入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2002-09-01 |
2005-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1995-09-01 |
1998-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1990-09-01 |
1994-07-01 |
河北轻化工学院 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2005-07-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
1994-07-01 |
1995-08-01 |
河北制药厂 |
1998-07-01 |
2002-08-01 |
河北科技大学 |
2013-07-08 |
2014-01-08 |
英国利物浦大学 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
质量传递与单元操作 |
2023 |
56 |
30 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2023 |
32 |
135 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2022 |
32 |
17 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2022 |
32 |
30 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2021 |
32 |
84 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2020 |
32 |
30 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2020 |
48 |
90 |
专业必修 |
传递过程原理 |
2019 |
48 |
84 |
专业必修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2024 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2023 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2022 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2021 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2020 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2019 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2019 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2018 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2018 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2017 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2016 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2015 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2014 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
传递过程原理(II) |
2014 |
48 |
D专业选修课 |
- 1. 聚合物在超临界流体中溶解度的研究 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2015-12-31
- 1. 用于CO2捕集的MOFs/聚丙烯酸酯多孔材料复合结构设计与可控合成 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31
- 2. XJZ2022110046 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
- 3. XJZ202211004601 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-31 至 2026-08-31
- 4. 新型吸附分离材料制备与超净排放装备开发 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2021-10-12 至 2024-06-30
- 5. BHJG2020030 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-12-10 至 2023-12-31
- 6. 膜材料表面调控用微纳材料研究 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2019-08-01 至 2022-07-31
- 7. 对光稳定性好利用率高的纳米ZnO复合材料成型机理和降解染料废水机理 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 8. 超(亚)临界R134a中聚苯乙烯发泡行为的平衡与非平衡性质研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31
- 9. 米诺环素的质量研究 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2016-12-31
- 10. 亚(超)临界流体R134a的相平衡和界面现象研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2015-12-31
- 11. 应用分子拓扑理论研究超临界流体体系的相平衡 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2010-12-31
- 1. 北京化工大学—河北泽世康环保科技有限公司新材料联合研发中心 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-03-06 至 2026-03-05
- 2. 低浓度烟气吸附剂开发及机理研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-06-30 至 2023-06-30
- 3. 多级孔Y型分子筛的合成及其改性研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-08-11 至 2022-12-31
- 4. 一步法制备合成介微孔ZSM-5分子筛技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-04 至 2022-12-31
- 5. 原位晶化高稳定性多级孔ZSM-5分子筛合成 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-05-28 至 2022-12-31
- 6. JG2021007 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2021-01-16 至 2021-07-31
- 7. 低成本高稳定性介孔分子筛的工业化合成技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-07-05 至 2018-07-31
- 8. 新型超临界流体萃取工艺开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-05-28 至 2023-05-31
- 9. 分子筛和载体一体化复合材料的合成规律研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-08-16 至 2018-10-30
- 10. 介-微孔Y型分子筛合成放大研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-07-15 至 2021-01-31
- 11. 从银杏叶中提取银杏黄酮的工艺研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2018-12-30
- 12. 高纯马来酸的纯化 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-05-26 至 2016-12-30
- 13. BHT等抗氧化性能测试 ,项目时间:2012-07-01 至 2012-12-30
- 14. 高纯试剂颗粒度分析测试 ,项目时间:2012-06-29 至 2012-12-30
- 15. 模板剂的脱除工艺研究 ,项目时间:2011-01-01 至 2011-12-31
- 16. 柴油硫形态分布及含量测定软件的开发 ,项目时间:2010-07-01 至 2010-12-30
- 17. 运动粘度对润滑脂的影响研究 ,项目时间:2009-11-04 至 2010-11-04
- 18. 用于润滑脂制备的新型抗氧化剂的开发 ,项目时间:2009-09-01 至 2010-09-30
- 19. HB的超临界萃取工艺研究 ,项目时间:2006-09-08 至 2006-12-08
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
1. DOI
张信嘉,李艳超,密建国,Kang, Xiuqing,金君素
Efficient water adsorption of UiO-66 at low pressure using confined growth and ligand exchange strategies[期刊论文],Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2023-06-01
2. DOI
李铁炎,于航,密建国,李春喜,Meng, Hong,金君素
Highly hydrophilic acrylate copolymer supported MIL-160 for air water harvesting[期刊论文],Chemical Physics Letters,2023-04-01
3. DOI
迟舒丹,Ye, Yi,Zhao, Xinglei,刘君腾,金君素,杜乐,密建国
Porous molecular sieve polymer composite with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and hydrophobicity[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2023-02-15
4. DOI
于航,李铁炎,杨星达,李春喜,密建国,Meng, Hong,金君素
Hydrophobic carbon-based coating on metal tube with efficient and stable adsorption–desorption of CO2 from wet flue gas[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-02-15
5. DOI
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on Macroporous Core-Sheath Copolymer Beads with a Robust Framework for Stable CO2 Capture under Low-Temperature Regeneration[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2023-01-11
6. DOI
7. DOI
张信嘉,王雅琦,密建国,金君素,Meng, Hong
Dual hydrophobic modification on MIL-101(Cr) with outstanding toluene removal under high relative humidity[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023-01-01
8. DOI
UiO-66 acted as the electron-energy platform to assist construction of cascade Z-scheme heterojunction boosting directed charge transfer[期刊论文],Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022-12-20
9. DOI
刘学生,赵翔宇,Meng, Hong,金君素
Dual MOFs composites: MIL-53 coated with amorphous UiO-66 for enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of tetracycline and methylene blue[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2022-12-01
10. DOI
11. DOI
刘学生,金君素,Meng, Hong
In situ Growth of UiO-66 with Its Particle Size Reduced by 90% into Porous Polyacrylate: Experiments and Applications[期刊论文],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2022-06-15
12. DOI
13. DOI
14. DOI
吴浩,王璞,杜乐,金君素,密建国,Yun, Jimmy
Design of High-Humidity-Proof Hierarchical Porous P-ZIF-67(Co)-Polymer Composite Materials by Surface Modification for Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-03-16
15. DOI
冯婉茹,吴浩,金君素,刘大欢,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,密建国
Transformation of Al-CDC from 3D crystals to 2D nanosheets in macroporous polyacrylates with enhanced CH4/N2 separation efficiency and stability[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-01
16. DOI
In situ growth of MIL-88A into polyacrylate and its application in highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021-10-30
17. DOI
段成,杨川箬,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
CO2 Adsorption by Porous Polyester With Soild Amine[期刊论文],Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,2021-09-20
18. DOI
杨川箬,熊宇昕,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Amine-functionalized micron-porous polymer foams with high CO2 adsorption efficiency and exceptional stability in PSA process[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-15
19. DOI
贾亚亚,Li, Jialin,Wang, Yubo,金君素,刘洪涛
Preparation and properties of optical acrylate modified with sulfur-containing cyclophosphazene polymer[期刊论文],PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS,2021-07-01
20. DOI
郭萌芝,吴浩,Li Lv,孟洪,Yun, Jimmy,金君素,密建国
A Highly Efficient and Stable Composite of Polyacrylate and Metal-Organic Framework Prepared by Interface Engineering for Direct Air Capture[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021-05-12
21. DOI
22. DOI
23. DOI
24. DOI
Guo, Mengzhi,Liang, Shengke,刘君腾,金君素,密建国
Epoxide-Functionalization of Grafted Tetraethylenepentamine on the Framework of an Acrylate Copolymer as a CO2 Sorbent with Long Cycle Stability[期刊论文],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2020-03-09
25. DOI
Liu, Xuesheng,Li, Xueli,Liu, Xuewei,He, Sisi,金君素,孟洪
Green preparation of Ag-ZnO-rGO nanoparticles for efficient adsorption and photodegradation activity[期刊论文],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2020-01-02
26. DOI
Yang, Chuanruo,Du, Zhilin,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Epoxide-functionalized tetraethylenepentamine encapsulated into porous copolymer spheres for CO2 capture with superior stability[期刊论文],Appl. Energy,2020-01-01
27. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Bai, Lu,Chen, Jian,金君素,密建国
Grafting Poly(ethyleneimine) on the Pore Surface of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-trimethylolpropane triacrylate) for Preparation of the CO2 Sorbent[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2019-12-01
28. DOI
Jia, Yaya,Shi, Bingjie,金君素,Li, Jichao
High refractive index polythiourethane networks with high mechanical property via thiol-isocyanate click reaction[期刊论文],POLYMER,2019-10-10
29. DOI
30. DOI
Guo, Lintao,Qu, Mingjie,金君素,孟洪
Solubility of cinnamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: Experimental data and modelling[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2019-01-25
31. DOI
32. DOI
Li, Xueli,He, Sisi,Liu, Xuesheng,金君素,孟洪
Polymer-assisted freeze-drying synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2019-01-01
33. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,Mu, Yuanyuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Recent developments and consideration issues in solid adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-11-01
34. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
35. DOI
Nie, Lijuan,金君素,Chen, Jian,密建国
Preparation and performance of amine-based polyacrylamide composite beads for CO2 capture[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-10-15
36. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
37. DOI
金君素,Qu, Mingjie,Wang, Hailun,孟洪
Experimental Determination and Modeling of Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2018-10-01
38. DOI
Qiao, Ruiqi,Yue, Kun,Luo, Chengjingyan,金君素,任钟旗,李群生
\Effect of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids on the isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium behavior of ethanol plus dimethyl carbonate at 101.3 kPa[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2018-09-25
39. DOI
40. DOI
41. DOI
金君素,Guo, Lintao,Chang, Chengwei,孟洪
Solubility of polystyrene with various molecular weights in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane: experiment and modified model[期刊论文],POLYMER INTERNATIONAL,2018-06-01
42. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Wang, Yubo,金君素,Qin, Liren
Determination and modelling for solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-04-01
43. DOI
Sang, Jiarong,金君素,密建国
Solubility prediction of naphthalene in carbon dioxide from crystal microstructure[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018-03-07
44. DOI
45. DOI
46. DOI
赵洪康,Li, Lun,金君素,李群生
CFD simulation of sieve-fixed valve tray hydrodynamics[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2018-01-01
47. DOI
金君素,刘洪涛,徐春艳,张敬畅,Jia Zhao,Xionghou Gao,Honghai Liu,Qingting Meng,Xiaotong Mi,FanHu
A ternary balance of chemical-anchoring/self-assembly/crystallization: The key to the construction of intracrystalline mesopores.[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,,2017-08-28
48. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
49. DOI
金君素,Lin-Tao Guo,Cheng-Wei Chang,孟洪
Determination and Correlation of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Solubility in Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2017-08-24
50. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
51. DOI
Jiarong Sang,Hailun Wang,金君素,孟洪
Comparison and modelling of rutin solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetra?uoroethane[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2017-06-11
52. DOI
Simplified calculation of solubility of solid solutes in supercritical carbon dioxide by EoS models[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2017-01-25
53. DOI
Wang, Hai-lun,Sang, Jia-rong,Guo, Lin-tao,Zhu, Jing,金君素
Solubility of Polyacrylamide in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2017-01-01
54. DOI
Wang, Zhen,Liu, Honghai,Meng, Qingting,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Mi, Xiaotong,Gao, Xionghou,刘洪涛
Fabrication of intracrystalline mesopores within zeolite Y with greatly decreased templates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2017-01-01
55. DOI
56. DOI
57. DOI
58. DOI
59. DOI
Determination and modelling of solubility of o-aminobenzamide and its mixture with o-nitrobenzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of CO2 Utilization,2016-06-01
60. DOI
Measurement and modeling for solubility of 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde and its mixture with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],Fluid Phase Equilibria,2016-02-15
61. DOI
62. DOI
Solubilities of hydroxybenzaldehyde isomers and their mixture in subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],Thermochimica Acta,2016-01-20
63. DOI
Liu, Bolin,You, Yangguang,Zhang, Haifei,吴浩,金君素,刘洪涛
Synthesis of ZnO nano-powders via a novel PVA-assisted freeze-drying process[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
64. DOI
金君素,Chengwei Chang,Jing Zhu,吴浩,Zeting Zhang
Solubility of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Different Molecular Weights in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2015-11-15
65. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Chang, Chengwei,吴浩,金君素
Solubility of polyvinyl alcohol in supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2015-10-25
66. DOI
阿维菌素B 1a 纯物质的制备纯化研究[期刊论文],化学通报,2015-09-18
67. DOI
Ahmed, Adham,Forster, Mark,金君素,Myers, Peter,Zhang, Haifei
Tuning Morphology of Nanostructured ZIF-8 on Silica Microspheres and Applications in Liquid Chromatography and Dye Degradation[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2015-08-19
68. DOI
69. DOI
70. DOI
Zhu, Jing,Li, Mengxi,Zhang, Haifei,Ning, Yanying,金君素
Determination and calculation for solubility of m-nitroaniline and its mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2014-12-01
71. DOI
Cao, Li,Zhao, Xiaozheng,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
Crystal-Seeds-Based Strategy for the Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with a Largely Decreased H2O Amount[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-05
72. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Su, Guang-xun,Xu, Chun-yan,Zhang, Ze-ting,Gao, Xiong-hou,Liu, Hong-hai,Liu, Hong-tao
A facile strategy to recycle template P123 from mesoporous aluminosilicates by ultrasonic extraction[期刊论文],ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2014-09-01
73. DOI
金君素,Fan, Xing,Zhang, Haifei,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of 4-Aminosalicylic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-06-01
74. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yi-wei,Zhang, Hai-fei,Fan, Xing,Wu, Hao
Solubility of 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2014-05-01
75. DOI
金君素,Peng, Chaoyun,Wang, Jiujiang,Liu, Hongtao,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Xu, Chunyan
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Zeolite Y with Improved Catalytic Performance for Heavy Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-02-26
76. DOI
Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,金君素,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Liu, Honghai,Lan, Ling,Yuan, Xiaoliang,Liu, Hongtao
A multiple-assembly/one-pot-crystallization strategy for a relatively more eco-friendly synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
77. DOI
金君素,Cao, Li,Hu, Qingxun,Xu, Chunyan,Gao, Xionghou,Feng, Wei,Liu, Honghai,Liu, Hongtao
An efficient synthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with significant decreased organic templates by a seed-assisted approach[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014-01-01
78. DOI
79. DOI
Li, Ying,Ning, Yanying,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Solubility of 3-Aminobenzoic Acid in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified by Ethanol[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-08-01
80. DOI
81. DOI
82. DOI
Liu Pan-Pan,Quan Can,Li Hong-Mei,金君素
Characterization of Nanoparticle Diameter by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2013-07-01
83. DOI
金君素,Ning, Yan-ying,Hu, Kai,Wu, Hao,Zhang, Ze-ting
Solubility of p-Nitroaniline in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Mixed Cosolvents[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA,2013-06-01
84. DOI
Li, Ying,Tang, Zhao,金君素,Zhang, Zeting
Binary and ternary solubility of amino- and nitro-benzoic acids in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA,2013-04-25
85. DOI
86. DOI
金君素,Wang, Yubo,Liu, Hongtao,Zhang, Zeting
Determination and calculation of solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2013-01-01
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- 5. 新型导向筛浮塔板与高效S型填料的研究开发及其工业应用 ,2017-11-30 00:00:00 ,社会科技奖励 ,二等奖
- 6. 高纯/超高纯化学品精馏关键技术与工业应用 ,2021-09-23 00:00:00 ,国家级科技奖励 ,二等奖