入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2002-09-01 |
2007-06-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
1997-09-01 |
2000-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
硕士研究生毕业 |
1993-09-01 |
1997-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
大学本科毕业 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2000-07-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
化工原理实验 |
2023 |
16 |
21 |
实践环节必修 |
化工原理 |
2023 |
48 |
131 |
专业必修 |
化工原理 |
2022 |
48 |
108 |
专业必修 |
化工原理 |
2021 |
64 |
124 |
专业必修 |
化工原理 |
2021 |
64 |
85 |
专业必修 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2021 |
32 |
117 |
公共基础必修 |
化工原理 |
2020 |
64 |
49 |
专业选修 |
化工原理 |
2019 |
64 |
76 |
专业必修 |
- 1. CO2水溶液超重力分散机理研究与关键设备开发 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2026-05-10 至 2026-05-10
- 2. 江西打造炼化一体化及化工新材料先进制造业集群培育提升路径与策略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-06-01 至 2025-05-31
- 3. 大规模高效安全氨储运现状及发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-01 至 2025-02-28
- 4. 新型工业化背景下宁东精细化工科学与技术发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2024-11-30
- 5. 我国化工产业绿色低碳转型发展战略研究 ,中央其他部门社科专门项目,项目时间:2023-04-13 至 2024-04-14
- 6. 金融资本推动原创科技成果转化为生产力的作用机制与对策 ,中央其他部门社科专门项目,项目时间:2023-04-01 至 2024-03-31
- 7. 新型工业化过程中绿色工业发展战略研究 ,中央其他部门社科专门项目,项目时间:2023-04-01 至 2025-03-31
- 8. 化工纳微尺度过程强化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2027-12-31
- 9. 我国安全应急的产业体系与科技发展战略(二) ,中央其他部门社科专门项目,项目时间:2022-03-01 至 2023-02-28
- 10. 精细化工危险化学品生产安全关键流程再造技术及示范 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2021-12-31 至 2024-12-31
- 11. 超重力强化氟化反应流程再造技术与示范 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2021-12-30 至 2024-12-30
- 12. 可重复使用防护制品研制及应用(防护镜、轻量化氧气 瓶及防护系统集成) ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2020-03-25 至 2020-06-25
- 13. 可重复使用防护口罩关键技术及产业化 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2020-02-01 至 2020-06-30
- 14. 面向微纳介尺度过程强化的科学基础及应用 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2021-12-01
- 15. 面向2035绿色制造发展战略研究(管理篇) ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-03-08 至 2021-03-08
- 16. 我国石化工业绿色分子制造科技发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2019-03-08 至 2021-03-08
- 17. 长江经济带石油化工产业的绿色发展战略研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2019-03-08 至 2021-03-08
- 18. 超重力反应器工程 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2018-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 19. 船舶大功率柴油机排放污染物一体化治理关键技术研究 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2020-06-30
- 20. 典型有机基础化学品制备过程强化新技术 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2020-11-30
- 21. 超重力强化石油磺酸盐绿色制备关键技术与示范 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2016-07-01 至 2020-12-12
- 22. 超重力反应器强化调控稠环芳烃加氢裂化耦合反应及机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2015-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 23. 直接法煤制低碳烯烃传递与反应介尺度调控及超重力强化 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2017-12-31
- 24. 硫酸行业尾气二氧化硫深度脱出与资源化利用技术 ,“863”计划,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2014-12-31
- 25. 烟气二氧化碳超重力法捕集纯化技术及应用示范 ,国家科技部,项目时间:2008-03-01 至 2010-12-31
- 1. 一种非稳态聚合物胶乳脱挥技术的研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-12-31 至 2029-12-31
- 2. 超重力法合成钛硅分子筛催化剂及应用 ,自选课题,项目时间:2024-12-02 至 2026-05-30
- 3. 杀菌杀病毒空气滤材应用技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-11-01 至 2026-05-30
- 4. 工业超重力氢甲酰化反应器的设计 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-10-31 至 2027-10-30
- 5. 超大型超重力装备的研发与应用 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-25 至 2026-05-30
- 6. 超重力催化加氢反应器装备开发 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2024-10-25 至 2026-05-30
- 7. 面向有机硅氧烷制备的过程强化新工艺 ,自选课题,项目时间:2024-10-19 至 2026-12-30
- 8. 聚硫辛酸基高分子特种粘合剂的规模化制备及应用 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-10-19 至 2026-12-30
- 9. 超重力用于盐泥碳化技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-07-20 至 2027-12-31
- 10. 富碳天然气中二氧化碳高效捕集及利用新技术 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-07-05 至 2028-12-31
- 11. 超重力乙烯羰基酯化反应器中试技术研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-05-30 至 2026-05-29
- 12. 超重力法甲基氯硅烷水解新技术开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2024-05-11 至 2025-12-31
- 13. 超重力法二甲基聚硅氧烷乳液制备新技术开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2024-04-14 至 2025-12-31
- 14. 超重力强化溶碳(溶解CO2)技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-04-01 至 2026-12-31
- 15. 超重力法2-硝基-4-甲砜基苯甲酸中试技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-02-22 至 2026-12-31
- 16. 超重力法合成磷酸铁前体材料研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-02-19 至 2026-02-18
- 17. 超重力碳酸锂碳化中试研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-02-19 至 2026-12-31
- 18. 利用超重力技术强化多相流传质技术的研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2024-02-01 至 2026-02-01
- 19. 纳米薄片Y型分子筛研究与开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-12-14 至 2029-12-31
- 20. 超重力高效脱除酸性气(AGR)绿色技术研究-超重力反应器设计开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-11-30 至 2029-11-30
- 21. 超重力强化分子筛可控制备工业化技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-11-01 至 2025-09-30
- 22. 超重力旋转床强化液化气脱硫及脱硫醇技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-10-26 至 2026-12-31
- 23. 超重力精馏技术合作协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-10-18 至 2038-10-18
- 24. 北京化工大学-浙江建信佳人新材料有限公司 超重力应用技术联合研发中心协议 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-10-09 至 2026-10-31
- 25. 北京化工大学-唐山三友化工股份有限公司 超重力应用技术联合研发中心协议 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2023-09-10 至 2026-12-31
- 26. 超重力乙烯焦油氧化反应器中试技术研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:2023-08-31 至 2025-08-30
- 27. 基于络合吸附法联合精馏提纯技术去除多晶硅中痕量杂质的研究与应用 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-08-01 至 2025-06-30
- 28. 设计和供应四台超重力旋转填充床装置 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2023-05-04 至 2027-05-03
- 29. 超重力强化分散蓝GW偶合反应的中试研究 ,其他课题,项目时间:2023-04-01 至 2025-03-31
- 30. 烟气来源4万吨/年和20万吨/年CO2分离流程设计 ,国际合作项目,项目时间:2023-01-01 至 2023-05-30
- 31. 设计和供应天然气低温脱碳超重力装置 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-12-07 至 2024-12-06
- 32. 过程强化CO2 捕集设备设计开发及工艺合作技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-06-15 至 2026-06-15
- 33. 硫磺尾气超重力脱硫的适应性改造 ,其他课题,项目时间:2022-06-09 至 2029-06-09
- 34. 超重力乙炔气净化技术研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2022-04-25 至 2026-12-31
- 35. 超重力法合成偏二氯乙烯新技术开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2021-08-27 至 2022-12-31
- 36. 284蓝生产过程超重力强化硝化反应工业化技术开发 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-08-10 至 2022-12-31
- 37. 面向煤化工领域的超重力深度脱硫系统工业化技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-08-01 至 2026-12-31
- 38. 超重力强化丙烯酸脱色(精馏)新技术 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-07-27 至 2024-07-17
- 39. 超重力热法连续酰化制备异丙甲草胺新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-07-21 至 2026-07-21
- 40. 超重力法制备烷基芳基聚醚磺酸盐 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-07-12 至 2031-07-12
- 41. 纳米碳酸钙PVC复合树脂新材料项目 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-06-30 至 2021-12-30
- 42. 超重力强化亚硝化和硝化反应合成6-硝基-1,2,4-酸氧体新技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-06-10 至 2022-12-31
- 43. 工业醋酸废水的超重力精馏过程强化回收利用技术 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-06-08 至 2024-12-31
- 44. II型聚合物超重力溶解实验 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-06-01 至 2025-12-31
- 45. 北京化工大学-北京颖泰嘉和生物科技股份有限公司超重力联合实验室协议 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-01 至 2029-06-01
- 46. I型聚合物超重力实验 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-01 至 2025-12-31
- 47. 超重力强化混氢技术研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-05-25 至 2022-06-30
- 48. 超重力强化烷基化反应合成中间体A和中间体D新技术开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-05-01 至 2024-12-31
- 49. 推进剂废气处理超重力反应器开发 ,自选课题,项目时间:2021-04-30 至 2025-12-31
- 50. R32反应器内构件开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-04-30 至 2025-12-31
- 51. 超重力反应器吸收有机氯化物焚烧炉烟气中氯化氢 ,自选课题,项目时间:2021-04-28 至 2022-04-27
- 52. 北京化工大学-新疆天业(集团)有限公司联合实验室 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-04-01 至 2024-04-01
- 53. 室内空气二氧化碳超重力法深度脱除工艺开发 ,其他课题,项目时间:2021-04-01 至 2024-12-31
- 54. 超重力微气泡强化加氢及反应规律研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2021-03-24 至 2023-06-30
- 55. 超重力法制备电极材料前驱体的技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-03-03 至 2021-12-02
- 56. 超重力法制备汽车革用水性聚氨酯乳液技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 57. 乙二醇富液再生过程强化单元技术研究 ,国家发改委,项目时间:2020-12-07 至 2022-05-31
- 58. 超重力醚化制备丙酮肟甲醚新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-11 至 2025-11-11
- 59. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 60. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 61. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 62. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 63. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 64. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 65. 超重力法丁基橡胶聚合新技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-10 至 2024-12-31
- 66. 超重力丙酮肟甲醚水解新技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2020-07-08 至 2024-07-31
- 67. 制造业绿色发展重大战略研究 ,国务院其他部门,项目时间:2019-06-04 至 2019-10-31
- 68. 生化与高级氧化耦合成套设备与工艺研究开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2019-06-01 至 2020-05-31
- 69. 陕西万邦达水务有限公司污水处理装置二级生化段COD去除效果提升技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-10 至 2019-03-10
- 70. 渤海合作油田PL19-3油田脱硫剂外委检测服务合同 ,项目时间:2015-11-02 至 2015-12-31
- 71. 超重力反应器强化臭氧(高级)氧化工艺研究开发 ,项目时间:2015-05-19 至 2015-12-31
- 72. 球形氯化镁载体研究装置研制 ,项目时间:2015-04-01 至 2015-12-31
- 73. 超重力法脱除硫酸尾气二氧化硫技术研究 ,项目时间:2014-02-20 至 2016-02-20
- 74. 旋转填充床反应器脱除催化剂焙烧尾气中NOx的开发 ,项目时间:2013-07-18 至 2015-12-31
- 75. 超重力法制备有机胺盐粉体新工艺研究 ,项目时间:2013-05-08 至 2014-05-08
- 76. 超重力除尘技术在CO制备技术中的应用预研 ,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2008-12-31
- 77. 超重力缩合反应新工艺及工业化试验用超重力反应器的开发 ,项目时间:2007-01-20 至 2007-12-31
- 78. 超重力技术应用于微生物脱蜡工艺的研究 ,项目时间:2005-07-01 至 2006-07-31
1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
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Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
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Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
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Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
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Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
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Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
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Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
11. DOI
Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
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张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
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田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
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Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
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Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
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Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
21. DOI
Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
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Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
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Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
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Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
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Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
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Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
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刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
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Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
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Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
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Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
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Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
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Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
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Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
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Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
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Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
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42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
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Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
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Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
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马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
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Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
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62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
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Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
71. DOI
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Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
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A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
139. DOI
140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
161. DOI
162. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
164. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
165. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
166. DOI
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
168. DOI
Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
170. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
173. DOI
174. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
175. DOI
Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
177. DOI
Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
178. DOI
Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
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185. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
188. DOI
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
189. DOI
SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
192. DOI
Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
193. DOI
Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
194. DOI
Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
195. DOI
Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
196. DOI
197. DOI
初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
199. DOI
200. DOI
wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
201. DOI
wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
202. DOI
Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
203. DOI
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
2. DOI
Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
3. DOI
Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
4. DOI
Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
5. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
6. DOI
Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
7. DOI
Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
8. DOI
Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
9. DOI
Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
10. DOI
Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
11. DOI
Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
12. DOI
张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
13. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
14. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
15. DOI
CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
16. DOI
田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
17. DOI
Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
18. DOI
Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
19. DOI
Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
20. DOI
Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
21. DOI
Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
22. DOI
Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
23. DOI
Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
24. DOI
Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
25. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
26. DOI
Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
27. DOI
刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
29. DOI
30. DOI
Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
31. DOI
Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
32. DOI
Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
33. DOI
Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
34. DOI
Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
35. DOI
Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
36. DOI
Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
39. DOI
Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
40. DOI
Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
41. DOI
42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
43. DOI
Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
44. DOI
Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
45. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
51. DOI
Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
54. DOI
Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
60. DOI
61. DOI
62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
66. DOI
Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
67. DOI
Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
71. DOI
72. DOI
Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
73. DOI
A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
139. DOI
140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
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Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
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刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
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Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
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Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
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Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
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Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
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Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
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Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
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杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
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A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
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SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
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Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
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Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
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Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
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Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
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初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
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wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
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wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
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Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
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Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
3. DOI
Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
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Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
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Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
9. DOI
Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
10. DOI
Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
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Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
12. DOI
张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
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田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
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Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
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Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
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Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
21. DOI
Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
22. DOI
Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
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Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
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Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
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Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
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Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
27. DOI
刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
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Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
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Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
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Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
34. DOI
Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
35. DOI
Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
36. DOI
Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
39. DOI
Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
40. DOI
Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
41. DOI
42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
43. DOI
Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
44. DOI
Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
45. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
51. DOI
Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
54. DOI
Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
60. DOI
61. DOI
62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
64. DOI
65. DOI
Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
66. DOI
Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
67. DOI
Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
71. DOI
72. DOI
Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
73. DOI
A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
139. DOI
140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
161. DOI
162. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
164. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
165. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
166. DOI
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
168. DOI
Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
170. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
173. DOI
174. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
175. DOI
Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
177. DOI
Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
178. DOI
Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
179. DOI
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182. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
183. DOI
184. DOI
185. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
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A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
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SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
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Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
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Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
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Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
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Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
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初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
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wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
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wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
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Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
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Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
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Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
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Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
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Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
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Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
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Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
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Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
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张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
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田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
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Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
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Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
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Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
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Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
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Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
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Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
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Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
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Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
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Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
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刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
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Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
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Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
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Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
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Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
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Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
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Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
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Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
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Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
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Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
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42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
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Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
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Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
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马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
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Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
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62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
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Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
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Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
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A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
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141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
161. DOI
162. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
164. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
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Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
170. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
173. DOI
174. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
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Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
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Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
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Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
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杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
188. DOI
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
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SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
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Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
193. DOI
Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
194. DOI
Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
195. DOI
Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
196. DOI
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初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
199. DOI
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wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
201. DOI
wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
202. DOI
Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
2. DOI
Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
3. DOI
Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
4. DOI
Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
5. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
6. DOI
Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
7. DOI
Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
8. DOI
Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
9. DOI
Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
10. DOI
Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
11. DOI
Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
12. DOI
张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
13. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
14. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
16. DOI
田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
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Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
18. DOI
Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
19. DOI
Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
20. DOI
Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
21. DOI
Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
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Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
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Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
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Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
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Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
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Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
27. DOI
刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
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Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
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Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
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Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
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Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
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Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
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Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
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Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
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Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
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42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
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Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
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Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
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马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
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Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
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Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
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Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
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62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
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Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
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Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
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Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
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A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
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140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
161. DOI
162. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
164. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
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Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
170. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
173. DOI
174. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
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Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
177. DOI
Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
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Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
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185. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
188. DOI
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
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SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
192. DOI
Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
193. DOI
Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
194. DOI
Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
195. DOI
Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
196. DOI
197. DOI
初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
199. DOI
200. DOI
wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
201. DOI
wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
202. DOI
Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
2. DOI
Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
3. DOI
Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
4. DOI
Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
5. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
6. DOI
Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
7. DOI
Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
8. DOI
Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
9. DOI
Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
10. DOI
Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
11. DOI
Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
12. DOI
张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
13. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
14. DOI
HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
16. DOI
田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
17. DOI
Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
18. DOI
Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
19. DOI
Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
20. DOI
Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
21. DOI
Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
22. DOI
Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
23. DOI
Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
24. DOI
Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
25. DOI
Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
26. DOI
Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
27. DOI
刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
29. DOI
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
31. DOI
Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
32. DOI
Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
33. DOI
Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
34. DOI
Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
35. DOI
Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
36. DOI
Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
39. DOI
Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
40. DOI
Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
41. DOI
42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
43. DOI
Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
44. DOI
Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
45. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
51. DOI
Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
54. DOI
Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
60. DOI
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62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
66. DOI
Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
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Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
71. DOI
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Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
73. DOI
A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
139. DOI
140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
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刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
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刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
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Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
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Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
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Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
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Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
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Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
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Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
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Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
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Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
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Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
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杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
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杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
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A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
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SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
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Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
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Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
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Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
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Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
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初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
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wang wei,邹海魁,邵磊,初广文,向阳,weng zhan,陈建峰
Development of a new preparation technique of bromobutyl rubber: Bromination conditions of butyl rubber in the presence of NaClO and CH2Cl2[期刊论文],J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,2014-02-19
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wang wei,邹海魁,初广文,向阳,peng han,陈建峰
Effects of assistant solvents and mixing intensity on the bromination process of butyl rubber[期刊论文],Chin. J. Chem. Eng.,2013-12-19
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Wei Wang,邹海魁,初广文,zhang weng,陈建峰
Bromination of butyl rubber in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2013-11-07
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1. DOI
李英教,Xue, Lin-Di,张一栋,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide via coprecipitation: Formation mechanism, synthesis intensification, and catalytic application[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2023-03-01
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Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-02-01
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Catalytic hydrogenation of p-nitroanisole over Raney nickel for p-aminoanisole synthesis: Intrinsic kinetics studies[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Research and Design,2023-02-01
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Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2023-01-15
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Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Xue, Peng,Jiang, Xiao-Tian,Qu, Mi,Zhao, Tiqing,Jiang, You-Hong,Ying, Yifan,罗勇,王丹,初广文,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In situ TEM observation of liquid flow induced dense phase formation and anisotropic nanocrystal growth[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-01
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Study on the catalytic degradation of sodium lignosulfonate to aromatic aldehydes over nano-CuO: Process optimization and reaction kinetics[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023-01-01
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Chemical probe systems for assessing liquid-liquid mixing efficiencies of reactors[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2023-01-01
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Highly Efficient Monolithic Catalyst with Excellent Adhesion of SiO2Coating for Catalytic Hydrogenation in the Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-12-21
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Liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-12-09
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Optimizing the Pt-FeOx Interaction over Atomic Pt/FeOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Improved CO Oxidation Activity[期刊论文],CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK,2022-12-01
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张亮亮,李天娇,张一栋,董宇宁,Zhou, Li-Yang,Zhou, Qiang,初广文
Simulation and experimental study on mechanism and kinetics of 1,1,2-trichloroethane dehydrochlorination reaction[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-11-23
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-16
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HiGee Microbubble Generator: (I) Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Energy Dissipation Rate[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-11-03
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CFD modeling on the chemical absorption of CO2 in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-11-01
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田云涛,梅思婧,张亮亮,初广文,孙宝昌,Fisher, Adrian C.,罗勇,邹海魁
Improved H2SO4-catalyzed alkylation reaction in a rotating packed bed reactor by adding additives[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2022-11-01
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Liquid flow and breakage behaviors of two liquid jets impacting on the wire mesh with different impinging angles[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-10-28
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Effects of inclined state and rolling motion on gas–liquid effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-10-23
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Synthesized Ni/MMO catalysts via ultrathin Ni-Al-LDH in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],Fuel,2022-10-15
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Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-10-12
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Xue, Peng,Qu, Mi,施杰,Jiang, Youhong,He, Nana,Zhao, Tiqing,Luo, Shiwen,Zhou, Shiyuan,Zhang, Jia-Jun,罗勇,初广文,李晖,陈建峰,Sun, Shi-Gang,Liao, Hong-Gang
In Situ TEM Observation of Stagnant Liquid Layer Activation in Nanochannel[期刊论文],Nano Letters,2022-09-14
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Velocity-Dependent Contact Angle and Energy Dissipations of Dynamic Wetting Nanodroplets on Nanopillared Surfaces[期刊论文],Langmuir,2022-08-16
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Hydrodynamics of gas flow in a rotating packed bed under floating motions: Experimental and simulation study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-08-15
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Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for accelerated growth of zeolite via enlarging gel-liquid interfacial area using rotating packed bed[期刊论文],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022-08-01
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Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol over MnO2: Structure-activity description and reaction mechanism[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-07-15
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Structure optimization of an internal circulation rotating packed bed for the circulation liquid flow improvement: Numerical study[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-07-01
27. DOI
刘越,王计伟,Zhang, Jian,齐婷婷,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
NO x removal by non-thermal plasma reduction: experimental and theoretical investigations[期刊论文],Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering,2022-06-27
28. DOI
张一栋,Wang, Ze-Xin,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
A consecutive-competitive reaction system for assessing homogeneous and heterogeneous liquid–liquid mixing efficiency[期刊论文],AIChE Journal,2022-06-20
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Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-06-01
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Sulfur recycle in biogas production: Novel Higee desulfurization process using natural amino acid salts[期刊论文],Chemosphere,2022-06-01
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Numerical Studies of a Liquid Droplet Impacting on Single-Layer Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Wire Meshes[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-05-25
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Quantitatively evaluating activity and number of catalytic sites on metal oxide for ammonium perchlorate decomposition[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2022-05-01
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Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packing containing different fiber cross-sectional shapes[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-04-15
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Micromixing efficiency intensification of a millimeter channel reactor in the high gravity field[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
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Dispersion characteristics of liquid jet impacting on the rotating single-layer wire mesh with different surface wettabilities[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2022-04-06
37. DOI
赵帅,李英教,乔宁,Xu, Fang-Jun,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Study on the oil-sludge separation by thermochemical method in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification,2022-04-01
38. DOI
Nox removal from gas mixture intensified by rotating packed bed with NaClO2 preoxidation[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2022-02-15
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Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2022-02-02
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Study on the Effective Mass Transfer Area and the Local Gas-Side Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022-01-26
41. DOI
42. DOI
田云涛,万元芳,张亮亮,初广文,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Evaluation: C4 Alkylation Process Catalyzed by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid[期刊论文],ACS OMEGA,2022-01-11
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Enhancement of devolatilization performance in a rotating packed bed with different packing structures[期刊论文],Separation and Purification Technology,2022-01-01
44. DOI
Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-10 nm Co3O4 in a rotating packed bed and its high catalytic activity for AP pyrolysis[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-12-24
45. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,董坤,Yuan, Yong,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of petroleum sulfonate via gas-phase sulfonation in rotating packed bed: Process optimization and interfacial tension-composition relationship[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-12-01
46. DOI
齐婷婷,Kang, Yingying,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Production of ZSM-5 zeolites using rotating packed bed: Impact mechanism and process synthesis studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
47. DOI
王保举,初广文,李燕斌,Duan, Xue-Zhi,王洁欣,罗勇
Intensified micro-mixing effects on evolution of oxygen vacancies of CeO2-based catalysts for improved CO oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-11-23
48. DOI
侯文慧,Wang, Wei,向阳,李英教,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Polymerization of Isobutylene in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor: Experimental and Modeling Studies[期刊论文],APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021-11-01
49. DOI
薛云龙,Tang, Zhiyong,Xu, Wan-fu,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,陈建峰
Kinetics of the homogenous diazotization of p-nitroaniline with nitrous acid solution using stopped-flow technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-11-01
50. DOI
Highly dispersed and confined Ni/MMO catalyst synthesized in a rotating packed bed for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-11-01
51. DOI
Kinetic study of SO2 with sodium lactate based deep eutectic solvents and modelling of desulfurization intensification in rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-10-18
52. DOI
王保举,Dai, Fei,江澜,Zhang, Ruirui,初广文,Liu, Ruixia,罗勇
A vanadium phosphorus oxide catalyst synthesized in rotating packed bed for high-efficiency selective oxidation of n-butane[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-10-13
53. DOI
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of gas-liquid flow in rotating packed bed A review[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021-09-25
54. DOI
Tailoring oxygen vacancies in ZSM-5@MnOx catalysts for efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-09-21
55. DOI
刘威,Larachi, Faical,初广文,罗勇,Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad
Spreading of point-source liquid spills in a thin rectangular packed bed under simulated marine conditions[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2021-09-01
56. DOI
Enhancement of dispersion of nano-catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde by a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
57. DOI
Liquid droplet dispersion in a rotating packed bed: Experimental and numerical studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-08-31
58. DOI
Process intensification of reactive extraction for hydrogen peroxide production in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-08-28
59. DOI
Enhanced Regeneration of Triethylene Glycol Solution by Rotating Packed Bed for Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Process: Experimental and Modeling Study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-07-24
60. DOI
61. DOI
62. DOI
初广文,Liao, Honggang,王丹,Li, Hui,Li, Sa,Jiang, Hong,Jin, Wanqin,陈建峰
Gas-liquid reaction process intensification at micro-/nano-mesoscale[期刊论文],Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal,2021-07-01
63. DOI
Mechanism of Liquid Dispersion Enhancement by the Hydrophobic Wire Mesh at Macro- and Micro-Scale[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-06-23
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Carbon dioxide capture by non-aqueous blend in rotating packed bed reactor: Absorption and desorption investigation[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-05
66. DOI
Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2021-03-01
67. DOI
Investigation on Designing Meltblown Fibers for the Filtering Layer of a Mask by Cross-Scale Simulations[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021-02-03
68. DOI
马晓克,刘兵,Ma, Tianxiang,邹海魁,初广文,孙宝昌,张亮亮,罗勇,陈建峰
Characterization of petroleum sulfonate synthesized via gas-phase SO3 sulfonation in rotating packed bed and its application in enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-02-02
69. DOI
Tingting Qi,Jing Shi,Xishuo Wang,Kun Dong,罗勇,Jiawei Teng,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite in a rotating packed bed: Mechanism, property and application[期刊论文],Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2021-02-01
70. DOI
Green and efficient sulfur dioxide removal using hydrogen peroxide in rotating packed bed reactor: Modeling and experimental study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2021-01-29
71. DOI
72. DOI
Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,2021-01-01
73. DOI
A cross-flow rotating packed bed toward desulphurization of marine exhaust gas[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021-01-01
74. DOI
An Evaluation of Metronidazole Degradation in a Plasma-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor Coupled with TiO2 in Aqueous Solution[期刊论文],Engineering,2021-01-01
75. DOI
Li, Yingjiao,Shi, Qin,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,张亮亮,孙宝昌
Hydrothermal controllable synthesis of hollow carbon particles: Reaction-growth mechanism[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-11-02
76. DOI
王丹,孙宝昌,王洁欣,Zhou, Yun-Yun,Chen, Zhuo-Wei,Fang, Yan,Yue, Wei-Hua,Liu, Si-Min,Liu, Ke-Yang,曾晓飞,初广文,陈建峰
Can Masks Be Reused After Hot Water Decontamination During the COVID-19 Pandemic?[期刊论文],Engineering,2020-10-30
77. DOI
Liu, Ya-zhao,李志浩,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020-10-01
78. DOI
Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu,罗勇,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文
Novel Wire Mesh Packing with Controllable Cross-Sectional Area in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-08-11
79. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,罗勇,Fan, Tian-Xi,Shao, Lei,Chen, Jian-Feng
Liquid -solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle -bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-07-20
80. DOI
Fan, Ya-Wei,Liu, Kang-Xuan,张亮亮,赵宏,孙宝昌,初广文,陈建峰
Rapid and continuous polymer dissolution by rotating packed bed for enhanced oil recovery[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-07-01
81. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Shi, Jie,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of sodium ethyl mercaptide[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-05-18
82. DOI
Zhan, Junlei,Wang, Beibei,张亮亮,孙宝昌,傅纪文,初广文,邹海魁
Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 into the MDEA plus PZ Aqueous Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-04-29
83. DOI
Simultaneous Absorption of NOx and SO2 into Na2SO3 Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed with Preoxidation by Ozone[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2020-04-24
84. DOI
Wei Wu,罗勇,初广文,Meng-Jun Su,Yong Cai,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid-inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
85. DOI
刘意,罗勇,初广文,Larachi, Faical,邹海魁,陈建峰
Liquid microflow inside the packing of a rotating packed bed reactor: Computational, observational and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
86. DOI
Liquid flow behavior in a multiliquid inlet rotating packed bed reactor with three-dimensional printed packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020-04-15
87. DOI
Jiang, Lan,初广文,Liu, Ya-Zhao,刘微,文利雄,罗勇
Preparation of cordierite monolithic catalyst for alpha-methylstyrene hydrogenation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-04-01
88. DOI
李燕斌,吴相森,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇,陈建峰
Three-dimensional large eddy simulation of wave characteristics of liquid film flow in a spinning disk reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2020-04-01
89. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,王健红,Lu, Ya-Cong,邵磊,初广文,向阳
CFD analysis of CO2 absorption in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor with a novel gas-liquid mass transfer model[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2020-04-01
90. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Li, Yan-Bin,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (II) Mass Transfer and Application[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
91. DOI
刘伟,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文
Scale-Up of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with a Mesh-Pin Rotor: (I) Hydrodynamic Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-18
92. DOI
Chen, Ru-Jia,Quo, Ning,Arowo, Moses,邹海魁,初广文,罗勇,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Modeling for Temperature Distribution of Water in a Multiwaveguide Microwave Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-03-11
93. DOI
Ya-Zhao Liu,初广文,Yan-Bin Li,罗勇,Tian-Xi Fan,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid-solid mass transfer in a rotating trickle-bed reactor: Mathematical modeling and experimental verification[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2020-03-08
94. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,乐园,初广文,Li, Yan-Bin,张亮亮,罗勇
Intensification of Droplet Dispersion by Using Multilayer Wire Mesh and Its Application in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-02-26
95. DOI
Intensified regeneration performance of spent caustic from LPG sweetening by HiGee reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN,2020-02-10
96. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,武威,刘易,Li, Bei-Bei,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Desulfurization intensification by ionic liquid in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2020-02-01
97. DOI
Process intensification of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol oxidation in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification,2020-01-29
98. DOI
Wang, Di,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Wang, Bao-Ju,初广文,孙宝昌,罗勇
Process Intensification of Quasi-Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
99. DOI
Ma, Chi,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Wetting Behavior of the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh with Al2O3 Coatings and Mass Transfer Intensification in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2020-01-22
100. DOI
李应文,司建蒙,Moses Arowo,刘知邦,孙宝昌,宋云华,初广文,邵磊
Experimental investigation of effective gas-liquid specific interfacial area in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing,2020-01-03
101. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,Li, Zhi-Hao,初广文,邵磊,罗勇,陈建峰
Liquid–solid mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with structured foam packing[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2020-01-01
102. DOI
Degradation of indigo carmine by coupling Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate and ozone in a rotor-stator reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-12-23
103. DOI
Zhang, Jing-Peng,Liu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Zou, Hai-Kui,Chen, Jian-Feng
Enhancing liquid droplet breakup by hydrophobic wire mesh: Visual study and application in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-12-14
104. DOI
Dispersion and hydrogenation property of nano-Ni in ethanol solution in a stirring tank reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
105. DOI
孙宝昌,Kang, Yingying,Shi, Qin,Arowo, Moses,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁
Synthesis of ZSM-5 by hydrothermal method with pre-mixing in a stirred-tank reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-12-01
106. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,孙宝昌,Fan, Tian-Xi,初广文,陈建峰
A novel plasma-assisted rotating disk reactor: Enhancement of degradation efficiency of rhodamine B[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-12-01
107. DOI
Li, Wen-Ling,Gao, Xue-Ying,Ouyang, Yi,Wang, Jia-Qi,初广文,邹海魁,向阳,陈建峰
CFD Analysis of Gas Flow Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in a Rotating Spherical Packing Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
108. DOI
Abdelgadir Bashir Banaga,Xu-Jia Yue,初广文,Wei Wu,罗勇,陈建峰
Micromixing performance in a rotating bar reactor[期刊论文],Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019-11-23
109. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,Tang, Kai-Liang,向阳,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical simulation of a multiphase system in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2019-11-15
110. DOI
Cai, Yong,罗勇,初广文,毋伟,Yu, Xiao,孙宝昌,陈建峰
NOx removal in a rotating packed bed: Oxidation and enhanced absorption process optimization[期刊论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-11-15
111. DOI
112. DOI
113. DOI
Shi, Qin,Dong, Kun,张亮亮,罗勇,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌
Synthesis of carbon materials with different morphologies by solvothermal method with premixing[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2019-09-01
114. DOI
Yang, Fan,Wang, Di-Song,Liu, Ya-Zhao,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰
Porous PdO-Flower Induced by Nanomicrostructure on Monolith with Traditional Immersion-Pyrolysis Technique for Hydrogenation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-14
115. DOI
Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,Wan, Yuan-Fang,Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Spent Caustic Regeneration in a Rotating Packed Bed: Reaction and Separation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
116. DOI
Cai, Yong,吴相森,罗勇,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Plasm-Assisted Rotating Disk Reactor toward Disinfection of Aquatic Microorganisms[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-08-07
117. DOI
Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,邵磊,陈建峰
Liquid holdup and wetting efficiency in a rotating trickle-bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-08-01
118. DOI
刘微,初广文,罗勇,Liu, Ya-Zhao,Meng, Fan-Yong,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Mass transfer in a rotating packed bed reactor with a mesh-pin rotor: Modeling and experimental studies[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2019-08-01
119. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,邹海魁,初广文,Agarwal, Ramesh K.,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency optimization of the premixer of a rotating packed bed by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2019-08-01
120. DOI
121. DOI
Sheng, Miaopeng,Xie, Chenxia,孙宝昌,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,陈建峰
Effective Mass Transfer Area Measurement Using a CO2-NaOH System: Impact of Different Sources of Kinetics Models and Physical Properties[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-26
122. DOI
刘伟,初广文,罗勇,Zhan, Yuan-Yuan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Desulfurization of Offshore Natural Gas by Chelated Iron Solution in a HiGee Reactor: A Feasibility Study[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-06-19
123. DOI
Xu, Ying-Chun,Li, Yan-Bin,Liu, Ya-Zhao,罗勇,初广文,张亮亮,陈建峰
Liquid jet impaction on the single-layer stainless steel wire mesh in a rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
124. DOI
Sang, Le,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,Zhan, Liang-Liang,陈建峰
A three-zone mass transfer model for a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2019-06-01
125. DOI
Yan-Zhen Lu,Wei Liu,Ying-Chun Xu,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
Initial liquid dispersion and mass transfer performance in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2019-05-13
126. DOI
张亮亮,Wu Shuying,Gao Yue,孙宝昌,罗勇,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with calcium-based solution in a rotating packed bed[会议论文],SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-05-01
127. DOI
Tang, Yuan-Yuan,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,罗勇,Wang, Yue-Yan,张亮亮,陈建峰
Impact phenomena of liquid droplet passing through stainless steel wire mesh units[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-04-28
128. DOI
Liu Yi,Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Wei,孙宝昌,陈建峰
CFD Simulation and High-Speed Photography of Liquid Flow in the Outer Cavity Zone of a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-04-03
129. DOI
Study on phenol sulfonation by concentrated sulfuric acid: Kinetics and process optimization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2019-03-04
130. DOI
Fan, Tian-Xi,Cai, Yong,初广文,罗勇,张亮亮,陈建峰
A Novel Rotating Multielectrodes Reactor for Electrochemical Oxidation Process Intensification[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-13
131. DOI
Ma, Chi,罗勇,孙宝昌,Su, Meng-Jun,初广文,陈建峰
Efficient Coating Method via Matching Rough Surface of Stainless Steel with Al2O3 Particles[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-02-06
132. DOI
Sheng Miaopeng,Xie Chenxia,曾晓飞,孙宝昌,张亮亮,初广文,罗勇,陈建峰,邹海魁
Intensification of CO2 capture using aqueous diethylenetriamine (DETA) solution from simulated flue gas in a rotating packed bed[期刊论文],FUEL,2018-12-15
133. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,向阳,Gao, Xue-Ying,Li, Wen-Ling,邹海魁,初广文,陈建峰
Micromixing efficiency in a rotating packed bed with non-Newtonian fluid[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-12-15
134. DOI
Meng-Jun Su,Shun Bai,罗勇,初广文,孙宝昌,乐园,陈建峰
Controllable wettability on stainless steel substrates with highly stable coatings[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018-10-19
135. DOI
Low-Concentration CO2 Capture from Natural Gas Power Plants Using a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],ENERGY & FUELS,2018-10-18
136. DOI
137. DOI
Tian, Yuntao,Li, Zhenxing,Mei, Sijing,Sheng, Miaopeng,陈建峰,初广文,张亮亮,Fisher, Adrian C.,邹海魁
Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene by Concentrated Sulfuric Acid in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-10-10
138. DOI
139. DOI
140. DOI
141. DOI
Guo, Zhengdong,Su, Mengjun,Liu, Hanxiao,Li, Yajun,Qing, Yizhao,罗勇,初广文,陈建峰
States-of-the-arts progress on fundamental research and industrial applications of rotating packed bed[期刊论文],Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2018-04-05
142. DOI
Su, Meng-Jun,罗勇,初广文,刘伟,Zheng, Xiao-Hua,陈建峰
Gas-Side Mass Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed with Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-04
143. DOI
Mass Transfer Study of Dehydration by Triethylene Glycol in Rotating Packed Bed for Natural Gas Processing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-04-03
144. DOI
Dong, Kun,Yang, Yong,罗勇,张亮亮,初广文,邹海魁,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Synthesis of Nano-Ni by Liquid Reduction Method in a Combined Reactor of Rotating Packed Bed and Stirred Tank Reactor[会议论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-21
145. DOI
146. DOI
Arowo, Moses,Zhao, Zemeng,Li, Guangjun,初广文,孙宝昌,邵磊
Ozonation of o-phenylenediamine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by high-gravity technology[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2018-03-01
147. DOI
Yue, Xu-Jia,罗勇,Chen, Qiu-Yun,初广文,Luo, Jiang-Zhou,张亮亮,陈建峰
Investigation of micromixing and precipitation process in a rotating packed bed reactor with PTFE packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-03-01
148. DOI
初广文,Fei, Jia,Cai, Yong,Liu, Ya-zhao,Gao, Yue,罗勇,陈建峰
Removal of SO2 with Sodium Sulfite Solution in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-02-14
149. DOI
邹海魁,Moses Arowo,张强,张亮亮,孙宝昌,初广文,邵磊,陈建峰
Flue-Gas Desulfurization by Using a HiGee Electric-Field Device[期刊论文],Chem. Eng. Technol.,2018-02-01
150. DOI
Wu, Wei,罗勇,初广文,Liu, Yi,邹海魁,陈建峰
Gas Flow in a Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Internal Optimization[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-01-15
151. DOI
Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,向阳,陈建峰
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of viscous liquid flow characteristics and end effect in rotating packed bed[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION,2018-01-01
152. DOI
Gao, Xue-Ying,初广文,Ouyang, Yi,邹海魁,罗勇,向阳,陈建峰
Gas Flow Characteristics in a Rotating Packed Bed by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2017-12-07
153. DOI
罗勇,骆江洲,初广文,赵志强,Arowo, Moses,陈建峰
Investigation of effective interfacial area in a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
154. DOI
A hydrophobic wire mesh for better liquid dispersion in air[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-10-12
155. DOI
郑晓华,初广文,De-Jia Kong,罗勇,仉景鹏,邹海魁,张丽丽,陈建峰
Mass transfer intensification in a rotating packed bed with surface-modified nickel foam packing[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-10-01
156. DOI
Flow characteristics and micromixing modeling in a microporous tube-in-tube microchannel reactor by CFD[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-08-01
157. DOI
骆江洲,初广文,罗勇,Arowo, Moses,孙宝昌,陈建峰
Regulating the micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor by premixing behavior optimization[期刊论文],AICHE JOURNAL,2017-07-01
158. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
159. DOI
罗勇,Jiangzhou Luo,Xujia Yue,Yinjiang Song,初广文,Yi Liu,乐园,陈建峰
Feasibility studies of micromixing and mass-transfer in an ultrasonic assisted rotating packed bed reactor[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-05-18
160. DOI
Xianglu Yin,Yuewei Li,毋伟,初广文,罗勇,孟洪
Preparation of Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disul?de Nanosheets by High-Gravity Technology[期刊论文],Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017-04-05
161. DOI
162. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
163. DOI
刘易,罗勇,初广文,骆江洲,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D numerical simulation of a rotating packed bed with structured stainless steel wire mesh packing[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017-01-14
164. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
165. DOI
Modeling and experimental studies of mass transfer in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed[会议论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-12-22
166. DOI
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Performance and microbial analysis of a biotrickling filter inoculated by a specific bacteria consortium for removal of a simulated mixture of pharmaceutical volatile organic compounds[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2016-11-15
168. DOI
Polytetrafluoroethylene Wire Mesh Packing in a Rotating Packed Bed: Mass-Transfer Studies[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2016-11-09
169. DOI
Zhao, Zemeng,孙宝昌,Arowo, Moses,初广文,陈建峰,邵磊
Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotor-stator reactor by electrical conductance and response time technique[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING,2016-11-01
170. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
171. DOI
Liquid flow pattern transition, droplet diameter and size distribution in the cavity zone of a rotating packed bed: A visual study[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-10-25
172. DOI
Zhiyong Wang,Zhan Weng,Moses Arowo,Hai-Kui Zou,孙宝昌,初广文,赵宏,陈建峰
Synthesis of heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate in a rotating packed bed combined with a stirred tank reactor[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2016-10-13
173. DOI
174. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,Chenguang Liu,Chunyuan Ge,Moses Arowo,Yang Xiang,孙宝昌,初广文,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Performance of CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Diethylenetriamine-Based Solutions in a Packed Column with Dixon Rings[期刊论文],Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016-09-19
175. DOI
Micromixing efficiency of a novel helical tube reactor:CFD prediction and experimental characterization[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2016-08-09
176. DOI
Miaopeng Sheng,孙宝昌,Fuming Zhang,初广文,张丽丽,Chenguang Liu,陈建峰,邹海魁
Mass-Transfer Characteristics of the CO2 Absorption Process in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Energy Fuels,2016-04-14
177. DOI
Monolithic Catalysts with Pd Deposited on a Structured Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],CATALYSIS TODAY,2016-04-07
178. DOI
Performance and microbial analysis of two different inocula for the removal of chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters[期刊论文],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016-01-15
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Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
183. DOI
184. DOI
185. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,李银刚,初广文,邹海魁,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
3D CFD Modeling and Optimization of Single-Phase Flow in Roataing Packed Beds[期刊论文],The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2015-07-01
186. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,潘超,邹海魁,初广文,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Influence of Viscosity on Micromxing Efficiency in a Rotating Packed Bed with Premixed Liquid Distributor[期刊论文],Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,2015-07-01
187. DOI
杨宇成,向阳,初广文,邹海魁,罗勇,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
A Noninvasive X-Ray Technique for determination of Liquid Holdup in a Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Science,,2015-07-01
188. DOI
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-06-20
189. DOI
SO2 Removal in a Pilot Scale Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015-06-05
190. DOI
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Studies of CO2 absorption and effective interfacial area in a two-stage rotating packed bed with nickel foam packing[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,2015-02-24
192. DOI
Micromixing Efficiency Enhancement in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor with Surface-Modified Nickel Foam Packing[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2015-01-22
193. DOI
Hongrun Wang,Yingwen Li,张燚,陈建峰,初广文,邵磊
Preparation of CeO2 nano-support in a novel rotor-stator reactor and its use in Au-based catalyst for CO oxidation[期刊论文],Powder Technology,2015-01-03
194. DOI
Li, Yingwen,Sun, Baochang,Zeng, Zequan,Song, Yunhua,Chen, Jianming,初广文,Chen, Jianfeng,邵磊
A Study on the Absorption of Ammonia into Water in a Rotor-Stator Reactor[期刊论文],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015-01-01
195. DOI
Mass-Transfer Studies in a Novel Multiliquid-Inlet Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-17
196. DOI
197. DOI
初广文,罗勇,Shan, Cong-Yun,邹海魁,向阳,邵磊,陈建峰
Absorption of SO2 with Ammonia-Based Solution in a Cocurrent Rotating Packed Bed[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-10-08
198. DOI
初广文,邹海魁,鱼潇,罗勇,周静,Moses Arowo,陈建峰
Studies of Dispersed Phase Size in a Helical Tube Reactor with a Liquid-liquid Heterogeneous System[期刊论文],Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan,2014-09-25
199. DOI
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