

研究方向 : 热化学转化与过程强化、移动床和流化床技术、微波热解、炭基材料、生物燃料合成、固体废物清洁转化与综合利用、气体净化与CO2捕集、工艺过程模拟与优化等
教授 实验室负责人
部门 : 化学工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业


代建军,男,北京化工大学海外高层次引进人才,化学工程学院教授、博士生导师,有机无机复合材料国家重点实验室成员,生物质能源与环境工程技术研究中心成员,废弃物处置与热化学转化及过程强化实验室负责人。2007年获得加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学化工系博士学位,主要研究领域包括:热化学转化及过程强化技术、多相流反应器、固体废物清洁转化与综合利用、废弃物处理与热解气化技术、微波热解、生物炭与活性炭及炭基材料、生物燃料合成、气体净化和CO2捕集等,担任生物质预处理和进料系统、螺杆移动床热解、生物天然气制备、流化床气化与热解、微波热解、糠醛渣与城乡垃圾立式气化炉、双床热解气化一体化系统等项目的设计和研究负责人,在加拿大有10余年科学研究与工程经验,并有6年中国石化集团设备国产化、工程及经济评估经验,曾获得加拿大阿尔伯特省独创性研究奖励基金(加拿大碳工程公司)、加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会合作研究基金(G4 Insights Inc.)、2024年中国产学研工匠精神奖、中国发明协会2024年发明创新奖二等奖,第一发明人授权专利30件,第一或联系作者SCI文章60余篇,中国-加拿大生物质能源研究创新中心成员、中希生物能源国际联合实验室成员、工信部工业节能与绿色发展评价中心成员、科技部“煤炭清洁高效利用和新型节能技术”专家成员、首都工程教育发展研究基地兼职研究人员、加拿大注册专业工程师、加拿大阿尔伯特省工程师协会会员。


入学时间 毕业时间 学位授予单位 学历
2003-01-02 2007-05-30 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 博士研究生毕业
1993-09-01 1996-03-30 天津大学 硕士研究生毕业
1989-09-01 1993-07-01 天津大学 大学本科毕业
1989-09-01 1993-07-01 天津大学 大学本科毕业


起始年月 截止年月 所在单位名称
2015-08-01 至今 北京化工大学
2011-09-30 2015-06-15 G4 Insights Inc.
2008-12-01 2011-09-30 Carbon Engineering Ltd.
2003-01-02 2008-12-01 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学
1996-04-15 2002-12-30 中国石化集团物资装备部(国产化办公室、设备监造中心)















课程名称 开课学年 课程总学时 选课人数 课程性质
化工设计 2023 14 60 实践环节必修
化工过程与系统设计 2023 32 30 专业必修
化工设计基础 2023 32 64 专业必修
化工过程与系统设计 2022 32 30 专业必修
化工设计基础 2022 32 61 专业必修
化工过程与系统设计 2021 32 30 专业必修
化工设计基础与实践 2021 48 29 专业必修
化工设计基础 2020 32 55 专业必修
化工设计(Ⅱ) 2019 48 19 专业必修
化工设计基础 2019 32 25 专业必修



  • 1. 城乡干垃圾热解和热解气原位重整提质一体化技术研发 ,化学工程学院,项目时间:2024-03-01 至 2024-12-01


  • 1. 典型生物质热解气化高值利用技术研究及产品装置开发应用 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2019-09-30 至 2022-09-29


  • 1. 电子级气体净化及气体提纯的工艺研发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-06-03 至 2025-06-02
  • 2. 低残值混杂型废旧塑料热解生产线建设咨询 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-04-15 至 2025-04-15
  • 3. 生物质热解活化燃烧器的开发与炭基材料测试分析 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-25 至 2023-12-25
  • 4. 基于生物质热解活化的炭基材料制备技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-09-03 至 2024-09-02
  • 5. 含聚污油泥热解机理及模型研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-09-27 至 2020-09-27
  • 6. 绿色制造体系技术服务合同 ,其他课题,项目时间:2018-06-01 至 2018-12-30
  • 7. 锅炉堆积残渣测试与成分表征分析 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-12-06 至 2018-02-10
  • 8. 内热立式垃圾全气化炉 ,项目时间:2016-01-08 至 2019-01-07


  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
  • 55. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,敖文雅,付洁,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,刘洋,刘广青,陈晓春,代建军, 代建军
[+][-] 2024年
  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
  • 55. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,敖文雅,付洁,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,刘洋,刘广青,陈晓春,代建军, 代建军
[+][-] 2023年
  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
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    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
  • 55. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,敖文雅,付洁,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,刘洋,刘广青,陈晓春,代建军, 代建军
  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
  • 55. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,敖文雅,付洁,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,刘洋,刘广青,陈晓春,代建军, 代建军
  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
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    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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  • 1. DOI 刘成龙,苑仁鲁,袁延欣,侯若洋,刘阳,敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于梦研,宋怀河,代建军
    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
  • 2. DOI 李雪光,于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘广青,代建军,周春宝,刘阳,付洁,张潆文,姚邦
    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
  • 4. DOI 姚邦,康秦豪,付洁,刘洋,敖文雅,王龙,蒋智慧,张天昊,宋勇猛,邓泽宇,Asif Ali Siyal,代建军
    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
  • 9. DOI 敖文雅,Cheng, Long,张旭瑞,付洁,刘洋,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    One-step preparation of char-supported iron nanocatalysts under microwave irradiation and their application for tar removal[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022-08-01
  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
  • 11. DOI 敖文雅,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,刘洋,刘成龙,付洁,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao,袁延欣,金雅杰
    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
  • 16. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,刘洋,张天昊,李祥通,王龙,代建军,Qu, Junshen,张昌发,于梦研,袁延欣,金雅杰,于贺杰,付洁
    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
  • 19. DOI Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian,刘洋,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通
    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
  • 20. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,张天昊,蒋智慧,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,敖文雅,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
  • 55. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,敖文雅,付洁,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,刘洋,刘广青,陈晓春,代建军, 代建军
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    An environment-friendly strategy to prepare oxygen-nitrogen-sulfur doped mesopore-dominant porous carbons for symmetric supercapacitors[期刊论文],Fuel,2023-07-15
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    Co-pyrolysis of soybean soapstock with iron slag/aluminum scrap, and characterization and analysis of their products[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
  • 3. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali , Mahdi Hassan,周春宝,李祥通,Imran Ahmed,Ahsanuallah Soomro,刘广青,代建军
    Characterization and quality analysis of biomass pellets prepared from furfural residue, sawdust, corn stalk and sewage sludge[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2022-12-11
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    Catalytic hydrolysis of corncob for production of furfural and cellulose-rich solids: Product characterization and analysis[期刊论文],Biomass and Bioenergy,2022-11-13
  • 5. DOI 周春宝,陈雷,刘成龙,王君,邢旭洋,刘洋,陈远祥,晁莉,代建军,张潆文,于梦研,袁延欣,姚邦,李严
    Interconnected pyrolysis and gasification of typical biomass in a novel dual fluidized bed[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-11-01
  • 6. DOI 于梦研,张昌发,李祥通,刘洋,李雪光,Qu, Junshen,代建军,周春宝,袁延欣,金雅杰,张潆文,付洁,于贺杰,王龙,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soapstock in fluidized bed: Characteristics of thermal decomposition and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-10
  • 7. DOI 周春宝,邓泽宇,张潆文,李雪光,刘洋,付洁,陈磊,袁延欣,金雅杰,代建军,于梦研,张昌发,刘成龙,敖文雅,Li, Yan
    Pyrolysis of typical solid wastes in a continuously operated microwave-assisted auger pyrolyser: Char characterization, analysis and energy balance[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-08-22
  • 8. DOI 刘洋,蒋智慧,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,代建军,于梦研,张潆文,金雅杰,袁延欣,张昌发
    Iron-biochar production from oily sludge pyrolysis and its application for organic dyes removal[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-08-01
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  • 10. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,付洁,敖文雅,Ali Siyal, Asif,周春宝,刘成龙,于梦研,张潆文,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass: Synergistic effects on products characteristics and kinetics[期刊论文],Energy Conversion and Management,2022-07-25
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    TiO2/activated carbon synthesized by microwave-assisted heating for tetracycline photodegradation[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2022-07-04
  • 12. DOI 张昌发,于梦研,李祥通,李雪光,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,金雅杰,代建军,王龙,周春宝,张潆文,袁延欣,Qu, Junshen,于贺杰,付洁,刘成龙,Li, Yan
    Disposal, regeneration and pyrolysis products characterization of spent bleaching clay from vegetable oil refinery in a fluidized bed pyrolyser[期刊论文],Journal of Cleaner Production,2022-04-20
  • 13. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,Babar Ali,毛笑,Sakhawat Hussain,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of pellets prepared from pure and blended biomass feedstocks: Characterization and analysis of pellets quality[期刊论文],Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021-12-18
  • 14. DOI 张潆文,周春宝,邓泽宇,李雪光,刘洋,瞿隽申,李祥通,王龙,代建军,付洁,张昌发,于梦妍,于贺杰
    Influence of corn straw on distribution and migration of nitrogen and heavy metals during microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],Science of The Total Environment,2021-12-06
  • 15. DOI 云慧敏,代建军,李辉,毕晓涛
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    Product characteristics and potential energy recovery for microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards in a continuously operated auger pyrolyser[期刊论文],Energy,2021-10-19
  • 17. DOI 于贺杰,Qu, Junshen,刘洋,云慧敏,李祥通,周春宝,金雅杰,张昌发,代建军,Bi, Xiaotao
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass and polyvinyl chloride under microwave irradiation: Distribution of chlorine[期刊论文],Science of the Total Environment,2021-10-06
  • 18. DOI 付洁,毛笑,Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,敖文雅,刘广青,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue pellets: Physicochemical characteristics of pyrolytic pellets and pyrolysis kinetics[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2021-08-05
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    Petroleum oil and products recovery from oily sludge: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2021-07-07
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    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of oily sludge from offshore oilfield for recovery of high-quality products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-02
  • 21. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Siyal, Zafar Ali,冉春梅,敖文雅,付洁,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,刘广青,代建军
    Co-pelletization of sewage sludge, furfural residue and corn stalk: Characteristics and quality analysis of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-05-16
  • 22. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,毛笑,刘洋,敖文雅,蒋智慧,Wahab, Nasrul,冉春梅,张瑞红,刘广青,代建军
    Pellet production from furfural residue and sawdust: Evaluating the characteristics and quality of pellets and their dependency on process parameters[期刊论文],BIOMASS & BIOENERGY,2021-04-18
  • 23. DOI 刘洋,于贺杰,蒋智慧,宋永猛,张天昊,Siyal, Asif Ali,代建军,毕晓涛,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,王龙,李祥通,Jin, Xiaoxia,Teng, Dayong,Fang, Jian
    Microwave pyrolysis of oily sludge under different control modes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-04-10
  • 24. DOI 付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,Wahab, Nasarul,毛笑,冉春梅,刘洋,刘广青,Ellis, Naoko,代建军
    Comparison and analysis of one- and two-step activation for preparation of activated carbon from furfural residues[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2021-03-09
  • 25. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Wahab, Nasarul,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021-03-01
  • 26. DOI 刘洋,宋永猛,冉春梅,Siyal, Asif Ali,蒋智慧,Chtaeva, Polina,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,周春宝,李祥通,王龙,代建军
    Characterization and analysis of condensates and non-condensable gases from furfural residue via fast pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2021-02-13
  • 27. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Siyal, Asif Ali,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Polina, Chtaeva
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-01-15
  • 28. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Review of pyrolysis for waste tires and research prospects of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2021-01-05
  • 29. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,刘洋,毛笑,Ali, Babar,Husaain, Sakhawat,代建军,张天昊,付洁,刘广青
    Characterization and quality analysis of wood pellets: effect of pelletization and torrefaction process variables on quality of pellets[期刊论文],BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY,2020-12-21
  • 30. DOI 周春宝,张潆文,刘洋,邓泽宇,李祥通,王龙,代建军,宋永猛,蒋智慧,瞿隽申,Asif Ali Siyal
    Co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and red wood waste in a continuously operated auger reactor under microwave irradiation[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-11-18
  • 31. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Chtaeva, Polina,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,代建军,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao
    Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor: Characteristics of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020-11-01
  • 32. DOI 敖文雅,付洁,毛笑,Nasarul Wahab,冉春梅,康秦豪,刘洋,蒋智慧,代建军,毕晓涛
    Characterization and analysis of activated carbons prepared from furfural residues by microwave-assisted pyrolysis and activation[期刊论文],Fuel Processing Technology,2020-10-11
  • 33. DOI 刘洋,代建军
    Pyrolysis of furfural residue in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-09-26
  • 34. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siyal, Asif Ali,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,代建军,Chtaeva, Polina,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Deng, Zeyu,Zhang, Tianhao
    Comparative study for fluidized bed pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and municipal sewage sludge[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-09-05
  • 35. DOI 蒋智慧,刘洋,宋永猛,邓泽宇,张天昊,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
  • 36. DOI 张天昊,毛笑,瞿隽申,刘洋,Asif Ali Siyal,敖文雅,付洁,代建军,蒋智慧,邓泽宇,宋永猛,王黛莹,Chtaeva Polina
    Microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of waste printed circuit boards, and migration and distribution of bromine[期刊论文],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-08-19
  • 37. DOI Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2020-07-15
  • 38. DOI Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,刘洋,冉春梅,付洁,康秦豪,敖文雅,张瑞红,代建军,刘广青
    Torrefaction subsequent to pelletization: Characterization and analysis of furfural residue and sawdust pellets[期刊论文],Waste Management,2020-05-25
  • 39. DOI 刘洋,冉春梅,Azka R. Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,宋永猛,代建军,Polina Chtaeva,付洁,敖文雅,邓泽宇,蒋智慧,张天昊
    Characterization and analysis of sludge char prepared from benchscale fluidized bed pyrolysis of sewage sludge[期刊论文],ENERGY,2020-03-13
  • 40. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Analysis of products, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019-12-20
  • 41. DOI Kang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,Siyal, Asif Ali,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Deng, Zeyu,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-11-15
  • 42. DOI 康秦豪,毛笑,Asif Ali Siyal,刘洋,冉春梅,邓泽宇,付洁,敖文雅,宋永猛,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: characterization and analyses of condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-08
  • 43. DOI Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Siyal, Asif Ali,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave assisted auger reactor: Comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-09-01
  • 44. DOI 冉春梅,刘洋,Azka Rizwana Siddiqui,Asif Ali Siyal,毛笑,康秦豪,付洁,敖文雅,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: comparison, migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-05-30
  • 45. DOI Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Liu, Yang,Siyal, Asif Ali,Ao, Wenya,Ran, Chunmei,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of furfural residue in a continuously operated auger reactor: Biochar characterization and analysis[期刊论文],ENERGY,2019-02-01
  • 46. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed: Characterization and analysis of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],ENERGY,2018-12-15
  • 47. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-10-05
  • 48. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Li, Jing,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 49. DOI Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave assisted preparation of activated carbon from biomass: A review[期刊论文],RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2018-09-01
  • 50. DOI 张贺东,高作鹏,刘洋,冉春梅,毛笑,康秦豪,敖文雅,付洁,李晶,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 51. DOI Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Ao, Wenya,Fu, Jie,李敬,刘广青,代建军
    Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge, and migration and distribution of heavy metals[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-08-05
  • 52. DOI Liu, Yang,Ran, Chunmei,Siddiqui, Azka Rizwana,Mao, Xiao,Kang, Qinhao,Fu, Jie,Deng, Zeyu,Song, Yongmeng,Jiang, Zhihui,Zhang, Tianhao,代建军
    Pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in fluidized bed and microwave-assisted auger reactor: Comparison and characterization of pyrolysis products[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-07-11
  • 53. DOI Gao, Zuopeng,Zhang, Hedong,Ao, Wenya,Li, Jing,刘广青,陈晓春,Fu, Jie,Ran, Chunmei,Liu, Yang,Rang, Qinhao,Mao, Xiao,代建军
    Microwave pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge in a continuously operated auger reactor: Condensates and non-condensable gases[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-09-01
  • 54. DOI Li, Jing,Zhang, Hedong,Gao, Zuopeng,Fu, Jie,Ao, Wenya,代建军
    CO2 Capture with Chemical Looping Combustion of Gaseous Fuels: An Overview[会议论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2017-04-01
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