程道建教授主要从事化工领域金属合金纳米催化剂的理论设计、实验验证和应用研究。提出了基于“结构描述符”的催化剂设计新方法,自主开发了“金属合金纳米催化剂智能计算设计平台”,已成功应用于电催化剂、石油化工催化剂和环境催化剂的设计。近年来在Nature Catalysis,Nature Energy, PNAS,ACS Catal.,Adv. Energy Mater.等国际主流期刊,以及Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 等国际化工主流刊物发表SCI论文150余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文135篇,总被SCI引用近3000次,H-Index为27,授权或申请专利30余项。获国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金;获北京市优秀博士论文与全国优秀博士论文提名;入选北京市科技新星及北京市青年英才计划;获全球华人化工学者研讨会优秀青年奖。
入学时间 |
毕业时间 |
学位授予单位 |
学历 |
2004-09-01 |
2008-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
博士研究生毕业 |
2000-09-01 |
2004-07-01 |
北京化工大学 |
起始年月 |
截止年月 |
所在单位名称 |
2023-08-01 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
2010-12-01 |
至今 |
化学工程学院 |
2023-08-08 |
至今 |
北京化工大学 |
英国皇家化学会会士(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC); 兼任SCI期刊Molecular Simulation区域主编; 兼任SCI期刊Journal of Experimental Nanoscience区域主编; 中国化工学会稀土催化与过程专委会副主任委员; 石化联合会工业催化联盟青年工作委员会委员 中国石油化工催化剂评价试验基地技术委员会委员
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
课程总学时 |
选课人数 |
课程性质 |
工业催化基础 |
2023 |
24 |
89 |
专业选修 |
新能源材料分子设计 |
2023 |
32 |
67 |
素质教育课程 |
工业催化原理 |
2023 |
32 |
100 |
专业必修 |
工业催化基础 |
2022 |
24 |
89 |
专业选修 |
化工计算机数据与图形处理 |
2022 |
48 |
103 |
专业选修 |
新能源材料分子设计 |
2022 |
32 |
67 |
素质教育课程 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
38 |
公共基础必修 |
绿色大化工学科前沿 |
2022 |
16 |
1 |
公共基础选修 |
工业催化基础 |
2021 |
24 |
133 |
专业选修 |
化工计算机数据与图形处理 |
2021 |
48 |
92 |
专业选修 |
工业催化基础 |
2020 |
24 |
120 |
专业选修 |
人工智能导论 |
2020 |
32 |
63 |
专业必修 |
化工计算机数据与图形处理 |
2020 |
48 |
96 |
专业选修 |
化工计算机数据与图形处理 |
2019 |
48 |
95 |
专业选修 |
课程名称 |
开课学年 |
总学时 |
开课方式 |
工业催化剂的研发、制备与应用 |
2024 |
32 |
催化理论与计算 |
2024 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
催化理论与计算 |
2023 |
32 |
C专业方向及特色课 |
- 1. 金属合金纳米粒子催化剂协同催化CO氧化的构效关系研究 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2017-12-31
- 2. 铜基双金属纳米簇催化CO2加氢制甲醇反应机理的DFT研究及催化剂的计算设计 ,化学工程学院,项目时间: 至 2016-12-31
- 1. 大数据及人工智能驱动的原子级分散催化剂开发及其在碱性电解水产氢的应用 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2025-01-01 至 2029-12-31
- 2. 面向丙烯氢甲酰化的高区域选择性分子筛限域单原子催化剂的基础研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-04-01 至 2027-03-31
- 3. 高选择性长链α-烯烃氢甲酰化Rh基原子级分散催化剂及多相催化反应工艺的基础研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31
- 4. 新型工业化背景下宁东精细化工科学与技术发展战略研究 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2023-12-01 至 2024-11-30
- 5. 单原子催化剂的理性设计与精准构筑 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2022-01-01 至 2026-12-31
- 6. XJZ2022030014 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2021-10-01 至 2024-10-01
- 7. 丙烷脱氢反应中氧化物负载铂单原子的热稳定性和催化性能调控 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31
- 8. BHJG2021027 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2020-11-30 至 2024-11-01
- 9. 化工行业典型VOCs治理的超重力强化机制与效能研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 10. 碱性膜燃料电池关键纳米材料的理性设计与筛选 ,科技部重大专项,项目时间:2019-11-01 至 2024-10-31
- 11. 下一代燃料电池纳米催化材料及器件 ,国家重点研发计划,项目时间:2019-11-01 至 2024-10-31
- 12. 金属合金催化剂的化工热力学基础 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31
- 13. 气固反应中金属合金纳米催化剂介尺度结构的形成机制及调控 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 14. 铂基金属合金纳米粒子催化剂协同催化CO氧化的机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2016-01-01 至 2019-12-31
- 15. 多相反应过程中的表界面结构和相际传递现象研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2014-01-01 至 2017-12-01
- 16. 用于富氢气中CO优先氧化的铂基双金属纳米簇催化剂的理论与实验研究 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2013-11-01 至 2014-04-30
- 17. 双金属纳米簇基燃料电池催化剂的多尺度计算设计及实验设备 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2012-12-01 至 2015-12-31
- 18. 一氧化碳和氧的表面吸附致金属纳米簇催化剂微结构变化的机理研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2014-12-31
- 1. 新型橡胶助剂研究与开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-12-25 至 2026-06-30
- 2. 原子级分散Pd催化剂的设计制备及催化加氢性能研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-05-28 至 2026-12-31
- 3. 丙酮生产MIBK 非含溴新型催化剂开发 ,其他研究项目,项目时间:2024-03-10 至 2034-03-09
- 4. 粉末状金属催化剂的高通量浸渍法制备技术开发与应用合作技术开发合同 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31
- 5. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)催化降解回收单体 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-07-01 至 2029-07-01
- 6. 原子级分散催化剂精准构筑及其生物质催化转化性能研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-03-15 至 2033-03-14
- 7. 用于CO2电还原制C2产物的Mxene负载单原子催化剂设计与制备 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2023-03-06 至 2033-03-09
- 8. 高效二氧化碳电还原制乙烯技术开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-10-15 至 2025-06-30
- 9. 质子交换膜电解槽制氢工艺研究 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2022-10-15 至 2025-06-30
- 10. 新型耐迁移苯胺防老剂的设计与合成 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-09-01 至 2024-08-31
- 11. Rh原子级分散催化剂精准构筑及丙烯羰基合成丁辛醇性能调控 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-08-26 至 2024-08-25
- 12. CO2加氢制长链α烯烃催化剂研制 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2022-06-01 至 2024-12-31
- 13. 重整生成油液相选择性加氢催化剂的理论设计 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-07-15 至 2022-09-30
- 14. 异丁烷正构化制备正丁烷催化剂开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-06-03 至 2031-06-02
- 15. 直接合成双氧水的钯钨催化剂的设计与制备 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2022-12-31
- 16. JG202061 ,企事业单位委托项目,项目时间:2020-11-01 至 2020-12-31
- 17. 乙烯环氧化制环氧乙烷银催化剂动力学研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:2020-08-01 至 2021-12-31
- 18. 烷基化原料选择加氢除丁二烯催化剂理论设计研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-01 至 2019-03-31
- 19. 3D打印催化剂载体结构的计算表征及其构效关系研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2018-03-01 至 2019-12-30
- 20. 氢燃料电池用新型高效铂基金属合金催化材料的研究开发 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-10-01 至 2018-09-30
- 21. 费托脱碳尾气VOCs处理技术 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-06-06 至 2017-06-06
- 22. 煤间接液化过程废水的深度处理工艺评估 ,项目时间:2015-12-15 至 2016-01-15
- 23. HPC业务Wep应用初步探索 ,项目时间:2013-12-04 至 2014-02-01
- 24. 自热式催化燃烧反应器 ,项目时间:2012-03-03 至 2032-03-02
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
17. DOI
用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
23. DOI
Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
24. DOI
25. DOI
Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
26. DOI
Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
28. DOI
29. DOI
Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
31. DOI
One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
34. DOI
35. DOI
Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
43. DOI
First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
17. DOI
用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
23. DOI
Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
24. DOI
25. DOI
Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
26. DOI
Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
28. DOI
29. DOI
Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
31. DOI
One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
34. DOI
35. DOI
Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
43. DOI
First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
17. DOI
用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
23. DOI
Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
24. DOI
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Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
26. DOI
Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
28. DOI
29. DOI
Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
31. DOI
One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
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Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
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First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
17. DOI
用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
23. DOI
Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
24. DOI
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Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
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Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
28. DOI
29. DOI
Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
31. DOI
One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
34. DOI
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Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
43. DOI
First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
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许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
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Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
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用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
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Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
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Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
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Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
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Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
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Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
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Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
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Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
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One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
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Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
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Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
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First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
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First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
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曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
7. DOI
Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
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用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
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Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
24. DOI
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Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
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Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
28. DOI
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Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
31. DOI
One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
34. DOI
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Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
43. DOI
First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
1. DOI
Li, Zhong,程飞鹏,李亚军,吴登峰,杨冬亮,Sun, Dan,程道建,Tian, Weiliang
Bentonite-assisted construction of magnesium-silicate-based composite as efficient adsorbent for organic dye removal[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE,2024-12-31
2. DOI
张慧敏,刘文豪,Li, Zhenhao,Qiao, Liang,Chi, Kebin,Guo, Xiaoyan,曹东,程道建
Constructing CoP/Ni2P Heterostructure Confined Ru Sub-Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Splitting in Wide pH Conditions[期刊论文],Advanced Science,2024-09-18
3. DOI
Ma, Jugang,Zhu, Xiaohong,Li, Yangyang,Deng, Xintao,Dang, Jian,曹东,张慧敏,Du, Shaojie,Zhang, Junyu,Yang, Fuyuan,程道建,Ouyang, Minggao
Highly durable Pt@fNi(OH)2[sbnd]Ni cathode prepared by in situ electrodeposition method for alkaline water electrolysis[期刊论文],Electrochimica Acta,2024-08-01
4. DOI
曹东,Zhang, Zhirong,崔亚慧,Zhang, Runhao,张利鹏,Zeng, Jie,程道建
One-Step Approach for Constructing High-Density Single-Atom Catalysts toward Overall Water Splitting at Industrial Current Densities[期刊论文],Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2023-02-20
5. DOI
孙晋冬,许昊翔,Ma, Haowen,Zhan, Xuecheng,朱吉钦,程道建
Isoprene selective hydrogenation using AgCu-promoted Pd nanoalloys[期刊论文],FARADAY DISCUSSIONS,2023-01-31
6. DOI
Liu, Tianpeng,刘文豪,马梦瑶,Guo, Linke,Cui, Rong,程道建,曹东
Constructing nickel vanadium phosphide nanoarrays with highly active heterointerfaces for water oxidation in alkali media[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2023-01-20
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Constructing porous RuCu nanotubes with highly efficient alloy phase for water splitting in different pH conditions[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2023-01-15
8. DOI
王甲一,许昊翔,Che, Chunxia,朱吉钦,程道建
Rational Design of PdAg Catalysts for Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation via Structural Descriptor-based Screening Strategy[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2023-01-06
9. DOI
Regulating surface composition of platinum-copper nanotubes for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in all pH values[期刊论文],Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2023-01-01
10. DOI
曹东,Shao, Jie,崔亚慧,张利鹏,程道建
Interfacial Engineering of Copper–Nickel Selenide Nanodendrites for Enhanced Overall Water Splitting in Alkali Condition[期刊论文],Small,2023-01-01
11. DOI
王旭宁,许昊翔,Luo, Yibin,程道建
High Selective Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Pd-1@gamma-Al2O3 Single-Atom Catalyst[期刊论文],CHEMCATCHEM,2022-11-08
12. DOI
A high-throughput catalyst synthesis system for Ag-based catalysts[期刊论文],Review of Scientific Instruments,2022-11-01
13. DOI
许晓培,Peng, Zhipeng,许昊翔,程道建
Computational screening of nonmetal dopants to active MoS2 basal-plane for hydrogen evolution reaction via structural descriptor[期刊论文],Journal of Catalysis,2022-10-31
14. DOI
曹东,许昊翔,Hongliang Li,Chen Feng,Jie Zeng,程道建
Volcano-type relationship between oxidation states and catalytic activity of single-atom catalysts towards hydrogen evolution[期刊论文],Nature Communications,2022-10-04
15. DOI
燕晶晶,许昊翔,Chang, Le,林爱军,程道建
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
16. DOI
Revealing the pH-dependent mechanism of nitrate electrochemical reduction to ammonia on single atom catalysts[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2022-09-19
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用于乙烯环氧化反应的CuCs掺杂银基催化剂设计(英文)[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-27
18. DOI
程飞鹏,程纪皓,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,Yang, Tongqian,程道建,朱吉钦,许昊翔
Enhancing oxidative hydration of ethylene towards ethylene glycol over metal-modified titanosilicate catalysts[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis A: General,2022-08-05
19. DOI
文启星,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Design of CuCs-doped Ag-based catalyst for ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2022-08-01
20. DOI
Enhancing the catalytic performance of PdAu catalysts by W induced strong interaction for the direct synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],Catalysis Science & Technology,2022-07-26
21. DOI
Guo, Meng,Ma, Peijie,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,Zheng, Kun,程道建,Liu, Yuxi,Guo, Guangsheng,Dai, Hongxing,Duan, Erhong,Deng, Jiguang
Synergy in Au-CuO Janus Structure for Catalytic Isopropanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation to Acetone[期刊论文],ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022-07-04
22. DOI
Structures and structural evolution of M-N (M = Pt, Ag, Au, N=2-20) from combined revised particle swarm optimization and density function theory[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2022-07-03
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Carbon-based material-supported single-atom catalysts for energy conversion[期刊论文],ISCIENCE,2022-06-17
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Constructing La-doped ultrathin Co-based nanostructured electrocatalysts for high-performance water oxidation process[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022-01-01
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Branch-leaf-shaped CuNi@NiFeCu nanodendrites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting[期刊论文],Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,2021-12-05
27. DOI
张眉佳,Luo, Yibin,吴登峰,李茜,许昊翔,程道建
Promoter role of tungsten in W-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for direct synthesis of H2O2: Modification of Pd/PdO ratio[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,2021-11-25
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Construction of Dual-Site Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts with Ru-C-5 Single Atoms and Ru-O-4 Nanoclusters for Accelerated Alkali Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],Small,2021-08-01
30. DOI
Growth of IrCu nanoislands with rich IrCu/Ir interfaces enables highly efficient overall water splitting in non-acidic electrolytes[期刊论文],Chemical Engineering Journal,2021-07-15
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One-step synthesis of atomic Ru doped ultra-thin Co(OH)(2) nanosheets for oxygen evolution reaction in different pH values[期刊论文],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021-06-28
32. DOI
Xiao, Fei,Liu, Xiang,Sun, Cheng-Jun,Hwang, Inhui,Wang, Qi,Xu, Zhiwen,Wang, Yian,Zhu, Shangqian,Wu, Hsi-wen,Wei, Zidong,Zheng, Liping,程道建,Gu, Meng,Xu, Gui-Liang,Amine, Khalil,Shao, Minhua
Solid-State Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Nitrogen-Coordinated Single Iron Atom Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[期刊论文],NANO LETTERS,2021-04-28
33. DOI
许昊翔,朱琳,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Metal Dopants in Enhancing the Selectivity of Ag-Catalyzed Ethylene Epoxidation: Optimizing Oxophilicity of Reaction Site via Cocatalytic Mechanism[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2021-03-19
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Review on Synthesis and Catalytic Coupling Mechanism of Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting[期刊论文],Energy Technology,2021-02-01
36. DOI
Ma, Haowen,许晓培,许昊翔,Feng, Huixia,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Understanding composition-dependent catalytic performance of PdAg for the hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene to 1-butene[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2021-01-15
37. DOI
Design of Single Atom Catalysts[期刊论文],Advances in Physics-X,2021-01-01
38. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,许昊翔,Cao, Dong,程道建
Interface construction of P-Substituted MoS2 as efficient and robust electrocatalyst for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],Nano Energy,2020-12-01
39. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,曾晓飞,程道建,黄燕,Zheng, Lirong,Cao, Rui,曹达鹏
Oxygen-Reconstituted Active Species of Single-Atom Cu Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Research,2020-10-05
40. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Identification of the Anti-triangular Etched MoS2 with Comparative Activity with Commercial Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-10-04
41. DOI
Cao, Dong,Wang, Jiayi,许昊翔,程道建
Growth of Highly Active Amorphous RuCu Nanosheets on Cu Nanotubes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Wide pH Values[期刊论文],Small,2020-09-01
42. DOI
First-principles-aided Thermodynamic Modeling of Transition-metal Heterogeneous Catalysts: A review.[期刊论文],Green Energy & Environment,2020-07-14
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First-principles-aided thermodynamic modeling of transition-metal heterogeneous catalysts: A review[期刊论文],GREEN ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT,2020-07-01
44. DOI
曹达鹏,Wu, Jianzhong,程道建
In celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Wenchuan Wang[期刊论文],Green Energy and Environment,2020-07-01
45. DOI
Che, Chunxia,许昊翔,Wen, He,Gou, Galian,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structural, Thermal and Phase Stability of Pt-Cu Alloy Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2020-05-01
46. DOI
Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
PtCoNi Alloy Nanoclusters for Synergistic Catalytic Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2020-03-01
47. DOI
Cao, Dong,许昊翔,程道建
Construction of Defect-Rich RhCu Nanotubes with Highly Active Rh3Cu1 Alloy Phase for Overall Water Splitting in All pH Values[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2020-03-01
48. DOI
Low Pt-Content Ternary PtNiCu Nanoparticles with Hollow Interiors and Accessible Surfaces as Enhanced Multifunctional Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020-02-26
49. DOI
吴登峰,Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,程道建
Enhanced oxygen reduction activity of PtCu nanoparticles by morphology tuning and transition-metal doping[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020-02-07
50. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Luan, Xiaoxu,程道建
CoP nanowires coupled with CoMoP nanosheets as a highly efficient cooperative catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2020-02-01
51. DOI
Zhou, Yingcheng,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Cluster structure prediction via revised particle-swarm optimization algorithm[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2020-02-01
52. DOI
Li, Lin-Xin,Xie, Zhi-Hui,Fernandez, Carlos,Wu, Liang,程道建,Jiang, Xiao-Hui,Zhong, Chuan-Jian
Development of a thiophene derivative modified LDH coating for Mg alloy corrosion protection[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2020-01-10
53. DOI
Zhang, Junmeng,Xu, Xiaopei,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Single-Atom Ru Doping Induced Phase Transition of MoS2 and S Vacancy for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-12-11
54. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Feng, Zongyu,Zhang, Yongqi,Cui, Meisheng,曹达鹏,程道建
Design of High-Performance Co-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Chemistry - A European Journal,2019-12-03
55. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,程道建
Revisit the Role of Chlorine in Selectivity Enhancement of Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-11-27
56. DOI
Xu, Xiaopei,许昊翔,程道建
Design of high-performance MoS2 edge supported single-metal atom bifunctional catalysts for overall water splitting via a simple equation[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-11-14
57. DOI
Structure-controlled synthesis of one-dimensional PdCu nanoscatalysts via a seed-mediated approach for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-11-01
58. DOI
Huang, Xiaoyu,Yang, Yang,程道建
Hydrogen generation from formic acid decomposition on Pd-Cu nanoalloys[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-09-13
59. DOI
张伟,Deibert, David L.,程道建,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Magnetism in bimetallic PtxNiN-x clusters via cross-atomic coupling[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019-08-14
60. DOI
Ma, Haowen,Yang, Yang,Feng, Huixia,程道建
DFT Study of Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation on Pd(100), Pd(110) and Pd(111) Surfaces[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-08-01
61. DOI
许昊翔,Zhu, Lin,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,Fortunelli, Alessandro,程道建
Selectivity-Driven Design of the Ag-Cu Alloys for the Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2019-07-24
62. DOI
Cao, Dong,程道建
One-pot synthesis of copper-nickel sulfide nanowires for overall water splitting in alkaline media[期刊论文],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2019-07-18
63. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,Xu, Xiaopei,Li, Chao,吴登峰,程道建,曹达鹏
Vertical CoP Nanoarray Wrapped by N,P-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Both Acidic and Alkaline Conditions[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2019-06-01
64. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,Xie, Yuan,朱吉钦,程道建
The synergistic effect between crystal planes and promoters on Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019-05-15
65. DOI
Yang, Liu,许昊翔,Liu, Huibing,程道建,曹达鹏
Active Site Identification and Evaluation Criteria of In Situ Grown CoTe and NiTe Nanoarrays for Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Reactions[期刊论文],SMALL METHODS,2019-05-10
66. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Wang, Guoqing,Liang, Aimin,Yue, Yi,Peng, Hui,程道建
Understanding the role of Au in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene on trimetallic PdAgAu catalytic surface[期刊论文],CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,2019-05-05
67. DOI
Li, Pengcheng,吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Huang, Xingkai,Li, Chao,Yin, Zhen,Zhou, Song,Lv, Zhengang,程道建,朱吉钦,Xu, Jian,Liu, Xi
Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Doped Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst with Enhanced Activity and Stability for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2019-05-01
68. DOI
Elouarzaki Kamal,Wang Yian,Kannan Vishvak,许昊翔,程道建,Lee Jong-Min,Fisher Adrian C.
Hydrogenase-Like Electrocatalytic Activation and Inactivation Mechanism by Three-Dimensional Binderless Molecular Catalyst[期刊论文],ACS Applied Energy Materials,2019-04-09
69. DOI
Rational design of transition metal nanocatalyst by structure descriptor[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2019-03-31
70. DOI
Yang, Mengjie,吴登峰,程道建
Biomass-derived porous carbon supported Co-CoO yolk-shell nanoparticles as enhanced multifunctional electrocatalysts[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2019-03-08
71. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Kong, Kewei,Wang, Shixian,Zhou, Yingcheng,程道建,汪文川,Zeng, Xiao Cheng,李晖
Understanding Hygroscopic Nucleation of Sulfate Aerosols: Combination of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Classical Nucleation Theory[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2019-03-07
72. DOI
Lv, Yanlong,朱琳,许昊翔,Yang, Liu,刘志平,程道建,Cao, Xiaohua,Yun Jimmy,曹达鹏
Core/shell Template-derived Co, N-doped Carbon Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zn-air Battery[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2019-02-28
73. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,许昊翔,Gao, Yi,程道建
Universal description of heating-induced reshaping preference of core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2019-01-21
74. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,程道建,朱吉钦
Effect of Size and Composition on the Structural Stability of Pt–Ni Nanoalloys[期刊论文],Journal of Cluster Science,2019-01-14
75. DOI
Nan, Yang,Wang, Yinuo,Cao, Dong,Yang, Yang,程道建
Adsorption and dissociation of borohydride on different Ir-Ni alloy surfaces[期刊论文],Appl Surf Sci,2019-01-01
76. DOI
Yang, Yang,许昊翔,曹达鹏,曾晓成,程道建
Hydrogen Production via Efficient Formic Acid Decomposition: Engineering the Surface Structure of Pd-Based Alloy Catalysts by Design[期刊论文],ACS Catalysis,2018-12-07
77. DOI
Zhu, Lin,许昊翔,Nan, Yang,朱吉钦,程道建
Facet-dependent diffusion of atomic oxygen on Ag surfaces[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018-12-01
78. DOI
Chang, Le,程道建,Sementa, Luca,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Au@Ag ultrananoclusters as electro-catalysts[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2018-10-07
79. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,Gao, Yi,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
Assessment of Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoclusters with Simple Structure Descriptors[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2018-10-01
80. DOI
杨洋,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,刘志平,程道建
The Size Effect of PdCu Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity[期刊论文],CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018-09-12
81. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Niu, Mang,黄燕,程道建
MoS2-CdS heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity: A first principles study[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS,2018-09-01
82. DOI
Huang, Yichao,Hu, Jun,许昊翔,Bian, Wei,Ge, Jingxuan,Zang, Dejin,程道建,Lv, Yaokang,Zhang, Cheng,Gu, Jing,Wei, Yongge
Fine Tuning Electronic Structure of Catalysts through Atomic Engineering for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution[期刊论文],ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018-08-27
83. DOI
苗雪佩,程道建,Dai, Ya-Dong,孟焱,李效玉
Origin of Modulus Improvement for Epoxide-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(ether sulphone)/DGEBA/TETA Systems[期刊论文],CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018-08-01
84. DOI
Chang, Le,Baseggio, Oscar,Sernenta, Luca,程道建,Fronzoni, Giovanna,Toffoli, Daniele,Apra, Edoardo,Stener, Mauro,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Individual Component Map of Rotatory Strength and Rotatory Strength Density Plots As Analysis Tools of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Complex Systems[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION,2018-07-01
85. DOI
Elouarzaki, Kamal,程道建,Fisher, Adrian C.,Lee, Jong-Min
Coupling orientation and mediation strategies for efficient electron transfer in hybrid biofuel cells[期刊论文],NATURE ENERGY,2018-07-01
86. DOI
Wang, Zegao,Li, Qiang,许昊翔,Dahl-Petersen, Christian,Yang, Qian,程道建,曹达鹏,Besenbacher, Flemming,Lauritsen, Jeppe V.,Helveg, Stig,Dong, Mingdong
Controllable etching of MoS2 basal planes for enhanced hydrogen evolution through the formation of active edge sites[期刊论文],NANO ENERGY,2018-07-01
87. DOI
Yang, Liu,程道建,曾晓飞,Wan, Xin,Shui, Jianglan,向中华,曹达鹏
Unveiling the high-activity origin of single-atom iron catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,2018-06-26
88. DOI
杨洋,Yu, Haiyan,Cai, Yushun,Ferrando, Riccardo,程道建
Origin of enhanced stability and oxygen adsorption capacity of mediumsized Pt–Ni nanoclusters[期刊论文],Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018-06-22
89. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Yang, Liu,程道建,曹达鹏
Zeolitic-imidazolate Framework (ZIF)@ZnCo-ZIF Core-shell Template Derived Co, N-doped Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-06-02
90. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Xin,朱吉钦,程道建
Concerted Catalysis on Tanghulu-like Cu@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanowires with Tuning Catalytic Performances for 4-nitrophenol Reduction[期刊论文],Engineered Science,2018-05-21
91. DOI
Facile preparation of biomass-derived bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2018-05-03
92. DOI
许昊翔,程道建,曹达鹏,Zeng, Xiao Cheng
A universal principle for a rational design of single-atom electrocatalysts[期刊论文],NATURE CATALYSIS,2018-05-01
93. DOI
Li, Zhenhao,Zhu, Lin,陈建峰,程道建
Enhanced Ethylene Oxide Selectivity by Cu and Re Dual-Promoted Ag Catalysts[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018-03-28
94. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2018-01-01
95. DOI
许昊翔,Xu, Cong-Qiao,程道建,Li, Jun
Identification of activity trends for CO oxidation on supported transition-metal single-atom catalysts[期刊论文],CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017-12-21
96. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag-Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-12-01
97. DOI
Huang, Xingkai,吴登峰,程道建
Porous Co2P nanowires as high efficient bifunctional catalysts for 4-nitrophenol reduction and sodium borohydride hydrolysis[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2017-12-01
98. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Xu, Haoxiang,李建伟,Li, Jinhing,程道建
Origin of enhanced ethylene oxide selectivity by Cs-promoted silver catalyst[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2017-11-01
99. DOI
Wei, Yongsheng,Huang, Xingkai,Wang, Junyan,Yu, Haiyan,Zhao, Xinsheng,程道建
Synthesis of bifunctional non-noble monolithic catalyst Co-W-P/carbon cloth for sodium borohydride hydrolysis and reduction of 4-nitrophenol[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017-10-12
100. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
101. DOI
Ren, Dongmei,Cheng, Gang,李建伟,Li, Jinbing,Dai, Wujun,Sun, XinXin,程道建
Effect of Rhenium Loading Sequence on Selectivity of Ag–Cs Catalyst for Ethylene Epoxidation[期刊论文],CATALYSIS LETTERS,2017-10-09
102. DOI
Yan, Bailu,Zhao, Zheng,Zhou, Yingcheng,袁文燕,Li, Jian,吴军,程道建
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,2017-10-01
103. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
104. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,陈建峰,曾晓飞,程道建
Enhanced photochemical performance of hexagonal WO3 by metalassisted S-O coupling for solar-driven water splitting[期刊论文],Science China-Materials,2017-09-26
105. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
A full understanding of oxygen reduction reaction mechanism on Au(111) surface[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2017-09-13
106. DOI
Shan, Aixian,Chen, Chinping,Zhang, Wei,程道建,Shen, Xi,Yu, Richeng,Wang, Rongming
Giant enhancement and anomalous temperature dependence of magnetism in monodispersed NiPt2 nanoparticles[期刊论文],NANO RESEARCH,2017-09-01
107. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
108. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zheng, Weijie,程道建,曹达鹏
Designing transition metal and nitrogen-codoped SrTiO3(001) perovskite surfaces as efficient photocatalysts for water splitting[期刊论文],Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2017-08-26
109. DOI
Zhang, Xing,吴登峰,程道建
Component-dependent electrocatalytic activity of PdCu bimetallic nanoparticles for hydrogen evolution reaction[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2017-08-20
110. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Wang, Fang-Hui,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Phase stability and segregation behavior of nickel-based nanoalloys based on theory and simulation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2017-06-25
111. DOI
吴登峰,Zhang, Wei,程道建
Facile Synthesis of Cu/NiCu Electrocatalysts Integrating Alloy, Core Shell, and One-Dimensional Structures for Efficient Methanol Oxidation Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017-06-14
112. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
113. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
From mixed to three-layer core/shell PtCu nanoparticles: ligand-induced surface segregation to enhance electrocatalytic activity[期刊论文],Nanoscale,2017-06-09
114. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Shan, Shiyao,Luo, Jin,Fisher, Adrian,Chen, Jian-Feng,Zhong, Chuan-Jian,朱吉钦,程道建
Origin of Enhanced Activities for CO Oxidation and O-2 Reaction over Composition-Optimized Pd50Cu50 Nanoalloy Catalysts[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2017-05-25
115. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Mechanistic insight into the facet-dependent selectivity of ethylene epoxidation on Ag nanocatalysts[期刊论文],APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL,2017-05-25
116. DOI
Zhu, Lin,Zhang, Wei,朱吉钦,程道建
Ni (111)-supported graphene as a potential catalyst for high-efficient CO oxidation[期刊论文],CARBON,2017-05-01
117. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建,Gao, Yi
Design of High-Performance Pd-Based Alloy Nanocatalysts for Direct Synthesis of H2O2[期刊论文],ACS CATALYSIS,2017-03-01
118. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Johnston, Roy L.,程道建
Size effect on the adsorption and dissociation of CO2 on Co nanoclusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017-02-28
119. DOI
Lian, Xiaojun,Zhao, Zheng,程道建
Recent progress on triphenylamine materials: synthesis, properties, and applications[期刊论文],MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS,2017-01-01
120. DOI
吴登峰,Xu, Haoxiang,曹达鹏,Fisher, Adrian,Gao, Yi,程道建
PdCu alloy nanoparticle-decorated copper nanotubes as enhanced electrocatalysts: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-12-09
121. DOI
Dai, Changqing,Yang, Yang,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Interaction of CO2 with metal cluster-functionalized ionic liquids[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION,2016-12-01
122. DOI
Wei, Chengcheng,Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,朱吉钦,程道建
Theoretical Study on the Structures and Thermal Properties of Ag-Pt-Ni Trimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-11-01
123. DOI
程道建,吴登峰,许昊翔,Adrian Fisher
Composition-controlled Synthesis of PtCuNPs Shells on Copper Nanowires as Electrocatalysts[期刊论文],CHEMISTRYSELECT,2016-09-16
124. DOI
Yu, Haiyan,Fisher, Adrian,程道建,曹达鹏
Cu,N-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[期刊论文],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2016-08-24
125. DOI
Yang, Yang,Dai, Changqing,Shen, Yanchun,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Design of binary and ternary platinum shelled electrocatalysts with inexpensive metals for the oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2016-08-10
126. DOI
Liu, Xinyue,Dai, Changqing,吴登峰,Adrian Fisher,刘志平,程道建
Facile Synthesis of PdAgCo Trimetallic Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2016-07-05
127. DOI
128. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
A density functional theory study of sulfur adsorption on Ag-Au nanoalloys[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2016-06-01
129. DOI
130. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,Shen, Yanchun,程道建
Magnetic Properties of Pt-Based Nanoalloys: A Critical Review[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2016-05-01
131. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Fisher, Adrian,程道建
Phase diagram and segregation of Ag-Co nanoalloys: insights from theory and simulation[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-03-18
132. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,Huan, Haifeng,曹达鹏
Enhanced near-infrared shielding ability of (Li, K)-codoped WO3 for smart windows: DFT prediction validated by experiment[期刊论文],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016-02-09
133. DOI
Chang, Le,Fisher, Adrian,刘志平,程道建
Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of sulphide using Ag-Au nanoalloys: a DFT study[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01
134. DOI
Frontiers of Molecular Simulation in China[期刊论文],MOLECULAR SIMULATION,2016-01-01
135. DOI
Chang, Le,刘志平,程道建
Optical properties of Ag-Au nanoclusters for sulphide sensing from TDDFT calculations[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2015-12-25
136. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Cui, Rong,吴浩,朱吉钦,程道建
CO oxidation mechanism on a MgO(100) supported PtxAu3-x clusters[期刊论文],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-11-30
137. DOI
Zhang, Wei,Sumer, Aslihan,Jellinek, Julius,程道建
Morphology Tailoring of Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: The Paradigm of Pt-13[期刊论文],CHEMNANOMAT,2015-11-01
138. DOI
Core/shell AgNi/PtAgNi nanoparticles as methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalysts[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2015-10-20
139. DOI
Enhanced simulated sunlight induced photocatalytic activity by pomegranate-like S doped SnO2@TiO2 spheres[期刊论文],Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2015-10-05
140. DOI
Niu, Mang,Tan, Huaqiao,程道建,Sun, Zaicheng,曹达鹏
Bandgap engineering of Magnei phase TinO2n-1: Electron-hole self-compensation[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015-08-07
141. DOI
吴登峰,Dai, Changqing,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Shape-controlled Synthesis of PdCu Nanocrystals for Formic Acid Oxidation[期刊论文],CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2015-08-05
142. DOI
Niu, Mang,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhancement Mechanism of the Conversion Effficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Sells Based on Nitrogen-, Fluorine-, and Iodine-Doped TiO2 Photoanodes[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-06-18
143. DOI
Yang, Yang,Zhao, Zheng,Cui, Rong,Wu, Hao,程道建
Structures, Thermal Stability, and Chemical Activity of Crown-Jewel-Structured Pd-Pt Nanoalloys[会议论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2015-05-21
144. DOI
Wang, Jian,袁文燕,程道建
Hybrid genetic-particle swarm algorithm: An efficient method for fast optimization of atomic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2015-05-01
145. DOI
Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Effect of the Passivating Ligands on the Geometric and Electronic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE,2015-05-01
146. DOI
Chen, Bing,程道建,朱吉钦
Synthesis of PtCu nanowires in nonaqueous solvent with enhanced activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014-12-01
147. DOI
Yang, Chenxi,Chen, Jian-Feng,曾晓飞,程道建,曹达鹏
Design of the Alkali-Metal-Doped WO3 as a Near-Infrared Shielding Material for Smart Window[期刊论文],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014-11-19
148. DOI
Li, Shaojie,程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,曹达鹏
Synthesis of Cu@Pd core-shell nanowires with enhanced activity and stability for formic acid oxidation[期刊论文],ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,2014-10-10
149. DOI
Chang, Le,Xu, Haoxiang,程道建
Role of ligand type on the geometric and electronic properties of Ag-Au bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2014-10-01
150. DOI
Zhao, Zheng,Li, Mingjiang,程道建,朱吉钦
Understanding the structural properties and thermal stabilities of Au-Pd-Pt trimetallic clustersle[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-09-30
151. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Fluorite TiO2(111) Surface Phase for Enhanced Visible-Light Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-09-04
152. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
SiH/TiO2 and GeH/TiO2 Heterojunctions: Promising TiO2-based Photocatalysts under Visible Light[期刊论文],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014-05-02
153. DOI
程道建,Xu, Haoxiang,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Tuning the catalytic activity of Au-Pd nanoalloys in CO oxidation via composition[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS,2014-05-01
154. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,毋伟
Understanding electronic and optical properties of N-Sn codoped anatase TiO2[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-04-01
155. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding the Mechanism of Photocatalysis Enhancements in the Graphene-like Semiconductor Sheet/TiO2 Composites[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-03-20
156. DOI
程道建,Zhang, Minming,Chen, Jianfeng,Yang, Chenxi,曾晓飞,曹达鹏
Computer Screening of Dopants for the Development of New SnO2-Based Transparent Conducting Oxides[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-30
157. DOI
Yang, Yang,程道建
Role of Composition and Geometric Relaxation in CO2 Binding to Cu-Ni Bimetallic Clusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2014-01-09
158. DOI
Zhang, Wei,程道建,朱吉钦
Theoretical study of CO catalytic oxidation on free and defective graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],RSC ADVANCES,2014-01-01
159. DOI
程道建,Qiu, Xiangguo,Yu, Haiyan
Enhancing oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pt-shelled catalysts via subsurface alloying[期刊论文],PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014-01-01
160. DOI
Tan, Huaqiao,Zhao, Zhao,Niu, Mang,Mao, Chengyu,曹达鹏,程道建,Feng, Pingyun,Sun, Zaicheng
A facile and versatile method for preparation of colored TiO2 with enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity[期刊论文],NANOSCALE,2014-01-01
161. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,Li, Shaojie,程道建
Influence of adsorbates on the segregation properties of Au-Pd bimetallic clusters[期刊论文],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2014-01-01
162. DOI
Li, Mingjiang,程道建
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Melting Behavior of Crown-Jewel Structured Au-Pd Nanoalloys[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-09-12
163. DOI
程道建,Yuan, Shuai,Ferrando, Riccardo
Structure, chemical ordering and thermal stability of Pt-Ni alloy nanoclusters[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2013-09-04
164. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Understanding Photoelectrochennical Properties of B-N Codoped Anatase TiO2 for Solar Energy Conversion[期刊论文],JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2013-08-08
165. DOI
程道建,Negreiros, Fabio R.,Apra, Edoardo,Fortunelli, Alessandro
Computational Approaches to the Chemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide[期刊论文],CHEMSUSCHEM,2013-06-01
166. DOI
Fang, Yu,程道建,Niu, Mang,Yi, Yongjun,毋伟
Tailoring the electronic and optical properties of rutile TiO2 by (Nb + Sb, C) codoping from DFT plus U calculations[期刊论文],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2013-04-19
167. DOI
程道建,曹达鹏,Wang, Wenchuan
Hydrogen storage in porous materials and nanoalloys as catalysts for fuel cell application by using multiscale simulation and experimental methods[会议论文],ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2013-04-07
168. DOI
程道建,Jiang, Kun
Structural stability and kinetics of small carbon clusters on a bimetallic Cu/Ni(111) surface: A first-principles study[期刊论文],SURFACE SCIENCE,2013-03-01
169. DOI
Niu, Mang,程道建,曹达鹏
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of anatase TiO2 by metal-assisted S-O coupling for water splitting[期刊论文],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013-02-06
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