemotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2017-11-30
124. DOI
Continuous Production of Antioxidant Liposome for Synergistic Cancer Treatment Using High-gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-11-22
125. DOI
Wang, Zhiyong,Su, Rina,王丹,Shi, Jie,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Sulfurized Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Catalysts for Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-11-22
126. DOI
Facile synthesis of Mg(OH)2/graphene oxide composite by high-gravity technology for removal of dyes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2017-11-20
127. DOI
王淼,曾晓飞,Chen Jingyi,王洁欣,张亮亮,陈建峰
Magnesium hydroxide nanodispersion for polypropylene nanocomposites with high transparency and excellent fire-retardant properties[期刊论文],Polymer degradation and stability,2017-11-10
128. DOI
Facile preparation of α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate with low aspect ratio using high-gravity reactive precipitation combined with salt solution method at atmospheric pressure[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-11-08
129. DOI
Sulfurized graphene as efficient metal-free catalysts for reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-10-26
130. DOI
蒲源,林立峰,王丹,王洁欣,Jun Qian,陈建峰
Green synthesis of highly dispersed ytterbium and thulium co-doped sodium yttrium fluoride microphosphors for in situ light upconversion from near-infrared to blue in animals[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017-10-07
131. DOI
蒲源,Kang, Fang,曾晓飞,陈建峰,王洁欣
Synthesis of Transparent Oil Dispersion of Monodispersed Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles with High Concentration[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-09-01
132. DOI
王丹,Zhu, Lin,蒲源,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Dai, Liming
Transferrin-coated magnetic upconversion nanoparticles for efficient photodynamic therapy with near-infrared irradiation and luminescence bioimaging[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2017-08-21
133. DOI
蒲源,卢俊典,王丹,Fuhong Cai,王洁欣,Foster,陈建峰
Nanonization of ciprofloxacin using subcritical water-ethanol mixture as the solvent: solubility and precipitation parameters[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2017-08-12
134. DOI
杨晓晨,Jingning Leng,王丹,Zhiyong Wang,王洁欣,蒲源,Jianglan Shui,陈建峰
Synthesis of flower-shaped V2O5:Fe3+ microarchitectures in a high-gravity rotating packed bed with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017-07-26
135. DOI
Leng, Jingning,Chen, Jingyi,王丹,王洁欣,蒲源,Chen, Jian-Feng
Scalable Preparation of Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanophosphors in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed Reactor for Transparent Upconversion Luminescent Films[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-07-19
136. DOI
137. DOI
王丹,Zhiyong Wang,Qiuqiang Zhan,蒲源,王洁欣,Foster,戴黎明
Facile and scalable preparation of fluorescent carbon dots for multifunctional applications[期刊论文],Engineering,2017-05-17
138. DOI
Li, Ya Ling,Li, Lu Hai,Cao, Mei Juan,Dong, Kun,王洁欣,曾晓飞,Chen, Jian Feng,邵磊
Preparation of Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxides for the Battery-like Electrodes in Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2017-04-01
139. DOI
Bo-Yang Lv,Li-Sheng Zhao,蒲源,乐园,曾晓飞,陈建峰,温宁,王洁欣
Facile Preparation of Controllable-Aspect-Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with High-Gravity Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-03-01
140. DOI
Jiangyong Liu,Chenxin Ran,蒲源,王洁欣,王丹,陈建峰
Silver/graphene nanocomposites as catalysts for the reduction of p‐nitrophenol to p‐aminophenol: Materials preparation and reaction kinetics studies[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2017-02-08
141. DOI
Han Peng,Di Zhang,孙宝昌,罗勇,吕珊珊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Synthesis of protein/hydroxyapatite nano-composites by a high-gravity co-precipitation method[期刊论文],RSC Advances,2016-12-31
142. DOI
Han, Xing-Wei,Meng, Xiang-Zhen,Zhang, Jie,王洁欣,Huang, Hai-Feng,曾晓飞,陈建峰
Ultrafast Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide by a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
143. DOI
蒲源,Yinhua Li,王丹,Foster,王洁欣,陈建峰
A green route to beclometasone dipropionate nanoparticles via solvent anti-solvent precipitation by using subcritical water as the solvent[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2016-11-09
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Han, Xingwei,曾晓飞,王洁欣,Kong, Dejia,Foster, N. R.,陈建峰
Transparent flexible ZnO/MWCNTs/pbma ternary nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties[期刊论文],Science China-Chemistry,2016-08-01
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Synthesis of transparent dispersion of monodispersed silver nanoparticles with excellent conductive performance using high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-07-15
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Li, Caixia,Wang, Wenlong,Xi, Yuewei,王洁欣,Chen, Jian-Feng,Yun, Jimmy,乐园
Design, preparation and characterization of cyclic RGDfK peptide modified poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) micelle for targeted delivery[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016-07-01
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Preparation of amorphous drug nanoparticles by high-gravity reactive precipitation technique[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
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Accelerated desulphurization of waste lead battery paste in a high-gravity rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-06-01
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In situ incorporation of monodisperse drug nanoparticles into hydrogel scaffolds for hydrophobic drug release[期刊论文],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016-03-10
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La Aru,Zhi Qian,Yi Gao,邵磊,王洁欣,陈建峰
Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
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Removal of nitric oxide in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by ferrous chelate solution[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2016-03-03
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Synergistic effect of PEGylated resveratrol on delivery of anticancer drugs[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2016-02-10
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Doxorubicin-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric blends for synergistic cancer treatment[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
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Dual-responsive star-shaped polypeptides for drug delivery[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
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Design and synthesis of pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION,2016-01-01
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Wang, Miao,Han, Xing-Wei,Liu, Long,曾晓飞,邹海魁,王洁欣,陈建峰
Transparent Aqueous Mg(OH)(2) Nanodispersion for Transparent and Flexible Polymer Film with Enhanced Flame-Retardant Property[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-12-30
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Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles prepared by a high-gravity precipitation method[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2015-12-01
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Miaomiao Bai,Jianfeng Chen,毋伟,曾晓飞,王洁欣,邹海魁
Preparation of stable aqueous dispersion of edge-oxidized graphene and its transparent conductive films[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-11-27
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Selective absorption of H2S from a gas mixture with CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2015-09-01
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Kuang, Yun-Yun,Zhang, Zhi-Bing,Xie, Miao-Ling,王洁欣,乐园,Chen, Jian-Feng
Large-Scale Preparation of Amorphous Cefixime Nanoparticles by Antisolvent Precipitation in a High-Gravity Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-08-26
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王洁欣,Qian Sun,Bo Chen,Xi Wu,曾晓飞,Cong Zhang,邹海魁,陈建峰
Transparent ‘solution’ of ultrathin magnesium hydroxide nanocrystals for flexible and transparent nanocomposite films[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2015-04-22
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Green preparation of uniform prednisolone nanoparticles using subcritical water[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-03-01
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Preparation of Transparent Suspension of Lamellar Magnesium. Hydroxide Nanocrystals Using a High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation Combined with Surface Modification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-21
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Tan, Jiawei,Liang, Yan,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Facile synthesis of CdTe-based quantum dots promoted by mercaptosuccinic acid and hydrazine[期刊论文],NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2015-01-01
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Poly(lactic acid)/chitosan hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drug[期刊论文],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2015-01-01
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孙宝昌,Gao, Meiping,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,Chen, Jianfeng,孟洪,邵磊
Ozonation of Acid Red 14 in the Presence of Inorganic Salts in a Microporous Tube- in -Tube Microchannel Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-12-10
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Liang, Yan,Tan, Jiawei,王洁欣,陈建峰,孙宝昌,邵磊
Erythorbic acid promoted formation of CdS QDs in a tube-in-tube micro-channel reactor[期刊论文],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2014-12-01
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孙宝昌,Li, Pengfei,Liang, Yan,Arowo, Moses,王洁欣,孟洪,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
Oxidation of ammonium sulfite by oxygen in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2014-10-01
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Liang, Zuozhang,Yi, Qinhua,Wang, Wei,Han, Xianglong,Chen, Jianfeng,乐园,王洁欣,薛春瑜,赵宏
A systematic study of solvent effect on the crystal habit of dirithromycin solvates by computer simulation[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2014-03-05
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张亮亮,王洁欣,刘志平,Lu, Ying,Chu, Guang-Wen,Wang, Wen-Chuan,Chen, Jian-Feng
Efficient capture of carbon dioxide with novel mass - transfer intensification device using ionic liquids[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2013-08-01
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Crystal structure and habit of dirithromycin acetone solvate: A combined experimental and simulative study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,2013-06-01
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Resveratrol nanodispersion with high stability and dissolution rate[期刊论文],LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013-03-01
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Development of stabilized itraconazole nanodispersions by using high-gravity technique[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-12-01
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Engineering drug ultrafine particles of beclomethasone dipropionate for dry powder inhalation[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS,2012-10-15
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Irbesartan Drug Formulated as Nanocomposite Particles for the Enhancement of the Dissolution Rate[期刊论文],PARTICUOLOGY,2012-10-05
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Preparation of azithromycin nanosuspensions by reactive precipitation method[期刊论文],DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY,2012-07-01
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Y型微通道内聚乳酸 - 羟基乙酸共聚物纳米分散体的制备[期刊论文],北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2012-01-20
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